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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49470086 No.49470086 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

Gf is a Chinese national who just landed a 175 on her LSATs. I make around 60k a year, and am willing to support her in every way I can, but it seems obvious that we'll need to take out loans to get her through school.

>What are the best options for approaching education financing?
>How do I not get ratfucked?

>> No.49470108

Why are you dating a [probably ugly] bugwoman

>> No.49470243

>he doesn't know

>> No.49470253
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We met in undergrad, matched on Tinder, photos were mostly her ass, which was/is very nice. She was looking for a FWB as a temporary before leaving the country, but we fell in love.

Still dating because we support each other, both like where each other is headed. I work in cancer research, kinda humanitarian, she's going for a law education. Our values match well.

Tell you what, if I get some good advice I'll post some pics of her, show you she's not a bugwoman.

>> No.49470314

My advice: don't.

>> No.49470343


Don't what?

>> No.49470362

Don’t post pics of your gf here if you actually care about her, tard

>> No.49470387


Okay, noted, but do you know anything about student loans?

>> No.49470442
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Bumping, because I kinda care

>> No.49470472

Anon please don't post her for the love of God. And I hope you realize the three red flags you posted
>Posting pictures of her ass for strangers to admire
>Uses Tinder™
>Looking for a FWB and needs someone to help her stay in the country
Anon be careful, there's a very good chance she will burn you.
I think Asians look fine most of the time, except that it is freaky when they turn their heads 90° and you can still see both of their eyes. Best of luck on the financial advice, enjoy the free bump

>> No.49470619

tell her to go to a tier 2 school on a full ride scholarship, I had an ex do this.

>> No.49470630

don't bro she is going to leave you for someone else

>> No.49470635

Best way is for her to live with you and commute to a law school that’s within an hour’s drive of where you live, that way she won’t have to pay for on-campus housing. Save up and do tuition payment plans so you can pay a portion of each semester’s tuition out of pocket instead of through loans. Apply for any and every scholarship she can get. She’s Asian and female so she should get handed them like candy

>> No.49470738
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1. I meant face not ass.
2. Yeah, but it was 2017 and I was in college, that's just how I met some people.

3. So, we met in 2017, dated for a year and a half before she moved back to China, have been long distance since, meeting up every 2 or so months (before the pandemic). It's not a visa thing, her Dad is a member of the Communist party and has a pretty good role, her quality of life if she stayed would be very high. It's more a sacrifice on her end if anything.

I skipped all that because I didn't feel like it was relevant, but you're right, without that context it is a bit sketch.


So, what do you mean by tier 2? What schools are those? She's better with the applications than I am, she mentioned applying to the T14 schools, UPenn (her alma mater), Columbia, Harvard are her top choices. She doesn't think she has a shot at Yale, but I'm willing to pay the application fee.

>> No.49470810

You will get cheated on after she's done with you and you will kill yourself for being a fool

>> No.49470817
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Yeah, living together off campus is 100% the plan. This is fantastic though, what is a tuition payment plan? I'll for sure push her on the scholarships, see what we can get.

>pci unrelated, just dumping some old wallpapers.

>> No.49470955

>Dumb cuck pays for bug only for her to leave his ass when she's making more money than him
Many such cases. Wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard every variation of this story. Do not pay for any woman's schooling or lifestyle until you are married to her.

>> No.49471040
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Well the plan is marriage with no pre-nup, so if she's making more money I'll clean up in the divorce. Tbh I currently have more debt than she does, if we split she'd be taking a load off my shoulders.

Yeah, I might end up with a broken heart,

>but I'll also have a boat, which is pretty sweet.

>> No.49471063

Anon don't bend over and potentially get yourself into a financially, emotionally, spiritually and financially idiotic situation. There is no need to support this women so early in your relationship and creates unnecessary risk. She was doing fine before she met you, are you doing this for her or for yourself to feel important and valuable? Are you trying to white knights bc I can see you posting how your financially ruined over a turbo whore in 1 years time. Like I said, she is doing just fine before she met you and you probably look like a foolish cuck tripping over yourself to "support" this girl. If you do want to help her, do it by letting her live with you or cook meals for her when she is studying under NO circumstances should you acquire debt for this girl, it's a horror story waiting to happen and clearly you have doubts or you wouldn't even be posting here.

t. chad

>> No.49471096

>dating a loose tinder whore
anon I...

>> No.49471105

Sounds like Boston, are you in Boston? Lmk if you wanna go sailing together.

>> No.49471137

It does not matter what it's like right now. You will surpass her in money, the sex will decline, her chink looks will go away as she hits the wall, and the feminist materialism hypergamous programming will slowly start to take hold of her.

>> No.49471162

Get loans through the Department of Education by filling out your FAFSA.

Take your meds

>> No.49471169
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I mean, I'm posting here for some advice on financing an education.

Tbh, I have more whore back story than she does. Like, seriously.

Connecticut, but I get up to Boston.

>> No.49471246

Let your parents pay for her education, you dumb fucking simp.

>> No.49471285
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If she's an ivy league lawyer and I'm a scientist I'm pretty sure she will be making more than me. I'm okay with this, I'm not a greedy person, I just want to be financially stable and raise a family. Idk about the sex declining, it'll probably get a lot kinkier though. Her Mom is still doable, so I like her chances of aging in a Milfy way. Idk about the feminist programming, she's already wired up with the communist programming.

I see your concerns though, they are valid.

I'd love to anon, but the gf is an international student and we're pretty sure she's not eligible for federal loans. Thanks tho.

I've thought about this, a lot, but my parents aren't people I want to owe. They pull more strings, push more buttons. There's something to be said for swallowing my pride though.

>> No.49471289

Some schools give you the option for pay frequency. My uni had shit like monthly, bi monthly, or the lump sum. Could cover it early, could set auto pay, or you deal with the deadlines. Used a credit card on mine for the cash back. If you have Coinbase, CDC, or any of those other crypto cashback debit cards, try paying with credit card (preferably 2% minimum cashback) and then pay that off with the debit via Paypal or calling it in for another percentage of that. You could probably do that for other shit like car payments, bills, and rent, but you'd be limited to debit card payments. For credit cards, I'd say Fidelity or SoFi since they get cash back into your brokerage account and have 2%. Listen to
>>49471162 and get some free money for tuition first, though. Lots of people are retarded like me and don't do it out of laziness or thinking they aren't eligible.

>> No.49471294

>paying for a stinky chinky tinder slut for anything that isn’t a quick nut
Don’t do it u retard

>> No.49471297

She should apply to T14 and other tiered schools. Factor in the school’s reputation in the community (if it’s a law school where a lot of practicing lawyers in the area come from, then it’s a good choice); where she wants to practice (networking and bar prep); what area she wants to practice in (tax law almost always requires an additional LLM for instance, and some schools are better in one program than others); cost of attendance; and quality of faculty (how accomplished are they? How often do they publish?). Take tours if possible.

Make your decision accordingly. Scholarships will come once she’s accepted.

Also, YOU SHOULD GO TO THE LSAC CONFERENCE. They will give you lots of tips about applying and you will get face time with admissions teams from different law schools.

>t. Law student

>> No.49471305

Try applying to the highly ranked schools on this financial aid list. https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/finaid-private-rankings
If she is rich, her parents in China should help cosign the loan. If she is poor, she should qualify for lots of financial aid. If you want to qualify for the maximum loans and gibs, you might wanna marry her first, as this should make her appear poorer.

>> No.49471327

Dating a daughter of a cccp party member? You should be brought up on treason charges. Why do you hate America, commie? Why doesn't her dad just pay for it if he's doing so well?

>> No.49471347

>other tiered schools

By this I mean schools in other tiers. You can probably get a better deal on tuition for a law degree from an amazing school that isn’t T14. A good chunk of the ratings is politics anyway, but there is still bias in favor of T14 schools. That’s why she should network for jobs!

Another big thing to look at in law schools: experiential learning. Law schools with lots of clinics and practicums will be good for her resume.

>> No.49471376

What state are you in, if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.49471379

Yngmi 哥。

>> No.49471434

stinky chinky

>> No.49471464

Go back to your containment board

>> No.49471473

With a 175 LSAT she should just take a full scholarship at a lower ranked school where she’ll be able to be top of her class, the editor of the law review and whatever other merit badges she might need. No one cares where you went to school after your first job anyway. If I could go back in time, that is what I would do.

t. Lawfag

>> No.49471502


>> No.49471507
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Thank you, this is exactly the kind of advice I'm looking for. Much appreciated.
Checking this out now, Harvard is pretty high up there, that could work.


Not all power comes in the form of dollars, and there are some types of power money can't buy.


I'm in Connecticut, but I'm willing to move regionally. I'd like to stay in New England or NY, but I went to college in Philly and I'd be happy to go back. It sounds sappy, but I want to be wherever she is. My salary is mediocre, but my resume would put me in demand for parallel positions at a lot of research institutions.

>> No.49471625
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We definitely have a bias to prestigious institutions, enough that it might hurt us. There's also been similar advice, yeah, we can look at better financing a spot or two down the ladder.

>> No.49471652

>we fell in love through Tinder™

What a fucking cuck.
Im glad she found her beta bucks though

>> No.49471719

Yeah second this. She shouldn’t go to a top 14 but shoot for like top 30 in a good state you’d want to live in where she’ll get a fat scholarship. Then just dominate in grades first year. She’d easily get a cush summer job as a chink and be otw to making bank thereafter

>> No.49471774
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We met through Tinder, we fell in love about 3 months later. Tbh I've had better luck with Tinder matches than OKCupid matches. With Tinder there's a simpler animalism to it, for someone you're a mathematical match with there's always an intellectual or moral component that can't always be overcome with empathy. The neutral difference made her more relatable as a human being rather than a simple reflection of values.


Thanks anon, this seems to be the resounding answer, and it rings true.

>> No.49471822

>you're a mathematical match with there's always an intellectual or moral component that can't always be overcome with empathy. The neutral difference made her more relatable as a human being rather than a simple reflection of values.
Holy technobabble. I hope you don't write your fucking research articles like this. What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.49471830

How much did she study?

>> No.49471845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49471868

Nice reddit spacing stupid fag

>> No.49471909

>we will need to take loans
No anon, SHE will have to take loans

Don't let some foreign whore saddle you with debt. That's HER issue.

My brother took on his wife's student loans and she left him once they were paid off. Do not be a paypig to some chink for easy pussy.

>> No.49471965
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You'd be surprised, phrasing like that is half the reason they hired me. But no, I just mean that when you're too similar to someone the differences feel magnified by a huge amount, where if you're neutral its easier to find common ground. You focus on what you share, and not where you differ.


I like spacing, it makes it easier to read. the first spacing I learned was 2010s 4chan spacing, but it's kind of a lost art.

>The secret is how you apply greentext, and what pixels you use.

I'll think about it, desu she'll be making more than me so it's closer to her paying off my loans than me paying her loans over a scale of 5 years.

>> No.49472007

Have you tried Carnegie Mellon, Lehigh or NYU?
I don't think your female locust would cut it in Brown U.

>> No.49472060

>phrasing like that is half the reason they hired me
>makes $60k

>> No.49472096
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>> No.49472110
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NYU is disproportionately highly ranked, like it's No. 7 just after most Ivies and way higher than Brown.


Again, I'm not greedy. I like the research environment, it's a good quality of life, creates tangible benefits to the quality of life of others. It's very hard to find that balance in a profession.

>> No.49472647

>Chinese national
Stopped reading there, you are fucked m8

>> No.49472705

What is this “we” shit. If she needs to take out loans she can take out loans. That isn’t your problem until you get married

>> No.49472819

>We met in undergrad
Many such cases
>matched on Tinder,
Probably a whore
>photos were mostly her ass
Definitely a whore
>which was/is very nice
Any ass is nice
>She was looking for a FWB as a temporary
Of course she was
>but we fell in love.
You were in love from day one.

She is using her. The oriental has no honor or loyalty to you. Cut her loose. Do not financially support a woman with a nice butt that you met on tinder during undergrad. This is a very bad idea. Trust me, I've dealt with oriental women and college relationships. Get out now.

>> No.49473583

Yeah so how much did she study?

>> No.49473691

Fuck, I hate reading research articles like that.

>> No.49473840

>race traitor
get the fuck out of here you faggot

>> No.49473883

You’re welcome, salut!

>I'm in Connecticut, but I'm willing to move regionally. I'd like to stay in New England or NY, but I went to college in Philly and I'd be happy to go back. It sounds sappy, but I want to be wherever she is. My salary is mediocre, but my resume would put me in demand for parallel positions at a lot of research institutions.

Well, UBE will open up a lot of doors in that region for her when she graduates anyway.

In Philly I took a look at Drexel and it was nice. UPenn and Penn State are good too