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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49458088 No.49458088 [Reply] [Original]

>be Senior SWE at a decently sized, profitable company
>hiring for an entry level, college grad SWE
>nobody can even get past the management screening stage of the interview because they're incredibly socially maladjusted retards who don't even remember their resume or what they've worked on
>some people, CS grads, don't know the different between a class and an object

I'm telling you now, if you're the least bit diligent, logical, and like to be on the computer find a good bootcamp or cheap CS degree program and make it a career. Anyone with any kind of commitment to the field and bare minimum social skills can feast in here.

The standards get worse by the year and at this pace I'll be able to easily nab $200k+ remote jobs at will since nobody can fill these roles.

>> No.49458315

i know how to code, but I dont have a degree in CS. I did Physics and got a MS in Data. I want to move into SWE. waht do i do?
i feel like i need to get a portfolio together but im not sure what to do, i current work as a "data analyst." (actual analytics including SQL/R/Python, not just excel monkey)

>> No.49458391

im an automation engineer with 3 years experience and got MBA should i just commit to swe? I know some python and VBA but thats it lol but engineering pay is doodoo

>> No.49458515

Based. I was in accounting for about a decade and decided to go back to school full time, and I'm currently finishing up a data science master's degree program. A handful of the classes I've taken have had undergraduate CS students in them and they all seem to be dumb as fuck. Most don't show up to class, and the ones that do spend the entire lecture playing games or looking at crypto charts. It seems that there has been some serious regression in the academic world in the decade since I was an undergrad.

>> No.49458520

non-coder artfag here. what's a 'SWE'? some kind of code systems specialist? not trolling, I'm genuinely curious

>> No.49458583

>>be Senior SWE at a decently sized, profitable company
>>hiring for an entry level, college grad SWE
>>nobody can even get past the management screening stage of the interview

so are you seeing a surplus of new grad applicants? I thought for new grads you just filter by school and GPA and if they got out in 4 years and give them a pass on social awkwardness

>> No.49458653

Software engineer

>> No.49458668

>im an automation engineer with 3 years experience and got MBA
wow, that would be a weird resume, would love to hear the rationale, as an SWE interviewer though I would filter that immediately

>> No.49458683

you could go half way and make 6 figs as a "product analyst" or "tech writer" and have significantly less workload.

software engineer

>> No.49458714

>non-coder artfag here.
how is the artfag career going? is it everything you hoped? did you spend high school smoking weed every day, like me, hahah

>> No.49458726

College students were always like that, hence the problem with giving a kid 50,000 dollars in tuition loans and expecting him to just figure it out. The system itself is designed on the assumption tuition will be like Florida where it's cheap because admin costs are low and the state funding remains high and parents receive 4k a year in adult dependent credits from the government plus 2-4.5k in education credits and another 1-2k in writeoffs, which can be balanced by the kid working a summer job to further remove the onus of loans. Anyway I digress my point is that assuming some 18 year old to be 200 IQ is dumb.

>> No.49458730

Do you know machine learning/"AI" at all? Just become a data scientist, ez 6 figure salary. Also how did you do a M.S. and not have any projects for a portfolio?

>> No.49458778

Take the data engineering pill. Easy as fuck interviews. Making comfy $300K+. It was easy for me because I jumped from one of the big 4 accounting firms. While I am at it, fuck the big 4 they don’t pay shit.

>> No.49458802

>i current work as a "data analyst." (actual analytics including SQL/R/Python, not just excel monkey)

what does it pay?

>> No.49458876

i mostly did gay shit, like analyzing speech patterns in presidential debates, wasn't really worth talking about or a github project

>> No.49458887

>Making comfy $300K+. It was easy for me because I jumped from one of the big 4 accounting firms. While I am at it, fuck the big 4 they don’t pay shit.

wow, hard to believe they are paying that for non-execs. smart move to start at large reputable corp then jump after 2-4 years for a 200% pay boost

>> No.49458926


you should be able to double that if you are in US and willing to move to some tech city

>> No.49458933

you only forgot to mention that no one wants to be a software engineer except low iq social outcasts

why would anyone wants to spend his days in front of a computer with autistic incels as coworkers

there are salesman manager with 3 years of experience doing your wage

and stop talking about 200K salary this is gross and your rent is 4K per month so totally inoperant

tl;dr: kys

>> No.49459015

>i mostly did gay shit, like analyzing speech patterns in presidential debates, wasn't really worth talking about or a github project

#1 rule - dont denigrate yourself, esp in interviews, emphasize what you learned and what you contributed, you gotta be positive, too many depressive cynics, it sounds like being fake, but everything is an act, even depressive cynicism, why not act positive

>> No.49459059

WFH, comfy place with decent rent. Large salary.
I guess you just didn’t make the IQ cut anon. Sorry better luck next life

>> No.49459077


You've got a decent degree. Just do a bootcamp and really apply yourself. For entry level you will be learning a lot on the job anyway. As I mentioned the biggest thing now is "just be able to apply yourself", these nincompoops can't even do that. Gen Z is fucked. We grew up in the nojobs financial crisis era and have the work ethic bred in.

>> No.49459089

you should be able to double that if you are in US and willing to move to some tech city and pay twice more rent and twice more in everything

>> No.49459098

>and stop talking about 200K salary this is gross and your rent is 4K per month so totally inoperant

4k rent with 200k income is pretty good, pretty comfy. fits the old rule of thumb housing <= 1/4 income, but reality in Bay Area is housing ~= 1/2 income

>> No.49459115


The salt here, lmao!

>> No.49459129

If you used programming languages and tools for that analysis...that's the entire point of a portfolio, just to prove that you know things. Literally just upload the school report and corresponding code to GitHub, with a fancy landing page and brief description and list of technologies/tools used.

But I don't have a job yet so this advice could be complete bullshit.

>> No.49459141

>you should be able to double that if you are in US and willing to move to some tech city and pay twice more rent and twice more in everything

whining negative millenial NEETS gonna whine and be negative, sorry you dropped out of high school, your parents tried, dont blame them

>> No.49459160


It's not the Bay Area anymore. $200k is now a realistic salary for wfh SWE's with 5+years of pro experience and the apparently rare ability to communicate.

So yes, you can make serious cash, realistically do only 2-3 hours of work per day, and live in a cheap as shit area at the same time.

>> No.49459171
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>would love to hear the rationale

>bs mech engineering
>hate mechanical design
>too easy and boring
>want masters degree
>take GRE test
>score high on wordcel sections
>get MBA instead
>maybe become consultant
>become project engineer
>company needs automation people
>learn automation engineering
>company fires my Project manager
>become my own project manager

i should have just abused adderall and learned javascript for more money

>> No.49459197

My SQL is rusty, mostly in C# and learning some Lua and R, graduated with a shitty webdev programming diploma 10 years ago and did nothing with it. Learned more in the last 4 years than I did in class

>> No.49459257

Can I apply to your company? or know what it is? I'm ready to quit my CS PhD to start earning.
Send me a word at reportoftheweek2gmail.com

>> No.49459289

>be paid 200K (gross)
>be paid 140K (net)
>rent is 5,000$ in San Francisco
>be paid 80K (net - rent)
>you have to fund your own retirement
>be paid 50K (net - rent - 401K)

good luck living with 50K in the US where the bill for a burger is:

48$ burger + fries + soda
7$ uber eats delivery fee
10$ (minimum) tip for the nigger bringing your food

if you tip less than that the nigger will spit in your burger

you need a car in the US also, enjoy your 14% interest loan

>> No.49459329


utter, nuclear grade cope lmfao

>> No.49459348

My bad,

>> No.49459368

>realistically do only 2-3 hours of work per day,

doubt that is possible for real SWE, the field is so complex and changing so fast and the variety of toolsets required to master are so complex, it seems to me you could study 24/7 and never feel like you are up to speed, SWE is like a black hole, it could suck up all your brain cells and time. I think it would be an extremely rare SWE working 3 hours a day. But maybe that is why planes are falling out of the sky and Wall Street has flash crashes and Teslas are stopping for no reason on the highway haha

>> No.49459372

>wants to become a homeowner
>a house in Detroid, surrounded by niggers is 300K

get rekt mutt cuck

>> No.49459410

>wants to have a family
>all white girls are getting bred out by niggers

Hey, you can marry Miss Chong at least

>> No.49459411

>how is the artfag career going? is it everything you hoped?
corporate sucks as much as ever, working for ad agencies or game studios is enough to make you want to kys, so many mentally ill faggots and troons... and fucking women, they do jack shit while always getting promoted. so I quit and started painting porn. I have my own hours now and make more money with less stress than before. fuck society, fuck women, and fuck the corporate structure, I'll just draw bigtitted sloots for wealthy frens while being comfy. best part is I can sleep in late every day while wagies get buttfucked by traffic on their way to work.

>> No.49459466

Anybody looking for a decent person and a decent computer vision programmer?

I easily grasp new concepts and look for something more exciting than my current position. Solid work ethics and interpersonal communication.
Just wish for my work day to be interesting and well paid.

Python, openCV, NumPy, Tensorflow, PyTorch... Also have general understanding of ML to some degree.
OOP of course, done something in Flask, familiar with NVIDIA Jetson embedded platforms, currently started learning CUDA, next in line MLOps

>> No.49459470

>>wants to become a homeowner
>>a house in Detroid, surrounded by niggers is 300K

go back to /pol please

>> No.49459496

>you are angry and you need to do groceries
>get shot by an incel at Walmart


>> No.49459503


Yeah it's not possible. I'm only doing it right now.


>more literal copefiction

>> No.49459527
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>> No.49459671


this is peak SWE lifestyle

>zara clothes
>tiny apartment
>50$ watch
>hair gel
>ugly wife
>commuting with a bicycle
>10 hours work per day

this is HELL
and this is the best you can hope for

>> No.49459787

Cool so then I just have to pass 15 technical interviews 5 personality assessments and an IQ test and the job is mine for the taking?

>> No.49459843


Ah yes, the doomers and the misers are here! Just disregard the thread, I was only alerting people of diligent mind and body and an interest in actually pursuing a good life.

>> No.49459935



>> No.49460032
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>Games Designer, educated in programming
>watch youtube videos all while I do preschooler level scripting to move UI bits around
>some paperwork, juggle mobile devices around to install our software to check some stupid fix, reply to devs basically giving Y/N if they can't do something exactly like in some document
>ez slow and well paid work, for some reason everybody sucks my dick for doing absolute minimum
>only bad thing is I need to work with even bigger mental children who talk about harry potter and nuStar Wars
>get put on bugfixing because new
>ten times the workload, 12h a day and occasionally on weekends, salary stayed the same
>need to update code every morning on a shitty slow connection so I waste time while people are banging on my proverbial door
>remote work because covid, hard drive starts dying fucking up compiling all day and giving me errors nobody can fix, for security reasons I can't touch anything and since occasionally I can compile something "we're not going to waste time sending it here"
>almost 20 year old code has a bad case of spaghetti and chewing out interns who can't orient themselves where things are
>crunch crunch crunch, bossman gets pissy at everyone at regular intervals
>get angry and depressed because it turned out I'm a brainlet when it comes to programming
>project gets released, my contract doesn't get extended because too little performance and my seat in Design is already taken
>currently no income for over a year while I make some shitty game in Unity
>don't like working with other people so I can't be bothered to dance the wagie dance again
shitty PS1 era graphics hack and slash clone of Mount and Blade better sound exciting to you because I'm not changing plans

>> No.49460070

No, usually it's just 4

>> No.49460074

Why are you so mad about SWE? If being a plumber is so great you wouldn't be trying to justify your job for an entire thread

>> No.49460092


For entry level it can be a lot less. Usually just the screener then the full interview. They're really just looking to see you have some background in it and can answer basic questions like a normal human being and not a retard.

>> No.49460141

because being a codemonkey is a nightmare if you don't have autism

so stop creating your stupid threads arguing that there is no competition because you are the least autist codemonkey of your town

not everyone is autist enough to be a codemonkey, just like not everyone is handsome enough to be a model

have you ever seen a cool swe? no

>> No.49460177

/pol is over there

>> No.49460185


>dude what about coolness
>what about not being autistic

I guarantee you're an ugly fat autist freak, but you're also poor to boot

>> No.49460270

>Ah yes, the doomers and the misers are here! Just disregard the thread, I was only alerting people of diligent mind and body and an interest in actually pursuing a good life.

/pol is such shit lately they are checking out /biz haha

>> No.49460371

>I'll just draw bigtitted sloots for wealthy frens while being comfy.
drawing custom porn for wealthy pervs is an interesting idea for an artfag career, I would take that over SWE

>> No.49460422

>>10 hours work per day
OP already said he only works 3 hours a day

you really are an unpleasant person, I hope you are banned from buying weapons

>> No.49460474
File: 645 KB, 960x540, Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 11-06-55 _biz_ - be Senior SWE at a decently sized profitable com - Business &amp; Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad your life will be such a waste compared to his

>> No.49460524

Can you tell me more about your path in data engineering? I’ve been all sorts of roles in the data world, data “analyst”, data “researcher”, dba, etc and never saw salaries like that. What tools/framework do you work in?

>> No.49460565

>never saw salaries like that.
probably a larp

>> No.49460776

You're golden, anon, so long as your programming abilities are at a high level. For highly technical roles, the rule is it's easier to teach a math/physics grad how to code than it is to teach a CS grad how to math - the latter might not even be capable of it. Your MS will also make you highly sought if you can leverage it properly because even being able to manage Excel at a high level is like fucking withcraft to your average pleb, never mind anything else. A good start would be to build a basic options pricer. There are lots of guides for this and it's what they had me doing during my math postgrad.

>> No.49460908

What's your background to where you only have been in the low-paying "data" roles? Asking because I'm in a data analytics program where they advertise 6 figure starting salaries for graduates. I'm hoping for a position as a Data Scientist because I've been taking many CS and Statistics electives (and building a solid portfolio of related projects). But I'm worried that I'll still end up in some low-pay data analyst role with normie retard coworkers.

>> No.49460942

>basic options pricer
thanks anon, i will look into something like this.
I was also thinking about synthesizing a bunch of open information into stock suggestions:
>twitter sentiment
>openinsider sales/buys
>current price
but i think this is actually a good project idea as well. smaller and more manageable in scope

>> No.49460994

>I'm telling you now, if you're the least bit diligent, logical, and like to be on the computer find a good bootcamp or cheap CS degree program and make it a career. Anyone with any kind of commitment to the field and bare minimum social skills can feast in here.
Of course; most of you retards do nothing all day anyway. Imagine taking a job from some asshat expecting competent employees fresh out of college. You'll outsource it anyway.

>> No.49461014

Some highlights: I worked on contact tracing app as a data engineer at the big 4 using Azure and automated everything end to end. I then worked for a large insurance firm using databricks. I would suggest learn at minimum one of the cloud infrastructure like Azure and learn databricks/spark. Here is your ticket to a 200K job. Simple as

>> No.49461028
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You are either hiring from bottom of the barrel colleges or a lying nigger. Every shit tier company tries to be jewgle and give you 10-round leetcode problems. They also have a pool of literal geniuses to choose from because college grads are desperate

>> No.49462458


>> No.49462634

Cool. Where can I follow dev?

>> No.49462955
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I'm an autist who's not socially adjusted and I got a cushy job right out of college as a junior swe :) You don't even need that anymore!!!

>> No.49463110

you need a degree to negotiate salary. it can literally be anything - even something stupid like theology.

>> No.49463821
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>letting your wife in public in yoga pants

>> No.49464283

i'm excellent at job interviews but terrible at doing the actual job. very good at selling myself but always under deliver.

>> No.49464662


I, for one, welcome this type of job security.

But to be honest, you/your company aren't properly sourcing people for hiring...

>> No.49465594

>never saw salaries like that
The highest I've seen while looking around were for data warehousing positions, which I assume are different. Saw some of those hitting $200k but nothing close to $300k

>> No.49465691

>don't know the different between a class and an object
An object is an instance of a class right?

>> No.49465721

how much are you guys paying? anything less than 6 figs is gonna get you only desperate retards applying
>t. 200k new grad

>> No.49465814

>Can't tell difference between class and object

Lies. /G/ told me unless I can do masters level mathematics and write an operating system I couldn't get into the sekret club. Your candidates must be phd zoomies with 999 iq and you are lying /g/ is always right.