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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49434244 No.49434244 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49434371

Linkies on suicide watch

>> No.49434695

How is that a bad thing if you have over 1k link?

>> No.49434757

That means that I'm set for life with my 35k LINK

>> No.49434761

5% is very good if you believe whatever you are staking will hold its nominal value.

>> No.49434769

Sounds sustainable.

>> No.49434825

you have have been, if you sold at 50, linktard
now enjoy bagholding until $0.1

>> No.49434866
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up to 5%. read: lucky if you get 5%

>> No.49434868

So you need your stack to equal 2 million to get a passive 6 figures a year.

>> No.49434880

You had 3 years

>> No.49435084

Thats actually very good.

>> No.49435092

well shit I guess its called a suicide stack cuz you commit suicide cuz you didnt make it but had the chance and are a dumbass and fucked it up

>> No.49435125

Good luck staking without linkpool. Good luck getting linkpool without suckin some eh Jonneh’s dick. if ur lucky it may have some Big Mac special sauce left on it. Maybe you can hit up Matt Beale’s wet anus.

>> No.49435190
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>The pool will start with an aggregate size of 25M LINK tokens, with the planned goal of scaling to a pool size of 75M LINK tokens in the months after launch, based on demand

>> No.49435198

… in v0.1. It’s fucking depressing that all the retards have the opportunity to buy link this low so close to staking. This will be the last time and if everyone isn’t going all in right fucking now they don’t deserve to make it

>> No.49437252

Lol 5% is actually based, this isn't some shit ponzi apy

>> No.49437318

*up to

>> No.49437325
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>this isn't some shit ponzi apy

>> No.49437381

oh noooooo i only have 100k suicide stack what am i gonna do with all this money please help

>> No.49437421

That's pretty good. Daily reminder 100,000 LINK was the original make it stack, poorfags will seethe and cope.

>> No.49437693

>*crashes 90%*

>> No.49437956

>jannies deleting link threads left and right within minutes of being posted
>leave this meme fud up

The board has been compromised. Old biz would have been 90 percent link threads right now.

>> No.49438147

We moved on, only newfag bagholders who bought at 50$ left kek.
Enjoy this 1$ pump while it lasts.

Link has simply lost its touch, a big ataking announcement and all it can manage is to pump 10% (to the same price it was at 3 years ago)
Old link would be up 50% by now, but nobody cares about link anymore its just another failed shitcoin like everything else

>> No.49438462

try harder with the fud buddy

>> No.49438486

Stink needs to 3x from ath from me to make it

>> No.49438507

What if i believe it will go to 81k?

>> No.49438516

5%* and it's still not ready, sorry scum - we might shit v0.1 out later this year. Buy more though!

>> No.49438555

what country you from lmao

>> No.49438722

>This is considered fud
Linkies, we made it.

>> No.49438948

Because you're down 95% vs ETH in the last 2 years. You will literally never recover this loss through staking

>> No.49438972

Yeah because chainlink is not a shitcoin project with a 50% chance of not existing anymore 6 months from now, it does not need to provide 200% APY you retard.

>> No.49439003
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I dont need to fud, the price fuds itself
>le huge staking announcement
>still -84%
Id say this weak pump is very bearish, this is crypto after all where +50-100% is the norm.

>> No.49439049

Got my thread deleted too, fuck janny niggers and link fudders

>> No.49439067

STFU Jason Parser, you are a brainlet and LPL will always have higher APY on Bancor

>> No.49439127

you had 5 YEARS
now is good time to buy as well you fucking midwit

>> No.49439190
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and they just announced we have even more time. Don't know how much more luck i can take before i make the jump.

>> No.49439219

Anything outside of single digits APY is stupid kike rugpull scam shit you dumb fucking zoomer nigger faggot. Imagine for even one second thinking that 10%+ is sustainable? 5% puts it in the Top 5 of asset allocation yield opportunities in TradFi. I hate zoomers like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.49439252

Tradfi doesn't crash 90% in a year so we kind of hope for better. Anyway academic argument given we've just had a delay in any of it being real anyway.

>> No.49439863

Why would I buy a shitcoin scam? BTC is the only valuable cryptocurrency. Its amazing that after almost a decade people still dont realize that alts are just meant to stack sats.

Shitcoins have shit in the name on purpose, theyre all worth less copy pasted ghost chains meant to be hyped up and then dumped on midwit retards.
All of your shitcoins will disappear in the long run because they are nothing but counterfeit fiat currency.

Btc is gold and all the rest are just gold plated chinesium trying to be sold as real gold.

>> No.49439968

big fucking deal dude I just hit the sui, Link is not my only holding.

>> No.49440093

Seems sensible. High API just looks like a pajeet scam, and usually is. This is sound and based and big dicked. My 100 Linkies won't make me rich, or give me a bigger dick though.

>> No.49440161

Exactly this

>> No.49440619
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>Because you're down 95% vs ETH in the last 2 years
>Because you're down 85% vs ETH in the last 2 years
>you're down 55% vs ETH in the last 3 years
>you're down 35% vs ETH in the last 3 years
>you're down 5% vs ETH in the last 3 years
>you're d-

Ok retard

>> No.49440732
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if you got your link bag in 17/18, then 5% sounds breddy gud.

>> No.49440833

>It’s fucking depressing that all the retards have the opportunity to buy link this low
it feels like so due to all the hardships that holding link has been for the past 4 years but don't worry almost nobody will buy in
even half the swingers that knew about link will rope themselves
they will only start thinking about buying back in when it approaches nov highs and nolinkers will not until we reach 100

>> No.49440880

How will Linkies ever recover?

>> No.49440904

How many linkies do I need to make any significant amount of money. Please help a retard, I am new. I have 65 so far, which of course I realize is nothing.

>> No.49441036

pointless question
the only questions that matters is how much liquidity can i conjure up in the next few days/weeks/months
calculating values and numbers you can never buy is an exercise in futility

>> No.49441223

I CAN conjure up 10k USD. I don't necessarily want to spend that much, but I can. Which is why I asked how much I would need to spend to make it worth it. Though I am once again feeling regret at asking you autistic fucks a straightforward question.

>> No.49441369

Yep. Binance chart looks like it's slowing down. Dissappointing is an understatement.

>> No.49441524

any appreciation is worth it isn't it
do you mean your question as in will link outperform any other investments
or do you mean will 10k now result in gains that will materially change my life which we cant answer without more details from you
but you are overthinking this
potential gains aren't your concern risk tolerance is, nothing kills you faster then repeated cycles of getting shook out

>> No.49441724

is staking real?

>> No.49441746

I suppose my question could be boiled down to - how much do you expect Link to outperform other investments in the medium-ish term, and if you had to guess do you think there time left for accumulation?

>> No.49442729

medium term hard to say, longer term that is next cycle or 3 years then link has the most potential to shine
everything that made eth so nice back in 2019 chainlink has going for it, monopoly on a new profitable niche it carved out and more value being build ontop of it than its mc
is there time left, probably the rest of summer

>> No.49442790

You can never rely on staking apy to live off passive income. At any moment link can dump 90% and then 90% of your income is gone over night.

>> No.49443020

more like Discord fags on suicide watch

>> No.49443971

that doesn't apply to OG's but otherwise I agree. Right now a 100k stack is worth less than $1 million

>> No.49444019

yeah so what idiot? they shouldn't be inflation the token supply anyway, especially for pajeets like you

>> No.49444047

That is enough for me to quit my job and live like a hermit in a small apartment.

>> No.49444065

Sounds like something a Bulgarian would say. The chainlink token is about to be so needed your head will spin.

>> No.49444306

Lmao the bulk of my buy in is at $4. Cope you no linking faggot

>> No.49444400

which means in 2 weeks i will be able to get below your buy in, seethe faggot lol

>> No.49444461

When the LINK token drops below your buy in will you go full incel like your nazi fren Chainlinkgod?

>> No.49444578

DUDE never go full incel

>> No.49445790

Yep moving to GRT for my comfy 15%

>> No.49446018
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>he's bragging about holding for 3 years for a 2x

>> No.49446139
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>50,000 USD / yr per LINK
Seems like a good deal to me.

>> No.49448495

>bragging about $4 entry
lol is someone going to tell this retard?