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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49480363 No.49480363 [Reply] [Original]

>went to the interview
>chatted for an hour
>shown around the office

Just sat here waiting for them to email/call with 'unfortunately...'

I wish I could smile more in interviews and not be such an autist. I really fucking tried, anons. I really, really fucking tried.

>> No.49480467

Fucking hate corporate and HR iditos who refuse to hire somebody because of their social skills, nobody is doing it on purpose and everyone needs a job, as long as it's not high profile. Keep doing your best, anon, someone is bound to put their trust in you.

>> No.49480843

Thanks. During the interview they were nice and made it clear that it wasn't about experience getting the job. At times it was like 'when you do this...' sort of implying I got it, but then it was also 'we'll be in touch' type shit. So I have no idea. I really might just call them up if they say 'unfortunately' and just tell them upfront that I want the job, willing to work hard, etc, just didn't smile enough in the interview.

It's so close I can almost taste it.

>> No.49480996

So there's still a chance. What job?

>> No.49481096

Just got a call. I'll be talking on the phone with the HR lady tomorrow. It's literally a 5 person company and I met with the manager and his assistant today, so they both agreed to put me forward...so...a good sign overall? Honestly at this point I would knaw my own leg off for the job.

>> No.49481130

He always looks comfy despite looking stressed.

>> No.49481160

Looks pretty good for you anon, don't stress over it too much.

>> No.49481253

The stakes are high. I need it to prove to myself and others that I'm ready for a big change in my life. My life has been on hold for YEARS due to a mix of me being an idiot and covid lockdowns. I really want to be work hard and earn an honest which. I'm so close I just need this to work. I've had repeated doors closed in my face for numerous reasons over the years, so I'm accustomed to disappointment. But I have to keep trying regardless.

>> No.49481369
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>My life has been on hold for YEARS due to a mix of me being an idiot and covid lockdowns.
tfw same

>> No.49481426

just get a job at mcdonalds and put all ur money in crypto

>> No.49481579

Good luck man

>> No.49481600

I blame the society but yes

>> No.49481628

I am amazing at interviews but I hate wageslaving so I am NEET atm, just got 1k off the government in bennies but am in debt so will need to go back to work soon regardless.

>> No.49481707
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>It's literally a 5 person company and I met with the manager and his assistant today, so they both agreed to put me forward

sounds like they like you don't sperg and try too hard now

>> No.49481844

T-thanks Trump-stache, senpai.

>> No.49482206

>be popular
>be mostly useless
>be girl
>rub up on boss
>be super friendly
>get promoted to head of something
and that's how it starts anon, they will hire just below competent out going people till the company falters and everyone abandons ship.

>> No.49482215

guess what matters more in business, that you have esoteric knowledge of highly curated and obscure technology or that you can do your tasks on time and communicate results with business partners? Being able to socially function is literally part of any job

>> No.49482274

What sort of things is the HR woman going to land on me during the interview? What should I prepare for? It's like the final hurdle so of course I need to be prepared for a curve ball.

>> No.49483199


>> No.49483319

Do chads do well on interviews? I feel like they don’t even have to be qualified

>> No.49483383

Chads don't interview. They walk around and people give them things and sometimes they say yes. It's a different kind of life.

"Just [do nothing and succeed] bro..."

>> No.49483531

Unfortunately this is true. Women are vindictive and will do anything they can to sabotage their peers for fear of having others pass them up rather than being happy at their lot in life. Because the patriarchy is the blame, yet women are the ones that are most critical toward one another.

t. Had three different girl bosses, one that openly talked shit about me behind my back (but I later got her fired for as much), one that gave me a poor performance review after starting when I was guaranteed a raise 3 months after starting (so that I wouldn't be eligible for such a raise and was told "this is just how it is) so I quit, and another that intentionally suppressed my lateral movement within the company because everyone that had been hired and worked underneath her had been promoted and she wanted a corporate whipping boy.