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49450433 No.49450433 [Reply] [Original]

When I say NO, you say REFUNDS..


>> No.49450439

Dang I fucked it up, can you try again for me OP? I'm sorry

>> No.49450443


>> No.49450999

He looks different in every picture, maybe do kwon is some kind of Korean hivemind

>> No.49451023
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>> No.49451046

lunc burn will have LITERALLY within the next 2 weeks

>> No.49451105

How did this retarded mongol become a billionaire

>> No.49451119

what a fat fuck

>> No.49451125

How is he still alive

>> No.49451131


>> No.49451205

I sold my airdropped Luna as soon as I could get to it at above 6$

>> No.49451214

Lunc burn is never happening, lunc was dead the moment it crashed, and luna v2 was dead the moment it was born.

>> No.49451223

Based. Wish i did that. I was waiting for it to go up like a retard

>> No.49451227

i'll personally do it once the mcap is sub 1k. it WILL happen 100%, it's just a matter of time, and looking at the schizo market right now, things are accelerating quickly

>> No.49451235

everyone should buy LUNC to annoy him

it's worthless, but imagine that kook waking up to high volumes of trades

>> No.49451248
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>"they fell for it again!"

>> No.49451247
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That would only please him

>> No.49451251

I buy some when I can but I'm a poor fag so it's very rare

>> No.49451259

Kek, no one is gonna provide you any exit liquidity. You are on your own, baggie.

>> No.49451341

I will

>> No.49451353

Don't do it. Please, let the dead get to rest.

>> No.49451355

I'm not here for the refund. I'm here for the LUNC plebbitor blood sacrifice.

>> No.49451387

all your savings are gone like swish, This is the end for all the lunatics, I had invited in scrt and i feel better projects do exist in cosmos too

>> No.49451390

Holy shit his face is flat as fuck

>> No.49451405

They are one of the biggest projects in cosmos I think now
I just can't fucking agree on

>> No.49451417

These guys are partying in Austin like there is no bear market, I saw some vidoes

>> No.49451440

I think they are sponsoring the whole event by themselves. millions of od dollars of liquidity, smart move or not?

>> No.49451457

Should I buy more Luna

>> No.49451458

He has committed one of the biggest scam in history and sitting at the comfort of his home while billions of rupees had gone liquidated.

>> No.49451479

Slhit guys it's going up should i buy wtf

>> No.49451489

Dude, really, stop and think. Never invest in something this fucking dead.

>> No.49451491

go ahead, the floor is yours,
I think Kevin Smith is launching a movie and coming up with a screening too

>> No.49451507

It literally goes down a dollar a day and it's only been out a week.

>> No.49451508

3.65 I'm going all in

>> No.49451517

I think they gave an offer to all luna devs along with some funding too.

>> No.49451537

Rising wedge, prepare your anus

>> No.49451557

>L-Lunc will b-burn...... THIS time!

>> No.49451589
File: 80 KB, 514x515, 6AC2ED0A-4F7A-480D-B103-0F2CB9B0153B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only idiots think a burn will happen. Can you believe people are still accumulating Lunc with the belief cz will do a burn. Cz, who said Lunc WILL die lmao. Lunc holders that live on a dream/prayer are retarded and delusional… they are called VINCENTS

>> No.49451592
File: 31 KB, 512x512, skknbw34r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is really wrong with Do Kwon? He just has to change the name of the project from terra luna to something else. Disappear and come back in 1 year time or so.
I'm just confident that this won't happen to scrt ecosystem because the founders aren't arrogant

>> No.49451597

not a bad coin, i was at DCentralcon yesterday and saw what they are doing with their NFTs.

>> No.49451636
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>Second one that was there to """""""fix""""""""" the first one is going flat too
Now the Korean government is going to make him bail out two blockchain investors group kek

>> No.49451659

their series of shockwave upgrades has really improved the mainnet, I think a lot of devs are porting there

>> No.49451669

I think we need a LUNA3

>> No.49451684
File: 71 KB, 700x690, sam5R1OV_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're shorting yourself to death meanwhile I'm getting edutained at DCentral, Austin. Catching up with Kevin Smith

>> No.49451692

Sure you should, whale it
I think it's because of the funding and bridges available for luna devs.

>> No.49451713
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1653482425449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The focus is on the growth of their ecosystem, I guess that's why they are not doing badly internally.

>> No.49451714

The last one, Shockwave Omega will add up 150x performance upgrade to dApps. This is incredible

>> No.49451731

Wtf is happening i just lost $10k fucking gook motherfuck

>> No.49451733

I already got 1 of the access control NFTs while playing Orbem wars, I think I will sell it on Stashh.

>> No.49451736

The film will be released as a 5,555-piece generative art NFT collection on Secret Network's primary NFT minting platform, Legendao, in collaboration with Semkhor and Curio.

>> No.49451762

Oh really, not bad, the just concluded alpha upgrade improved scalability by 600x

>> No.49451786
File: 17 KB, 299x168, sdrrg98765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's sad that luna devs rather stick to luna classic and luna 2.0 which won't work at all. These freaks got invited from a lot of the chains but it seems like they don't want to join in

>> No.49451792
File: 101 KB, 336x437, 1652019685246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Kwon is always talking about who is rich and who is poor, he even made a joke about the terra ecosystem after its crash. I cant believe I invested in that scam.

>> No.49451811


>> No.49451819

That's incredibly massive. And yeah, fucking unbelievable. Good thing is that the validator nodes have testified to these performances

>> No.49451840

Are you sure about that? they are happy about the bridges for an easy transition to secret network asides the funding, and do Kwon made It worse by joking about terra adopting a Tinder-style earn mechanism.

>> No.49451855

Don't sell yet, moron. NFTs will be valuable in due time. Sell and cry later.

>> No.49451930

He is so full of himself. I can't believe he turned down lots of offers particular from cosmos. It would have helped the project.

>> No.49451981

Is the P2E project live on mainnet, fag? I've been looking forward to playing the shit out of it

>> No.49452011
File: 64 KB, 600x400, secret22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Kwon has lost the plot. That's the end of a Terra Luna era.

>> No.49452028

Imagine putting your money into a magic internet money Ponzi

>> No.49452099

The KillRoy Was Here movie is going to make record of the first ever movie to be minted as an NFT collection in the whole NFT space

>> No.49452107

The Shockwave Alpha has improved things because its scalability is now superior to its regular abilities.

>> No.49452149

Is that a new game? I'm actually looking to buy some access control NFTs and earning them from games would make sense too.

>> No.49452164

nice scrt shill faggots

0.02 rupees have been deposited in your bank accounf

>> No.49452167
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>> No.49452171

I don't even understand why everyone is sweating over this. This kind of development should have happened before now. It's a good thing that lots of celebrities are now looking in this direction.

>> No.49452176

Taking profit is paramount. I would sell anything because I have learned the hard way. I need liquidity to buy other NFTs too.

>> No.49452185

KYS stinky pajeet shills.

>> No.49452213

Access control and privacy in NFTs coming to the movie industry. Might be a secret to keep from Netflix and friends. Kekkk

>> No.49452254

Sadly you are too poor to afford 0.02 rupees. Protect your poor wallet before trannies get you filling your brain with rum.

>> No.49452273

the last remark you made makes me a firm believer that you have never used a toilet before. fuck off pajeet!

>> No.49452280
File: 11 KB, 250x248, 1653483304561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you are a victim of a lot of scams since you cant recognize useful stuff.

>> No.49452305
File: 37 KB, 651x649, 52CE8202-2DCA-46E5-B37E-C6AC995ACCFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure you are a victim of a lot of scams since you cant recognize useful stuff.

>> No.49452379

Wait, you mean I can now upload some of nudes while I maintain full access control of it?

>> No.49452419
File: 7 KB, 250x204, 1651583181095s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shits are too precious to be dumped on your brain. You can do better

>> No.49452728

I hope you aren't on a porn site now. Think about the market and more useful NFTs and not uploading nude anon.

>> No.49452770

Tell me NFTs are hype without telling me NFTs are hype

>> No.49452788

Kekk. Is that what you are using privacy for?

>> No.49452800

Are all chop stick enthusiasts like this?

>> No.49452805
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>> No.49452818
File: 80 KB, 500x532, dear-diary-today-anon-was-a-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Shockwave Omega will add up 150x performance upgrade to dApps
> the just concluded alpha upgrade improved scalability by 600x
> The Shockwave Alpha has improved things because its scalability is now superior to its regular abilities.
Those performance upgrades are regarding the contract execution specifically and do not necessarily translate to a substantial increase in tps, which is what most people refer to when talking about scalability: https://scrt.network/blog/scrt-labs-update-scaling-secrets

> KYS stinky pajeet shills.

>> No.49452840

Stop being a fag like you don't know about every shit being talked on this thread. Are you missing out on NFTs?

>> No.49452913
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>> No.49452942

Muh loona is booma

>> No.49452970

Not quite. Only retards buy Lunc these days. Vincents are hopeless, and dumb kek.

>> No.49453057

The point is that it's literally just a 100 $ gamble (for some anons it's even less), and if you can't afford to lose 100 $ on a 100x long shot, then you should probably neck yourself.

>> No.49453062

LUNC bros dump your tokens for SHIB, shib actually burns is has a hard cap

>> No.49453190

SHIB and LUNC are both memecoins with no other purpose, but SHIB has already been memed to the moon and back, whereas LUNC has yet to experience this.
...At least DOGE is making itself useful: https://medium.com/@DogechainFamily/what-is-polygon-edge-and-how-does-it-benefit-dogechain-cde3aa304d41

>> No.49453222

LUNC memed itself -99% and will meme itself another -99% while it prints to infinity

>> No.49453223

once the lunc burn happens then UST will be repegged

>> No.49453240

>I enjoy seeing businesses fail

>> No.49453254

It hasn't been printing for nearly a month

>> No.49453369

When you see movie stars getting involved. Won't be surprise if Hollywood release a news soon.

>> No.49453377

> It hasn't been printing for nearly a month
- https://lunaburnwallet.com/
- https://terralunastats.com/

>> No.49453425

This is web3. Everything happening pretty fast.

>> No.49453471
File: 21 KB, 804x743, 1467085946451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on here actually bought into luna twona after this gook's previous coin had what was probably the biggest crash in crypto history in terms of money vanishing
explain yourselves

>> No.49453490

When I say Do Kwon, you say his residential address.
>Do Kwon

>> No.49453509

There's no dollar worth losing. invest wisely and take crypto as a business.

>> No.49453548

Only pajeets fud Lunc in every thread. Can you believe shitskins are still shilling against Lunc with the belief that anons will listen to them? Anons, who could buy your sister's virginity for the price of a big mac? Pajeets that live in Calcutta/New Delhi are retarded and delusional. They are called DALITS.

>> No.49453583


>> No.49453620

Dam man, at least get another pic. Your shit is retarded

>> No.49455225

I guess he is just fucking around. Who would miss out on NFTs not to mention now that some projects have enabled access control for NFTs.

>> No.49455949

Wow, guys, it's Warren buffet

>> No.49456035
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Sounds like a black hole to throw my money into, Ive seen enough sci-fi to know I'm making my investments interdimensional.

>> No.49456180

why didn't he just own up to his mistake instead of forking it up

at least the community would've backed him up, now his reputation is permanently tarnished

>> No.49456479
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Back to its intrinsic value

>> No.49456525

…Cause it’s worth less than M&Ms at this point.

>> No.49456576

At this point, I would take a drop to 0, buy, a pump to 0.00015, sell. It's hard enough to tell where the bottom is. Why not just delist it if it is going to shit (along with Luna2)?

>> No.49456664


>> No.49456795

It was delisted, but devs needed exit liquidity and cz decided to help out his fellow chink so he relisted it with the disclaimer of "high volatility" and even saying it was a dead cat bounce so he could both sell it to retards and say "should have listened to me" at the same time.

t. was one of those retards, but had a strong stop limit in place just in case the bottom fell out.

>> No.49456843

It's still ridiculously overvalued. FDV at over $3.5 billion for a Juno competitor chain with basically nothing on it except the hope that projects from the old chain will migrate to the new one. Also the leadership is fucked and the image is fucked.

IF it goes sub-$1 AND governance/community stabilizes AND old projects actually follow through with relaunching THEN I might pick up a bag.

>> No.49456844

Understood, but they should have that liquidity by now, right? If he cares so much about exposing his users to risk, and the nefarious Chink shit in the background is completed, why keep it on the exchange (including Kraken, KuCoin, etc. -- all high-volume exchanges)? Makes my almonds hurt as much as watching this chart.

>> No.49457119
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I don't know, maybe he doesn't want to make it seem too obvious it was a rug (of an already rugged coin). Likely he will shortly.

>> No.49457262

I mean it really isn't in any worse of a position than SHIB at this point.

>> No.49457312

Completely agree, but LUNC has not had its SHIB moment yet.

>> No.49457337

lunc will pump only if luna 2 dies
which it might do in the next week

>> No.49457360

I don't see what the point of delisting it would be honestly. Might as well just leave it up and see what happens. Only one that should be delisted is LUNA 2 since kwon is a hack fraud.

>> No.49457418

Agreed lads, it will be interesting because Luna2's death is all but inevitable at this point.

>> No.49457543
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1369, 2560px-Eduardo_Zamacois_y_Zabala_-_Regreso_al_convento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dropped by to give a hearty KEK at the retards who got dunked on... twice... by the same guy.... who didn't even bother to change the project name. Keksimus Maximus

Also any hardcore schadenfreude fans should hang out in the /GME/ baggie general, we're about to violate some white collar criminals and the fallout should be pretty fucking phat.

Cya on the moon, goons.

>> No.49457620

My nigga, though aggressive you is, may I request quotations of sui and make it stacks of GME?

>> No.49458927

your flow sucks

>> No.49459173

Suck my flow

>> No.49459564
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1653889952953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish bought more

>> No.49459670

Exit liquidity for VCs

>> No.49459750

LunCisters... we are about to gains another 0...

>> No.49459901

Yeah but LUNA 2 coming close to breaking $3 support feeds my soul.

>> No.49459979

I got 3mil LUNA for just $100. No way I'm selling any of it until it goes back to 10 cent at least.

>> No.49460040

>bad odds make it gud
>abunga bunga

>> No.49460046

Interesting, thanks. I thought it was still printing, my bad.

>> No.49460047
File: 327 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20220608-185114_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying from a chink with a negro name.

>> No.49460053
File: 4 KB, 259x194, images (40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg thx
no re

>> No.49460176

Do Luna holders just have no defense against the Shadow Wallet attacks he keeps using on the coin to take equity?

>> No.49460289

I think it just comes down to the fact that no one is really trading it. Most of the dips have just been the arbitrage bots, but unlike other coins it doesn't recover after the dips.

>> No.49460339

Fuck LUNA.
LUNC is the real deal, we just need it to dump more, so I can burn a billion for 2 bucks.

>> No.49460382

>he bought LUNA
>after getting rugged hard, he bought LUNA 2.0
The definition of insanity.

>> No.49460386


You are now halfway to adding another zero...

>> No.49460419

I'll burn like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.49460500

Source? Who do you think is burning LUNC?

>> No.49460528

It's going to keep sharting to death unless it decouples from LUNA 2. The irony is that right now it isn't decreasing in value itself, it's only decreasing in value AFTER LUNA 2 does. LUNA 2 literally needs to die before LUNC can improve.

>> No.49460576

Fucking redditor.
But to indulge you, if the price gets low enough, some madman or association of madmen will scoop up the supply and send it to the burn address. The burn address for LUNC as analyzed has never had any transactions leave it. Kwon is most likely about to be in police custody, if not already, so his influence is dwindling. The community has also proposed a burn. I don't know how binding the proposals are, but it concerns LUNC and only LUNC as LUNA2 is its own chain now. It will be interesting to watch LUNA2 crash and see how both WLUNA and LUNC react. WLUNA is still hovering above 0.00080 USD.

>> No.49461152

>MEXC, BitKan and BingX exchanges are burning LUNC via trading fees
>LUNC DAO staking node burns millions of LUNC every day
>common plebs like me are burning casually, I for one send about half of my bags picked up for cheapies regularly to the burn address

The total supply is shrinking by the minute, you can check on Coinmarketcap, it's verified data, refreshing once every few hours or daily.
This is not counting what whales and big investors have in their heads as plans.
LUNA is dead on arrival, LUNC will be memed to the dollar.

>> No.49461283

lower LUNC goes easier it is for people to pick it up and burn. this shit will shoot up with enough of a push and like other shit meme coin. They all have one good pump in them and LUNC is getting ready for its turn

>> No.49461349

>He looks different in every picture
I thought I was the only one thinking this,

>> No.49461386
File: 12 KB, 792x307, pajeetish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is buying this piece of shit?

>> No.49461448

Like with most crypto, bots.

>> No.49461679
File: 2.99 MB, 4096x2730, 1044181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Kwon is just trying to give his homies a chance to buy into New LUNA at low prices. He will return to a public Twitter and then New LUNA will spike to USD 100.

30x coin, you heard it first on here, buy now or regret it later.

>> No.49461689

whats a good entry price?
thought .00002 or something to fill a big bag this time

>> No.49461765

It's not shrinking that much though...
Still over 6.5 trillion out there. That's pretty much what it has been since they cutoff the tether.

>> No.49461800

You should be there in another 3 or 4 days. Kek!

>> No.49461983

Literal fractions of pennies if the price gets low enough. It's a shitshow, we'll see what happens. I've got my tendies ready.

>> No.49462005

Let's say you're right, how low do you think he will let it drop to?

>> No.49462056

Knowing you're going to be killed by some crazy asian gambler who lodt everything tends to raise your stress levels.

>> No.49462148

What a moron.

>> No.49462206

Burning millions of tokens that poorfags and small time exchanges are doing is fucking NOTHING. For this to hit $1 literally 99% of the supply needs to be burned. Thats like 6.4-6.49 trillion LUNC tokens

>> No.49462409

Idiots here won't admit it, but for most it was probably simply being emotionally invested in the brand.

Of course all the LUNC buyers here who bought the crash, decided to do so based on simple unit bias which is just as stupid as brand loyalty. "OMG I can now buy millions for cheap!" They are so dumb as to forget they can also acquire millions of units of dirt or sand for nothing as well. Collecting millions of a dead broken shitcoin, is on the same level as hoarding grains of sand. And don't be fooled by the retards who say they are doing it for the lolz or "to get a lottery ticket", they are really basic fools motivated by the same unit bias that normies on Twitter demonstrate.

>> No.49462411

im scared luna bros, im down to 200 from 500 is it going to go down even more_

>> No.49462520

He has a condition called Korean

>> No.49462607

Same bro I could definitely use some copium. Like what about chad wallet? I know it splintered its stack amongst several smaller wallets. Is it still accumulating or any of the wallets its associated with accumulating?

>> No.49462903

Can you read? Anon said he would do it. Fuck. If it gains another few 0s I'll do it too

>> No.49464752

Yeah I dont think you cock suckers understand how bad this is. Even if we gain a couple more zeroes and dump all the way down to .0000001, you will have the spare $700k, to literally throw away, that it will take to buy up all the excess supply and burn it?

>> No.49464834

Organic as fuck feedback Kumar!

>> No.49464904

I hope all the pre crash LUNA holders who opposed the burn because they didnt want the 'vultures' making money finally rope after getting rugged twice in a row.

>> No.49464999

He Kwon't keep getting away with this!

>> No.49465024

This is what I'm wondering
He must have some "particular circumstances" going on

>> No.49465140

>down to .0000001, you will have the spare $700k

Yes anon, only one person would burn, no one else from the 1 million on the LUNC watchlist count could possibly join in.
If we dump there, according to your math everyone spending 0.7 dollars would solve the token burn in an instant.
Let's say half of them won't lift a finger just chant WEN LAMBO, so the rest would need to spend 1.4 United States Dollars each.
Sounds horrible and impossible indeed.
I don't think it will dump to oblivion without people capitalizing on the cheap burn.

>> No.49465443

You are fucking delusional if you think even close to that many people would band together for a burn. 99% will just hold expecting everyone else to burn

>> No.49465629

>99% will just hold expecting everyone else to burn

So if we take only the 1 million from Coinmarketcap, not counting the hodlers without a CMC account, that leaves us with 1% as you say, 10,000 people who need to spend 70 dollars each.
Yeah, definitely not doable, anon.

>> No.49465659

Checks, and yes I will. :)

>> No.49465760

I don’t even know when to close my shorts, there is literally no bottom. This luna already dropped 40% today and lunc is looking like the same is coming up for it. And you can still see all the delusional bagholders here waiting for it to go to Zero. Just how fast are both going to zero?

>> No.49465792

>Crypto falls from the $100's to 0
>Hey lets invest into another crypto from the same creator

>> No.49466307

if it dumps low enough you could buy up and burn most of the supply for less than $100,000. Any whale that did this while holding a substantial amount of LUNC would make billions.

>> No.49466347

scrt is a jewish scam, literally run by jews

>> No.49466364

He ruined many retarded lives, came back to do it again. Will he get away with this?

>> No.49466423

you don't assassinate anyone within a couple of weeks after an event that convinced you to kill them LOL
you have to make it seem like an accident or just find the most convenient way possible
killing him this year would be amateur hour

>> No.49466500

My short is up 48% since this morning, lmao.
>tfw you should've used more leverage

>> No.49466522

Unfortunately due to the way they paused LUNC they still control it. Even though everyone else owns billions, the old validators (this fag's team) are still in charge.

>> No.49466899

Scarcity doesn't create value. I could take a dump less a week, but the amount of shit eaters still isn't sufficient to give my dumps value.
>LUNC will be memed to the dollar.
That is possible, but whether you can convince enough greater fools of the meme that burning increases the value of the coin is an open question.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of people willing to hand you their bags though, that is a certainty.

>> No.49466929

>Holy Wluna they said
>Both Luna and LunC gong to 0

>> No.49466952

> Scarcity doesn't create value
Checked, but normies don't know that.

>> No.49467143

If all the bag holders sell for a penny, you could burn 100% and never get to a dollar. But no one is going to rescue all the bag holders, not for a penny and certainly not for a dollar.

It's not the burning which increases the price, it's the memes. But you can certainly try to meme that burning increases value, that can be almost as good ... or useless. One of the two.

>> No.49467309


You actually sound like one Rajesh.

>> No.49467344

But the graph there goes up...... What do you know Vincent?

>> No.49467364
File: 312 KB, 600x660, cuckedtodeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being someone who unironically bought LUNA 2.0

>> No.49467388

YOU CAN'T BURN LUNC There is no such thing as a LUNC burn address, Do Kwon has all the keys.

>> No.49467402
File: 91 KB, 1081x691, 1654526462770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just too comfy to care desu. Doesnt matter how many sats or btc you have its just a feeling of royalty to self custody the king and laugh at these shitcoins blowing up.

>> No.49467414

Some guy on /lit/ just told me to but LUNA when it first crashed cause I would make millions so I did, now I love /biz/ and all its memes I'm basically and oldfag here already!

>> No.49468153

Any fellow chads ITT make a few bucks on the dead cat bounce?