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File: 30 KB, 690x644, MANAVSPOWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4942958 No.4942958 [Reply] [Original]

Is this price movement in MANA similar to the price movement that happened in POWR before it had a huge gain? If so, what signs are you looking for before you buy? Thanks

>> No.4943036
File: 18 KB, 468x267, POWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the POWR chart after what was shown in the initial post.

>> No.4943044

>2 entirely different coins
>their charts look a tiny amount similar

the state of /biz/

>> No.4943075

Thanks, man, but that is kind of how this stuff works.

>> No.4943364
File: 17 KB, 468x699, A_Meme_Language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I see dead pattern. They're very fucking where!!!

>> No.4943410

Why is first response always some ass hole? That price movement is significant in my opinion. I would have thought it was tracing directly to the 300's after what I would have considered to be the dead cat bounce.

>> No.4943417

ur right OP. I bought at 350 sats yesterday and it has held, and gone up throughout btc fluctuations. This is about to break out any moment now.

>> No.4943479

What does your TA show OP?

>> No.4943480

Thanks, man. God damn. Finally haha. I know this probably seems like I'm just waiting for someone who has my opinion so that I can say that they are right, but I appreciate you offering your thoughts in a meaningful way. I fucking hate 90% of biz, but I really like the other 10%. Pretty similar to the real world in that way, I guess.

>> No.4943505

maybe because you are a fucking retard for comparing a token partnered with the Australian government to a fucking virtual reality memecoin

>> No.4943522

Oddly enough, I have not charted either. I don't usually buy from this price point. I buy from long downtrend breaks. I missed the recent MANA trend break, so I was waiting for the next drop to 300's or high 200's.

>> No.4943562

Increased interest from the China man. (Check google trends). Big event coming up on the 15th. Virtual Reality nonfungible and scarce LAND that you can buy with MANA in Decentraland. This is good stuff OP.

>> No.4943578

Fuck you. For real. I don't give a shit about what either coin "does". Neither of them actually "do" anything. I just need dumb fucks like you to think they "do" something so you'll buy my sell on the wick.

>> No.4943610

At the moment buy support too strong for it to get to low 200's. This shiz is on the UP

>> No.4943616

Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I'll check it out.

>> No.4943656

Thanks. I think I may try to catch a 520 buy in.

>> No.4943670


It made me a couple bucks today trading highs and lows short term, otherwise I'd avoid.

>> No.4943696

Australia is worth less than virtual reality.

>> No.4943703

All of the alts look similar right now because of the BTC wildness. Most hit floors over the past 3 days. Anything could happen.

>> No.4943710

Good market volume as well. this can cross ATH when the China man wakes up

>> No.4943721

OP confirmed for checking only those 2 charts today


>> No.4943763

noooo wait for the next drop brooo

>> No.4943771

I did the same thing last night. made about 600 from it. It does feel weird buying now, buy I did the exact same thing on powr, so it is totally possible that I'm just still butt hurt over missing that one. I really don't see this type of price movement often, though. XLM, POWR...maybe BAY are the only ones I can think of that I've seen.

>> No.4943803
File: 162 KB, 906x569, VICTOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Pajeet. Stop fuding OP, and go shill your shitsack bags in your own thread of your own making. Oh, what's that? you lack creative talent to make a shill thread others would be interested in, you you just fling shit at others threads to promote your own coin? Sad. Terrible people. OP, you are on to something, and I have been studying this for a couple of days myself. You have the full support of Oldfagbiztard. CON-TINUE!!!

>> No.4943806

Yeah, I do hate when that happens. Good point. I think this one is different enough to pay attention to, though.

>> No.4943829

I checked way more than these two charts, man. haha....

>> No.4943848

Thanks, man. For real.

>> No.4943863

I bought in at 549 that volume makes me think it will spike.

>> No.4943924

Yeah, I mean it does kind of look like it was just forming a longer, low-middle point now. I may end up holding off on this one, but only because I have to leave soon.

>> No.4943956

yeah this is going to test 640 sats in the next few days

>> No.4943989
File: 17 KB, 651x372, Selection_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4944020

Means nothing with the volume coming in. Sell walls have been going down quickly since last night.

>> No.4944044


I believe it's going to go up but why buy at 549 sat at the high when you can buy it at like 500 sat when it rebounds. it's 510 rn

>> No.4944078
File: 36 KB, 851x467, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the next moonmission

>> No.4944104

Very true senpai. See that I told OP not to buy at 550.

>> No.4944113

Buy high, Whales dump and shake out retards, then pump it up past your buy in to make you squat and shit little pink Wojack turds, get more buyers in higher than that, wash rinse repeat. Overall trend of this process is up. Ride it, or dump and buy back with the whales, if you can guess their patterns. A good whale makes a regular pattern so everyone can figure it our and join in. everyone makes money, including the whale. And one day you look at the chart, and an 8 cent coin is suddenly an 80 cent coin. Viola!

>> No.4944203
File: 7 KB, 250x221, 1509893554058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hard to predict the buy wall on these things.

>> No.4944215


bot 506, now it's 540

>> No.4944248


500 is a psychological number, it's a support

>> No.4944389

Strap on boizzz

>> No.4944513

Ok, I'm back. I got out of having to go somewhere with my wife, which is about as rare as this price movement. God damn, that sounds like a damn cruise ship comedian...sorry

>> No.4944568

i seriously think my wife thinks i'm neglecting her. Which is true cos going out with her means less time spent on crypto. So I had to drop the sexathon this weekend to save my marriage.

>> No.4944612

It's actually starting to look pretty damn familiar now. I think I'd need to see it close above 600 a few times, and then I may look for a 540 buy in or something. It's still going to be hard for me to pull the trigger on this one. It's just way out of where I'd normally buy in. I'm probably missing a ton of good options from watching this shit haha.

>> No.4944679

Dude, I hear that. I had to do the same thing. I really hate that our wives feel that way, but I'm sure both of us have the same goal of trying to create a new and better life for them. I hope I'm not just making the divorce more profitable for her.

>> No.4944741

This. Good luck OP hopefully we get some nice gainz.

>> No.4944765

I still had the POWR tab open from earlier, switched to it vs. the MANA tab by mistake, and almost punched myself in the face for missing it.

>> No.4944789

Thanks, man. Same to you.

>> No.4944848

IMO CME Futures will bring confidence to the crypto ecosystem. If it happens, more money coming in, increased market cap. We're in early. Think about it, we're debating whether to go into a token at 8 cents.

>> No.4944891


its like self fulfilling prohecy dude

people read charts and see similarity and it fuels fomo and price rises

stay poor faggot

>> No.4944938

This is like saying ALL TA is worthless anon because TA is based on patterns.

>> No.4944968

Yeah, you have a point, but I kind of feel like I got in too late (august of this year). I don't know if you're old enough to remember this, but this kind of has a beanie baby vibe to it. We may look back and wonder how a worthless coin was ever worth 8 cents.

>> No.4945056

I been a btc user for small transactions since it was around 100US. I never felt the beanie baby vibe because I was using it as an instrument of trade at the given market price, without considering it as a long term investment, at that point in time. ( Was put off by the price fluctuations, which are nothing compared to now). But with the future predictions of money which would come into crypto, the market cap will increase and the solid coins will go up. Just like the futures markets, we're betting on future technology at a very early stage compared to the normal person.

>> No.4945141

Did I miss something about POWR? Did I miss a pump or something?

If MANA and POWR share at all a similar fate, expect Mana to dip then start bleeding out like POWR is.

>> No.4945163

Just to update what I'm looking for in case anyone cares...

I'm expecting to see a few 30 min candles mess with 550-575 before a downtrend to ~440 starts. The bounce at 440 should hit ~520 before it continues the downtrend to the low mid 300's. I'd be looking to flip 340 range into 440 range at that point.

The deviation from this expected price movement is what I'm really watching for. Breaking from that prediction in a significant way would mean some really nice gains.

>> No.4945257

Yeah, when you put it like that, it does make sense. Maybe I feel late to the party, because I got in near the last stage of the early adoption. It's possible that all this may be really crazy soon.

>> No.4945457

Sorry, I just now saw this.

I was wondering if the price in MANA was similar to POWR's price movement from its gain a few weeks ago. I bought POWR early, but I sold it before it made the second breakout. It's the second breakout that I was considering MANA to be in a position to have at the time I made the initial post.

>> No.4945562

Does anyone have anything they'd like me to look at for a second opinion? I don't feel like charting right now, but I'll eyeball it and give you my thoughts. I'm not a pro or anything, but I do make consistent money from this.

>> No.4945709

U really think we'll see low mid 300 range soon OP? Really strong support at the moment at 500 sats. Plus when South Korea and China wake up they can pump this back over 600 sats.

>> No.4945768

Just got off the phone with some long in depth discussion. George Orwell prophesied of what this outfit will bring about. The "Feelies" are coming, but they will be beyond Orwell's wildest fantasies. The applications will be global. You want your paralyzed child to run and play with the rest of the children, and feel what that is like? They will. You want to fly like you do in your dreams? You will. My. God. I have goose bumps after these phone calls. Oldfags don't get goosebumps. I used to work with paralyzed children at Phoenix Children's Hospital. My Firstborn was there for a while.

>> No.4945945

I'd say you could catch a gain from a 500 buy in, but that support level just hasn't been tested enough in my opinion. Are you talking about the support being the amount for 500 in the order book? If so, I don't really use order books for much except for a really, really small window of time right before I buy or sell something. Even then, it's really just serves as one last way for me to feel good about the price going up or down directly after my buy or sell. I've found that the books are just too dynamic to really draw any conclusions from.

That being said, I will still be watching it. May even try to sneak in a gain soon.

>> No.4946014
File: 155 KB, 600x600, 1507344763006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this mean by he?

>> No.4946131

from the graph not the order book. I hear ya.

>> No.4946166

Virtual reality anon. Differently abled kids can put on their VR headsets and have certain experiences that they won't be able to in the real world.

>> No.4946187

I'm not sure if I'm right, but from what I gather MANA has something to do with VR. If so, I think that comment my be in relation to what VR could mean for the future, especially the possible impact it could have for disabled people. My wife got me an Oculus last Christmas, and it really is amazing. I'm 35, and I've wanted something like it for pretty much my entire life.

>> No.4946958
File: 50 KB, 1759x778, MANA_CHART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went ahead and did a chart for MANA, so you could see a little more of what I was expecting. The current uptrend breaks if it goes below 413, so this chart would look a little different if that were to happen. There's also a support at 442 that's not shown on this chart. I show next stable ATH at 763. I'll buy if it closes outside of the current downtrend a few times, and sell if it drops below whatever line I buy it above.

>> No.4946991

The uptrend breaks if it goes below 413 at the expected pivot point, I should say.

>> No.4947223

good stuff OP. Am with u on this one. We'll see how it goes

>> No.4947404

Yeah, man. This shit is just too fun/cool. It was really nice talking to you, man. I'm really glad I get to leave a thread not being upset about something a random dude said on the damn internet haha.