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File: 28 KB, 375x500, 198419819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49450061 No.49450061 [Reply] [Original]

>He has a smartphone.
>He checks his work emails at home for free.
>He responds in the work slack for free.
>He constantly checks his social media to find out what to think.
>He hasn't been disconnected for long enough to think about what he wants in life.
>He doesn't get good sleep.
>He hasn't read a book in years.
>He's the guy that plays on his phone at the gym and makes a 1 hour workout last 2 hours.
>He genuinely thinks tinder is the only way to get a partner.
>He isn't free from corporate slavery or advertising for even a second of the day.
>He can't beat an attacker to death with his phone.
Take the dumb phone pill anon.

>> No.49450091


>> No.49450106

i read like 3 or 4 books this year already

>> No.49450111

I miss the 3310 era so bad it's unreal

>> No.49450144
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c-checked but shut up!

>> No.49450153
File: 76 KB, 1024x588, AB4FBFA6-69D0-42B4-9E9B-DD4061DF9C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit in my room and play world of warcraft all day

>> No.49450159 [DELETED] 

You'd have arena master if you didn't waste so much time.

>> No.49450165

Sounds like a load of cope to me

>> No.49450196

> he owns his own company
> he's non-active director of another
> he works 30 hours a week
Samsung A30

>> No.49450244

I actually do use an old phone and some of the basic things like online banking are a nightmare. These days some banks barely let you do anything online on PC, you have to use their phone app
>duuude just emulate it
Did exactly that and the bank froze my account for tempering, had to sort it all out with them.

So no, not using a modern phone isn't an option these days unfortunately.

>> No.49450858

Sorry I need my banking and exchange apps

>> No.49450913
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>> No.49450923

dude i took this pill years ago, you're way behind the curve

>> No.49450932

I am pretty good at old world of warcraft (pre-cata)
Too bad this skill doesn't make money
Inb4 streaming

>> No.49452994

>unironically have had the same Star Wars Edition Nokia brickphone since hs
>survived being drowned, filled with glue, and dropped two stories
>cost me 100 bucks
Yeah, smartphone zoomies are dumb cunts

>> No.49454107


But I like the convenience of not having to grab a laptop to shitpost on 4chan or hop onto my desktop to take a virtual meeting.

>> No.49454165

I use my phone at the gym to time rest between sets :(

>> No.49454214

That's valuable people watching/thinking about your life time. Leave the phone in the car, m8

>> No.49454220

I miss my old dumb flip phone I had back in 2005. What a great time that was. Maybe I'll pull it out again, it actually still works and the battery holds well unlike modern phones which conk out after a few years

>> No.49454548

I basically just use mine to browse the web to entertain myself while at the wage cage. I don't even work while in the office. Why would I work while at home?

Are you not in the USA? Major networks here discontinued all service except LTE/5G so old phones literally won't work.

>> No.49456816

Imagine being a smartphoneless fag like OP afraid of technology, he copes because he probably can't do multiple tasks at once, you are supposed to text your friends when you hit the gym while you meet some friends to train, days only have 24 hs sweaty; also what's wrong about looking for girls on tinder while you run on the threadmill while you're listening to an audiobook? Don't tell me you go for a run on a park and waste a whole hour just running...also imagine thinking you need to "disconnect" or some buddhist shit to think what you want in life.

>> No.49456854

Best dumb phone? I still want mobile hotspot and bluetooth for music. I was thinking Nokia 2720 or 8110 (although the shape doesnt seem ergonomic)

>> No.49456899

>t. screen addict

>> No.49456911

I just leave my phone in my bed or somewhere else and do not check it for hours on end to simulate this experience. I mostly just talk to my parents anyway and usually in person, but when someone needs to get a hold of you, God forbid you take longer than a bong hit to get back to them. It's propagated a lot of boomer-esque personalities, especially in the working world, allowing their plague to spread further re constant connection.

>> No.49456935
File: 17 KB, 320x213, 120309-phones-news-buyer-s-guide-best-smartphones-image3-wld40oe3yn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has self discipline
>Phone always has zero notifications
>Checks emails twice per day
>Has no social media apps
>Has a pocket camera to take photos of the dog, rabbits, garden etc.
>Access to maps when going places
>Battery lasts 2 days because no dumb shit installed

Take the self control pill anons.

>> No.49456975

what's your email client?

>> No.49457047
File: 8 KB, 214x235, 1632069554567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had a smartphone
>never wanted one
>everyone tells me to get one
>people start outright giving me smartphones and saying they'll pay for the data plan
>wtf is wrong with you no
>snowden leaks come out
>this keeps happening
>still refuse to have a smartphone
Cell carriers are now harassing me by giving my shoddy service to the dumbphone I bought but soon I'm going to get rid of it entirely.

Not sure how I'm going to get around europe without their gayass code scanning lmao.

>> No.49457216

>These days some banks
>So no, not using a modern phone isn't an option these days
How about you use a better bank, like any of the big banks that maintain a website you can access by browser? Which is all of them?

>> No.49457257

>Major networks here discontinued all service except LTE/5G so old phones literally won't work.
Holy shit, had to check whether it's real. Glad I'm a Europoor for once, damn. But I guess I'd disconnect completely if it happened in my country

>> No.49457356

I only use an old nokia when I travel. Not having access to google maps, google translate and the ability to browse the internet really enhances the experience and forces you to talk to people and do stuff

>> No.49457400

Imagine thinking not owning a computer or a microwave is illegal

>> No.49457520

If you're worried about surveillance the old phones are just as exposed as smartphones. In fact, using an old phone might draw even more attention towards you by those doing the surveilling, as they will assume that you have something to hide

>> No.49457694

Or you could just not care. Not in the sense of ignoring being spied but simply exacting fury on any fucker who tries to go after you

>> No.49457700
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hey /g/

>> No.49457723

Getting stoned and playing wow was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life back in 2010. As someone who had just had his heart shattered by a whore, it was a light in an otherwise very dark and lonely time.

>> No.49457746

Haha I bet the back of his neck is hot and moist and smells of fish

>> No.49457837

Getting stoned and ignoring your problems in fantasy MMO-land isn't a light in a dark place, it's a shackle that keeps you there. You suffered longer than you needed to.

>> No.49457872
File: 36 KB, 350x600, Nokia-E52-898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about switching to an old 3G era nokia e52 phone for a while but the one thing that's stopped me is that I can't seem to get the internet hotspot working over USB to my modern windows 10 laptop. Otherwise I'd be totally down for it.

>> No.49457994

I use an app to record my sets + weight and play music

>> No.49458349
File: 75 KB, 640x480, shivo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, my job started a phone allowance 4 years ago where they pay $100 per month so I got a flip phone and plan for $30 per month. I used it as a hotspot for the first year and carried an iphone around as a prop but I eventually gave up caring about people asking about the flip phone. now that I make over 6 figs my flip phone and 2014 honda accord are funny to me.

kek, quality bait. there's no way you're this much of an insufferable autist.

all the modern flip phones have hotspot/bluetooth the pricing indicates durability so aim for 75-$100 range

well. I do

>> No.49458575

I’ve thought about throwing my phone out many times but not having a smartphone is just needlessly handicapping yourself. It’s nice to have a gps and map in your pocket, able to look shit up if you need to and banking/trading apps can be really useful. Just have self control and keep your screen time to a minimum

>> No.49458632

Turn off all those shitty app notifications so you're not checking it 100 times a day

>> No.49458728

i had a dumbphone as a thing for all of last summer. while it did feel good in a lot of ways, there were several times where it was a massive, massive inconvenience. even with a car gps, driving was often miserable. id still recommend people try doing it just to see what the water's like. but its ultimately a burying head in the sand move and the reality is there will come situations where you will be so god damned grateful you have a smartphone. like when i had to look up and find the nearest urgent care.

>> No.49458733

Yea I do. My phone is always in do not disturb mode with the exception of a few contacts. I time I ever use my phone for more than a few minutes is to read ebooks while traveling

>> No.49458777

this is the bigger move. better you are able to handle having a smartphone than force yourself to abstain entirely like a mindless addict. similar to alcoholics who cannot be in a building that has liquor vs. alcoholics who can still go out with friends.

>> No.49458810
File: 31 KB, 474x461, 1654642371963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically the point, everything you need available on a dumb phone. financing phones is for status. and be honest with yourself have you ever made life changing money trading on your phone or are you just looking at charts while you eat to avoid eye contact with strangers?

>> No.49458865

That's a solid move. Smart phones can be great tools when they're used properly. My autism used to get triggered with how many notifications would go off during the day. I have a friend who would spam me with messages and memes all day. He still does it, but now I'm not bothered getting notified every time it happens and check it and reply once a day

>> No.49458986

>all the modern flip phones have hotspot/bluetooth
I want one that doesnt have a browser or YouTube app so I'm not pissing away time

>> No.49459293


>> No.49460297

>everything you need available on a dumb phone
No it's not. My bank doesn't have full functionality via PC browser and I need a banking app just to use the bank

>> No.49460308

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.49460580

>He genuinely thinks tinder is the only way to get a partner.
Where else do you even find a partner these days?

>> No.49460681

he says, settling in for yet another day of making smug, incredibly gay posts like that on this childrens cartoon forum, without the slightest hint of irony

>> No.49460714

youre a loser and always will be

>> No.49460780
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You'd think so by the looks I get when I refuse to scan gay ass codes to look at a restaurant menu.

I've already attracted government attention and take steps to hide my comms explicitly to thwart them. My bugout bag is already fully packed if you know what I mean.

Yeah it's bullshit my service got shut off with zero warning while I was in the middle of travelling, could have been really bad to be stranded on the road without anyway to call a tow but I got lucky. Then I bought a phone specifically to get on their gay ass new network and they shut THAT off too, I assume for satanic radio standards reasons. So now I'm on some offbrand carrier for $8/mo and getting about that much value out of the service given that half the time calls don't connect unless I restart it daily.

It's really not a handicap, just get a papermap and do all your internet business at home or on a laptop. I never feel hampered when I'm out and about for not having a phone EXCEPT for all the gayass code scanning and people trying to push apps on me all the time.

I'm a recovering alcoholic who abstains entirely, but can also be around people drinking. Don't hate on abstainers, alcoholism is truly a demon and one you don't want to mess with.

>I want one that doesnt have a browser or YouTube app so I'm not pissing away time
This appears to be impossible nowadays. Even my dumbphone Nokia has that gay shit. I just don't have a dataplan so it's not a problem to ignore it in the menu.

Use a real bank holy shit why do you put up with that? That's like keeping your life savings in a browser extension level of security, get it together.

>> No.49460790

Smartphones are designed to be as addictive as possible, to retain your attention span for as long as possible, a little slotmachine in your pocket with everyspin releasing dopamine.

Remove it from your life and see your focus return, see your want for other activities return and profit

>> No.49460828

I make $100k a year and have a wife and two kids. Suck my thick cock faggot

>> No.49460849


ok but what do you DO?

>> No.49460856
File: 280 KB, 347x512, 1616067693319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends of friends and via institutions (church, work, clubs) still works. As for finding a GOOD partner... shit I don't even know if the freemasons still have control of their women. Probably not.

>> No.49460861

>he thinks I don't bill time for bullshit work messaging to the pajeets after hours
kek, it just means i hit my 40 hours by lunch on friday and I get to fuck off sooner. have some god damned self control and the rest isn't an issue.

>> No.49460891

holy god that's actually autistic, i hope you can get a real bank somewhere near where you live

>> No.49460895

Bitcoin solved this problem in 2009 bro

>> No.49460902
File: 184 KB, 1200x630, nophone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the nophone pill.
I haven't had a phone in years.

>> No.49460904


name one

>> No.49460917
File: 67 KB, 423x408, 1626190811838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread material the government doesn't want me to and build local networks of mutual support.

>> No.49460935

learn to circumnavigate your city using landmarks and inherent sense of direction. When was the last time you got lost and had to think your way back to civilization?

>> No.49460939

>Spread material the government doesn't want me to and build local networks of mutual support.

so you repost /pol/ memes on your videogame discords

>> No.49460995
File: 154 KB, 455x478, 1619198764555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yacht clubs and weirdly expensive strength and conditioning gyms that operate somewhat more like cults. I got invited to one of the latter but was being autistic about starting strength so I didn't keep up with it and missed my shot with a minor east coast heiress. Oh well. If you're going to go that route I recommend you get strong and conditioned BEFORE going to these gyms to meet girls, because you're competing against every other guy there doing the same shit (trying to pick up girls).

>> No.49461104

>gayass code scanning: you can go to a pharmacy and they'll print you out a covid pass in the size of a credit card.

>> No.49461146
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Actually it's more like prepping, I refuse to use glowie spyware """discord""". It's right there in the name, fuck that. Give me IRC and HAM radio.

>> No.49461198
File: 642 KB, 680x466, 1619001150500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay how do I fake one of those? Will the euro pharmacy accept a picture of my fake vaxpass card from america?

>> No.49461221

>complying with tyranny

>> No.49461401

I charge time to check emails or reply in slack.

>> No.49461793

You can read books on your smartphone. 1000 books in my pocket at any time.

>> No.49462221

Who are you quoting?

>> No.49462282

Is there a dumbphone that can run WhatsApp? Where I'm from 99% of communication is run through it.

>> No.49462511

this is a (you) problem and a fucking stupid one to have bruh

>> No.49462914

>Banned from clubs due to being unvaxxed
>Can't find a church with a singles group
I guess I'll have to see if I can find a woman through any of my coworkers.

>> No.49464914
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>all the modern flip phones have hotspot/bluetooth the pricing indicates durability so aim for 75-$100 range
Spoonfeed me, motherfucker. Which should I buy?

>> No.49467021

Make a fake vaxxcard. I give you permission to lie to tyrants.