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49477567 No.49477567 [Reply] [Original]

The crypto space is always evolving and the early birds always are the biggest gainers, NFT, P2E, DeFi have all enjoyed their initial traction, what is that next niche to look out for? i want to get in early.

>> No.49477599

Just buy BTC new fag. everything else is a lie.

>> No.49477657

I got just $1k. Will I make it if I buy just BTC?

>> No.49477693

No anon. But shitcoins. Just shitcoins and you are going to make it.

>> No.49477704
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BTC might give you 4-5 x when it hits its next ATH, you could use it to get this beautiful yacht and just retire.

>> No.49477726

Shit coins will reck you, my shitcoins have fallen into oblivion.

>> No.49477751

kekk. I know a friend that made $1m from PnD. My next bull target.

>> No.49477880

Nothing is going to pump, you all are going to be rekt mate. Mind me your house and wives are next . stay on just btc and eth only

>> No.49477891
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sounds worse than luna

>> No.49477949

You are already late. You had the whole of 2021 to get in early.

>> No.49477953

Everybody claims to make money in this space but 90% of the time it's just shit posting like what you just wrote.

>> No.49477971

I think all shitcoins are going to doom, I am banking in projects like moonbeam and subsquid and other dotsama projects,

>> No.49477989
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I wonder why trannies are even buying btc. ETH looks more like a safe haven to me

>> No.49477998

The only anons that make money from BTC and ETH are those who joined pretty early. If you want to make some rn you'd have to be very lucky as those on SHIB and DOGE or any other miracle shitcoin out there.

>> No.49478009

we have a market pundit from Mumbai
I hope you are not one of the devs who got us robbed of millions of dollars

>> No.49478027

The interoperability between the parachains on polkadot is just wonderful, I guess the major problem is the complexity of building on it.

>> No.49478037

You can only speak for yourself and not these figures you see online. I will rather focus on web3 based projects in the next bull run.

>> No.49478046

I agree and anything connected to EVM or indexers.

>> No.49478051


>> No.49478066

It's safest to hold but won't make you rich in one or 2 bull run. Better to buy alts with hypes but the risk is high.

>> No.49478078

The NFTs have really done wonders in flipping money

>> No.49478080

I was laughing my ass off then I saw they have processed over half a billion queries dickhead.
This is why million of dollars are being auctioned for all para chains every time. can't i expect logic from this board once

>> No.49478085

Meme coins had their own season. 2022 is for Web3 and I have gathered enough knowledge on some of the projects.

>> No.49478102
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That's called FOMO faggot.

>> No.49478118

I think they have one of the fastest engines around and have been developing on it. I saw them on dotsama Prague too, funny name though

>> No.49478120

>I was laughing my ass off then I saw they have processed over half a billion queries dickhea
I learned of this on one of the Crust network AMA, their multilayered approach is genius

>> No.49478131

what do these buzzphrases even mean anymore

>> No.49478135
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Indexers in blockchain? Never heard anything like that before.

>> No.49478150


>> No.49478151

Can it be compared to that of Graph? I was thinking only Graph offers such utility.

>> No.49478154

The event was very rich, I really love the dotsama ecosystem. I was most intrigued about the data indexing solution they presented on the program.

>> No.49478159

Web3 is the future and not just 2022. Not something that will die off. So web3 has started.

>> No.49478160

GRT trannies have come back from an hero

>> No.49478163

The only indexers that I know are built on the Polkadot/Dotsama ecosystem. Very few of them if I can say the likes of the graph, subquery and subsquid

>> No.49478166

The best is to join the token presale and flip it once it gets listed. Most alts right now are going to zero.

>> No.49478173

They are really making some powerful APIs for web3 , i saw it in the video as well.

>> No.49478179

That's a trend that's not going to last at all, faggot. Move your effort and funds

>> No.49478207

all defi projects are going to be zero, I don't see any use case around. NFts are zooming ahead, Can this board answer me

>> No.49478224

The graph is going to be zero
In no time so many projects are banking on them lately , when is the Tge going to happen

>> No.49478225

I was able to meet Damsky and a few other developers. More of these events should be organized.

>> No.49478226
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I never thought APIs are great things and are helpful in making a scalable dApps until I get to that Polkadot Hackhaton workshop yesterday.

>> No.49478231
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Of course jeet, I can bet you don't know what a blockchain is

>> No.49478242

Check out luniverse on BSC, I know shitcoins are out of season but this project has really high potential. its extremely undervalued fr

>> No.49478248

The Graph is quite good but not as efficient, and it only indexes on the ethereum network.

>> No.49478266

I use to think that web3 is cringe but the Dotsama prague expanded my knowledge. I love how Dotsama keeps coming up with more events.

>> No.49478279

Liar, stupid FUDder like you. These guys have a few competitors. Data indexing solutions will be making a huge impact Web 3.0 so give the projects working in the sector time to work.

>> No.49478285

Yeah i agree, they did a demonstration where you can build your own API and deploy it in seconds.

>> No.49478291

I think they can help devs to really highly customizable API as well I am sure that APIs are going to be expensive then atom in times to come.

>> No.49478297

Graph is one good web3 project. I'm looking into more of them and currently having eyes on subquid. let's watch them scale web3 as well.

>> No.49478301
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I think this is a joke right?

>> No.49478303

Are you stupid?

Don't listen to this guy op. invest in the tried and true. btc, eth and matic. Polygon GMI for real.

>> No.49478307

Lots of alpha was shared during the workshop. I bet most people missed out on this while chasing fake UNFI pump

>> No.49478314
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Nothing is evolving bobo. I only see BTC and eth pumping over the years only

>> No.49478320

no idea yet, i guess they are bent on indexing data for as many networks as possible for the time being.

>> No.49478343

do you still trade on uniswap, only shit coins are listing on it now

>> No.49478349
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Yeah, the workshop was really informative, I can see a lot of growth coming in the polkadot ecosystem.

>> No.49478377

data is the new gold,>>49478291
Google is going to hack you for this.

>> No.49478411

I'm glad they are transitioning into a DAO, They are the true model of decentralization.

>> No.49478422

Early birds eat the fattest worms. And I am hoping to secure WL spots in Equilibrium and Gamestar+ TGE.
Only fags love to buy the green

>> No.49478427

You missed mentioning Polkadot. Lots of solid projects are built on it. I hope you are following up on Consensus 2022 btw. Lots of alpha will be dropping there.

>> No.49478429

I wish I was there. The talk of the event is everywhere though.

>> No.49478484

Because there are so many interesting projects on the Dotsama Ecosystem.

>> No.49478509

Oh yes anon. I believe we will catch new project though the event. Talks on web3 and privacy.

>> No.49478514
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Yeah, I've also noticed there's going to be a consensus event this year and this month in fact. The crypto communities are coming together

>> No.49478542

Really? I hope you're not here to pump your bag and move on with your life

>> No.49478593

Let's go with the data thingy, fag. It's a strong one. They also say data is the new oil

>> No.49478646

Are you talking about Hydra machines?

>> No.49478773

I also applied as a junior ambassador on Subsquid. Wish me luck annon.

>> No.49478779

Everyone has a choice to make. I don't even invest in BTC. Can only buy Eth and other low caps alts that I feel are solid and building strong.

>> No.49478855

Consensus is starting today retard. Don't sleep on it. I have already registered for the event as I have lots of speakers I want to see.

>> No.49478904


Depends on how fast you want that bubble to burst. Because everything is a bubble. Even gold.

Yet another defi shitcoin.

An algorithmic stablecoin.

Another chain token.

>Very slow:
Cross chain messages and bridges with actual liquidity. These will turn into the foundation of whatever is coming next.

>> No.49479166

It's just hype. Nothing really goes on there only hook ups IMO

>> No.49479415
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Have you considered the metaverse? There are musical, educational, entertainment projects in there but sports metaverse is the one that got my attention the most because of my affinity for sports and interacting with my favourite athletes in the metaverse is a big traction for me.

>> No.49480008

It's actually hard to get in, I hope you are smart enough.

>> No.49480056

Yeah i agree, since they got a good data indexer, building dapps has been a breeze for developers.

>> No.49480106

Yeah sure, I think it's for the intelligent folks, you can sit at home and watch a movie while its going on.

>> No.49480157
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>Second life
>but needs headset
>but you cant post the porn, violence, mods or edgy shit that secondlife or any other game like it has
>will have ads everywhere
Meta is doomed to fail

>> No.49480186

I'm focusing on web3 gems as lots of tractions are currently on them.

>> No.49480833
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You mean hooking up with great minds right?

>> No.49480841

It has started today. Can wait to get these alpha though. We start prewdwkrparing for the bull season.

>> No.49480866

Maybe insurance?

>> No.49481330
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looks like we are in the boat, i made good money in Axl, rfox and gala in 2021
i'm on the look out for the next niche, coz i want history to repeat itself.

>> No.49482223

Link will go 100x

>> No.49482258
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>> No.49482641
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>what is that next niche to look out for? i want to get in early.

Rfox is in the process of creating and launching an e-commerce streaming app, which will be bolstered by the release and launch of RFOX TV.

i'm also keeping a close tab.

>> No.49482924
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it's only the beginning for DeFi
dyor on PrecogFinance earlyfag

>> No.49482984

Thanks, but Btc won't make me me the kinda gains that I want. I'd rather settle for solid and promising low caps. The likes of Rfox..

>> No.49483321
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DNA tokenization.

>> No.49484405

Some P2Es lack continuity and the whole gaming concept becomes stale.
Promising projects like Gamestar+ will be revolutionizing GameFi with its streaming service. Gonna be the hub for multiple board and classic games.
Honeyland will be integrate open APIs for developers to build on their ecosystem