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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49461170 No.49461170 [Reply] [Original]

The stock market's trajectory today, edition


>Stock market dictonary:

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Previous thread >>49459705

>> No.49461191

S&P more like poop and pee.

>> No.49461193

everything seemed decent..

>> No.49461199


>> No.49461202
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>> No.49461205

assblasted poors in here will try to convince you how you should invest your money as if they know what they are talking about.

>> No.49461224
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>> No.49461226
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So, red day tomorrow then green day Friday?

>> No.49461228

yeah yeah stocks, stocks
what did you think of last night's Leia show?

>> No.49461232
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guess who's gonna win the week

>> No.49461233

Everything is priced in except for my next move. The market doesn't even know what my next move is and thus it hasn't been priced in.

>> No.49461240
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oil sisters.... not like this....

>> No.49461248

if op's image of a lawn gets deleted im going to kill myself.

>> No.49461251
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>> No.49461253

Well it's a webm of a crash

>> No.49461255

WTF is happening in the market? Everything is going down now. But Oil is going up? Why is bond yield also going up? holy crap im gonna lose all my money...

>> No.49461260
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>> No.49461264

Nah, she's got that beef thing going. Now, Xev is where it's at.

>> No.49461265

This is very cute!

>> No.49461278

i bought a DJI FPV (digital), it's pretty neat

>> No.49461279
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>mfw today
even a power hour can't save us now

>> No.49461280
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>> No.49461286
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>Oh no not muh SOXL c-ACK!

>> No.49461293


>> No.49461294
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>> No.49461299

They discovered a reservoir of sophisticated oil in Ohio. Crude oil is going to $0.

>> No.49461301

Don't tear their family apart by picking favorites.

Also OIL?

>> No.49461307

Just watched a movie and checked in on the market. Why are all my energy stocks getting heemed at the moment? What the fuck did you guys do?

>> No.49461312
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mortgage application rates are down another 6.5% but I still get the feeling us goyim will never get a housing crash to buy cheapies

>> No.49461314

any word on the mother lode of full conductors?

>> No.49461320
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>> No.49461321

I just can't stop winning. Also with emergency production for solar batteries being tariff free for the next 24 months. What solar cell production companies in SEA should we invest in?

>> No.49461322


>> No.49461323
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nice jewish market

>> No.49461332

XOM predictions?

>> No.49461333

I grabbed a few more. I’ve been buying every red day for a couple of weeks.

Why is China pumping today ?

>> No.49461335
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oh no its 2008 all over again

>> No.49461341
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>POV: you're a SIGA baggie

>> No.49461344
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I'm not having fun today. At least SIDU is pumping.

>> No.49461350

This shits so fucking hard to trade Jesus Christ. If you’re losing money, remember to live laugh love and we’re all going to be fighting the chinese for a cup of water at the end of the day anyway

>> No.49461355

So anons from previous thread talking about shorting oil.....do you think that we'll see a supply shock (i.e. WTI crash) within 2022?

>> No.49461357

thread will probably get deleted again

>> No.49461358

hmm where have I seen this before...

>> No.49461374

have you been living under a rock for the past six months?
oil is going up because wars and enviroretards and shit
yields are going up because of the fed
everything else is going down because high oil and high yields are bad for the economy

>> No.49461377

Demand destruction. The economy is already in a recession

>> No.49461383
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I went to the gym and got some food. Market tanks. What the fuck happened?

>> No.49461384
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what the actual fuck

>> No.49461389
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>> No.49461392

My country is doing the same thing. The solution to the affordability crisis is to make it cheaper to RENT not to lever everyone up to the fuking tits in debt regardless of their income level.

>> No.49461394
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great, now ask joe biden for some drilling licenses and permission to open up more refineries.
>sorry anon, I just shidded my pants, what were you saying?

>> No.49461408

250 by eoy next year. No lie. They will replace Microsoft and Apple. The US petrodollar hegemony has been threatened which is why all funds and corps are pouring money into them.
It will be a soft landing. At most a 20% drop over a few years with a rapid recovery. And not in all areas. Certain areas will continue to increase albeit more slowly.

>> No.49461417


>> No.49461422
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Guess who is not down 7% today......................................

>> No.49461425

>LIV gave DeChambeau $100,000,000.00
Man, that could buy a lot of SOXL.

>> No.49461429

I know there's many blakpepo itt. If you qualify for this please take full advantage of this. That's the least you could do to bring down the system.

>> No.49461434

Demand destruction is what caused oil to crash in 2008, isnt it?

>> No.49461443
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KSCP got a school contract in Florida. Nice baby!

>> No.49461444
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>Run up 9%
>Retrace 2%
>When the market is down 1%

>> No.49461455

Oil at $120 means these lil camel jockeys are the richest "people" in the world

>> No.49461460
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>> No.49461465
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>> No.49461471

Can I see some like this but with the tiddies out? I’m getting tired of being blue balled by smg

>> No.49461472

>What solar cell production companies in SEA should we invest in?
The tariffs aren't affecting SEA production. Because there is no SEA production. They're literally just dropshipping Chink panels glazed in Uighyer blood.

>> No.49461476

Reminder that I will always make fun of SIGA retards for buying a stock because of gay sex

>> No.49461478

I sold my DRV and bought more REK. It seems comfiest. I got so burnt fucking with soxl I'mma avoid the leverage for now.

>> No.49461485

More Jewbs

>> No.49461488

It's literally the Saudi government funding this. That's nothing, imagine the fed funding the NFL. That's what tier the LIV tour is on.

>> No.49461491
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Wait am I supposed to buy bonds when interests rates are high or low?

>> No.49461493



>> No.49461497

I used to date a Jewish girl and often told her 6 million was not enough

>> No.49461509
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So I wonder what the fundamental value of SIGA is, assuming gaypox has r0 = 1 from today
its not going to double or anything, but would the mcap stay at its current elevated level, or drop 10%, or drop back down to $6 per share or what

even a modest real growth in business from the existing cases could make selling puts safe..

>> No.49461519

I am up 2$ on my SIGA. You fags better get to fucking

>> No.49461521

Lol I had a Jewish (well, half jewish, just looked like a normal annoying white guy) guy tell me that Jews are the most oppressed race in the history of mankind, even more so than blacks due to perpetual enslavery, systemic oppression in ghettos, and genocide.

This was at the heels of a conversation about how much money LMT and RTX get because of Israeli defense contracts

>> No.49461523


>> No.49461522


Buy when the rates are high. People selling their bonds now that they are finally getting some yield are full-blown retards. They probably post here.

>> No.49461527


>> No.49461540
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>> No.49461543
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SHort this shirt faggots
WIll back here in 2 months

>> No.49461547

The problem is we don’t know the actual R0 since it has a huge 2 week incubation time

>> No.49461551

Soi liberal jews (95% of the j*ws in america) are the most fucking annoying people on the planet

>> No.49461554
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Where are you getting all these bigot monkey rumors? The APE-vine?

You are probably a monkey that sells potato chips because you look like a CHIP-Munk

>> No.49461557

It's a Jews natural instinct to bring up the Holocaust unsolicited. Any group of people that has to have not one, but two organizations dedicated to silencing any criticism of them isn't innocent.

>> No.49461558

Niggers still need to eat. How do you think the majority of food and goods move around the US? Not to mention the Chinese still make a lot of stuff and need oil to do it.

No, there will be no demand destruction. People will just bitch and pay the prices. It isn’t even that bad yet.

>> No.49461560

Go kys retard.

>> No.49461569

Is it time to buy SOXL now, or are we expecting sub $20 again?

>> No.49461572
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Genuinely curious because I'm learning here, would you buy long term or short term bonds? Or just the ibonds which are stupidly high because of the interests rates.

And does this same logic apply to bond funds?

>> No.49461575

>Niggers still need to eat.
no they don't. only white lives matter

>> No.49461578
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SIGA sisters

What kind of key unlocks a banana?

>> No.49461586
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if it goes under 19 I might buy some to swing

>> No.49461588

why do i feel such cringe from this post?
dont take any advice here seriously, most people have 3 figure accounts ITT

>> No.49461589

>we're going back to the '80s


>> No.49461593

Angry much? :^)

>> No.49461601

>people selling their bonds when rates are high are retards
Tell me how I know you have literally zero idea what kind of liquidity happens in treasury futures

>> No.49461603

ibonds are where it's at right now. easy money.

>> No.49461604
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Just renegotiated my SiriusXM from $25 to $8 a month and TV/internet from $150 to $80, recommend doing this bros if you haven't already for anything recurring. Just threaten to cancel

>> No.49461611

SXC has to be a buy here. Why is it down so much today? Recession fears?

>> No.49461614

A simian!

>> No.49461622

I honestly dont know senpai

>> No.49461624
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>> No.49461626

You’re locked into ibonds for 6 months and you need to hold until maturity. They are not great

>> No.49461637
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>> No.49461644
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What do you call a monkey who won the World Series?

A Chimp-on.

>> No.49461650

Losing 3 months of interest isn't that bad of a penalty for redeeming early

>> No.49461653

Sure, but I don't really care about the case where R0 is big. Longing is a no-brainer then. The question is what's the downside, what happens if siggers get unlucky and R0 = 1. How much of the pump from $6 gets lost long-term? Even the currently confirmed cases are potential sales, its not all speculative (probably?)

>> No.49461657

you can rest easy though

>> No.49461661

Don't get it twisted. I am down. MILLIONS.

>> No.49461667
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>> No.49461672


Risk adjusted returns are worse for long bonds but they pay higher coupons (more yield).
Boring answer: just get a bond index fund with long duration, short duration, corporate bonds etc.
The best investing podcast on the internet: Rational Reminder, recently made 2 episodes on bonds and their characteristics. Listen to those if you want to learn.

>> No.49461673

My company pays 100% of my phone and internet. They also provide Spotify family.

>> No.49461685

I never got this. so if the people are chosen by God. and God tests them, punishing them for wicked, and rewarding them for good. how are they oppressed by hitler carrying out God's will? wouldn't he just be an instrument? isn't their beef with God and not the creatures of the planet?

>> No.49461684

you forgot your trip, soxl_shill

>> No.49461691
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>> No.49461717

That means your locked into a variable rate for 5 years, and if you need to redeem because the variable rate drops you’re even more fucked. Not a great investment, short term bonds and wait for the lid to blow on corporates is 100% the play

>> No.49461719
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I'm immune as I don't have gay buttsex with men

>> No.49461725
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G-d works in mysterious ways


>> No.49461732

Jews are more or less the anti-religion. There entire religion is based on being promised everything with no work and trying to trick god in every waking moment and skirt the rules.

>> No.49461739

Moreover, shouldn't they be thankful to Europe/USA/USSR for helping end the Holocaust?

>> No.49461740

Is we getting sour hour

>> No.49461743
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Holy shit there's still another hour of this to go....

>> No.49461747

theyve began monkey jabbing in canada

>> No.49461751

Thanks I'll check them out. I feel like if I'm investing 30+ years out the only bonds that are worth it are the ibonds with high inflation or long term bonds. Because the better yield over three decades make the fluctuations meaningless.

>> No.49461754

Damn, that’s fucking cool. That dune coon had $10 bil when it was still worth something.

>> No.49461768
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annoying to call them once a year to say i'm cancelling but still worth it.

>> No.49461771
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someone shill me some slurpies to buy for sour hour preferably energy, oil, or metals

>> No.49461776


>> No.49461782


>> No.49461797

Cmmg has the better commodity picks. This is a SIGA general.

>> No.49461802
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>jews try to literally jew God
yea holocaust is stating to make a lot of sense.

>> No.49461806

That's not the way the Jewish mind works. If you give a Jew a dollar they'll complain you didn't give them 2. They are never satisfied.

>> No.49461813
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Devastating short covering power rally...LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.49461819


>> No.49461825

Russia hunted jews like dogs for a hundred years, they're not very big fans of each other for a huge number of reasons. To Russia's credit they did get fucked around pretty hard by jews before deciding to go full holodomor on their asses.

>> No.49461833
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I don't think I can take this crab market anymore.

>> No.49461842

>not mentioning that any non-jew is considered cattle
cmon man. this is antisemitism 101

>> No.49461843
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>> No.49461871
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quick, somebody sell a straddle so we can get out

>> No.49461872

I caught a 3 day for bringing up this fact the other day. Let's keep the thread kosher, ok?

>> No.49461874


/biz/ says normies are cattle though

>> No.49461877
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Thinks again brotha

>> No.49461883

Butt sex?

>> No.49461884

sorry, i'm not a silly sigger, im an oil baron who just secured profits when XOM broke ATH

>> No.49461890
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if you look at the 1 year chart on SPY we are looking incredibly MARGE right now

>> No.49461899

so, poorfaggots, listen up. DUOL doesnt make any fuckign money. Yet, in this economy, with tech and literally all sectors besides oil on a decline...
Why would you not short DUOL?

>> No.49461905

Imagine wanting another pandemic just so your portfolio goes up

>> No.49461906

Ok, you can buy the ibonds, and I will wait for trashcan companies to default and become a junk bond slumlord, and we will meet back here in 10 years and compare portfolios ok?

>> No.49461909

Ultimately it's a doubles advocate question I asked; I already knew the answer. The Soviets captured Berlin, however.

>> No.49461910
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>deadly virus
>no deaths

>> No.49461911

Bruh, cmon now, there are like 350 people with this new strain in the UK

>> No.49461939

*gay pandemic
Big difference anon.

>> No.49461941

Because I like the owl :)

>> No.49461943
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>deadly virus
>99.9% survival rate
>shutdown country
It says here that, ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded

>> No.49461949


Do you know anyone that died or was even hospitalized by COVID? We’re playing on the fear, moron. This is especially bullish for SIGA if it’s a quick fix that makes gays “healthy” and enriches big pharma/Bill Gates.

>> No.49461972

I know 2 people who got covid, both survived and both would have made the world better off if they hadnt.

>> No.49461986

Yes. It ran through us at work. All of us ok but one guy. Whooped his ass. Hospital almost two months. Really wild how random it was

>> No.49461996
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Monkeypax occult rituals to infect Wall Street when?

>> No.49462015

Never, you creepy Jew.

>> No.49462019
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Best I can do kek

>> No.49462022

Theyre smear merchants what do you expect?

>> No.49462028

I had the covid, and I almost died. It was really scary, but I'm safe now.

>> No.49462031
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>the JPY
Jesus Christ, I'm tempted to exchange some cash right fucking now, this will be useful for my next travel over there, be it next year or the one after, or even after

>> No.49462032
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Why the FUCK did I not buy sooner dated calls? I will be poor forever

>> No.49462040

oh god we're gapping down

>> No.49462050
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>Can I see some like this but with the tiddies out? I’m getting tired of being blue balled by smg

>> No.49462054
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>9900% gain on options price today
Jesus christ, someone made $210,000 off of a $2000 investment.

>> No.49462077

Was he fat/old/had a preexisting condition?

>> No.49462078

the opposite is also true

>> No.49462086

most everyone i knew just had typical fever symptoms

if you're obese and/or have other health issues it could be deadly

>> No.49462093

tits are not allowed on blue boards
we are here to discuss business and finance

anyway back to the jews and their tricks...

>> No.49462095

Can I see some like this but with the tiddies out? I'm getting tired of being blue balled by smg.

>> No.49462112

Yeah, anyone who had puts lost 95% value just like that.

>> No.49462113

yeah, just like the flu!
>still shut the counry down over it

>> No.49462116

Whatever pumps the market fren. I got shit I want to accomplish and LEGO to buy

>> No.49462117
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>> No.49462124
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>visiting an overpriced shithole
>dude muh anime lamo
>dude muh maid cafe lel
>dude muh jap trad waifu kek

>> No.49462127

Nauh squirrelly lil runt of a guy. older at 62 tho. Drinks alot

>> No.49462128


>> No.49462152

An obese coworker of mine was in the ICU from December 2019 to January 2020 because of a really bad "flu" that wiped our whole building. Seems kind of sus like it was an early form of COVID. He gave it to me and for a few months after I recovered I had some bad brain fog, rapid heart beat, got out of breath easily, and couldn't stand up too fast or coom too hard or I'd get a stabbing pain in my neck.

>> No.49462168

ecchi iwara tv/videos/dy2glirq2kukw4gen

>> No.49462169

>TSLA green
OK boomer

>> No.49462175
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based chink not gonna sell before it goes -7% when china market opens

>> No.49462184

That sounds like the flu... Unless you had a loss of smell or taste it's most likely not covid.

>> No.49462194

buying calls

>> No.49462196

Wow, the economy got 2% more innovative today. Amazing.

>> No.49462209
File: 149 KB, 472x462, E3BCEF42-28BD-4B14-A155-3D94183BA132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tits are not allowed on blue boards
>we are here to discuss business and finance
>anyway back to the jews and their tricks...
So tits it is then?

>> No.49462212

What are the odds that something breaks in the financial markets right now? How about companies like Direxion? Is it imaginable that the might blow up?

>> No.49462237

Considering we live in a 40 year ponzi scheme market with 200 trillion in debt since 1980 and massive commodity shortages..................uh.....................pretty gud

>> No.49462244

Been looking at Vanguard today and it freaked me out a bit. The index bubble and so forth

>> No.49462256

so.... invest in debt?

>> No.49462254

They told me my 98 year old grandma died of COVID after having a massive aneurysm you inconsiderate fuck

>> No.49462257

I got a bad flu last November that felt about the same. Was diagnosed and tested for Flu a/b and COVID. Had flu a. I don’t know anyone that was even hospitalized. My sister has had it twice now and she’s fully vaxxed.

>> No.49462262
File: 54 KB, 582x527, 1588770997867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best way to short volatility?

>> No.49462269

SVXY calls

>> No.49462276

there's literally no index bubble

>> No.49462278

Old sealed Lego sets (4 digit serial numbers) are apparently another collectable sector worth buying into if you like it. Think pirate and medieval sets

>> No.49462279
File: 45 KB, 400x419, 1632526570343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you smiggers can't tell me that this is not a vampire

>> No.49462299

The term Jew and vampire is interchangeable

>> No.49462302

kek same with great grandfather. died in his sleep early on, called it rona. sure it had nothing to do with being 96 and a bad heart.

>> No.49462305

On specific securities

>> No.49462308

Okay groomer

>> No.49462312

We saw with TVIX that even stalwart ETFs blowing up or being discontinued doesn't have huge repercussions.

Vanguard doesn't even need to firewall any assets - they're pretty much a holding company run off expense ratios.

Tail risk is usually gigalevered shit in the "safe" bond market and thereabouts. The areas that don't expect it. See: 2008, LTCM, S&L crisis, etc.

>> No.49462315
File: 62 KB, 716x710, 9167 - black_cube cube jung saturn schizo schizoposting text wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LISTEN we are crabbing because if stocks had a huge drop like march 2020 the fed would not be able to continue this HIKING theater.

This is all controlled. Something will break in the near future but we are not there yet. DOW JONES will drop 50% and the fed will have to U-TURN.

Here is a tip the Microsoft CEO PAJEET sold his shares back in november of last year. He sold it at the top of the market down to the DAY.

You're welcome.

>> No.49462316

just sell a naked option if you want negative vega
the actual vol products are shit

>> No.49462321

How did you come up with the idea? I respect these plays a lot

>> No.49462322

there is no specific security that can guarantee returns on high volatility.

>> No.49462327

The entire market is painting inside candles again and again.
You are in a bear trap.

>> No.49462333

>200 trillion in debt since 1980
>Big number scary!
It's how the debt is arranged not finite amount. If payments on that 200 trillion is 100 bucks a year who cares.

>> No.49462335

>that image
I miss when my kidneys weren't up in my ribcage

>> No.49462336

Iron condors

>> No.49462338

you are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.49462344

>the actual vol products are shit
Can you elaborate?

>> No.49462347

Probably end green tomorrow and boom Friday.

>> No.49462361

oil will go down

>> No.49462365

Who is crazy enough to buy calls that expire this friday

>> No.49462370

I think SVIX is the better one here

>> No.49462372

Long dated puts on indices literally can't go tits up at this point right? 1.5~2 years.

>> No.49462386
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>> No.49462387

kek. Nice one.

>> No.49462392

God damn it.

>> No.49462402

They are forced to walk the earth without knowing gods love in retribution for their deicide.

>> No.49462410

A bear trap heading into CPI. Idk

>> No.49462417

i reckon the market will bottom at the end of summer, and then we will have a rally come september when gookfu gets back from korea. after the bear market rally in september we will have a red october and another relief rally after the election into the santa cruz rally to end the year.

>> No.49462418

stack IMTE. if you know how to read, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.49462419
File: 194 KB, 725x1050, 22-o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the jobless claims are going to pump the markets and we continue to dump on Friday?

>> No.49462426

you retard
literally replying to a post about "carrying out God's will" and then you accuse them of deicide?

it was God's will and you should be thanking them

>> No.49462429
File: 145 KB, 630x1200, be4fd49ef81691c6193d1291a43f44be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes the coolest military shit? I want killer drones, powered suits and gauss cannons.

>> No.49462436
File: 8 KB, 223x226, 1600977493592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh good or bad boom?

>> No.49462438
File: 17 KB, 620x450, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sorry chief.

>> No.49462441


>> No.49462461

*siga chuds

>> No.49462465
File: 2.98 MB, 640x800, Kiki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't want to short VIX. The "price" is just a measurement of volatility. So when VIX goes down the Imp Vol goes down as well, and it's hard to make that profitable. You could buy an inverse volatilty ETF. Or sell straddles/strangles if you're talking about the volatility of the stock price itself.

>> No.49462472

unironically Mitsubishi

>> No.49462473
File: 276 KB, 469x452, pepe_fed_up_with_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to fucking close green, aren't we?

>> No.49462482

>Chink panels glazed in Uighyer blood
is that bullish or bearish
because then they couldnt exploit you, your children, and your children's children (all christcucks) into paying for the kingdom of israel. duh.
>-66.6% for the day
shut the fuck up satan

>> No.49462490
File: 120 KB, 392x445, 043 - JakyghM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a braver man than I, to short long-term nominal prices in an inflationary environment

>> No.49462500
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>> No.49462505

china for tech, russia for kino aesthetics, usa if your into forced homosexuality, germany if you just want good barrels.

>> No.49462512
File: 62 KB, 550x1024, 1653263079946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop all this monkey business.

>> No.49462513

only market literate people are allowed to buy

>> No.49462522
File: 357 KB, 561x669, 1653355691765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that sally from man men?
ew dude WTF happened

>> No.49462525
File: 427 KB, 451x619, 1649465881780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't I want it? I get to see the noisy yes-life faggots screaming like the fags they are, I get to enjoy WFH 5/5 days while seeing the office-addicted boomers seethe about it, and on top of it it makes my portfolio go green. And I get to deplete my Steam backlog when """attending""" that Zoom meeting in my pajamas.

>> No.49462526

Yep, Reverse Bart formation on the daily

>> No.49462538
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>> No.49462540
File: 263 KB, 720x685, 1604502333184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"price" is just a measurement of volatility
Shut up and never post again

>> No.49462541

This is your market on almost entirely retail volume.

>> No.49462545

okay im buying DRIP, they have made their money on the pump, theyll dump it right back down now that the goy are getting on board

>> No.49462555

>being this retarded
And people wonder why flat earthers exists.
And yes, my whole family got covid and a couple of neighbors died to it. ( neighbor two went to neighbor one's funeral and got covid Kek)

>> No.49462577

Bullish but I stricly don't invest overseas. It's served me well in my investing life.

>> No.49462578

Ticker 8058 you mean?
I meant investable companies.

>> No.49462581
File: 76 KB, 1077x763, Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 20-29-06 siga share - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49462580

>t. doesn't understand how VIX and volatility is calculated

>> No.49462595

the price isnt, the price movement is. dumb fucking moron.

>> No.49462604

Good boom if you're a bull.

>> No.49462609

I just want to work from home full time again

>> No.49462612
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>> No.49462615

literally everyone was/is against investing in china up until now, for obvious reason. Previous experience included: high growth company being silenced, high profile CEO being silenced, sudden restriction following CCP investigation (see ANT, DIDI, Tencent, etc), weekly Xi's mood and he's being known to not things like games, effeminate men, gays, every financial shit that could go out of his control/understanding.
Now he's probably seeing that games are an actual revenue stream, so he's relaxing the rules again (but nor the -18 y/o, 3 hrs/week lol), even though he's shitting on gamers.
Xi likes: Men who show China stronk, everything industrial, cars, etc.
also Common prosperity fund: you're not allowed to make too much profit without giving back to the state.
There you go, that's where you invest

>> No.49462622

I'll cum if we close at 15 burgers

>> No.49462635
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>> No.49462636

sorry chud you WILL be driving into work so Karen from HR can personally monitor you

>> No.49462673
File: 43 KB, 640x603, 1642780930086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is healing except soxl

>> No.49462676

My folio is edging the next digit. Up to 9 down to 5 up to 9 down to 6 up to 9 down to 8. Either at 1 or tomorrow I should be up.

>> No.49462680

oh mama

>> No.49462687

and you WILL be paying for gas because you're too retarded to buy an EV so you WILL be funding my retirement.

>> No.49462690
File: 79 KB, 938x798, 16545324272490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which international fund should I buy?

>> No.49462698

volatility is calculated by how quickly the money evaporates out of peoples accounts.

>> No.49462700

Nice squeeze baggies

>> No.49462701

>if you invested $1000 in soxl 6 months ago here is how much you would have.
>click to continue reading.

>> No.49462720
File: 13 KB, 207x244, 1654380266722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the spread can't be contained. 10 cocks a weekend for 1 posted brit is normal for degenerates.

>> No.49462721

God didn’t kill them their crimes just made them fundamentally unrighteous.
However if they weren’t fundamentally unrighteous it’s doubtful anybody would have been aggrieved enough to go so far out of their way to try and kill them.

>> No.49462724

I'm already up $6.15 on my calls. suck it chud.

>> No.49462729
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>> No.49462731
File: 400 KB, 623x629, 1654192958310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it to late to buy BABA?

>> No.49462732


>> No.49462736

I vill bomb ze oil refineries
and you vill be happy

>> No.49462744


>> No.49462757
File: 50 KB, 963x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could buy an inverse volatilty ETF
wow, thats a really good ide-ACK

>> No.49462759
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>> No.49462770

Who else here bought the BOIL dip today? Nat gas down big on news of an explosion in a Texas facility. Shouldn’t further reduced supply be bullish?

>> No.49462781
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>> No.49462783

it's in overbought region. wait for the dip if you want to get back. Xi will thank you later (or maybe not)

>> No.49462786
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1592524304658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea boi

>> No.49462788

if i'm not mistaken FTIHX is the only one that gives you full ex-US coverage and small-cap coverage, including emerging markets. depends what you want out of it i guess.

>> No.49462789

BOIL is US nat gas pricing, not Euro (TTF) pricing. An export terminal blowing up means higher US supply, lower Euro.

>> No.49462797
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2 more weeks! Diamond hands SIGAsisters!

>> No.49462804
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Sorry Anons, the market isn't done beating SOXL yet.

>> No.49462811
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>> No.49462812

I reckon people will forget about the good news and drop it back to $100 within a week
Chinese stocks have been doing better than western shit for obvious reasons this year, but its very much been two steps forward two steps back

>> No.49462827

Yeah, stay down, HYG, you punk bitch.

>> No.49462834


baggie bros, why are we dumping?

>> No.49462835

Yes I loaded up on NEGG at 4.30 how could you tell?

>> No.49462838

my XOM calls are either going to make me some $ or I'm going to lose $900

>> No.49462841

i bought $1000 worth of that in AH trading because i didn't know what was happening and thought the machines broke. turned out to be a mistake. lost $500 in a couple minutes.

>> No.49462850
File: 121 KB, 1006x731, TBLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TBLT up 10% today
Nice... now I'm only down 94% on that

>> No.49462852
File: 232 KB, 1416x517, Screenshot 2022-06-08 144009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a reverse bart retard
>it's just a bart

>> No.49462864


>> No.49462881

digits and spy dumps at close and dumps hard ah

>> No.49462882

after 94% what are you really supposed to do? no possibility of making that up, realistically.

>> No.49462905

Oh shit, i've seen enough shit coin charts to tell what's about to happen. sell everything, i'm warning you it's about to go down.

>> No.49462915
File: 144 KB, 392x474, 048 - Ul9Ui7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had always thought that the bart pattern refers to the subway project
only today did I see a pic of that retard's head and connect the dots
I could feel my chi points open, and in that very moment I was transformed into a TA shaman

>> No.49462918
File: 11 KB, 282x353, sanshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49462925

Keep holding as a reminder of your failure so you'll invest better in the future.

>> No.49462934
File: 233 KB, 1182x785, HDSN_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HDSN bros :)

>> No.49462944 [DELETED] 

>what are unique id's?

>> No.49462947


At least you didn't do something retarded like buy Russian ADRs

>> No.49462949

I'm inversing baggie ngl senpai no cap

>> No.49462954

Uranium moon time soon, disgusting that congress is delaying it to talk about dead beaner kids.

>> No.49462956

Yeah, we know about your love of coins, you kike.

>> No.49462962

I didn't mean literally you dumbass, just what one should do in general.

>> No.49462974

I'm gonna booze and munch hard tonight and then jack off to ladyboy porn
fuck this shit

>> No.49462977

The small cap is insane. The expense ratio is way too low to get access to international motherfucking small cap

>> No.49462986
File: 291 KB, 1440x1744, devolversweep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rise and Grind Gamers
Devolver Digital's Game Presentation is tomorrow at 3PM PST

>> No.49462997

yeah I had a moscow mule my bad

>> No.49463001
File: 1.64 MB, 349x420, bag_hold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold your bags with pride Anon.

>> No.49463004
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>> No.49463007

I'm trying to keep you from losing your shekels. just fucking sell everything right now, we're about to have another wave down and people are going to be posting pink wojacks again.

>> No.49463027


>> No.49463029

i had this new vodka called Elit, it's like a premium stoli, really smooth stuff, and part of the proceeds go tword bombing the shit out of the hohols.

>> No.49463030

I played the demo for Card Shark

i hated it

>> No.49463049

Nice, how much are you up now?

>> No.49463054

>40$ for 750ml
better kill zelensky for that price, I only buy cheap vodka

>> No.49463068
File: 21 KB, 336x188, BCF3E4EB-D0E1-4D66-9055-F3D833798C13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to max out your 401k, never insider trade anything, never doubt the dollar, and only invest in old dying companies despite your 50 year runway

>> No.49463071
File: 1.38 MB, 960x540, cow_jump_moon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all gotta learn sometime

>> No.49463074
File: 76 KB, 502x465, 0A5E277C-CF97-4B6B-BA7D-E816CA3B6145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49463091
File: 266 KB, 599x602, 1640213823318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...surely this is a jest?

>> No.49463092

The kids are alright.

>> No.49463095

I sold a while ago for good profit.... but it kept pumping, and now it's joining the Russell 2000 soon
So... I recently bought back in, which means it will start dumping now I guess

>> No.49463096
File: 295 KB, 870x720, win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Bagstein.

>> No.49463114

how low does spy go AH?

>> No.49463116

I bought a stock today. Swiped out. Looked at chart and said to my self, “I bought the Bart.”

>> No.49463117

What if I find a stock that pays out a whopping 5% dividend while declining 7% a year for the past decade?

>> No.49463133
File: 70 KB, 510x680, 1653677323825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these retards falling for an obvious fake

>> No.49463147
File: 89 KB, 746x746, 94811513465162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and we dump into close. Wonderful. Thanks for the sour hour bobo fucks.

>> No.49463157

how confident are you social security will exist when you retire?

>> No.49463168
File: 151 KB, 1440x1440, 1654590671765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy PUTs tomorrow for easy money tomorrow. EASY CASH ON CPI

>> No.49463179
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1654554618371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soxl sisters how we feeling? The future is semiconductors, diamond hands

>> No.49463217

Semiconductors are literally crack cocaine bro stfu $100 EOY

>> No.49463220

Purple line higher

>> No.49463243


>> No.49463249

When do people actually start looking at their retirement accounts and capitulating