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49482811 No.49482811 [Reply] [Original]

If you adopt a 3 year old you skip having to pay for the first 3 years of their life, you skip the countless nights having to take care of a crying child, you skip having to change their diapers and baby food
And you will still be able to give them a proper childhood before they turn 18 and start helping you instead

Why won't more people adopt?
The main argument against having children is that "they're too expensive" isn't it? Adopt then

>> No.49482899

Hello Rabbi

>> No.49482921

ya but how will i ensure the adopted kid inherits my high iq and schizoid genetics

>> No.49482936
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it's a lot more than just mixture of existing genes you retard

>> No.49483012

Most adoptive parents regret it because the child comes from genes that abandon their children

You're essentially voluntarily raising a delinquent with the worst genes imaginable.

>> No.49483045

Very interesting, i always suspected you can change the genetics partially over generations through environment like diet.
The fact westerners hated on the
Lysenkoism that much says something.
Stalin was in certain areas very based and removed jewish influence. Its certainly not really true, but im sure it does a part.

>> No.49483144
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In addition to having bad genes, 80% of children who are adopted develop mental illnesses. So you have the perfect combination of terrible genes and terrible upbringing and a child who will never love you because they know you aren't their "real" family and their "real" family abandoned them

abortion is more ethical

>> No.49483179

You have to be extremely rich to adopt a white child, if you are middle class you only have niglets to choose from.

>> No.49483221
File: 2.46 MB, 406x720, retard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only value a child has is his genetic value. I would probably adopt a child that I know has parents with high quality genetic material. But excluding some tragedy, there is no reason why a child with high quality genetics would need to be adopted.
99% of babies that are available for adoption are the result of a 80 IQ 16 years old Whore getting seduced by a 80 IQ 20+ years old drug addict father. Nobody can guarantee you that the mother didn't try to abort the little fucker and drank/smoked/did crack during the pregnancy.
What can you expect from this offspring? You will waste your time and money raising a retard.
There is a reason why being a sperm donors are excluded to doctors, 6+ feet tall, blond, healthy etc. males.
Genetics are everything.

>> No.49483305

steve jobs loved his stepparents and refused to meet his biological dad despite him heavily trying to get into his life later on. there's nothing wrong with adoption for people who feel that it's what they should do you should just never try to rationalize topics like this because ordinary logic -as we understand it- simply fails at this level of complexity. so just follow your heart


>> No.49483317

my adopted friend was pretty cool actually. Nice dude besides the heroin addiction but i think he got over that

>> No.49483960

>But excluding some tragedy
even then they would have family members or friends to take them in, very little chance they hit the system
and i have seen it several times where the hellspawn was given all the love and money of caring parents only to revert to their crack riddled parents level by 16

>> No.49484235


>> No.49484264

The problem is that you are either getting a moron or a psycho, or both.

>> No.49484274

I just don't want to have a kid that is stupid and it'd probably be seen as monstrous trying to dig through the riffraff to find an abandoned gem of a child.

>> No.49484366

Excuse me, but what the fuck did I just watch? Somebody please explain.

>> No.49485391

The average parent of a child you have the chance to adopt.

>> No.49485508

IQ and genetics matter BUT your environment can shape you up pretty good or bad. It's never always one or the other

>> No.49485597

This is the phenomenon that the descendants of holocaust survivors will use to milk that event, which definitely happened, for all eternity.

>> No.49485607

Fuck off i'm not raising some whores and retards child and children are not that expensive

>> No.49485616

Adoption leaves a paper trail. You need natural birth off the books, then raise them as servants.

>> No.49485675

not your genes not your kids

>> No.49485700

if you keep your kids at a school you deserve to lose them

>> No.49485769


>> No.49485903


>> No.49486274

Good lord this is both a fantastic and horrible idea at the same time. Wouldn't you want your kids to have a future?

>> No.49486361


>> No.49486427

>bro don't spread your genes just raise some shitskin's son intead
gas yourself faggot

>> No.49486455


I can't fucking stand when people use test subjects of average genetic genetic quality and say "See, it's not just genetics". You are not selecting from candidates of average genetic quality.

Here's the fact of the matter. Kids in foster care or adoption have druggie parents. They are genetically predisposed to drugs and alcohol totally fucking them up. Almost everyone has gotten drunk, but only 6% become alcoholics. That's the genetic cloth these kids are cut from, and 75% of teens admit to have consumed alcohol at some point in the US. Rates are higher in Canada and the EU. Your adopted child will almost certainly drink, and is genetically predisposed to the booze totally fucking them up, as well as being genetically predisposed to being peer pressured. It's a near certainty that things will seem to be going fine, then they will start drinking and everything will go to hell.

That's just one of the potential pitfalls. There's also the possibility of numerous other ambient genetic mental illnesses coming preinstalled.

T. Former foster cuck that thought he could do some good in the world.

>> No.49486461

how is the weather in tel aviv?

>> No.49486544
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>getting cucked and not even getting to watch someone fuck your wife

>> No.49486558

dam i wish you were my stepdaddy

>> No.49486583

I can raise them to believe that our souls are linked and they'll die when I die, and their best life will be to serve me as best as possible until that point

>> No.49486640

You're retarded. We adopted and our kid is amazing. Never a single regret after the first month.

But it was not any cheaper, and it took years to even get a kid. Everyone keeps killing them instead

>> No.49486691

You also skip passing on your genetics and having sex

>> No.49486723

Very true, I know one guy who was adopted who's a nice guy. But suffers from severe substance abuse pretty sure he's back in rehab again.

>> No.49486759
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>and children are not that expensive

>> No.49486787

You still can do some good in the world, don't give up Anon. Your genetics weren't a choice, but your actions, the future environment you put yourself in are.

>> No.49486870

nice try. My son is almost a year old and me and my gf are already trying for another one. creampied that pussy 3 nights in a row.

There is no greater feeling anon. Looking at your child and seeing parts of yourself and the woman you love staring back is much better than some shallow relationship you could ever have with an unwanted child.

>> No.49487014

That explains a lot.
>My Grandpa adopted a son in addition to having a bunch of his own children. The adopted son went on to spend his life going in and out of jail despite being raised exactly the same from a young age as his law abiding siblings
>I used to work in a daycare, most of the kids who had been adopted or were in foster care or something were always very badly behaved

>> No.49487054

Maybe I just want to continue my genes.

>> No.49487196

Because it's the worst form of cuckoldry, besides having a pet.

>> No.49487292

you also skip the part where its genes aren't prime drug addict material

>> No.49487501

that is 100% retarded I have a cat that eat all the insects in the house and outside
he literally do "the" cleansing by killing everything he finds including cockroaches rats snakes birds literally anything he will kill
and there is my dog that will always bark and attack serving as a shield against any invader in my property. not only alerting me but acting as the 1st line of defense giving me enough time to load my gun

maybe you are just a little apartment cuck zoomer in that case you don't need a pet at all since you already are one. tamed by the rules of your condo

>> No.49487673

You bond better with people that are more genetically related to you and you'll also be better at raising them since they'll be similar to you in many regards so you can give them advices that are more likely to be relevant to their personality.

>> No.49487882
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Maybe (((their))) big nose is because they have more Zykon-B receptors?

>> No.49487933

You don't even know what a gene is

>> No.49489612

Damn this one's got some baggage
Maybe it comes from his dad lolol
But seriously people predisposed to addiction are also predisposed to a great degree of religious impulse, same with adhd kids
The underlying factor is a yearning for greater stimulation than most normies, and that can be wielded to do many great things not to mention the gift of being able to see God most clearly

>> No.49490112

i don't think our cpa would allow this

>> No.49490374

Tell me what you hold and I'll diagnose your illness.

>> No.49490915


My genetics are great, it's the kids I tried to help that were fucked. They went from straight D/F students to A/B students, and every single one of them completely cratered once someone gave them booze or weed. I knew it would be uphill, but I didn't realize how unwinnable once mind altering substances came into play.


Right now I sell deep OTM put options on volatile "meme stocks" after they have popped off for a relatively consistent 1-2% per week. For example, $DIDI is Chinese Uber that was getting in hot water for doing naughty things the party didn't like. A report came out that the CCP probe was ending, then it popped 50 to around $3, and it's currently trading at $2.36. Today you could have sold a $2 put option expiring tomorrow for $.02, and would only come out a loser if the stock dropped below $1.98, or a 16% daily drop and a return to nearly the ongoing probe price.

ENTJ and autism, which is basically just dark triad. I have enough wealth to fuck off to somewhere low COL and retire, but I would prefer to stay close to family and keep working in order to set a good example for my biological children.

>> No.49491011


Also, it's not addiction. As a teen they don't have enough access to this shit to be addicted. It's the ridiculous and over the top behavior when they do obtain access. It's the thuggery/vandalism/theft/all around shitty behavior when they have access and are using. Plenty of bona fide addicts that point that shit inward and don't let the world know, not the case for these kids.

>> No.49491108

Zoomer women.

>> No.49491291

>once mind altering substances came into play
Society as it is configured is setting them up for failure. It takes extreme discipline and willpower to resist, or they become basket weavers but then that's a whole other world of pain and failure.

You're terminally uncucked congrats.
Like the other anons, I thought you were the forster case.

>> No.49491331

I'm saving this webm and i don't care if you don't want me to
Allow me, a single male, to adopt a 3 year old girl otherwise take your thread and shove it

>> No.49491638 [DELETED] 

This. My GF was delivered with a dog. There is not a single day that goes by without me fighting the urge to snap it’s limp neck. Any ideas on how to make it’s death look like an accident?

>> No.49491838

No you can't do that. A single male can't

>> No.49492111

checked and /thread

>> No.49492147

Just raise somebody else's unwanted cum spawn, it's totally natural goyim!

>> No.49492217

Based Steve, his biological dad only wanted to get back into his life because he was rich now and thought he could be a leech, good for him telling that deadbeat to fuck out

>> No.49492455

the main point of having kids is passing on your genes
you autist

>> No.49492527

No it's to have somebody to love that will love you back for a while for protection and resources. It's slavery because it's for your own benefit and games.

>> No.49492551

There are significantly more willing adopters in America than orphans, and adopting foreigners is colonialism

>> No.49492576

adoption doesnt solve my problem, which is gene propagation

>> No.49492613

What is it with you psychopaths projecting your coldness onto everybody else? Fucking parasites.

>> No.49492859

you just witnessed why 40% of zoomer males are virgins

>> No.49492914

>Let other men cum inside girls and raise their children for them

>> No.49492944

Colour the pre-existing baby's nigger colour

>> No.49492983

Exactly this

>> No.49493059

i understand the empathy of wanting to raise a child without judgement.

But the fact is that kid is not yours. Unless you are 100% selfless and expect nothing in return from the child what is the fucking point

>> No.49493288

Yeah, I barely see the point of having a kid at all, but at least if it's our own one, you've actually MADE it. Like, if you didn't, that kid wouldn't exist, you have literally created life.

>> No.49493315

Why the fuck would I raise a kid that isn't even my own? Fuck that

>> No.49493333

>cucking yourself out of genetic gains
>literally holding someone else's bags and paying to hold them on an ongoing basis

>> No.49493346

Based kek

>> No.49493364

Adopt a crack kid or abused kid? I don't think so. This is /Biz/ foster them and you can make $

>> No.49493393

Sounds like the problem was you

>> No.49493403

This interaction really exemplifies the /biz/ bimodal IQ distribution between savvy autists and ESL retards

>> No.49493455

They hated his ideas because they were from the Soviet Union, and communism is supposed to be evil and all that.

Glad to see Lysenkoism is finally gaining traction in the West. There are lots of scientific theories and discoveries from the Eastern bloc that never made it into Western science on account of rabid anticommunism (radiation research, viral therapy, laser research, the list goes on). The well is so poisoned and Westerners are so trained and propagandized, that anything from a socialist country is automatically evil and wrong to Western lapdogs. This shit still persists to this day, and it's holding our species back.

>> No.49493457
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>>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811 >>49482811
Extremely jewish post.


>> No.49493503
File: 13 KB, 474x474, naboulsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem is that I'm a 30 year old unemployed schizo who seems to be able to date better than a tall but balding 4/10 should, yet I can never keep it together long enough. I over-invest on stable but awkward girls for around a year, and then they get tired of me being a jittery jobless freak. None of them have ever been great genetic material for a kid. Then again, neither am I, height and IQ aside. I'd kill for a shot at having 5 or 6 and being a full-time dad. I want someone to live for that isn't some fucking cunt that expects me to treat her like a child without being one.

>> No.49493513

>This is why we MUST allow for abortion, because rape babies will grow up to be RAPISTS
>They have the RAPE GENE
>And that one there--he has the MURDER GENE
>And this one has the gene for religious zealotry, and that one has the gene for loving the ocean, and that one has a pyromaniac gene
I guess it's good you Eugenics predestiners refuse to have offspring since your kids would have the jackass genes, too.
And chronic masturbation gene.

Adoption is a wonderful thing and raising the kid has a lot more to do with the kind of human being adult person they grow into (that and IQ). If you think that's ridiculous then you have to grapple the question of how the hell you got the "chronically online gene" in your DNA when your grandparents never had so much as a computer in a hundred mile radius.

Genes have a great deal to do with everything, including behavior, but paying so much attention to studies like this is like those people who see the change in certain molecules under observation as evidence we can literally influence material reality based upon our sight/will/etc. You get dumb.

>> No.49493582
File: 175 KB, 600x800, hoax of soviet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removed jewish influence

> The Hoax of Soviet “Anti-Semitism”: Jews, Zionism, Communism, Israel and the Soviet Union 1918–1991

> Writings from Winston Churchill, Leon Trotsky, Esther Frumkin, and the Novosti’s Press Agency’s Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion. Introduced, arranged, and annotated by Frank L. Britton.

> A fully-documented and referenced exposé of the Zionist lie that the Soviet Union was “anti-Semitic.” It conclusively proves that in fact the USSR was pro-Jewish, but anti-Zionist—particularly after Zionism became increasingly racist, and militarily aggressive towards Israel’s neighbors, and, most importantly, after the Zionist-Jewish lobby became intertwined with and controlling of, the US government.


>> No.49493613

no one is going to let you loner weirdos adopt a 3 year old

>> No.49493631
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>> No.49493674
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>> No.49493677

nobody even implied anything about what you're sperging about, it's just that now it seems your life experiences, in some forms, get inherited to the kids you father via your sperm directly and it's something most people didn't think could happen before that study.
my point was that it's extremely complex how a baby is formed, nobody knows the process and thinking of it like just mixing up pre-existing genes, as shown in op's pic, is very clearly wrong by now.

>> No.49494328

It's not, you are passing on zero of your genes for the cost of raising someone else's child.

>> No.49494487
File: 73 KB, 478x614, 7C656D7F-E6B9-462C-9B39-34FE30480D57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. Crypto adoption is orders of magnitude less cost-deffective than you have children of your own.

>> No.49494586
File: 315 KB, 970x545, 1649848355670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12mm blows kid
"Imagine what I will do to you."

>> No.49496279

Adopted kids carry that shit on their shoulder forever. My sister in law adopted triplets, nice religious family she was a major in the army as a doctor. Kids all ended up rebelling.

>> No.49497121

Did she remove this shit from her tik tok? I can't find it

>> No.49497134

Orphans should be thrown into an incinerator. How's that for clean energy?

Just like how a woman can never truly love anyone or anything, an adopted child can never truly love its adoptive parents.

>> No.49497401


>> No.49497439

don't worry guys.
send all the left over babies to israel.
they'll take care of them.

>> No.49497530

The problem is genetics. The kid's parents are irresponsible people and if you don't think there is a big genetic contribution to personality, you're a fool. Tell your sister not to blame herself. The kids were bad seeds.

>> No.49497884

So you want more rapists running around is what you're saying?

>> No.49497918

Sorry, OP, I'm a ginger, I have a lot of inseminating to do.

>> No.49498069

>Wouldn't you want your kids to have a future?
their future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81wXgubXYwo

>> No.49498301

How can I get cucks to adopt my babies I'm not white and want to make sure my genes spread

>> No.49498483

As long as it involves cuckolding it's good, okay?

>> No.49498517

If you adopt you raise someone else's niglet