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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 202 KB, 1280x745, Quorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49467785 No.49467785 [Reply] [Original]

This shit just passed, Orion.money is in. 1.2% burn free mechanism to be built in to $lunc

could be massive due to the big amount of volume in lunc rn, could not.

>> No.49467852
File: 434 KB, 655x739, EBA01427-E2A5-4B04-B720-A453380BCB00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid do will never implement. He stole the Bitcoin, rigged the vote, fucked up fork. I will personally see to it that he is prosecuted. He will never see his daughter again as she’ll resent him for the 3 decade lapse while he serves his prison sentence.

>> No.49468544

Do Kwon has keys to all burn wallets.

>> No.49468843

>could be massive due to the big amount of volume in lunc rn, could not.
95% of that volume is in cexes, which actually don't do transactions while trading.

>> No.49468894

He will never see his daughter again because if he keeps pushing it he's going to get himself killed.

>> No.49468922

you guys have been saying that for weeks
guess what
he got away with it and your lunch money

and nothing will happen to him.
welcome to this world

>> No.49468967
File: 12 KB, 256x256, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wait to buy some LUNC and join my LUNaritiC BROS!
>oh no nonono my coins are being burned before my eyes... Burn fees? I bought 100,000,000 and lost 1,200,000 coins instantly?
>i-it's a donation because I l-love this community so much!

>> No.49468984

It's not going to make a difference to the price but that's probably lower than the exchange's fee.

>> No.49469000

2 more forks

>> No.49469010

exchange fees are like 0.1-0.2%. not 1.2%.

>> No.49469022

Maybe officially. Now watch the slippage when you try to sell spot or a future.

>> No.49469071
File: 431 KB, 1390x1614, 20220608-214450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permabobos and shills are getting nervous. Theres clearly an inverse wedge forming, the next few days will be critical (and dangerous for both sides)

>> No.49469106

It hasn’t even been a month, zoom zoom. The legal system moves at the boomer pace.

>> No.49469131

Nah, the price will keep dropping until the vote ends (1 more day to go), giving us ample time to slurp.

>> No.49469148

This is the comfiest dump I have ever had my cock in, although I sold so it would be available to slurp n' burn on a larger scale.

>> No.49469170

1.2% per transaction is a robbery

>> No.49469187 [DELETED] 

Likewise, bought a suicide stack, sold at 3x, took out the original amount and am now slurping with what remains.

>> No.49469222
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>could be massive due to the big amount of volume in lunc rn

>> No.49469289
File: 518 KB, 1606x874, image_2022-05-13_16-11-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sold so it would be available to slurp n' burn on a larger scale.
Likewise, bought a suicide stack, sold at 3x, took out the original amount and am now slurping with what remains.

>> No.49469329
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>> No.49469700

t. pump&dump bot

>> No.49470030

Pegging to the usd hasn’t stopped
It’s been tried
When people try to burn, the mechanism turns back on and starts to mint even more coins
I don’t know how to say this more than I already did
Lunc can’t be burned. Minting has not been turned off yet

>> No.49471261

>It’s been tried
And who gets the minted coins?

>> No.49471391


>> No.49471560

So they will be burning what? 2 million tokens a day at most (24 hr volume was 160 million)? So we are looking at ~8800 years to burn through the supply? Fucking kek. Yeah this still needs a fuck huge burn all at once.

>> No.49471633


24hr volume was 160mil in $, not in tokens.

>> No.49471662

That makes no sense, fucking luma bobos are dumb as shit. Piece of shit scavengers hope you all rot

>> No.49471665
File: 5 KB, 319x44, 2022-06-08 19_50_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullish for LUNC (Wormhole)
No fees unless they make a whole new contract, thus allowing for even more "LUNA 3.0" jokes

>> No.49471679

hey man settle down okay?

>> No.49471767

Ok daniel from second life faggot

>> No.49471957
File: 30 KB, 607x614, 5a3iah9y76j11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price .000042
>put buy order @ .000041
>immediately pumps to .000054
>remove order and buy at .000054
>dumps to .000047
>panic and sell
>pumps to .000064

fucking hate this place

>> No.49472005

me too anon all you can do is

>> No.49472059
File: 222 KB, 1656x854, lu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anons.
But her pattern, she is graceful in her fall. She just squoze $500 easy from her tits in this little pump from 0.00005 to 0.00006.

>> No.49472068

why do we poompaa so hard rn

>> No.49472092
File: 22 KB, 502x336, 2022-06-08 20_14_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short squeeze

>> No.49472104

A little pump? Cant go higher can it?

>> No.49472129

Still over a year to burn supply. Kind of a long time to hold onto a shit coin. Especially since this is reliant on people not losing interest

>> No.49472143
File: 90 KB, 1786x481, lunc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>24hr volume of 160 million "tokens"
>@ 0.00007 per
>actually thinks the 24hr volume is $11,200
Pic related

>$220 million 24hr volume
>nearly 3.5 trillion tokens transacted
>half the circulating supply was transacted in 24hrs at current price
at 1.2% burn rate the last 24hrs would have burnt
37 billion tokens (give or take)

>> No.49472229

Based lunchad.

>> No.49472232

she's so fucking hot

>> No.49472249

Maybe if we make it you can buy some standards why do you like Shrek facial features?

>> No.49472288

I have wormhole

>> No.49472296

what the fuck is happening????

>> No.49472305

gay new luna is pamping too. weird.

>> No.49472318

If you let Vincent fud you out your bads you're a faggot

>> No.49472319
File: 153 KB, 750x1000, 1654722599778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positive reaction to the mere proposal of a burn passing. The momentum is kino desu.

>> No.49472346
File: 76 KB, 1080x696, Screenshot_20220608-221944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry Luna sisters, I can't slurp anymore. I'm above my average buy price on both coins and in profit again. Buying now just means I'm increasing my average buy price. I'm a dump laternat $10 lunch and $1000 luna2

>> No.49472351


>> No.49472356

Fuck I wanted to buy more at 0.0004 after dinner but its mooning rn

>> No.49472435

Read the proposal again. They want exchanges to burn 1.2% of all transactions kek. It's never going to happen.

>> No.49472465

Why do you pray so hard for our downfall? You're what niggers would call a hater aren't you?

>> No.49472799

Crabs in a barrel
Tall poppy syndrome
This is a very Australian mindset. Australians will see someone with something they don't have and say
>why do they have that and I don't? They shouldn't have it either.
instead of
>why can't I also have that?
It's fundamentally a poor people mindset. They don't want to see people do better or succeed because it challenges their own perception of themselves. Highlights their own under-achievement and so they would rather everyone be kept down at their level.

Very prevalent during covid. They'll see someone who isn't being restricted or infringed upon and immediately think
>how come they aren't also restricted, take their freedom away like me
You'll never hear an Australian say
>they're allowed to do that and Im not....I should also be allowed to do that

>> No.49472843


>> No.49472888

absolutely delusional

>> No.49472942

Yep I hate this country

>> No.49472988

American here
When I see someone with something I don’t have I brag about it online and get people to say I’m cool for bragging about another persons achievements
Works every time

>> No.49473021


Did you give up on Vincent? What a colossal sized faggot you are

>> No.49473068

>Vincent fag abandons his own meme after being doxxed and exposed as a tranny

>> No.49473300

Watch out, the Vincents are going to burn the Luncs!

>> No.49474168

Was he really ousted as a tranny?

>> No.49474283

Also wondering this lol

>> No.49474312

is she hot?
No I don't care how old she is

>> No.49474321

> i'll have a soda
> that'll be fifty lunks.

>> No.49474340


why would he kwon to do that?

>> No.49474508

Bros its just pumping to its high from a few days ago before another giga dump it's not going over 8 its over for lunacels

>> No.49474530

It’s a high probability that do con will sell it the burn token, given his scamming history

>> No.49474533

Holsing my 1 mill LUNA till the moom or death. Ill will it to my son with the same instructions for him and to buy lambos for /biz senpai

>> No.49474582

If I become a multimillionaire from this ponzi burning its supply I will know God is just so, so, so good. Can you imagine? A complete NEET whose never worked a day in his 27 years of life suddenly becomes rich from a joke dead scam coin

>> No.49474616

Wouldn't that mean that god is actually bad?
All of the real people suffering slavery and trying their best to be good in life while you, a retarded parasite, just get free money for being stupid? Think about it.

>> No.49474659

The fuck is a "Vincent"? Im just an ausfag my observations about my cuntry

>> No.49474728

I'm a valuable member of society that needs currency in order to facilitate positive change in society nigga
Forced meme just ignore

>> No.49474996


Eshay mahbuvva. Can't fucken wait to cop me some new nikeys from footlocker buvva. Gonna buy a fucken moon Commy with me gainz ay

>> No.49475850

>No I don't care how old she is

Bro she's not even 2 yet.

2 Months, that is.

>> No.49475975

I can definitely wait a year for LUNC to reach $1.

>> No.49476153

same, I bought it for $30. I can wait 10 years for it all to become worth $1.

>> No.49476231

Your mom drank while she was pregnant

>> No.49476233

To be fair, we are descended from convicts and still live in a penal colony in some respects.

>> No.49476438
File: 21 KB, 330x410, 4gp6k3bc76e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Music to ride the LUNC rocket to the Moon lads

>> No.49476871

1.2% kek

>> No.49476874
File: 106 KB, 377x392, 1654716752759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty high nrg

>> No.49476944

>Kind of a long time to hold onto a shit coin
Can I wait a year to potentially make 250k? Yes, I can.

>> No.49477166

>ID: Home Run

>> No.49477205

>to be built

built by who ? devs are gone, no team
no sane dude would work on this scam scamfest, it would damage his portfolio heavily
reminds me of BitconnectX when tards who lost money on Bitconnect were promised a return on a nuBitconnect, humans are so simple and dumb, dumb and simple, never change

>> No.49477364
File: 2.13 MB, 864x942, 287526782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au contraire. With the obvious free publicity to anyone who manages to revive LUNC as much as a single dolllar it'd make whoever developer a giga popular in and out if creeptocurbencies circles. Thots would rain on just about everybody at the mobile citadel yacht party.

>> No.49477604

Funny you should mention Bitconnect, because there are actually people retarded enough to try and salvage this dead coin, main reason being that it's a well known brand in crypto: https://discord.gg 7svKJP2zps

>> No.49477624

I have FIVE(5) million WLUNA. I will not sell any until it reaches at least 10 cents.

>> No.49477909
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, 1654599203920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked the dubs you checked
synchronization to attain resonance with the most intensely vibrating plane out of vibrating planes awaits before we reach the plane of the not frequencies
the ascension to comfy

>> No.49478140
File: 932 KB, 245x150, 1648747000788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kitty cat garloid costume is cute, despite of the cat.

>> No.49478241

I have 400,000 wrapped on coinbase by accident, what the fuck do we do with it?

>> No.49478255

Yea and what happened to the korean government fixing this shit show? What happened to do kwon going to jail? What happened about the big validators voting against the fork? Every time you crumb picking faggots make up some stupid scenario or plan it never happens fucking idiots

>> No.49478269

Plan? I thought we were holding it to spite reddit

>> No.49478283

I mean tell yourself whatever you want to cope with your losses idc

>> No.49478312

Not my tendie fund :(

>> No.49478354
File: 342 KB, 600x600, 49c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagie oh wagie
so, so stupid
and so limited
he knows nothing but the wagie ways
he slaves for jews, roasties and niggers
such is wagie life
receiving nothing but illusion of value in return
like the good doggie

>> No.49478414


>> No.49478435
File: 755 KB, 932x932, 1653126607748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fucking thing feels like a bomb about to go off. People involved like sk gov and that "grim reaperu" team that got back out of retirement just to eat do skwon, THEY KNOW WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN YOU IDIOTS. THAT'S WHY IT'S SO QUIET.

I hodl 2m lunc and I personally think that the best thing for the coin right now would be a GIGA DUMP. That's when shit can start to happen and REMEMBER it's not even on the fucking news yet.

Don't try to pretend that what happened so far since the crash isn't newsworthy. Wagmi boys holding till 1$ or death.

>> No.49479440

Thats the thing after a year likely no one gives a fuck about this coin. Just because they burned the token doesnt suddenly mean the value shoots up to $1

>> No.49479672

Oh just wait. It'll go back to your price and much lower....

>> No.49479726

Why won't this shit just fucking die? Holy shit. This guy is going to be the case study for why we need heavy global regulation of crypto and everything that happens just looks worse and worse.

>> No.49480917




>> No.49481016

Your opsec still sucks, Vincent poster.

>> No.49481216

Number go up.

>> No.49481218

>fudding because government and legal bureaucracy haven’t wrapped this up in less than a month

underage detected

>> No.49481267


The biggest cope is looking in the mirror and trying hard to not see yourself as an ambonination to Gods natural creation

>> No.49481589

Ive got some as well. No one ever gives a clear answer as to what to do with wluna.

>> No.49481780

Two dev TEAMS are working on LUNAC as we speak! BUY NOW OR CRY FOREVER, FAGGOT.

>> No.49481822
