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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 526x701, IMG_20220607_103204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49429651 No.49429651 [Reply] [Original]

This is good right, should I take this opportunity? The benefits seem pretty good, and $16/hour is more than any other place in my area is paying.

also wagie thread i guess

>> No.49429680

oh wow very real not fake much verified undoubtable lee not bait

>> No.49429700

Lmao read the small print

>> No.49429720

yeah ok

>> No.49429733

>that small print
Snacks and gifts are deducted from the $16 wagie lmao

>> No.49429766

>apply not to help us fill the workplace and lower our prices again


>> No.49429774

Up to $0.50 guaranteed

>> No.49429776

>Free snacks
>You have to pay for them, tho

>> No.49429782

>supportive work environment
Very big red flag.

>> No.49429792

Anon run, they are offering no incentive and are trying to scam you with "benifits"

>> No.49429834

Small print should literally be illegal, its a retard trap and I don't understand how it is ethically acceptable to let businesses abuse people that way

>> No.49429940

1pbtid.. anyone who takes this job deserves it or is just that desperate.. the free snacks =3$hr now go clean the bosses paint brush strokes in the toilet bowl.. oh by the way it's only 1 granola bar per day per employee..

>> No.49429958

>hiding in the fine print its actually $13hr
Lol, no wonder employees are walking out. I can already tell they like playing games.

>> No.49430026


>> No.49430145
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I make $47 an hour as an intern sitting through microsoft teams meetings.

>> No.49431217

looks good OP

>> No.49431322

Id tell them $17/hr take it or leave it. Very jewish of them to do the $13/hr+benefits shit. Like be upfront, $13/hr is solid (deoending where you are of course). The doctors note too, like if Im puking Im not going to the doctors office. Yeah you don't want lazy normies "calling in sick" but requiring a note doesnt work either

>> No.49431558

This. I always hate seeing the argument that wage increases will hurt local businesses that can't afford it. Small business owners are the biggest kikes of all.

>> No.49431649
File: 56 KB, 531x821, 1581447367360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13 an hour.
Wow, fuck living in America.
I can't believe my mom was born and raised here and dragged my out of Canada to live here.
Fuck me.

>> No.49431693


>> No.49432140

Because that's the type of society we live in. It's perfectly okay to scam and lie in your advertisement so long as you put a little * somewhere on there.

>> No.49432253

This pic was taken from somewhere else wasn't it OP

>> No.49432305
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Why is there no contact information on this very real A4 printout?

>> No.49432317
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>> No.49432370
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>Slavery was abolished in 1865.

>> No.49432403

Press charges

>> No.49432483

Places like this exist. I worked $12.50 an hour as an "IT admin" while I was in school for a local document storage company. Ended up getting fired because the owner fell for a phishing email, company ended up getting sued for half a million dollars over a data breach, and said it was because failed to uphold company security. kek

>> No.49432553

>IT admin
Did you install backdoors on EVERYTHING? I hope you installed a crypto mining daemon on every single device endpoint within the company.

>> No.49432587

Business owners are such whiny bitches

>> No.49432612


>> No.49432619

I needed a job that would work with my university schedule so I took the shit tier pay since I did basically nothing 99% of the time. I did use the main server to run runescape bots though.

>> No.49432841
File: 93 KB, 213x312, 1473882570896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse search OP image

>> No.49432893

>outshines, outperforms the owner while making 1/100th the pay and having zero capital appreciation

>> No.49433075

Why do these shop owners act all entitled?

>> No.49433404

If you do the work of two people you can make 33 percent more.

>> No.49433448

Did an actual 12 year old write this

>> No.49433552

Just a boomer, but intellectually the same.

>> No.49434210
File: 1.88 MB, 270x397, worker of the year.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Biden

>> No.49434512

Boomers never got told no.

>> No.49435536

You retard zoomer they got BTFO in 01, early retirees went back to work. 401ks and home equity evaporated in 08, rode the biggest bull run in history, and are getting their shit pushed in in their twilight years. Boomers perpetuated usury and are feeling it's repercussions, they are definitely feeling it the most. Be wise, unlike the boomer dinosaur, and begin accumulating their shed blood in the markets

>> No.49435673

cucknadian minimum wage is lower than that

>> No.49435713

It's like they're trying to bribe 8 year-olds.

>> No.49435785
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If small businesses go under because they cant pay the market rate for labor then their business sucks and their failure was organic

>> No.49435810

>We had to raise our prices by 50%!
>Oh our wages though? No we still pay the same but we have a great benefits package***
Boomers need to be shot on sight

>> No.49435834
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math checks out desu
t. jew

>> No.49435850
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extremely based. When will GenX, Millenials and Zoomers unite and crush the Boomers

>> No.49435910

Good lord fuck everything about this. The tone kills me. What an entitled retard. This is all one big red flag. I was making $13 at a grocery store a decade ago in Boston. What the fuck is happening?

>> No.49435939

Ok, enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.49436019

Are "clumsy" people actually retarded ?
As in, low-IQ ?

Because to be "clumsy" implies you do the same time of mistakes again and again.
F=ma should be drilled in your brain at the first accident.

>> No.49436069

Home Depot pulled this same shit. It's called a 'Total Compensation Package' accounting for our biannual bonuses, which sometimes we don't even get if we don't hit our sales goals. So it's pure kikery.

>> No.49436186

We tried with c*vid but it didn't work, maybe m*nkey pox will

>> No.49436216

>What the fuck is happening?
Desperation. We are about to see a wave of businesses go under. If they raise prices they lose business, if they raise wages they lose money. They're lashing out blaming everyone but themselves.

>> No.49436281

Fake and Gay image. Kill Yourself

>> No.49436388
File: 91 KB, 970x450, 1628766438361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Millennials and Zoomers

They deserve nothing

>> No.49436389

>get bankrupt
>and your reward is video related

>> No.49436607

>Are "clumsy" people actually retarded ?
>As in, low-IQ ?
In a way, but has nothing to do with IQ. It's called bodily and spatial awareness, and its a kind of IQ but for your body. You develop it mostly as a child. For a baby to develop it, it's important to allow it to crawl around and explore and to give it toys like balls, dolls and tools so he can improve hand and arm dexterity. Getting it to walk too soon with walkers or by helping him is only gonna hider its upper body development and diminish its coordination skills. Electronic devices like tablets or videogames at a young age are also detrimental to develop bodily awareness. That's basically how you get clumsy adults.

>> No.49436803
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>> No.49436856


Enjoy the nursing home, fucking kek

>> No.49436863

>when the missus doesn't get the D

>> No.49436923

depends on your state but no is the answer

>> No.49436969

"small business" is such a misleading name. The government classifies any business with less than 500 employees as small. That literally tens of millions in payroll. They should reclassify small businesses as any business with less than 50 employees and have a separate class for businesses with less than 5 employees, and those should get tax breaks and benefits.

>> No.49437078

Outsourcing renders measurements of business size by number of employees retarded

>> No.49437165

Correct. Outsourcing is a major issue and shouldn't be allowed. It's essentially modern day slave labor.

>> No.49437295

yeah well your taxes would be higher in canada

>> No.49437310
File: 785 KB, 960x776, 1654037259824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather work there than for Jeff

>> No.49437365

>Pay increase (up to) $0.50 per year guaranteed
50% of the time it works every time.

>> No.49437621

i haven't worked in 6 years, permanently retired into the bosom of mommy's house, but this is unironically more money than i ever made waging and a much easier gig than anything i ever had to do. i know this is a joke but if you guys think things are bad now you have no fucking idea.

>> No.49438027

Most American image I've ever seen.

>> No.49438519

Outsourcing should be curbed with labor tariffs to the point where it doesn't make sense to do.

>> No.49439159
File: 212 KB, 506x632, 1470762156747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand my point.
You don't do the same mistake twice, ok let's say thrice, without being a drooling retard.

If you know your spatial awareness is shit, you double-check.
You mime the action before doing it.
You think "heh, last time i applied torque everything got on the ground. Maybe...?" and so on and so forth.
i.e. you develop cheats, shortcuts and abstractions, and of course predictations based on precedent experiences, to compensate for your shortcomings.

>> No.49439646

>you develop cheats, shortcuts and abstractions, and of course predictations based on precedent experiences, to compensate for your shortcomings
I'm telling you that the necessary tools to do that recquire the ability to perceive depth, movement etc. It's like the resolution and refresh rate on a screen: Imagine a person that has discreet array of 10 levels of perception of those events vs one that has array of 10,000 levels of perception. Both can be equally clumsy the first time they perform a new activity or movement, but the latter will adapt quickly to it, while the former will struggle a lot. Simply because their lo-res system doesn't allow them to do hi-res movements. Does that make sense?

>> No.49439715

And Americans wonder why Mexican fucks are invading their country. Whatever this job is, for 16/hour I would take it no questions for a chance to live in the US. That’s 3 times as much as I earn right now as a tech and life is even cheaper in the US.

>> No.49439996

>13 dollars plus benefits is 16 dollars

>> No.49440007

Lol that business deserves to get fucked. Plenty of Walmarts willing to hire for a higher rate along with benefits. You can read the seething of Management protruding out.

>> No.49440018

Hey dumb retard it's actually thirteen dollars an hour no wonder you guys take every fucking shitty job you can get it

>> No.49440103

Still good. I’d take as low as 8 an hour

>> No.49440153

That's like 14k yearly. You are making not even 1/10 of what the ceo makes. More like 1/100000000. You are basically disposable.

>> No.49440165

Of course it doesn't make sense, since perception have nothing to do with building on your experiences.
I'm essentially blind in one eye, and my lack of depth perception never handicaps me, since i composate for it thanks to my two-digits IQ.

>> No.49440184

Meanwhile all the warehouses in my area will hire you straight out of high school and start you at $24/hr. Boomers are deranged.

>> No.49440208

>$13/hour + benefits = $16/hour
I hate flyover bumpkins.

>> No.49440273

>perception have nothing to do with building on your experiences
I respectfully and completely disagree
>I'm essentially blind in one eye
It's not that kind of perception, google "proprioception"

>> No.49440276

So what? That’s about what I make right now in my country and life is twice as expensive, I need a license to basically do anything and I’m getting taxed to death as soon as I make a bit more money. 50% of the workforce is disposable at least. I’d take a $8/hr job in the US anytime.

>> No.49440278

People don't get hired for merit or productivity. They get hired for proximity to straight white wifed-up manhood, age/role balanced.

>> No.49440855

Hey look ok there's nothing wrong with our society ok
Maybe if you worked hard for 30 years like I did you could get a job as a senior manager like me and then you'd have some pride in your accomplishments and an appreciation for this country, God bless.

>> No.49441556

I literally make 16 an hour and mind my own business and just do my job. Yo, the entitlement is real with these shop owners, what a bunch of assholes haha

>> No.49442221
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1652472944626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Employers are horrible!!!

We all need to band together and DEMAND to be treated better.

>> No.49442381

The living wage thing for minimum wage doesn't make any sense when you think about it.

If dollars are just an abstraction for work, then obviously you want as many people at least doing something to be productive, because in reality work is real and dollars come after.

But if you have a minimum wage you are strictly pricing people out of being able to work, meaning less people can work, meaning less stuff is produced meaning things cost more.

>> No.49442395

nigga what just go get a comfy WFH job, they usually pay at least 20 an hour for bullshit work. Just lie on your resume.

>> No.49442441

America was a BIG mistake

>> No.49442499

xoomers are boomer lites

>> No.49442686


>> No.49442709

This, only Amazon and Walmart should be allowed to hire people

>> No.49442715

fuck off we're full roach

>> No.49442734

>inflation is 8%
>this guy increases prices 50%
definitely a trustworthy business owner, not scamming his customers and/or employees whatsoever

>> No.49442761
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>Make sure you put your initials next to it to let us know you read it

>> No.49442766
File: 193 KB, 1080x752, Screenshot_20220607-171729_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just boils down to the cost of living being too fucking high which is what boomers don't get. The minimum wage is irrelevant see pic related.

>> No.49442801

"16/hr" is better than "0/hr". Take the job, maybe learn something. Don't get comfortable.

>> No.49442818

i wonder what snacks are, my bro worked at a fish and chip shop, at the eod he always came home with a meal for two of food which was worth more than 5 big ben bongs

>> No.49442838

Read the fine print.

>> No.49442881
File: 71 KB, 635x960, 1633815071756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. God millennials are so fucking entitled.

>> No.49442905

You guys are overthinking it. They're probably just rolling on xannies or hung over after getting in at 6am from their zoomer parties.

>> No.49443033

There is no fine print to read. If he doesn't have a job it's better for him to just get a job and make some money (despite what the job is and how shit it is) than to be sedentary. Even if he hates the job, it'll still teach him something beneficial while he's collecting a paycheck (might even get some tight pink and expand his network). You saying he should just keep trying to beat his highest K/D or try to reach Plat???

I think it's a first world problem.

>> No.49443275

when i worked at macdonalds when i was young, i ate basically for free if i wanted to even if i had zero money for t he week, it was great

>> No.49443459

>minimum wage is irrelevant okay just ignore the fact that inflation has increased tremendously faster than the minimum wage or the fact that you could survive on unskilled labor without working 70 hour weeks the previous generation

>> No.49443541

>which is what boomers don't get
They will soon, boomers are or are about to get absolutely BTFO by stagflation. Most of them are of fixed incomes in retirement and it was enough at the start of retirement. Now the money printing is going to destroy that.

>> No.49443917

Where do you ameruburger freaks get all these figures form. In bongland thats literally a minimum wage job so about 12$ or even less if you are under 18

>> No.49444025

I make $175 / project pushing rectangles into different sizes and dragging them around in Sketchup
each project takes about 3 hours
why would anyone wage slave in retail when you can daydrink while working from home?

>> No.49444027

No Idea where he gets those numbers but UPS will start you out around $16 doing warehouses work. It's a shit job though.

>> No.49444072

>I make $175 / project
>each project takes about 3 hours
ok and how much time do you spend securing those projects? and how many hours per month are you able to do actual paid work?

>> No.49444243

Zero, my buddy just calls me. I spend about 12 hours / week doing the actual work.
Maybe 10 hours of unpaid learning (scripting my Sketchup plugins, learning Unreal Engine for rendering) which is very enjoyable and makes me better at my work.
I'll do some odd jobs or gamble on options if I need money, otherwise I just enjoy life.

my situation is kind of unique and not everyone should try to do it, but they should at least work smarter and pursue creative shit they're good at.
most autists here are smart enough to get some WFH shit they can do while watching anime at the very least
slaving for even $16/hr 40/week is a terrible deal

>> No.49444331
File: 50 KB, 720x538, pepe math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13/hour + benefits = $16/hour
>benefits = $3 an hour
>you take home $13 an hour
>still post $16 an hour in bold

Ah yes of course... checks out.

>> No.49444415

Fuck me...... I would have fired her ass on the second time she did that weak hand

>> No.49444433

Not a bad take tbqvh

>> No.49444465

Do not work there. 13 an hour is the new 7.35

>> No.49444571
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>> No.49444738
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1653528214708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small mom and pop shops are the no better than the kike supermarkets. They literally buy shit from Costco to resell at marku. This is a shity business. Glad amazon and Walmart BTFO Small retailers.
Restaurants suck too shitty fries and a burger for more than $10 is ludicrous.

>> No.49444985

The only small business I enjoy are the small diners that you can get decent sized breakfasts for like $8 and most of the workers are family and not druggies like at Denny's. That being said I do know of a small diner in my town that can't keep workers because they are shit heads and they post entitled boomer papers on their doors when they don't have enough staff to open.

>> No.49445046

Wahhh, im to lazy to read or understand things... wahhhhhhh

>> No.49445149

Reminds me of these shithead boomers in my town that bought out a restaurant that everyone loved here and they replaced it with a fu king drive-thru liqour store. When they announced it they talked about how they are doing what is best for their family by destroying everyone's favorite restaurant and promoting drinking and driving.

>> No.49445245

You think you can afford to pay rent and bills with 14k yearly in the USA? How about you stop converting it to your poverty dollars when calculating the expenses, idiot.

>> No.49445286

Lol young americans are so entitled.
3rd worlders will kill for that 'horrible horrible pay and muh ceo' because the alternative is getting $2 or $4 a day in their own country.

Enjoy getting replaced by immigrants

>> No.49445345

which town my dude?

>> No.49446131

Well done on being sued for discrimination.

t. lazy bitch

>> No.49446447

don't walk, RUN away

>> No.49446526
File: 86 KB, 640x757, 1579678336265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a GREAT job actually, as long as you don't live in some shithole where people are greedy and don't tip 15-20% like a normal person

>> No.49446653

>no interest in position
>take the paper anyway

>> No.49447493

only reasonable reply:
lady, just be up front and let your husband know that you know he's got a hot young mistress thats milking his cock and that its fine but you still require some dick from time to time to not be such an insufferable cunt.

i cant wait until these entitled boomer small business owners have to eat crow. dumb niggers cant compete with rising labor prices and want to blame the labor pool and not their own retardation

>> No.49447628

Become a poker dealer. Like 6 weeks of "school" (twice a week), you get a guaranteed audition with a local casino, and can make 30-50 an hour

>> No.49447661
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>> No.49447681

no, the benefits arent real, so it's $13/hr with no benefits. any real benefits are listed, IE; matched 401k, free health insurance, etc. most likely the $3/hr benefit listed in your OP is just something he calculated based on how much he pays towards complying with obamacare, even though you still have to pay the full price for insurance if you want it.

>> No.49447758

hmmm? pretty much all entry level brainless jobs start at $15/hr here now. anything you need to actually know how to do something correctly (warehouse) will be atleast $20.

>> No.49447882

Honestly eating snacks is a good benefits can easily save up to 70$ weekly. Basically free lunch.

>> No.49447912

You are part of the problem. These niggerfaggot boomers know you taco munchers will happily accept their ass pay rates, giving them no incentive to change.

>> No.49447929

>thanks Biden
As if the president controlled inflation, they're most likely a retarded Trumptard, good luck with that.
>lower our prices again
I'm sure that'll happen lol

>> No.49447957

Do people really tip percentages? I legit always tip one or two dollars. Four if I order something big but that's it

>> No.49448060

I will never tip another waitstaff again because of this image.

>> No.49448173

Almost everywhere in America people will tip based on a percent, and a lot of restaurants will have a tip chart at the bottom of the bill with how much you should tip. Shitty waiters will pitch a fit if you don't tip at least 20%, plus they often won't share tips with the cooks either. I hate waiters so much.

>> No.49448355

Yup, not tipping every again.
Fuck Americans

>> No.49449897

$15 is the new minimum wage just so you know.

>> No.49450174
File: 2.61 MB, 4160x3120, 20220608_042451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure factory jobs near major cities can start around that much. My job is offering $3,000 referral bonuses. If you work 2nd or 3rd shift your starting pay is $19/hour with immediate 2 weeks vacation, insurance, 3 days sick, 401k match for first 3%, 50% of the next 3% and an automatic extra 3%.