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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49446657 No.49446657 [Reply] [Original]

which crypto keeps your hope in the market alive?

>> No.49446672

ICP unironically.

>> No.49446679

Link. Ever.

>> No.49446686


>> No.49446690

Atom probably.
Stake that shit, if the market is crabbing restake the rewards, if pumping, sell your rewards

>> No.49446692


>> No.49446696


>> No.49446718
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>> No.49446733
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Only BerylBit makes me believe in better days, because only Camel is competent to make a crypto move in the bear market

>> No.49446761

no, i have lost hope

>> No.49446767

XTZ desu

>> No.49446784


>> No.49446790

I agree

>> No.49446797

None, they’re all dumping, I’m watching my portfolio slowly bleed until zero… i will hodl but i know its pointless

>> No.49446809

Based opinion, berylbro

>> No.49446849

I never heard of this coin

>> No.49446872

Really? This is at least different

>> No.49446899

Camel is a genius

>> No.49446938


>> No.49446955
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somebody should make a biz themed coin called GlowToken and the marketing can be like that gay CIA marketing campaign in 2020
I would buy it for the keks

>> No.49447097
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>pic rel

>> No.49447130

Stinky linkies

>> No.49447412

Link, always. All I want is staking, and I will never sell.

>> No.49447474


>> No.49447485 [DELETED] 

>which crypto keeps your hope in the market alive?

I cannot categorically mention any though but I have hope on ETH, BNB,UNI and TXA , I just have my fingers crossed as time goes by

>> No.49447505
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>> No.49447552

HarrPotterObamaSonic... also MATIC.

>> No.49447565

>which crypto keeps your hope in the market alive?

ETH tops the list then I can say BNB, UNI, MATIC and TXA.

>> No.49448084

>which crypto keeps your hope in the market alive?
Desu, it's eth, followed by Rfox and Dot

>> No.49448736

Eth has been a good player in the market if not for the unfortunate incident meanwhile what's Txa about?

>> No.49448788

The space is filled with quite a number of rug pull project and there has to be a way to cut down and with the partnership of TXA and Tacen, the hdex would give investors control of over their funds

>> No.49448819

Same. Its been a rough slap in the nuts, but its atleast hardened me to watching my folio crash. A technologically sound project with dogshit price action.

It can drop another 50% and it wont phase me.

>> No.49449787


I'd pick Vfox instead of iota coz i apparently lost confidence in it.

>> No.49450283
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>> No.49450335

RFOX, and I'm staking the shit outta it to make my bag larger, and when the market starts pumping, I'm selling my rewards.

>> No.49450357

Quant and Stinkums

>> No.49450363
File: 248 KB, 360x594, mfw seeing ICP KEKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>VCs loaded up and purchased $10 000 worth of ICP at 3 cents a piece ($0.03)
>private investors and other early buyers loaded up HEAVY bags with 6 figures below $1 and $10
>ICP was listed above $2000 on Coinbase and Binance before stabilizing around $600, then $400 for like one week
>kept dumping since then, non-stop, thanks to retail, boomers and latecomers happily providing exit liquidity at the top of the crypto bubble thinking they were investing in revolutionary tech
>turns out that it's YET ANOTHER centralized vaporware scam that does NOTHING and doesn't build anything outside of a gambling DeFi platform for holders to lose even more funds in NFT scams (useless in bear markets and intrinsically worthless)
>almost everyone on /biz/ saw through the shills and their attempt by rightfully calling it a scam back in May 2021
>months pass
>eventually some faggot chink shill who probably wanted to cut his losses starts promoting this scam to the /pol/ subset of lurkers who browse this board when ICP was trading at $70
>he succeeds because he was lucky enough and made calls that were decent in the past
>but more importantly the 1488 bait and muh racism were enough to attract the lowest common denominators
>ICP keeps dumping
>Mario 64 on ICP is a nothing burger and gets shut down
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>bear market is confirmed
>ICP keeps dumping even further

ICP is probably the second biggest scam to ever grace crypto, with TERRA/LUNA being in the first place and Bitconnect in the third. Compared to these two however, ICP and the Dfinity foundation are still fooling the drooling retards who were dumb enough to fall for the "tech in crypto" meme. Not even pajeet chasing shitcoins are as retarded and gullible as those people.

If you bought, held and lost money on ICP instead of ignoring it or swinging it for sats/dollars you are worthless human trash. Even a pajeet nigger on BSC is smarter and more sound financially.