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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49470590 No.49470590 [Reply] [Original]

it's true

>> No.49470920

what's the logo next to eth
t. brainlet

>> No.49471050

samefag, it's still a profitable business used by thousands

>> No.49471073

delete this

>> No.49471121
File: 44 KB, 793x272, image_2022-06-08_232554757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download geth
>install geth
>run geth



>> No.49471170

you are absolutely retarded
your eth nodes run on aws
take a wild guess as to what aws will do when they deem eth as a legit competitor

>> No.49471200


dumb cope

>> No.49471383

facebook, google, amazon have all begun lobbying against web3 to politicians
they have your validator keys, can and will shut off your services whenever they want

>> No.49471474

dumb strawman cope + seethe

>> No.49471517

fud your bags better pussylicker

>> No.49471554

Lol eth is going to run on bsv absolutely clown world faggotry. The weak should die you faggot Craig . You want to baby the malicious commies and save their broken chain for… WHAT? To bail out the mETH head trannies and jews

>> No.49471718

>VCs loaded up and purchased $10 000 worth of ICP at 3 cents apiece ($0.03)
>private investors and other early buyers loaded up HEAVY bags with 6 figures below $1 and $10
>ICP was listed above $2000 on Coinbase and Binance before stabilizing around $600, then $400 for like one week
>kept dumping since then, non-stop, thanks to retail, boomers and latecomers happily providing exit liquidity at the top of the crypto bubble thinking they were investing in revolutionary tech
>turns out that it's YET ANOTHER centralized vaporware scam that does NOTHING and doesn't build anything outside of a gambling DeFi platform for holders to lose even more funds in NFT scams (useless in bear markets and intrinsically worthless)
>almost everyone on /biz/ saw through the shills and their attempt by rightfully calling it a scam back in May 2021
>months pass
>eventually some faggot chink shill who probably wanted to cut his losses starts promoting this scam to the /pol/ subset of lurkers who browse this board when ICP was trading at $70
>he succeeds because he was lucky enough and made calls that were decent in the past
>but more importantly the 1488 bait and muh racism were enough to attract the lowest common denominators
>ICP keeps dumping
>Mario 64 on ICP is a nothing burger and gets shut down
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>bear market is confirmed
>ICP keeps dumping even further

>ICP is probably the second biggest scam to ever grace crypto, with TERRA/LUNA being in the first place and Bitconnect in the third. Compared to these two however, ICP and the Dfinity foundation are still fooling the drooling retards who were dumb enough to fall for the "tech in crypto" meme. Not even pajeet chasing shitcoins are as retarded and gullible as those people.

>If you bought, held and lost money on ICP instead of ignoring it or swinging it for sats/dollars you are worthless human trash. Even a pajeet nigger on BSC is smarter and more sound financially.

>> No.49472048

>still a nigger
>Still not a woman
>private niggers and other early buyers loaded up his asshole with up to 6 dicks at once
>His bussy was listed above $2000 on backpage and doublelist before stabilizing around $6, then $.00004 for like one week
>kept dumping anon loads in his ass since then, non-stop, thanks to private groups, boomers and latecooooomers happily providing anus liquidity
>turned out by his dad, YET ANOTHER example of incest creating faggots, and the rest of society larps to say that its not his fault he’s a depraved faggot.
>almost everyone on /biz/ has seen his butthole, and his attempt to lure them to his onlyfans in May 2021
>months pass
>desire to get pozzed increases
>eventually some faggot chink who probably wanted to bottom, starts DM’ing him to do a bareback collab and sell their content for subset of lurkers who browse this board for $70
>he succeeds because he was smooth enough and made this posters anus quiver
>but more importantly the fact he’s got a high viral load was enough to attract this lowest common denominator
>Loads keep dumping in him
>Prep is a nothing burger and doesnt help
>More loads keeps dumping
>Even more pozzed loads keeps dumping
>daddy bears get in on it
>Aids keeps increasing even further

This poster is probably the second biggest faggot to ever grace crypto, with Charles Hoskinson being in the first place and Richard Heart in the third. Compared to these two however, this poster is still drooling nonstop rivers of semen from his butthole and was dumb enough to fall for the "lgbt" meme. Not even zoomer chasing social acceptance are as retarded and gullible as those people.

If you fucked, got fucked and got cucked on being a faggot instead of being normal or leaving it as a fantasy, you are worthless human trash. Even a depraved tranny nigger on the street corner is smarter and more sound financially.

>> No.49472055


>> No.49472083


>> No.49472307
File: 1.52 MB, 524x276, 1635853767172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but time is a fractal laced progression of ever infinite patterns and looping spirals of order. Time is not a constant thing or even a quantifiable concept. It's not a big chain of cause & effects or even some objective measurement but rather completely dependent on matter and gravity and relative movement. Spent my whole life thinking of time like a terminal with lines of code put in 1 after the other. But no it's like some object oriented mess of spaghetti code all fucking with each other and interconnected but we're just reading it 1 line at a time. It all made sense when my cat died and I realized that it's loop is now closed, but everything they ever did was already deemed to be and will continue to propagate through reality.

>if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you

Anyone remember the Shiba threads last year? You could have easily bought a couple thousand and made generational wealth. I can't think of anything so tormenting as crypto. We see others succeed and rewarded for making worse investment choices. The wagie hate probably stems from this. The other day my friend mentioned the squid game coin and I just laughed and told him about other shitcoins. I realized this shit is actually hilarious. All the scams and manipulation and Tether fud and redditors are what make crypto what it is. I use to wake up in a sweat and check my portfolio. Now I don't even care.

Is this what Nietzsche meant? Are these meme coins accidentally initiating millions of normies into this journey of torment and self realization of our clown world? What happens when the "great resignation" turns into something larger. How do I profit from this?

>The healthiest human being, Nietzsche thinks, is one whose sheer love of life is so powerful that he or she enthusiastically desires the eternal repetition of everything that has happened and will happen – good, bad, and evil

>> No.49472467

>sanist icp holder

>> No.49474278
File: 31 KB, 1232x170, IMG_20220507_142549_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cope baggie. This shit will die off & go to zero.


>> No.49474327


>> No.49474558

Terry Davis preferred the C64 and so do I.

>> No.49474631

>your eth nodes run on aws
Yeah, no. I'm running mine on a home server and have been for years.

>> No.49475352


so fucking based. whats left on this board is a group of highly underwater full retards learning how to not invest.

>> No.49475633

Pretty good write up. I remember being confused how the script flipped on /biz/ going from making fun of it to legitimate shills out of nowhere.