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49462832 No.49462832 [Reply] [Original]

This confuses and enrages the amerigolem

>> No.49462935
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>> No.49462939
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This crushes and destroys the chinks

>> No.49462980
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>> No.49462995

Supplier of what?

>> No.49463014

Based zeihan enjoyer. Chinks are in worse shit than nips. At least nips have some soul and real tech innovation

>> No.49463015

There are 1.3 billion chinks even if their population decreases they can handle it.

Meanwhile the US is flooded to the brim with niggers and other immigrants, when boomers die Americans with European ancestry officially become a minority accounting less than 40% of the population

>> No.49463044

Absolutely not
More like a dull ache. Similar to negro fatigue.

>> No.49463060

I for one never thought chinks really had a chance in the first place, even before watchin Zeihan vids. I've been to China multiple times. Looks like their propaganda worked great, considering most normies in the US think china is a first world, let alone second world, country.

>> No.49463084

I don't get it?

>> No.49463108
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>There are 1.3 billion chinks even if their population decreases they can handle it.
They literally can't you chink. Their whole thing was cheap disposable labor. What the fuck are they going to do when that's gone? Fake their way into tech and muh robots? lmao

>> No.49463143

Bottom is in. Short China.

>> No.49463176

Actually a good idea.

>> No.49463186

Everything lmao

>> No.49463240
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>They literally can't you chink
yeah as if chinks browse 4channel

stop posting the same shit lmao you're coping so hard america is dead

>> No.49463265

based esl illiterate retard

>> No.49463363

15 rubles ($0.00005) have been deposited to your FSB shill farm account, ivan. Prigozhin won’t rape your daughter tonight, ivan

>> No.49463457
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>if you criticize the ZOGnited States of Shartmerica you are a Russian/CCP paid shill
Lol your corn syrup GMO riddled brain can't handle the truth?

>> No.49463488
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I thought I was the one who should be confused and enraged, not the other way around.

>> No.49463547

They can just build sex robots that can make babies.
Let's be honest though, their new found wealth will do more to attract women that aren't Asian.

>> No.49463588

Americans are too arrogant to admit they lost. The fat cattle will be coping hard for years to come, with pure derangement.

>> No.49463597

And yet China is doing better than Americans.
Didn't you retards need natives to show you how to hunt and fish when the royal families kicked you indentured servants out?

>> No.49463607

China had a thousand years of peace selling tea leaves to China.
Why do you guys know nothing?

>> No.49463619

The concept of First World originated during the Cold War and comprised countries that were aligned with United States and the rest of NATO and opposed the Soviet Union and/or communism during the Cold War.
You guys are fucking peak dumb.

>> No.49463625

i think american hegemony still has several decades left and the world might side with the US but idk how Americans think they have any advantage other than military and land. They are just consoomers now instead of producers.

>> No.49463652
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This thread is basically the living proof of their derangement

Look at how fucking upset and butthurt they get when you point out their own elites sold out their country by promoting suicidial economic policies.

>> No.49463663

no its not doing better lol.
It is just exploiting extreme poor working class that works 16 hours a day for 60 dollars a month. Risking their lives daily in horrible conditions. When even China moves up their economy and automatizes then you will truly see how fucked they are.

>> No.49463686

>idk how Americans think they have any advantage
>other than military and land
Kek they're literally the only things that matter.

>> No.49463725
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clown country

>> No.49463761

how many times are you going to make this thread

>> No.49463770
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Hernandez your military is a pathetic joke. Vietnam and Afghanistan are the living proof of the paper tiger you are

>> No.49463774

What's confusing about it? The country hosting sweatshop labor is the largest supplier of sweatshop goods.

>> No.49463822

in our modern global economy, its not

>> No.49463841

deez nutz

>> No.49463881

Yes it is lmao. Don't be stupid.

>> No.49463892

America=the next Brazil

>> No.49463933

Why would anyone want to work shitty factory jobs? Being a supplier hardly a great quality of life for your citizens.

>> No.49463935

Biggest faggot I've ever seen lmao Imagine being that butthurt OOOH SAY CAN YOU SHART AT THE LOCAL WALMART? kek

>> No.49464029
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>> No.49464067

China failed in Vietnam aswell. I highly doubt they would have done better in Afghanistan considering what happened to the soviets there.

>> No.49464219


>> No.49464331

America is a failed Zombie state akin to a zombie company.
They are still running on their WW2 success, but the world has been catching up in the last 80 years, meanwhile the great USA has been nothing but stagnating for the last 20-30 years.
Just compare now to just 10 years ago. Political extremists were looked at outcasts and people still believed in the American dream. Now it's a nation filled with political extremists that hate each others and people that don't want to work. Meanwhile Russia is treading water to see just how far they can disrespect U.S. foreign politics and China is just lurking in the shadows preparing to become world power.
I wonder where the U.S. will end up in 10 years

>> No.49464418

But I think the dog eaters already know this. They already lost to multiple rebellions internally, Mongol Empire, British, Russia and Japan. So its obvious they've changed their policy to conquer through economic means. They already had Philippines slowly turned to their side through funding. Many countries in Africa and South America. Although I can't wait until the Insectoids and Ameri-Golems go at it. Its obvious we Latinos will rule the world in their absence. Fuck em

>> No.49464492

How would the US still be the largest supplier when it offshored 90% of its jobs to other countries namely Chinklandia? Also I really don't care as I don't want to be a wage cuck anyway.

>> No.49464582

Remarkable example of american ignorance.

>> No.49464644
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Get ready for a lot of these threads now that commodity prices are shooting up and all these 3rd world shitholes run out of USD to import basic necessities. Starving chinks and pajeets will be using their 3 hours of electricity a day to cope about America. Euros will join them this winter when they're freezing to death

>> No.49464873

he didnt want to be racist and cross the street, he had to be inclusive.

Better racist than sorry.

>> No.49464944

>we latinos

>> No.49464963

lets start another opium den in chian

>> No.49464988

Confused geography teacher who considers himself an economist by mistake

>> No.49464991

China is the planned for new host nation for the Jews

>> No.49465000

Lmao OP is a chink seething in his thread by himself. Someone give him a hug.

>> No.49465025

Military only matters if you're willing to use it. Giving your weapons to foreign retards who don't know how to use it doesn't really do anything as we can clearly see right now.

>> No.49465043

>Their whole thing was cheap disposable labor
Their whole thing was having a formidable empire in every single age of human history starting with bronze age. So yeah they'll figure it out now that they're back on their feet

>> No.49465044
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el ogro de las americas tiene paura de la verdad

>> No.49465108

>Military only matters if you're willing to use it.
It’s being used you retard. How else are (((they))) enforcing that piece of toilet paper the world calls the dollar?
>Their whole thing was having a formidable empire in every single age of human history starting with bronze age
Their “empire” lasts 200 years, max. If you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about just shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.49465210

He shouldn't have relaxed

>> No.49465287

>Their “empire” lasts 200 years, max
Not at all, you can make an argument that each peak lasts for 200 years, but you can make that argument about most empires. Their bronze age dynasties lasted for over 800 years from Shang to Zhou, then in antiquity they had a 400 year run between Qin and Han, medieval empire from Sui to Song lasted about 600 years and the last one from Ming to Qing lasted about 400 years.
>noooo it doesn't count only the bits that I like count
Okay that's still a lot of empires though, add all of them up

>> No.49465323

You do realize half of these empires aren't even "Chinese" right?

>> No.49465334

Then the CCP came in and shit up the place, what's your point?

>> No.49465367

You do realize 50% of Americans are mutts right?

>> No.49465415 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 596x1024, american-meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every country makes even lethal mistakes. You think Yankee Doodle never made mistakes? Which country is hooked on drugs (pharma and illegal), chronically obese, shooting each other, chopping dicks and tits off? It ain't China.

>> No.49465458

They have a ton of ethnicities and languages down there in China. If you want to nitpick who's Chinese and who's not you can make pretty much any argument you want. All I know is there's direct continuity between those empires. They invented the mandate of heaven in bronze age, that's pretty much still going. Their kanji is from antiquity, that's still happening. Confucianism, that's also ongoing from antiquity.

>> No.49465466

Whats so funny about that faggot?


Yes. The first thing a starving person would do is post on 4chan to shit on Golems. Delusional retard

>> No.49465543 [DELETED] 

>They have a ton of ethnicities and languages down there in China
Are you being retarded on purpose?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquest_dynasty>They invented the mandate of heaven in bronze age, that's pretty much still going. Their kanji is from antiquity, that's still happening. Confucianism, that's also ongoing from antiquity.
Who gives a flying fuck, as >>49465334 said? Direct lineage of Roman Empire still exists in Italy. Are they still the the superpower? kek

>> No.49465611

Great Chinese Famine clearly visible.

>> No.49465639

>They have a ton of ethnicities and languages down there in China.
Are you being retarded on purpose? That's not what I meant and you know that you disingenuous fuck

>All I know is there's direct continuity between those empires. They invented the mandate of heaven in bronze age, that's pretty much still going. Their kanji is from antiquity, that's still happening. Confucianism, that's also ongoing from antiquit
Who gives a flying fuck. like >>49465334 said?