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File: 2.44 MB, 1600x900, oil-tanker-1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49467455 No.49467455 [Reply] [Original]


https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

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https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

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https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Live Streams:

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>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:



>> No.49467485

Fuck you're thread.
Your as gay as America.

>> No.49467489

Zim is getting BTFO. I hope none of you got jewed.

>> No.49467494

first for tetas grandotas

>> No.49467497
File: 24 KB, 320x310, 1615349941804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... all of my stocks, except for maybe one or two, are doing pretty bad... I could use some kind of comfort, or distraction. How do I get into BMBL fatties? Idk where to even start... I haven't used a dating app since... I don't remember, 2014 maybe? And I didn't have any success then, either...

>> No.49467511

based, yagmi

>> No.49467518
File: 13 KB, 207x244, 1638039091572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/smg/ - Stock Market General

>> No.49467529
File: 34 KB, 680x643, 1654451605183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the SIGA calls guy post today or did he rope?

>> No.49467533
File: 733 KB, 720x728, 1609230062197.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I buy more SOXL

>> No.49467535
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>> No.49467543


>> No.49467546

80% of my portfolio was Zim but I sold it all at 70 right before the recent divi

Tempted to reenter, but gonna wait and see how CPI / the broad market plays out

>> No.49467551

What's up with shipping companies today? What's the big news that triggered this selling off?

>> No.49467559
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>> No.49467565
File: 313 KB, 831x799, C8F0E1B2-25DA-436C-B348-25B98E6C5808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got out on the way down a month or two ago. Considering that, I’m honestly surprised it didn’t moon yet
I haven’t made any money this year. In fact, I’ve lost about 5 grand
I’m considering meme stocks like siga (gay) and uone (nigger)
I honestly made more money gambling on sports than stocks or crypto
Is there any refuge here?

>> No.49467582

Try Hinge if you're witty, you'll have better luck.
But if you are not high on the chadscale you'd rather whoremaxx instead

>> No.49467590

Please be a man (female).

>> No.49467599

downward yeah

>> No.49467607

Fuck you faggot go back to seattle

>> No.49467613

that is an attractive whore but SOXL died a while ago

>> No.49467647
File: 121 KB, 1006x731, TBLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TBLT pumps 16% today
>up another 5% ah
Nice, maybe now it can 16X and I can get my fucking money back

>> No.49467663
File: 364 KB, 1052x711, original_464773449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bailed at 70 on zim. I broke even and gtfo. My money is on SIGA. Just look at picrelated. This is who our carriers are. They are taking a virus with a RO:.06-1 and increasing it to 10. lmao

>> No.49467665

SOXL will be back above 50 soon enough.

>> No.49467678

I am so sorry bro.

>> No.49467694

Literally just fagpox. SIGA fags are gonna rope

>> No.49467697

>deported from Dubai for testing positive for HIV
Those arabs, they're alright.

>> No.49467718
File: 7 KB, 262x192, chocolaterain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you not rotating into a dividend paying portfolio as we go deeper into a multiyear recession that could slip into depression? Let me guess you are a greedy wannabe wall street quant insider thinking the bots shilling the latest headline induced meme stock is going to make you "wealthy".

>> No.49467719
File: 38 KB, 600x568, c3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That chart zoomed out
>0.08 Price/Sales
>0.12 Price/Book
Redpill me on TBLT.

>> No.49467735
File: 208 KB, 1228x1299, 1652305431056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate these degens. HIV has an RO of less than 1. We are about to witness another global pandemic. I hope you bought some toilet paper.

>> No.49467739

Is it being shilled in the (((news))) still? That would be bullish

>> No.49467746

It is run by retards that view their investors like piggiebanks, but are not very good at hiding it.

>> No.49467765

Why not just short spy instead

>> No.49467780

>massive recession

>> No.49467788
File: 4 KB, 125x117, 1654230014368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is drying up, costs are going up at the same time.
Just destroy your ego with psychedelics and ascend. At some point it gets easy to talk to people because nothing matters.
The difficult part becomes actually figuring out where to meet people.

>> No.49467804
File: 29 KB, 1162x890, 1652237083351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was mostly all articles explaining why the cdc took away mask requirements for their level 2 travel warning. We had the most cases reported today. 1317 cases so far.
The WHO had this to say
The risk of mo0nkeypox becoming established in non-endemic countries is real," Tedros told a press conference.

>> No.49467810
File: 1.88 MB, 374x280, 1651003778423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have now lost more money than I thought I could theoretically lose

>> No.49467831

I don’t see how degen fags dying is a bad thing

>> No.49467842

Did you find the forbidden color that comes after red?

>> No.49467845

i'm down 150k on cathie wood shitcoins if that makes you feel better

>> No.49467853

because it will spread to you in gyms, public transit, etc. have fun

>> No.49467875

Heeming continues until morale improves?

>> No.49467881

It can be airborne, retard. The infected fag can have a 20 day incubation period before he even knows he’s carrying it. That fag could spread it through aerosol droplets to someone you know and then to you or your kid if you reproduced.

>> No.49467885
File: 91 KB, 336x422, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope the anon posting about price sensitivity when buying tail options is still here, cuz I have a question. It's more about order execution rules but maybe somebody knows.

So we have a spread of 0.05 bid and 0.20 ask and we want to buy as low as possible because price sensitivity etc. Say we put a bid at 0.10 of size 10, except the order book immediately shows bid 0.10 of size 15 (because the bots have mirrored us). Will we get filled first or do the bots cut the line somehow vs retail? I see this kind of thing often and it's suspicious that the bots never undercut, they only match the price.

>> No.49467908

I am become heem, devoider of equity

>> No.49467927

>because it will spread to you in gyms, public transit,
Glad I have a garage and a car. Oh well, at least I have another reason to be openly homo(((phobic))) around norms.

>> No.49467945

>spread in gyms, public transit, etc.
You're so unbelievably stupid it's laughable. Keep parroting whatever the men in the tiny hats say. Are they there with you now?

>> No.49467953

umm sweatie dont stigmatize the LGBTQIA+ community, you wouldnt want someone to email your hr department would you?

>> No.49467955

Asked my PhD economist friend if we're heading for a recession and all he did was like my message. Pack it in boys, line go down.

>> No.49467961

Whats the rate of infection for nonvaccinated?

>> No.49467968

>diseases dont exist because da jooz

>> No.49467970

Dubs confirmed. Pack it up boys.

>> No.49467981

Just steer clear of faggots, niggers, and libshits.

>> No.49467984
File: 95 KB, 828x594, 0E02168B-5148-4A7C-AC6A-E3E1B17C45B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inverse of this line I’d imagine. Fuck, I just wanted my kids to have a normal school year and a fun summer break. This legitimately makes me angry at both the tiny hats and fags.

>> No.49467993

I gave up watching congress votes to see if they'd pass the 4.3 bil for the DoE ill can't take this stupid gun control votes anymore

>> No.49468005
File: 90 KB, 828x191, 6289A8A7-3C9A-4F98-905B-E00C273B3CE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t care. Not taking it.

>> No.49468010
File: 86 KB, 399x425, 1652998915045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd support raising the age to buy semi-automatic weapons to 21... If they raise the draft age and voting age to 21 as well.
But dems would never accept that, so some republican should just amend the bill to include those.

>> No.49468014

I asked a Nobel Laureate economist if we’re headed for a recession and all he did was react to my text with a laughing crying emoji and then replied with a emoji of an eggplant

>> No.49468022
File: 3.39 MB, 498x498, 1653085363575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro, you don't think corona was real, and now you think gaypox is fake too?

>> No.49468025
File: 822 KB, 3000x1687, buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes dividends always pay out. Some even give better divvies if you own more shares. Building wealth doesn't just involve following biz strategies dyor or lose your shirt and post those pink wojaks to add to my folders.

>I can time the markets
And I bet you owned shares of GME under 10 dollars before the reddit squeeze. Timing markets is for multigenerational rich that can hold private meetings with Xi jinping or larry fink. Why dont you just play the binance casino leverage short/long game of BTC if your going to larp rich? Atleast you'll lose money faster that way. Quick and painless.

>> No.49468027
File: 277 KB, 1140x604, fax_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49468028

I lost 5% today. I've never had this before.
I can live but damn man.

>> No.49468032

>giving the left a win this close to midterms
Literally nothing will happen lmfao. Biden is a lame duck in his first term.

>> No.49468056

Thanks for the link buddy, so volume is dropping (between the US and China) but containers prices are still exceptionally high are they not?
I guess we'll know more when companies start updating their earnings guidance

>> No.49468083

do gays really just fuck in gyms and public transport like that? I thought that was a meme.

>> No.49468102

Stereotypes exist because they're right at least 90% of the time.

>> No.49468116

What the hell do you own?

>> No.49468117
File: 64 KB, 626x626, 1652237063423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw a gif on pol with 1 black guy randomly tonging the anus of another black guy while waiting for a train. Soon as they were caught, they put their masks on and acted like nothing happened.

>> No.49468119
File: 56 KB, 625x595, 1654280989393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a massive L because it would lose democrats a larger portion of their voter base than republicans as younger voters tend to lean left and become more conservative as they age.
It would force democrats to vote against their own gun control bill.
It's explained in the article, shipping companies are keeping the rates artificially inflated temporarily, but the longer the lull the less likely suppressing supply will be profitable.

>> No.49468136

Do black people like KFC, bro? Really? Do Asians eat rice everyday? Do Mexicans eat beans?

>> No.49468160

Mostly MO, INTC, and SCHP. They make up 80% of what I have.

>> No.49468162
File: 488 KB, 625x644, 1654653370250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.49468169

And they have secured some long term contracts at good prices for themselves.
So with the coming recession, how low can shipping prices drop to? Will they reach prepandemic levels?
There is still a long way down

>> No.49468184
File: 988 KB, 1730x1000, 1653964636907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a suspended dividend

>> No.49468187

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

>> No.49468190
File: 433 KB, 1583x2400, 2b17955a4fc77b05646996149b8b6295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rope status of siga anon?

>> No.49468236

I haven't seen him for 2 days

>> No.49468238
File: 24 KB, 520x510, xjcf18klxat81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother just informed me that costco was out of chicken bakes wtf. This economy is crumbling

>> No.49468252

You will never be Warren Buffet.

>> No.49468269

ok so just dump cash into spxs and hold

>> No.49468279
File: 31 KB, 669x336, news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLLAAAA AT CHU BOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.49468296

Sirs I find this image offensive kindly delet.

>> No.49468303
File: 232 KB, 506x438, 1652227788663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating on lighting you on fire or tossing you off a room

>> No.49468306
File: 300 KB, 609x662, 2D9D7245-22A7-4283-A33B-B4E44121AEEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mom, I posted it again!
no one is going to go corona level schizo over fagpox

>> No.49468322

Just get the 24-pack of Hot Pockets.

>> No.49468323

Why do so many people in these threads invest in stocks that usually have lost 99% of its value since inception

>> No.49468327
File: 176 KB, 1000x1500, sigaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siga, Siga, how you get so fly?
Siga, Siga,, how you get so high?
Siga, Siga,, how you get so fly?
Siga, Siga,, how you get so high?

… You know it's leather when we ride wood grain and raw hide
Doing what we do, watching faggots get high
boy, you keep it so fly with your sweet honeybuns
You was there when the monkey comes
You'll be there when the monkey gone.

Off top, I can't lie gays love getting blowed
You my lil' siga, I'm yo' little chud
And every time we kick it, it's off to the groovy
Treat you like my sticky-ickey or my sweet ooey-gooey
You got me lifted shifted higher than a ceiling
And ooh-wee it's the ultimate feeling
You got me lifted feeling so gifted
Siga, how you get so high?


>> No.49468348

buy low sell high? We like to catch knives around here. Want to see my RYCEY?

>> No.49468357
File: 18 KB, 196x202, 1653106128227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49468363

Sorry, monkeybros. Viruses have become too politicized. It's not March 2020 anymore. Two years of memeflu lockdowns have made people immunized against pandemic fearmongering.

>> No.49468385

In honor of white people i'm making this food here: https://youtu.be/LBFjh9zNhv8

cajun foods are often done by MKC which owns Zatarain's. So long MKC. Let's honor white food culture by buying MKC, which also should go up due to inflationary pressures.

>> No.49468392
File: 321 KB, 680x1020, e1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you sell calls on in a golden crab market? Im thinking railway stocks, food brands, restaurant chains, ect.

>> No.49468399

Woah MO got fucked today. I like BTI more for the PE ratio.

>> No.49468403

we dont need the economy to shut down, we just need it to spread. keep everything open idgaf. keep it just in LGBQT idgaf. if it spreads the government needs SIGA

>> No.49468408
File: 42 KB, 904x158, Oilbrostimetosell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil bros, its time to sell

>> No.49468432

someone post the webm of the fag talking to the black guy about when he went to a sex dungeon in Chicago

>> No.49468441

>Woah MO got fucked today.
is now the time to slurp

>> No.49468442

question? are stock holders generally still in the positive compared to 18months ago, about the time people were midway collecting their $30,000 unemployment checks? if i would have invested that $30,000 into "ETF"s , would i still be in the positive?

18months later, i still have most of that $30,000, as i am super frugal, but i acknowledge that it has lost a couple thousand dollars worth of purchasing power in that time, fuck, fuck

>> No.49468443

If I buy stocks for $0.01 they literally cant go any lower. Checkmate J*ws

>> No.49468444

They're degenerate because of your homophobia. If society treats them like they are lecherous deviants and perverts then they will internalize it and act like it, just like racism is responsible for crime. If we are open and accepting and make gay a sex just as normalized as regular sex then they will stop being degenerate. I myself make an effort to apologize for my homophobia by sucking as least one dick a week to signal my virtue.

>> No.49468446
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>> No.49468448

yeah always. theta gang is just unpopular now except among the patricians here

>> No.49468458

Even the mighty inversing of cramer can't stop the oil bullrun

>> No.49468459

I bought 5k shares of NFT today and I'm gonna buy another 5k tomorrow at open. Looks bullish af

>> No.49468470

My coworker bought BAC @around $8. We call him Buffet as a joke.

>> No.49468481
File: 111 KB, 675x900, D5qJB69XkAQSX84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are utility stocks that can practically never face financial hardship because they have government level liquidity pools backing through union labor proxy
back to degen lose my money plays for you anon, actually go play in forex if you think you can outsmart currency flows cause safe divvy stocks are too boring for you

>invest in another meme leveraged ETF for gamblers
volatility will drain your casino fun money fund. You are not a quant at a hedge fund that can analyze complex high frequency trading data and can make educated plays

>> No.49468485
File: 1.76 MB, 360x640, 1654635425866.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food brands and oil are the only real sectors to be long on right now. So idk about selling calls on them, might make less than just holding the stock or buying calls yourself. Railways sound good, probably heavy industry as well. Restaurant chains and retailers seem to be getting pounded lately and it might cost you more to hold the stock then you make off the sales, for that it might be better to sell calls on a consumer staples ETF instead.
here ya go

>> No.49468508
File: 267 KB, 497x541, Screenshot 2022-05-11 at 17-42-55 There Are So Many Layers of Irony to Unpack Here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need any further proof. We live in HELL.

>> No.49468513
File: 128 KB, 608x856, 1653692369286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we are open and accepting and make gay a sex just as normalized as regular sex then they will stop being degenerate

>> No.49468515

>gives everything a rough chop
>doesn't peal the onion
>doesn't peal the garlic

absolutely barbaric

>> No.49468526

God I wish that were me.

>> No.49468533

Drawdowns suck around earnings but thats when premiums spike due to speculation. This isnt related but ill be posting the first bit of fanfiction once i correct the intro. What i posted here before was a little scene i had for a "close to the end" of the story

>> No.49468536
File: 112 KB, 225x225, 1654709831656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even tell someone that, let alone on a public forum.

>> No.49468548
File: 167 KB, 1170x535, 469C33EF-5F40-4051-83C3-D73941D51329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you godless neets did this?

>> No.49468550
File: 121 KB, 640x960, EC7CFD8A-FE64-4A72-9222-A4D74533164C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anon shill us your top 10 safe-for-recession(depression) divvy stocks

>> No.49468556
File: 25 KB, 315x311, 334d453344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49468557
File: 53 KB, 320x320, 1652297797574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May Siga bless your heart.

>> No.49468561

This is what pride does to faggots. I wait the cleansing fire of the wrath of god to clean up this earth

>> No.49468577

Why? Maybe their customers are all dying. I’ll die from American Spirits, so it’s BTI for me.
Jokes aside, some nigger from Morgan Stanley said people would have less disposable income due to gas prices. He’s a retard though. You know what us smokers do when things get bad? We smoke more. We will sell our possessions for a pack of that barn dried, golden brown leaf.
A smoker is always a smoker when the chips are down.

>> No.49468578
File: 529 KB, 640x1103, 50f0c11b8660bd4f7ee7_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe someone is posting the art image i downloaded from google months ago

>> No.49468580


>> No.49468591

lol, the homeless around town never ask for a smoke, they always ask for a light

>> No.49468598

>like they are
No one treats them 'like they are something they're not', they are like that so they're treated accordingly. Same with inner city blacks.
When society stopped treating people who they should be treated, we got the current year.

>> No.49468602
File: 2.23 MB, 1273x1125, 0B3ACECE-4222-4AFE-8EA4-5CBFF6B67E9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((psychological))) explanation
>muh excuses for being a degenerate faggot
or maybe, just maybe, gay sex is degenerate, deviant, lecherous behavior in and of itself. Maybe homosexuality IS immoral degeneracy. Maybe.

>> No.49468621


>> No.49468624
File: 57 KB, 920x517, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy utility stocks that pay divvies
>railroad divvy stocks
>communication divvy stocks, verizon

really dont overthink it. Let the oiltards play in OPEC's playground and get rugged or listen to shills of latest headline stock shill a stock to you and lose money that way if you want. Just looking out for anons.

>> No.49468639

You forgot the /s. People will respond to your first line without reading the rest.

>> No.49468645


Dogshit service, yet somehow they still have customers. Fucking finance niggers...

>> No.49468646
File: 34 KB, 386x601, 1654348971292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't they? They are proud of it, getting fucked in the ass raw by 4 strangers you can't even see the faces of it an accomplishment to them.

>> No.49468661

Even in a drawing the dad looks like a nervous wreck.

>> No.49468665

There, but for the Grace of God, go I...

>> No.49468673
File: 48 KB, 446x679, E7B5EA16-5D0D-49DC-98DC-DF4C3673CD46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet is a big place anon, and he’s a good artist with good subject matter

got any tickers to shill besides Verizon?

>> No.49468675

I just buy FDVV. If some pause payments, they pause payments. I just keep buying it.

>> No.49468676

This image resonates a bit too much for my liking.
Saved anyway

>> No.49468694
File: 824 KB, 871x792, 1646629528933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49468729
File: 104 KB, 273x364, 6E35C6CC-9CD4-4878-888E-29A8C8C0C4C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disappears, 10-1 reverse splits behind you

>> No.49468736

i now have a setup with two 27" 1440p 144hz monitors but I don't feel like im a better investor just because i can pull up more charts and financials at once :(

>> No.49468756

You’re gonna be real sad when you find out people have actually made money shorting before

>> No.49468769

I don't use charts nor do I look at the financials. What am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that I'm severely over-leveraged and if the market decides to double up another -70% across the board I am fukt

>> No.49468770

dont post the loomer one

>> No.49468778

SIGAbros today I sucked off 10 men and let another 5 fuck me in the ass. How are you helping spread the gaypox? We need more gays to make SIGA rise.

>> No.49468780

you're literally a stupid fag for wasting the money rather than investing it

>> No.49468782

its a good setup and i bet it feels good when you bring chicks over and they see green lines everywhere.

>> No.49468804

money is a means to an end, theres no point to your money if you dont treat yourself once in awhile

>> No.49468805

My pregnant wife took my two dogs and my kid. Now she is making up shit about me being an abuser. What the fuck bros. I’m completely fucked. I didn’t do anything so idk what her plan is exactly. I never touched her

>> No.49468816

The treat I am trying to treat myself to is no more waging.

>> No.49468825

Get some male prostitutes infected and pimp them out to other gays. Then you’ll be spreading it and making more money to long SIGA at the same time. You need to think bigger anon

>> No.49468830

exactly. but always remember its summertime and the 3-figure portfolio poorfags are out and about

>> No.49468833

it would be hilarious to check the accounts of /smg/ posters. i predict a $2k loss on average, the top performer is probably +10k and the bag holders are -100k.

>> No.49468835

priced in.

>> No.49468842

Consider yourself already dead. Stop fighting the tide and join society or get burnt out by 40

>> No.49468848


>> No.49468852

buying an extra $300 monitor when my portfolio fluctuates 5 figures doesnt affect me, it's not like im buying a new car anon

i just hope i can be more efficient overall with 2 monitors lol, realistically now i can play an afk game like teamfight tactics while i shitpost on the other screen

>> No.49468854
File: 186 KB, 1170x1170, 285803802_114913741235457_1948147553137014465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you look cool losing money now.

>> No.49468859
File: 59 KB, 959x720, daijobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I'm down $19,854.73

>> No.49468865

I think I can save up to half a mill in 3 more years, maybe own a home on top of it. If I can, I will quit and neet then.

>> No.49468871

not true, i hate spending money, i experience physical pain, i love checking my bank account and that feels better than acquiring stuff or spending on stupid vacations and other shit.

>> No.49468879
File: 467 KB, 730x862, Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 7.36.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys, I am fucking stoned out of my gourd right now. shill me your stocks or portfolio and I promise to be nice and not completely shit on it. its all love baby.

>> No.49468882
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>> No.49468884

Luckily the zoomies all watched the Johnny Depp trial and think all women are lying now

>> No.49468887
File: 102 KB, 1398x637, Jan 2021 buy and hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what stocks exactly. Here's 30k worth of SPY (an S&P 500 ETF), QQQ (a Nasdaq ETF), and VTSAX (a Vanguard total stock market ETF).

Note that actively trading, leaning towards one sector or another, or taking a "buy and hold 2 or 3x leveraged ETFs" approach would change these results so some people ITT are up bigly and others are currently eating shit.

You can muck about further on https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio to try out things like SPXL, TQQQ, NRGU, or local crowd favorite SOXL

>> No.49468888

I only admit how much I've lost if we are passed 250 replies.

>> No.49468893

I trained her service dog. Im a stay at home dad thats been taking care of her. She is on disability. Im pretty fucked cause i gave up my career to stay at home and help her. And we have done well staying at home and living well, and we live in expensive ass cali. But yeah i basically am fucked if we part ways. I have no right to her disability income and she will also take half the shit-at least.
If i get half the stuff maybe i have 100k. House has like 250k equity.
What do you do at 31 with 100k and fuck all to show for it?

>> No.49468900

you were suppose to get 4 and run 2 vertically. the complimenting aspect ratios really make the schizo patters shine.

>> No.49468904


>> No.49468905

What do you think of SXC? I'm not sure why it went down today.

>> No.49468906
File: 30 KB, 640x499, wortwortwort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own:
>200 AMD
>100 MNST
>1500 RKT
>45 SPY
>20 NFLX
>200 SOXL

>> No.49468907
File: 4 KB, 328x74, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me. it's over

>> No.49468915

Perfect image, not gonna lie. Its all so absurd at moments its hard to be sad

>> No.49468925

yeah two monitors would be convenient. Vanguard not giving you live price data on the buy screen kind of busts my balls a bit.

>> No.49468932

she couldn't just pack and leave without giving you a reason. especially if she is pregnant. weird story.

>> No.49468959
File: 163 KB, 1080x1080, Elon Musk the most successful African American.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, fellow lower middle class bro.

The funniest part is when seething people accuse you of Inspect Elementing. Like once you reach 7 figure purgatory you're supposed to have left here and gotten a life.

>> No.49468963

welcome to manhood.

>> No.49468977

Its the short story anon. The long story would leave you with more questions and a mods would get sick of my pathetic posting
Basically in a nut shell she has a medical condition(POTS), flew off the handle and has completely seemed to have lost it. Also she took our one car so I’m stuck at home

>> No.49468978

Defend yourself and sue the fuck out of her. Use any and everything to defend yourself legally.

>> No.49468981
File: 2.97 MB, 1000x1000, Biel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a gaming laptop with a large screen because I like to get comfy in bed while trading and shitposting on /smg/. And sometimes looking at boobies.

>> No.49468986
File: 97 KB, 1000x541, 4561613213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.49468994

Same, it's a blessing and a curse. I'm glad I don't have a constant urge to burn my money, but at the same time I kind of wish I would let myself enjoy money a little bit more.

But I fucking can't. When I make (after tax) 20 dollars an hour and someone wants me to spend 60 dollars at the movies (multiple tickets and concessions) I can't help but think I worked for 3 full hours to get that money and it's going down the shitter. Or the opportunity cost, that if I invested that money instead, it might be worth 300 dollars 5-8 years from now.

>> No.49469002

Money. The goal is to use the threat of abuse as leverage during the divorce to get more money sucked outta your pocket into hers for 18 years (or however many years it is before the kid turns 18).

>> No.49469009

I stopped consooming, i will not support these prices.

>> No.49469017


I’m up $40,000.

Also just found out my infant son is completely deaf.

Hold me bros, you couldn’t even comprehend these feels

>> No.49469018

I'm new to this and I low key just want a monitor to track all my investments during the day just to be comfy

>> No.49469019

i'm just glad i wasn't here during my best years. these years are not as great.

>> No.49469034

:/ well at least learning sign language should be a marketable skill should you ever need it

>> No.49469038

I'm a boglehead and my mutual funds and bonds are fine.

Besides international but fuck international

>> No.49469042

>Also just found out my infant son is completely deaf.
If it makes you feel better, most people don't give themselves a chance to have a family at all. Be glad for what you have gained anon!

>> No.49469046

I come here to shitpost

>> No.49469052

>not having a blind daughterfu

>> No.49469055

Sorry to hear. Your son is entitled to a government stipend for life grow it for him.

>> No.49469059
File: 47 KB, 147x464, Holdings June 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm still up round 5.50%. So yeah.. I dunno about my 401k though. I don't ever look at it.

>> No.49469077

I doubt it but I'm sure her family is pushing her

>> No.49469079

>Sorry to hear.

>> No.49469087

just get in gibs, it's not like he would be rewarded for work anyways in this climate. things don't always have to be bad.

>> No.49469094
File: 749 KB, 1080x796, 1654401149707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot don't try to move the goalpost, you made an absolute claim:
>Yes dividends always pay out.
And now you want to weasel your way out of it by
>uhm ackhually I meant safer plays!!!

>> No.49469103

Sorry anon

>> No.49469104

>Besides international but fuck international
i hold a sizable chunk of VXUS, and it's had shit performance but i tell myself it's cyclical and eventually will work out, and it's a currency hedge, but fuck VXUS anyways

>> No.49469121

Cool the fidelity app on my phone is free

I will admit the charts on it fucking suck to navigate though

>> No.49469123
File: 48 KB, 961x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically going to buy an ESG etf to avoid Tesla

>> No.49469137

Uhm I'm down roughly 33k. From 90k down to 57. I want to die everyday.

>> No.49469141

any chance for cochlear implant?

>> No.49469151
File: 2.68 MB, 555x309, Mila.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The portfolio is just 2x and 3x ETF's tracking the SP 500 and Nasdaq 100. I DCA weekly. I bought BGNE, BPMC, PCOR, and MDGL today. Just some basic bitch swing trades using TTM Squeeze and a few other things.

>> No.49469152

maybe neuralink will be good enough in a few decades to send signals into the brain to stimulate the hearing regions with inputs from some hearing device

>> No.49469160

Damn that sucks. But you can get free govt money and insurance to for your son. Hell way medical shat is now the insurance alone would be worth it. Full dental and vision comes along with it. Toss the check the govt gives you into investments (S&P) and by the time your son hits 18-20 he'll be set pretty good.

>> No.49469161

You can also short $2.10 worth of TSLA for every $100 of SPY you buy.

>> No.49469171

How much do you throw in every week? I kind of want to try doing a set weekly amount instead of just freeballing it when I feel like it

>> No.49469172

This webm sums up monkeookypox blight. Media gaslighting everyone with fear while the reality its pretty much only a gay disease because of very low spread requiring pretty much crazy orgies

But media can't say the truth so we got some weird dance

>> No.49469173

YOU have to pay 30% margin on that short position

>> No.49469189
File: 361 KB, 780x770, 1650668275893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am up thirty-nine thousand US dollarinos. OIL is the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.49469190
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>> No.49469191
File: 92 KB, 719x379, E643A2EF-7433-4888-98FA-88F7377EDB6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sup, fellow lower middle class bro.
That is not lower middle class. This is lower middle class.

>> No.49469196

Uhhhhhh oil bros? crude is down a few cents.
Is it over?

>> No.49469205
File: 2.83 MB, 576x850, 1646517828005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see why the market wouldn't sell off tomorrow as investors close positions anticipating the cpi report

>> No.49469206

STDs are way up, not gonna happen, also bi promiscuity leaks over to tinder

>> No.49469211
File: 12 KB, 738x48, Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 7.54.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, nice.

anything I say depends on your own timeline for profit.
steel making / coke doesnt qualify as energy. maybe we'll get some form of national infrastructure bill but this is not going to make you rich unless you have a lot invested. A stable investment that isnt going anywhere and pays divvies. A.
AMD -> C+ // I love AMD but I think that there is a limit on semi's until serious production can come out of taiwan. I think this is a risky overall investment at these levels.
MNST -> C // not sure what your goal is here, usually people are in food/bev for divvies, no divvies here and crabbing
RKT -> F housing market + who uses rocket, honestly? they denied me with an 800 credit score last year. fuck those kikes.
SPY -> sure why not
NFLX -> they are committing to dave chapelle which could save their image. I might buy some leaps.
SOXL -> better than solid AMD, but same issues. I do like INTC for the investment in germany and I think there will be a lot of following suit. I have 600 shares of SOXL.
I think we've bottomed. as far as your index plays go, the fed will reverse and then reverse again a few months down the road. the pharmeceuticals i'd have to look into more as im not immediately familiar with them.

>> No.49469224

CPI is going to be good tho

>> No.49469231

I split up 1k a week between the ETFs.

>> No.49469249
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>> No.49469254

Or just throw the money at some long term puts, idk man. I'm too lazy to do those leverage calculations right now though.

>> No.49469280
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1653074098138.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the at open sell off was because big money was closing positions because they have the info ahead of time already ahead of retail investors panic selling

>> No.49469287
File: 288 KB, 1800x1800, 24econ-brf-dimon-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I move the goalposts
And what do you associate dividend paying stocks with? Money is always parked with most dividend paying stocks because the organizations behind them have backing from the house. But go ahead and throw around shit about "moving goalposts". Look who got bailed out last big crash? The government. Money will always flow through entities that are part of the government complex.

>> No.49469288

somebody should tell him

>> No.49469327

AMD is actually my biggest winr4r right now, by an extremely large margin. I'll be buying more.

RKT is, predictably, my biggest loser. A real shame too, they've got a great balance sheet and income streams. My investment thesis has not changed though, so I'm still holding through the pain.

MNST was just purchased recently, I liked their strong balance sheet and last quarter's ER. I believe them to be a solid pick - if anything to avoid inflation by just having my cash sit around.

I bought the dip on NFLX. Waiting. Pure swing play.

SPY and SOXL are self explanatory.

>> No.49469342

Eats like a hog. Still skinny. I love Asian chicks.

>> No.49469365

holy moly that is a disgusting webm
but I think your hypothesis is a safe bet
gonna be even bloodier tomorrow

>> No.49469381

What? That "good = bad"?

>> No.49469385

>i think the at open sell off was because big money was closing positions because they have the info on monkpl0x.

>> No.49469402

Lobster claws are disgusting

>> No.49469405
File: 677 KB, 539x800, B124CA1E-2C42-4ACD-BCBE-7F9F03F65E1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could eat lobster like that 24/7 and not gain weight

>> No.49469414

I got FTIHX which is basically all international. Developed and emerging markets plus their small caps. Which I'm hoping long term that small cap should pay off big time

>> No.49469416
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>> No.49469424
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is SIGA calls anon still among the living?

>> No.49469431


>> No.49469439
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>> No.49469448

At $40?

>> No.49469451

Let me guess, to you good is a mere 8.1% yoy

>> No.49469467


>> No.49469468

My NW is about $40k, did some general investing over the last 5-6 years, got into equities about 2 years ago, have $8k in it (20%) and I'm down about 3k since I started, since I was experimenting and learning things.
My worst enemy is jumping into obvious scams and not taking profits. Otherwise, I'd be up about 14k

>> No.49469475

Anyone bearish but not sure how we go lower on us equities. Some stuff is already at bottom priced, others are perfect balance sheet overpowered like apple or MSFT, etc

Even though I'm bearish I'm still pretty much long shares and just harvesting theta with selling options. Fucked up because there is still TINA but also bearish macro

We are all just getting squeezed by inflation

>> No.49469507

>We are all just getting squeezed by inflation
Its fun watching a new generation realize how fucking terrifying hyper inflation is. It literally fucks everything and can permanently fuck your economy.

>> No.49469513

+X000% since Jan 1 2020 after all taxes

>> No.49469518

Just print more money bro, we MMT in this biatch

>> No.49469546

I have a cousin that's 100% deaf turned out to be a great kid and very happy

There's deaf schools and communities

>> No.49469551
File: 91 KB, 657x401, Oily smg trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil bros wtfwt

>> No.49469555

Started around $34 or $35 I think. I’m like 80/20 cash:stocks right now. Except my pension and deferred comp, those I forget I even have.

>> No.49469565

I only play with the market. I tossed in 600 about 4 months ago and I’m up 5% but I got some divvies that make it more like 7.5%. So far I’ve ranged from -4 to +10 %. I bought shares and am holding.

No options. That’s just gambling. But I have thought about buying some more stock but I keep putting it off

>> No.49469573

>priced in
>ballance sheets
it's all going to come down to the consumer and they aren't doing so hot right now. just in the last 3 weeks there have already been several layoffs in my friend circle. people who didn't even get furloughed during the rona. one of them just got a house they couldn't afford 8 months ago. guts telling me it hasn't even started.

>> No.49469580
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1652399204701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are unironically going to crash the global economy

>> No.49469606
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>> No.49469629

Who would have thought the linchpin of the global economy was Ukraine?! Wait you are blaming the mass printing of money, 80% of the entire global supply in 2 years, as the reason? Wait no no no the fed does NOT cause inflation that is VERY anti semetic!

>> No.49469630

regardless of the CPI data friday we're probably just going to crab until the fed meeting next Wednesday

>> No.49469634
File: 10 KB, 226x250, 1366743287294s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can permanently fuck your economy
Yeah sure if your currency isn't the world reserve currency oh wait

>> No.49469649
File: 471 KB, 2000x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, if inflation is 2% next year (on year), that means that Fred has done his job?
2021 inflation: 2%
2022 inflation: 10%
2023 inflation: 12% (2%+10%)
2021 price of container of widgets: $10,000
2022 price of container of widgets: $11,000
2023 price of container of widgets: $11,220
Shouldn't Fred be aiming to bring inflation down to -8% so that the price of widgets go down to $10,404 (10,000 * 1.02 * 1.02)??

>> No.49469656
File: 1.11 MB, 720x720, Crab threatening you with a slit throat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49469662
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>> No.49469667

You can only sell so many devices. Even Apple gave lower guidance on unit sales. Apple will continue to do well long term unless nuke or meteor, but in the next year or two, they will make less money. Lower earnings leads to a higher PE and subsequent selling thinking they can get a better deal if they wait to buy back in later. This compounds and the price goes down.
I had the sane thought a couple of weeks ago and pondered it for a bit. A company can be doing great and still lose a ton of share value. Look at Target for example.

>> No.49469670
File: 174 KB, 674x672, 6FA73354-0496-4FAD-AA80-07B15DA8DF49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa lad cool it…

>> No.49469675
File: 2.02 MB, 2026x616, jobs_stocks_inverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fed will reverse.

Good lord that's the best cope I've heard in awhile.

>> No.49469687

Just ridiculous energy prices alone will do it regardless of the context of how we got here.

>> No.49469692

Nice work. I will grab some of this around $37 if I can.

>> No.49469696

I know it's a meme but it's hard to argue against that. Sure it'd mean an economic slowdown and people crushed under the debt load, but by God price stability should be more than just one year at a time.

>> No.49469702

Why did Yogg Saron do this bros?

>> No.49469715
File: 246 KB, 549x364, 90056D3E-FE8A-4CE8-9163-DEDC2ECE4CCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really think they mean a word about price stability

>> No.49469719

Stealing an election after a weaponizes disease also helps.

>> No.49469737

Oh shit hol up nigga, a house was $5,000, ong why the fed not do their job?? Why my house not $5,100??

>> No.49469747

Oh absolutely not. Just blue sky thinking here.

>The paradise of $1 McChickens returns
A man can dream.

>> No.49469757

>t. failed math
i'm just giving you shit, but they aren't going to shoot for huge deflation just to average it out over some 3 year span.
deflation causes a disastrous spiral, so they'll probably just try to return to 1-2% per year going forward.
what they try for and what actually happens are different things though. we all heard how this inflation was transitory well past the point where the average person could tell you it wasn't.

>> No.49469769
File: 8 KB, 250x243, 73425FF4-A311-4FCF-87EC-951D258D67AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic hit me right in the feels, anon :(

>> No.49469770

fucken saved

>> No.49469773


>> No.49469784

I’m expecting it to drop like everything else, but the companies in there are mostly solid. Many of them have and will again most likely receive gibs if things get bad. If that list fails, I think my AR is going to be more important than paper.
That’s my reasoning anyway.

>> No.49469800
File: 56 KB, 560x572, 1638085016798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large nose clan only wants Inflation to go one way.

>> No.49469835

This is when they used pink slime. No fucken thanks.

>> No.49469857

Alright fellas, I'm a digital marketers and e-commerce businessman. I've been riding the coattails of the end of the world high inflation theme over the last few months and I've been doing crazy numbers selling survival gear to the prepper and patriot crowd, like I can't even keep up with inventory or order fulfillment with the flood of orders I've had in the last 3 weeks. Shit is going to get crazy. I think they know something is coming this Summer that some city slicker like me hasn't quite figured out yet. Is it more nigger riots? Is it food and fuel shortages? Infrastructure collapse?

>> No.49469867

Never forget what they stole from you

>> No.49469877

There isn't enough for mass vaccinations anyway, I just want my bags to pump

>> No.49469894

>Is it more nigger riots?
Possible. Depends on how badly dems need midterm turnout.
>Is it food and fuel shortages?
Yes, but just grocery bills being 20-30% more expensive and some empty spots on shelves is the base case.
>Infrastructure collapse?
Well we're in the early 21st century GAE, so yes. That's baked into the (rainbow) cake.

>> No.49469896
File: 503 KB, 1429x1080, 1620696573401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they know something is coming
anon they never know shit is coming they just retardedly prep. thats why prepper shit has always been an industry for tinfoil hatters

>> No.49469897

We need to go back

>> No.49469936

I’d be fucking rich if I was transported back to 2000ish USA. I’d put every dime in stuff like google IPO or Amazon when it was meme stock. I’d short Lehman lol

>> No.49469969

pink slime is used for burgers. Have you ever had a mcchicken

>> No.49469994
File: 21 KB, 438x456, 1652306600979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes getting coomed in anon

>> No.49470010
File: 46 KB, 957x305, 1654664491794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think the negro mob will do when the price of food outpaces the gibs (food stamps) they use to buy said food? Vote Republican?
Of course we're going to have riots.
The extreme levels of cognitive dissonance in these people will make it so they never accept that their own voting habits are causing the problems.

>> No.49470011

so did rocker actually get banned? he was posting earlier but I think maybe it was an imposter rocker

>> No.49470013

she's also going to learn the hard way women her age don't trade up

>> No.49470025

But brother someone older than you is saying the same thing about 50 cent cheeseburgers. It's just the natural progression

>> No.49470026
File: 730 KB, 886x799, 1639591093397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was posting earlier but got banned again kek

>> No.49470031

They'll just shoplift the food

>> No.49470058

Based. It's feeling more and more about time to start seizing. Gas first.

>> No.49470063
File: 76 KB, 713x713, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INTC shows no sign of actually moving up
>close INTC calls at a loss
>see MSFT wanting to break upward
>buy ITM calls
>immediately dumps and the rest of the day
ok, i'll stop playing with tech. i'll stick to oil like a good baron

>> No.49470082

For what? He’s incredibly tame compared to me, even. I don’t get it.
Any good books on investing during stagflation, gents?

>> No.49470092

DEFINITELY buy INTC but it wont be an overnight thing.

>> No.49470098

Intel is buy and hold territory unless they went Social Justice with their R&D

>> No.49470105

I saw a guy steal a vacuum cleaner at Target. Some manlet whiteish guy just walked out with the alarm going. I only got there to buy old-fashioned Sudafed and the pharmacist said that theft is happening quite often, I saw another woman walk out of the grocery store with a full cart and just chuck everything into her trunk without paying. Never seen this stuff before.

>> No.49470117
File: 1.17 MB, 983x1500, fca8e6d1a31076832471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you haven't a full pantry at home anon?

Nor bullets nor guns nor explosives or zingers?

To kill every horrible nigger?

>> No.49470122
File: 1.13 MB, 1827x2512, sneedenbocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their entire job function is to make our lives better

>> No.49470124

California/West coast? That shit isn’t happening in the Deep South

>> No.49470132

Most likely organized crime. Stores don't really do a whole lot about it.

>> No.49470138

i am not deaf and i am not happy

>> No.49470144

I wish deflation or whatever the hell it's called would show up soon, when the price of shat falls but meh salary which is fixing to go up don't... The extra green would help out. I want things cheap as hell damnit.

>> No.49470154
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They are already doing that, but they sell their stamps as a side hustle to buy rims and weed.
Just your average modern democrat voter.

>> No.49470167

>deflation won't affect your salary

a bit optimistic there chief

>> No.49470180
File: 58 KB, 391x600, 17CD0DA3-3E1A-475F-9310-D8D2B672E998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be severely mentally I’ll to save these images on your computer, seek help

>> No.49470183

Modern Monetary Theory acts like deflation is the moral equivalent of murder

>> No.49470192


>> No.49470207

He doesn't know about getting half priced groceries. Anon

>> No.49470208
File: 3.07 MB, 640x616, emotional.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when INTC was hovering around $44 i bought weekly calls @ $45 32 dte thinking that within a couple weeks it would reach $46. my tech anal doesn't seem to work for tech stocks because most of my gains i made from banks, and oil, i lost to INTC and now losing to MSFT

>> No.49470209


>> No.49470212

You underestimate just how autistic people are here. If you have any fun instead of ranting about why the Market is going to crash they'll shit themselves.

>> No.49470220

saw them bust a guy at my local Target a few days ago for trying to wheel out one of those big pull-wagons loaded to the gills with liquor and laundry detergent

>> No.49470236

have you tried buying leaps instead?

>> No.49470241
File: 6 KB, 351x144, oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do Anon

>> No.49470250

options really aren't the best vehicle for most people. I love gambling as much as anybody.

>> No.49470267

I think a lot of people would benefit from covered call and spread writing. I do it. It Just Werks (tm).

>> No.49470276

heh, anal

>> No.49470289
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make sure you teach him the physics behind straws and milkshakes.
yeah its great but its not whats typically thought about when one discusses options. usually people are on the buying end rather than the selling end.

>> No.49470307
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That son of yours is a blessing anon, act like it and treat him like it.

>> No.49470312

>got married
>knocked her up
You made two mistakes. Can you guess what they are?

>> No.49470316

qrd on selling options? I’ve only ever bought, I have no idea what I’m doing

>> No.49470318

>buy option win or loose
>sell option win or win less

>> No.49470332

Sell calls at deltas less than 5

that's it

>> No.49470338

i don't have enough funds for leaps yet. i'm not entirely focused on options, i do hold some shares.

like i said earlier, i've made gains from other options. small, but steady gains. just not with tech stocks for some reason. i have tried some spreads but again, it requires more capital if i want to do more than just a single put spread for example. i guess i should mention i'm only dealing with large cap companies.

>> No.49470382

essentially this >>49470318

covered calls are the best example.
1 option = rights to 100 units of a stock
buy 100 units of a stock, sell an option
buy for 25$, sell an option for 25$, securing your profit up to 30$ per share while also banking the profit off of the contract price. if the strike isnt reached then you still walk away with the contract premium.
it doesnt make you an assload of cash in one go but it is a steady modest income and very low risk.

>> No.49470419

>buy for 25$, sell an option for 30$
is what I meant. that means you wont let the stock go unless it hits 30$, you bag the profit from 25-30 + option premium

>> No.49470467

People just need to learn spreads. The realization that you can select your risk level truly is a massive door opening into the world of the market.
Now if only we can lower the ISDA requirements to $1,000

>> No.49470485


>> No.49470496
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>The Parisian sunset was beautiful to watch from our little apartment in the poorer districts of Paris where we hid, where the gendarme did not perform the routine patrols they were assigned to due to the danger. I held her close to me as we panted out of breath. Getting home was never easy as the shops all gathered in the richer districts where the gentry gathered and the poor were kept out. Recognizable to anyone with eyes, the little rabbit girl I traveled with was called out immediatly when seen. Posters proclaiming rewards for my capture and her liberation from my "captivity" plastered the walls of the city, and each day was a struggle to feed ourselves. It wasn't easy anymore to access her wealth from the recent years of her concert tours. Today had been no different than the last but...I had managed to grab her favorite treat, going without food myself for this little girl that I had fallen for not two years ago. From private tutor, to teacher, to wanted criminal on the streets of Paris. Still, I would give up everything again to be with her. Anything in the world. She pressed her face into my chest as she panted, her breathing stabalizing as she relaxed into my warmth. I pulled something out of my pocket and let her nose fill with its scent, before she pulled away from me and started feeling for what i'd grabbed. "My..my favorite candies.." she said softly as I pressed one unwrapped to her lips, pulling my finger away as she pulled the candy in her mouth with her tongue, and pressing the same finger to her lips as they closed around the sweet treat as she tried to say something. "No questions. Just eat. " I said to her softly, wanting her to enjoy herself.

>> No.49470501
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>> No.49470511

The recent weeks had been harshest on her, as much as our love sustained us both she , being a growing girl needed a stable enviroment, not to fear the gendarme breaking down our door at any moment and tearing us apart. I moved a hand to her belly as I produced another small item from my pocket for her, a locket that played her favorite nocturne when opened. I took her small paw into my own hand and placed the locket in it. I watched her feel the metal, the clasps, the hinges. "All this for me..while you waste away caring for us. " In truth, I hadn't spent a franc on either item, the candies I pilfered from the shop and the locket, I'd risked my freedom for. I opened it up for her while it was still in her paws, watching her ears perk up at its tune. I saw little tears of joy run down her face as the music played on for what seemed like hours, bringing up memories of the first pieces I taught her. I pulled her close to me as the locket played its somber tune, her tears wetting my jacket as I carressed her soft ears and moved to the back of her head, pulling my fingers through her soft hair. I sniffed her scent as I pressed my nose and mouth to her forhead, kissing it. "We'll be alright, my love. We'll get through this. " I assured her.

>> No.49470516

write something new you fucking pervert

>> No.49470517


>> No.49470535


>> No.49470544
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>> No.49470563



>> No.49470572

LNG anon is making me rich with these KOLD calls

>> No.49470581

Unequivocally based

>> No.49470591

i saw a guy walk out the back exit of a small independant discount grocery store in california, pushing a cart full of meat. i shoulda chased the dude down and bought some meat off him.

>> No.49470596


>> No.49470618
File: 26 KB, 216x234, 906B9587-8D35-4AD2-83A6-303EEFD7A4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just had a break down. Thanks for the love /biz/ bros


>> No.49470624
File: 67 KB, 600x406, B501113B-FE2D-4A0B-ABFF-1225BE7873E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to prove my point, coombrain faggot

>> No.49470660

i have a bunny u posted in string lingerie that i sometimes look at and think of you

>> No.49470663

so this shit is barely keeping up with inflation, eh?
in fact one of those stocks is doing worse than inflation, eh?

>> No.49470795
File: 357 KB, 1057x796, Stagflation asset class quilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related


>> No.49470890

Correct. Look at the pic in >>49470795.

Inflationary times like the 70s and 40s aren't quite ideal for stocks (despite what you may think at first) because companies have a hard time raising prices as fast as their input costs are rising.

There's also the fact that it makes future revenue (like, say, Uber expecting a kajillion dollars in the 2030s) less valuable. That kills stock prices by lowering the P/E ratio that's considered "fair". This has been especially true for Nasdaq/tech shit.

Also the fact that bonds start offering higher yields makes them more appealing than stocks for some investors. Money leaks out of stocks => lower stock prices.

>> No.49471110
File: 454 KB, 766x644, Nothing_is_amiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing, not even OIL, would have saved you from inflation in 1973, 1974, and 1977
Oil baron bros...

>> No.49471218

Really neat, anon. Thank you. I think telecom would do better this time since even the bum asking me for change has an Obama sailfoam. What say you?

>> No.49471222

Anon, relax. It's good writing.

>> No.49471268
File: 379 KB, 828x659, AC35371F-FACB-44C6-B56F-E9DAA4004AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips.
The ape next door to me is clapping and yelling at his tv screen watching the warriors.

>> No.49472545

Checked and bunny pilled.