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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49430143 No.49430143 [Reply] [Original]

Daily queries are going parabolic. What’s your excuse not buying in?

>> No.49430171

Awful tokenomics.

>> No.49430212

What’s awful about it? I hear this being said all the time but we’re at 70% of max supply lmao

>> No.49430264

Arent a large % of the tokens owned by a very small group?

>> No.49430281

Who cares

>> No.49430357

sub 10 cent i put in 10k, no sooner

>> No.49430487

Oh like how Bitcoin does?

>> No.49430648

No it is no going parabolic. Your chart is entirely linear. Dumb niggers are always using this word to add emphases. Good way to filter out emotional-thinking retards.

>> No.49430757

>fees are actually picking up
>posts last year's graph
When my 125k stack is worth a million next year I'm using half of it to find you and smack you right up the gob

>> No.49431075

>how does inflation work
fucking /biz/ retards

>> No.49431118
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Zoom out

>> No.49431135

>What’s your excuse not buying in?
none, i just keep dca

>> No.49431404
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That is still linear. If your chart was logarithmic it'd be parabolic. It's not. You could claim, "woah, this shit-coin is rapidly increasing and will moon 100%," and have somewhat of a leg, albeit shaky, to stand on.

>> No.49431441

>this faggot again lying about queries fees despite being BTFO in a previous thread where an anon provided timestamp to Brandon Ramirez's talk about how it's NOT going parabolic

>> No.49431471

>2021 data
Come on shill you get called out on this every thread, stop with this bullshit

>> No.49431488
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why do you never show the full history? would anons think different about GRT if we had access to complete information?

>> No.49431625

I’m only allowed to release data that the team permits. 2022 is strong and well don’t worry

>> No.49431665

This. Stop posting inaccurate data. This omega maker faggot is making me want to sell

>> No.49431697

here's the full data anon. after your chart ends, every 9 out of 10 epochs had 0 fees.


>> No.49431719

>trust me dude
>pretends he's on the team

>> No.49431748

Free service idiot. What don’t you understand about that. Fees will come in Q1 2023

>> No.49431847
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>> No.49431902

Billing data is a more reliable indicator of mainnet query fees, but mainnet usage is still insignificant compared to the hosted service. Est. 150M mainnet vs 60B+ hosted queries.

That will be changing in the next nine months.

>> No.49431937

so why would the team go out of their way to change it to "collected fees"? why wouldn't they want to show the "impressive growth" over the life of the product? why only show a month of history like this room temperature IQ anon >>49431847?

>> No.49431964
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>> No.49431979
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show me a graph for total query fees (not MUH HOSTED MUH COLLECTED) over the life of the product from launch to now

>protip you cant

>> No.49432012

this ends in may 2021. are you this retarded/disingenuous real life?

>> No.49432076
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The team only permit data from inception to nov 2021. Quit crying over 5 months of data pajeet.

You can obviously see many graphs that show the data. You’re just pointlessly fudding because you have nothing to disprove

>> No.49432145

>we cant show you data but just trust us that query volume is up 4x in 5 months as the entire crypto market has declined and there is less demand for our service but trust us.

you realize this accomplishes the exact opposite right? why would the team not want to show growth?

>> No.49432148

I want to say that total query fees right now are about a quarter million GRT.

Protip: If you're just larping, share everything you know. If you're actually an insider with confidential information, don't mention it to begin with.

>> No.49432228

What do you want to know ask away

>> No.49432365

Show hand and time stamp and I'll buy a suicide stack

>> No.49432452

The information only Edge & Node could provide. Monthly query volume on the hosted service since November/December. Query volume distribution by subgraph. Team's thoughts on a strategic path to serving as a utility for traditional enterprises.

>> No.49432465

>Protip: If you're just larping, share everything you know. If you're actually an insider with confidential information, don't mention it to begin with.

he's not. He's the biggest brainlet in GRT threads. The fact that he's using trips is a dead giveaway.

>> No.49432560

>doesn’t understand that’s bullish

>> No.49432585

he cant reveal this because it doesnt exist. On Graph day Yaniv was shilling ideology and San Francisco homeless instead of the product everyone was actually there for. the entire project is run by liberal arts and philosophy dropouts.

>> No.49432658

Ever since the crash we’re currently hovering around 1.5 billion queries a day.

>> No.49432674

its too inflationary of an asset.

>> No.49432733

Lower inflation then ETH

>> No.49433060

They have a tremendous amount of data under wraps. The information we know or are collectively rediscovering about the protocol, they already know. Keep in mind that they've been managing a service has served hundreds of billions of queries, maintained by a well-funded army of world class data scientists and engineers. No competent organization at this kind of scale lets that kind of data pass, and The Graph's teams are extremely competent. Its only shortcoming is that there are not a thousand more engineers to support it.

Geo is but one of many projects and initiatives.

To be fair, the ecosystem/machine is a bit of a labyrinth. Even so-called insiders may not fully fathom what's happening in the upper echelons until public announcements which reveal the bigger picture.

>> No.49433085

Not a single recent chart :)

>> No.49433104

Noted, and makes sense. There was a dip in query fees after the crash but before the numbers took off around Graph Day.

>> No.49433136 [DELETED] 

Focus currently on _SYS_ & XRP as I see both accelerating to the moon pretty soon. These projects are loaded and are ready to break any barrier. However, Sy.scoin has shown great tendency to moon in the shortest time. It has been on fire recently, & likewise reached a strategic partnership with some big players in the sphere.

>> No.49433192

>theyre so competent they cant show easily producible data

the market is down. volume is down. swaps are down. everything GRT "indexes" is down, but we're supposed to believe volumes are up because trust us? if queries are up, it means they're being spammed on data that holds no real value. spamming data and faking transactions (when anyone can deduce the entire population of this dataset has decreased) means the team is hoping the general public clings to old charts with old forecasts like you're doing now. this is your brain on GRT.

>> No.49433263 [DELETED] 
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Growth and sustainability is key for me and it guides my buying decisions.
Any coin can shoot for the moon and get many to FOMO but with time, holders will find out that there's no reasonable use case to sustain the moon ride and everything goes to zero. Having this in mind, I'd rather take the organic growth of _SYS_ over any pump and dump scheme. There's are major milestones for 2022 so holding.

>> No.49433371

The official justification for no longer publishing figures for the hosted service was that they want to place increasing emphasis on mainnet.

You're right that since The Graph's query volume largely comes from dApp pages, a downturn in DeFi and corresponding user activity will translate to lower utilization of the service in general.

Building with the protocol, however, has shown no signs of slowing down, and that information can actually be queried from the hosted service. Its usefulness as a predictor of query volume isn't fantastic though.

>> No.49433446

>The official justification for no longer publishing figures for the hosted service was that they want to place increasing emphasis on mainnet.
so why not show mainnet queries over the life of the product? because they CANT because all of their query fee forecasts were based on peak bull market activity.

>You're right that since The Graph's query volume largely comes from dApp pages, a downturn in DeFi and corresponding user activity will translate to lower utilization of the service in general.
but query fees now are 4x bull market high trust us

GRT can show data to end the rumors and they wont. its the only thing that can dig them out of this hole but luckily they have anons like you to dig them deeper.

>> No.49433617

>so why not show mainnet queries over the life of the product?

Query fees are all settled onchain, and you can query it. They probably shy away from using fiat denomination in the explorer for regulatory compliance reasons, but it's not too difficult to convert. Determining individual query costs is less clear, as there are probably privacy concerns associated with the minutiae of state channel activity, but a few indexers publish QPS data that can be crunched with the aforementioned fiat query volume to infer a crude average query price.

>but query fees now are 4x bull market high trust us
Nobody on the team has claimed this.

>> No.49433752

You are clearly high iq. Do you hold GRT, how much, and when would you consider selling?

>> No.49433760

Trying to use occam's razor and reductionist thinking, or reasoned arguments is exactly what you do if you want to never make it. Instead you have to abandon your reasoning and go with your intuition. My intuition told me to accumulate GRT.

>> No.49433859

it was claimed here >>49432076

query fees are not "settled" or collected because "muh fees" newcomer. total queries (not paid) should be easily producible for the hosted service and mainnet since launch, yet the only thing revealed is queries on hosted till 2021 and may of 2022. the team is actively hiding the rest of this information

>> No.49434039

I hold ~65k GRT, trying to get 100-200k over the next few years, more if possible. I don't plan on exiting, but I might take some profit in a few years.

>> No.49434088

Nice. I have around 80k and want to get to 100k. Avg buy is 30c so I’m kicking myself some latecomer has a chance to outstack me. My plan was only to sell my delegated income and live off that

>> No.49434235

An anon's projection should not be taken as official word, and that forecast chart does not look official. Keep in mind that predictions of any kind are a taboo in community outlets and publications. Trust no larping on /biz/.

>> No.49434497

Imagine taking a forecast that clearly has may and jun numbers around 2b daily. Which is fairly accurate as fact. Learn what forecast means dumb idiot

>> No.49434520

>Keep in mind that predictions of any kind are a taboo in community outlets and publications.
got any more taboo predictions for us then anon? or do also you cry in pain as lie to the speculators?

>> No.49434578

this was forecasted with peak bull market activity. you still can't explain why a chart of all queries, hosted on mainnet (and not in dollars/other bullshit excuses) CANNOT BE PRODUCED

>> No.49434729

Maybe because 95% of the activity is on the hosted service>>49434578

>> No.49434813

so, ill repeat, why is the data for total queries (again, not in dollars you bait&switch asstard) not available for the hosted service for the full life of the product?

>> No.49434814

Just dropped 10k on some GRT. /biz/ never lets me down!

>> No.49434886

Query fee varies dumb retard. Query volume has nothing to do with dollars. Why are you such an idiot

>> No.49434931

so, ill repeat, why is the *volume* for total queries (again, not in dollars you semantics asstard) not available for the hosted service for the full life of the product?

>> No.49435158

Total queries is not related to dollars you fucking idiot!!!!! It’s a figure like 10 billion gallons of water flowing through a DAM. Why are you such a brainlet

>> No.49435202

How many dollars is 10 billion gallons of water?

Also, where is my Ipad Yaniv?

>> No.49435229
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Is this what you wanna see you fucking retard

>> No.49435269

Holy shit. I haven’t seen a grt thread like this since December 2020

It must be time to buy back in

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.49435392

1.4 billion queries per day in a bear market.

Query fee prices ranges from 0.00001 to 0.0002

Making current yearly protocol revenue somewhere in between 5-100 million per year

But what will it be in 5 years if dApps keeping increasing exponentially like we all imagine they will

>> No.49435446


Almost everything I've said ITT can be verified by querying subgraphs and other APIs related to the service, and team comments/posts on various public social outlets, with the exception of some of my comments about the organizational machinery.

>> No.49435476

A similar centralized company that offers a similar type of service is couchbase.

Couchbase is a public traded company and we can see their yearly revenue is around 123 million.


>> No.49435594

Feel free to ask on Discord or Telegram, since sometimes they'll answer as was the case for September's number, but ceasing monthly publication of hosted service query volume data after curation went live in July seems like an executive decision, as it was considered the launch date proper for mainnet, if that makes any sense.

>> No.49435598


All things considered, I think GRT might be slightly overvalued (10-50%) right now.

However, given its clear utility and fundamental role in web3. (as long as web 3 isn’t a larp and the space keeps growing), I think it would be near impossible to lose money on GRT if we look 2-5 years ahead.

>> No.49435640

Are you on Edge & Node's mailing list? They sent emails to everyone, particularly those who attended the conference.

>> No.49435657

Am I onto something here, or is my research flawed some how?

Would love to see some more feedback/open discussion around the graphs protocol value and its current market valuation.

>> No.49435739

Query cost seems to fall between $1/7k and $1/15k, if Protofire's data is a reliable indicator of the rest of the network.

But anyway, I'd like to see how hosted service query number look for the month of June, since DeFi was still pretty active before the Luna crash.

>> No.49435746

Your calculation needs to include the burn fee (currently 1% of all query fees) but that number could change as it will be voted on by governance

>> No.49435754

To all the grt fudster’s in this thread, what price are you waiting for? I’m generally curious. Is a 95% drawdown not enough for you…

>> No.49435786


>> No.49435825

so to conclude, nobody can produce a chart with daily query volumes over time for the full life of either service.

why is this so difficult for the team to produce? and why do people start talking about dollars and rates when asked for the nominal daily query volume? because its a scam.

>> No.49435887

im aware of 0.5% burn associated with every delegation but haven’t heard of any “1% query fee” and can’t find it anywhere?

>> No.49435926

The chart is there, it’s roughly 1.5 billion queries per day now

>> No.49435986
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It's over

>> No.49436014

where exactly? we have a bullshit yearly chart produced by >>49435229, but we know that defi volumes/swaps/activity that GRT indexes is down in total volume compared to peak bull. so if there are more queries on less a smaller data set, aren't these these queries/spam fake or meaningless?

>> No.49436046

>one month of data prior to the team spamming GEO activity

>> No.49436080

The website shows more info. There will be 3 total burn mechanisms .5% from delegators, 1% from query fees, and another for indexer slashing

>> No.49436122

Chart was released at graph day during Brandon’s talk.

I understand your need for clarity, however because everything is still on the hosted service - there is no transparency. But give it 3 months and then the hosted service will get closed to new sub graphs and then we’ll start to get a better idea of it all

>> No.49436143

>That is still linear. If your chart was logarithmic it'd be parabolic.
you are fucking retarded.

>> No.49436144

>"Look at this growth!"
>there actually is none now
>"There can't be any because it's free, retard!"
I do so hope it's a fud by retarded shilling desu

>> No.49436182

This isn’t true because there’s no significant deviation in Brandon’s charts. It aligns with the bear market. If they were spamming the network and wanted to fake queries like your suggesting. He would’ve included a chart with 5 billion per day and not 1.5 billion (which is not too much higher then the was the last time they released data)

>> No.49436207

This would put the grt protocol yearly revenue at somewhere between 30-75 million.

>> No.49436221

Only takes 2.5 years to have a 100% ROI through delegating. This calculation does not include the increase once query fees begin going to the delegators

>> No.49436293

This is incorrect.

You may double your stack by delegation but by the very nature of inflation. We can expect the price to half to match inflation (purely based on inflation not accounting for protocol growth, other market dynamics)

>> No.49436344

You mean the 3% inflation that is only 3% to bootstrap growth and is entirely decided on by governance (aka it will be removed or lowered). Trust me I’m doing you a favor

>> No.49436373

All indexing inflation stuff is a scam. Real rewards come from the query fees.

They’re essentially decentralised dividends from the protocol.

But if, in 2-5 years, dApps and the protocol grow as expected - we’ll be getting approx. 500 mil to a few billion a year dividends among holders proportionally.

>> No.49436400


>> No.49436450

Only takes 2.5 years to double your tokens. Delegators will not sell. This might be the most bullish coin of all time

>> No.49436459
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so to conclude, nobody can produce a chart with daily query volumes over time for the full life of either service.

>> No.49436522

Another thing it consider is $link

Link’s protocol is currently valued at 5x more than grt however I’m not sure the use case is 5 times greater. (Maybe others disagree?)

GRT in my opinion should be at 30c right now leaving link with a 2-3x higher market cap instead of 5.

>> No.49436550
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It's over. I'm selling my suicide stack as we speak

>> No.49436600

It doesn’t matter if you double your tokens if total token supply also doubles. Are u really that stupid?

>> No.49436632

We’re at 7 billion tokens out of 10 billion. Quit fudding you brain dead idiot

>> No.49436644

Go buy Axie infinity or Luna if you’re after high pay ponzi’s scams.

Or even hold dollars

Cause it seems like u don’t understand how inflation works

>> No.49436694

Max supply is already up to 10.4 billion u dumbass

That other 3 billion is token unlocks lol

>> No.49436726

Where are you getting such a high inflation rate from? It’s only 3% (less then eth’s 4.5%) GRT’s inflation is decided by governance and will be lowered. In 2.5 years query fees will be so high that this coin will be DEFLATIONARY YOU BRAINDEAD IDIOT!!!!

>> No.49436753

notice how Omega always dodges the point. there are archives with him fudding GRT btw. he plays both sides.

>> No.49436791

10.4 because we’ve already had a year and a half of 3% inflation.

But the reason grt offer 10% apy is because only 30% of people delegate (meaning delegation get the inflation share of people who aren’t getting)

I have no idea where you are getting the 2.5 year to double your stack numbers from. You’re absolutely full of shit

>> No.49436819

The point is in 2.5 years coins will NOT be at 14 billion. The fee is going to outpace inflation which will probably be lowered or eliminated by that point. 3% inflation does not equate to 100% in 2.5 years

>> No.49436899

I get this back as a reward from my coinbase card and instantly swap it for BTC.

>> No.49436938

>The fee decided by arbitrary governance of the largest whales is going to outpace inflation decided by arbitrary governance of the largest whales which will probably be lowered or eliminated by that point decided by arbitrary governance of the largest whales . 3% inflation does not equate to 100% in 2.5 years

we're reaching levels of cope i didnt think were possible

>> No.49436992

Do you think the largest whales would prefer to inflate their assets to 0 or cause a deflationary and increase their respective token value? Are you purposely being retarded?

>> No.49437101

im purposefully waiting for proof of queries

>> No.49437130

I'm not a team member. You're asking for information the public doesn't have. Reach out to the team. jfc

I want to say the burn can be seen on Polygon, but the transaction event data in the block explorer is opaque compared to Etherscan.

>> No.49437145

You just don’t understand inflation.

Inflation is good for the whales.

They set inflation to 3% then stake then coins but because only 30% of holder also stake they get 10% return instead of the 3% to match inflation.

Once again the middle and lower class get fucked as they can’t afford to lock up their tokens.

>> No.49437196

Only 30% stake because newfags can’t jump through the hoops to delegate. Liquid staking is coming before EOY. That will be the game changer

>> No.49437212

There is no 1% query fees burn.

I’ve checked the documentation.

There is only a delegation and curation tax. (Burn)

>> No.49437277
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Literally took 5 seconds newfag.

>> No.49437352

My bad

>> No.49437408

U right though. If inflation gets stopped and we get the 500 million to 1 billion dollars in query fees per year. Grt will surely become deflationary.

>> No.49437456
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guys, I sold. I couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.49437497

anyone got a GRTMarine’s chart .jpeg? i wanna see how my stack lines up

>> No.49437530

What the fuck is this hosted service bullshit that always gets brought up?

Is it another way of saying free trial?

If that's the case, it's no fucking wonder that none of their customers have migrated to mainnet after all these years. None of them are willing to fucking pay. You would think Graph's priority would be getting them on a paid plan so they can generate actual revenue. But clearly none of them are willing to use the paid service. Either that or there is some other glaring fuck up going on because "hosted service" is a stain on this project that should have been fixed years ago.

>> No.49437581

free trial is the ultimate marketing move

they’ve now cornered the market

gg grties

>> No.49437614

You’re completely right. Link and GRT are the two only cryptos that have this much of the market share.

>> No.49437627

Dont have that but take this FUD instead
GRT is a rugpull.Imagine offering a service for free that a multitrillion dollar industry absolutely depends on and can't easily or inexpensively replicate and then turning around and charging for it this year, and then distributing the revenue to stakeholders. Just imagine how much money will be siphoned from these clients to the network. Extorted out of tens, hundreds of millions of dollars per year soon.

But because the industry has no other option, they'll pay to keep using it, and because the industry is quickly growing, more people will pay to use it. What choice do they have? The GRT stakers will be making bank in the future at the expense of the entire sector, which they'll be profiting from the processed data of, indexing and selling it to whoever wants it. It'll probably siphon and redistribute billions per year a few years from now. Does this sound like an honest way to make a living living? I don't think so.
How is this okay? Pure greed. Probably going to end up like Google or Facebook with their obscene market capitalization and monopoly on truth, except using "zero knowledge proofs" and "verifiability" technology developed by DARPA-funded partners in lieu of media partnerships and paid fact checkers. What's worse, it's "permissionless" meaning anyone can do what they want using the network's data, mixing sources as they please to create unspeakable horrors of insights using futuristic technologies like "composable subgraphs." It's probably going to lure real-world industry into using its services too, and then the entire world will be robbed of its hard-earned money, creating a monstrosity of a global database (A public version of the NSA's PRISM program? Hello?) in the process that no one is free from.
It's a shame that governments can't shut it down because it's decentralized and distributed across the planet and not maintained by a single company that can be sued or prosecuted. This is not okay.

>> No.49437719

good god, im so hard rn

>> No.49437724

The hosted service helped consolidate the protocol's dominant position in the ecosystem. It solved a major problem in this space, and DeFi is quite literally addicted to it. It's free, but it's being phased out over the next nine months. The paid mainnet is still far less expensive than self-indexing.

There's been a lot of fud here about Lens's critique of The Graph, but according to a competitor at least, Len's ulterior motivation is a desire for realtime control over content published on and indexed by their platform. Which is reasonable.

>> No.49437796

AAVE built their own indexing service and told GRT to fuck off a few weeks ago. independent indexes built to industry standards is a thing in tradfi. why is this so hard to believe it will come to defi

>> No.49437827

Because they can’t substream and keep up with the inevitable demand!!!

>> No.49437857
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>> No.49437867

>inevitable demand for a product that doesnt work at scale

>> No.49437873

Wasn't it part of the move because AAVE was only using the hosted service and complained about speed?

>> No.49437913


It’s over for aave

They shoulda tuned into graph day

>> No.49437927


>No longer will it take hours or days to access and collect data, and no longer will it take weeks to restructure that data. With THE GRAPH, the process is nearly instantaneous. We’re capable of providing data for 6,288,000,000 transactions in under 1 second!

>> No.49437930

that too lol

>> No.49437949

I’m going to sleep, wake me up when grt is back up to 30c

>> No.49437953

That post was by a parsnip troll.

>> No.49437962


kinda makes you think the query volumes on mainnet that cant scale are worthless if the indexed data cant be used by clients, and they are subsequently forced to use the hosted service, dont it?

>> No.49437971

i prefer a supply of 1 billion links vs 10 billion grts

>> No.49438028

Grt will be deflationary in the near future

>> No.49438085

link/lpl still has better tokenomics

>> No.49438183

I’m shilling you the absolute bottom. Quit trying to keep yourself from taking advantage of this opportunity

>> No.49438460

Realistic prices for grt 1 year, 3 year, 5 year??

>> No.49438472

You putting yourself in a coma or something?

>> No.49438480

>if you centralize the majority of your application, you can create a great decentralized application.
Congrats, Einstein, you figured out one of the main reasons why tradfi is full of jews; they hoard, collect, and sell (at a massive up charge) the data. Retard

>> No.49438539

I sold at 2.35

I got 20k

Should I put it in link or back into grt?

What would u do anon? Don’t be grt biased just cause it’s a graph thread too!!!!

>> No.49438577

It’s over

>> No.49438633
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>> No.49438649

I would buy grt and delegate it to 0xeddd4ec5d3775de964416b7b9d4da885f530f90a

>> No.49438805

Grt single handedly started the 2020-21 bull market

Why do I get the feeling it will start the next one too

>> No.49439179

It will and it’s already started

>> No.49439349

GRT singlehandedly ended the bear market.

DeFi summer would not have been possible without it.

>> No.49440254

I don’t see one lie

>> No.49440554

How is GRT better than Ocean Protocol?

>> No.49440648

>literally fucking linear

>> No.49441025

>The team only permit data from inception to nov 2021.
Did you ever think they do this because the data from 2022 isn’t impressive? You fucking idiot kek

>> No.49441339

terrible thread
not buying your bags nigger

>> No.49442631

Might be a different use case.

What does it do and who's using it?

>> No.49442768

Sure linear in the 5 month timescale. Zoom out and queries have increased by 100x

>> No.49443090

This project is Google but not Google, i mean this shit is going to make us so fucking rich just by doing nothing and receiving our monthly query fees, imagine investing in Google back in the early 2000's, understanding that it was a marketing company, now you have the chance to invest in GRT the backbone of WEB3, getting you rich cauz Dapps just can't fonction without it, WAKE THE FUCK UP Niggaz.
This is your fucking chance to make it, buy a good stack and hold it for at least 2 years, you wont regreat it

>> No.49443179

I wish they listened. In order to get invited to my yacht in 2 years they will have to prove to have been holding Grt since atleast 2022

>> No.49443664

Can you imagine earning query fees off of each and every single http request of each and every single dapp of each and ever single user... during a bull run? Let alone the golden bullrun? Goddamn I can only get so erect.

>> No.49444358

I'm already in and just waiting on the hosted service to end next year.

>> No.49444377

>Describing literally every single crypto in existence and every single stock, and even money.

>> No.49444398

Plans are that once query fees are live and enough to sustain indexers, that inflation rewards will be reduced or removed. After that we're deflationary with tokens burned on every query.

>> No.49444659

Imagine 1 billion in revenue being split among 10 billion tokens. I’m going to be rich!

>> No.49445271

More than that. Not everyone is staked.

>> No.49445522

Good. Finally time to moon

>> No.49445607

>The shills are here

>> No.49447504

Do not let this thread die

>> No.49447593





>> No.49448237

I'm not shilling anything. I just asked if Ocean is a direct competition to Grt or they are complementary to each other - since Ocean is supposed to be data marketplace and Grt is the data provider... I will buy only 1 data project so I want to find the one that will eventually prevail.

>> No.49448626

I sold this shit above $2, buying back in now with an easy 10x to my stack

By far the best tokenomics I’ve ever seen

It literally allowed smart people to steal from the dumb

We’ll played yaniv, I respect the hustle

>> No.49448769


>> No.49449733

>shows linear graph, and no log scaling

>> No.49450673

Also no update since may 2021

>> No.49450693

Mean november :)
do they have something to hide ?

>> No.49450952
File: 45 KB, 520x600, 1654676282171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no no HAHAHahHa

>> No.49451174

Your shilling is all over the place
First you claim 100k is a suicide stack, now it's a make it stack
You claim parabolic growth and show a truncated graph with linear growth
Now you post a parsnip troll as if it was a shill for the graph
Apply yourself, come on. How heavy are those bags?

>> No.49451194
File: 161 KB, 927x848, 72F89AF2-8A5D-4426-8BEC-E6F21B67B6D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to report in GRT marines!!!

>> No.49451234

Dolphin reporting in

>> No.49451402

when you get the super yacht invite this octopus stacklet for the party

>> No.49452261

I never bought in November 2020 because of the fud should I now? How far will it go for me to hodl?

>> No.49452783

Oh shit, I'm a dolphin for once.
How the fuck is there only 415 of us? It only takes 16k now to be one
Getting a bag now would be good. We might go down a bit, but bottom seems to be at $0.1, with trendline breaking sometime this month. With things pointing to BTC breaking upwards soon, I'd get a small stack right now and dca until eoy

>> No.49453185

No one talks about GRT. No one. Only omega is doing heavy shilling lately, but we spent the last year with no GRT thread on 4chan, and if there was it would be fudded to death. No reddit, discord, twitter presence.
We're very early, to the point it's detrimental.

>> No.49453633

It used to be only 2K people held 10K or more link in 2018. Now it’s only 1K people hold more then 100K Grt. We’re that early

>> No.49454269

Delegators not included.. so what's the point of this chart?

>> No.49454525

It's easier to pull data from Etherscan than it is to construct a more complete dynamic dataset using GraphQL and then pull data from that?

>> No.49454595

Whale reporting with 2M, man these Last 2 years have been horrendous, I hope I’ll make it, my dream is 10$

>> No.49454713

kek, the graph not needed

>> No.49454789

We had regular general threads. Discord's too active to keep track of all the discussions, and Twitter's also pretty active.

>> No.49454830

The Graph discord/twitter, sure. Outside of that there's no buzz at all.

>> No.49455298

There are satellite discord servers supporting and/or building with The Graph, and lots of them.

>> No.49455518

Octopus reporting in

>> No.49456007

what's the best group to delegate to?

>> No.49456492

Alright I’m gonna dca in…. I got 5500 now and will throw 200$ a month at it for a bit. Let’s see what happens
11k OG Early 2018 linkmarine

>> No.49457009

>Third world retard tries maths
Lmao you're a fucking retard

>> No.49457133

In what world is the chart you’re quoting linear? Am I taking crazy pills? Please draw your straight line through that curve and enlighten us

>> No.49457632

when you start your own country, send me invite and give me diplomat papers. i will be your number one man after that.

>> No.49458263

bump thinking of picking up a 10k sui stack today and dca the rest of the year into 50k then eventually 100k+ if market conditions allow for it

>> No.49458351

Invite me to your yacht in 10 years

>> No.49458465

If I can get a 167k "public sale stack" by EOY I'll be very happy.

>> No.49458842

I bought this shit for $0.80 cents, delegated and never checked on anything, how fucked am i?

>> No.49458877

You will be unfathomably rich. I personally don’t see $10, however I really think this will be a passive income generating machine. I don’t even want to check how many grt you’ll get delegating to a decent indexer daily, not even thinking of potential query cut

>> No.49459072

The Graph will start indexing Cosmos: https://twitter.com/JosephALChami/status/1534233573305335809

Imagine GRT indexing almost every L1 blockchain and dapp out there...think of the query fees bros...

>> No.49459554


>> No.49459631

Why? Who even uses cosmos. Who cares.

>> No.49459893

>Watching Graph day
>starts well with technical keynote
>goes to shit with rambling about liberal racist shit.

Okay, whatever. How much Graph do I need to make it? lambo etc.

>> No.49460006


>> No.49460024

i think 100k is the starter comfy/make it stack

>> No.49460294

Everyone who doesn't dca gets fucked in this market. Read a book before "investing" next time

>> No.49460331

That's what I'm doing, I have about a 14k stack right now but my goal is to delegate and dca my mining profits to get to 100k or more

>> No.49460394


>> No.49461116

I did DCA below $0.5 and still got fucked

>> No.49461513

I'd put him in the 50-100k range. And he's obviously a poorfag since he's shilling it every day.

>> No.49461951

I think maybe you are not realizing how price averaging works. If you have been dcaing at ~15 cents right now you would accumulate so much GRT that your previous stack would start becoming a drop in the bucket

>> No.49462013

42 post by this id

>> No.49462722

Yeah, that would be cool if I didn't drop a cool 30k in it that's now worth barely 10k
And if it drops even more I might as well have set my money on fire, same result

>> No.49462751

Well if you were dcaing instead of "dropping 30k in" we wouldn't have this issue

>> No.49462787

Shrimp. Bought this shit when it was 1.5$.

>> No.49462871

Ok so a giant thread and I am intrigued and got a 15k stack for starters. I could go for a 100k BUT PLEASE SOMEONE, ANYONE: please explain what GRT actually does. Queries, Google and all, but how does it work?

>> No.49462889

Honestly I just don't like the name. I like rose, but nobody else seems to

>> No.49463497

I DCAd 30k in before graph day
I didn't expect it to be a complete nothingburger
Should have expected it though
I'm not a smart man

Basically people write programs called subgraphs to index the blockchain in a easily readable format for developers (graphql). Devs pay to use this service with like $0.00001 per query, paid in GRT. Also GRT is staked by indexers, curators and delegators to signal quality indexers and subgraphs, earning a part of the revenue in the process. Considering we're possibly talking billions in revenue, it's a lotta fucking money.
The graph is already used by most dapps but right now people don't pay for it because there's a centralized service run by the graph team that is free to use, but it's getting killed next year so GRT holders will finally start earning money on each and every http request made by dapps using the graph. The alternative is building your own indexer, but the graph's tech is (supposedly) so advanced that you will certainly build an inferior system, not to mention having to maintain it.

>> No.49463749

Basado. Thank you

>> No.49463799

Bitcoin has a stupid name too. Don't let this be you.

>> No.49464090

Honestly I like the graph as a name. It's the graph. Not just any graph.
Hey we need to scan the blockchain, we should use the graph.
Got some real big dick energy, I like it.

>> No.49464346

Is grt getting staking???

>> No.49464461

GRT has had staking since December 2020.

Now they're bringing in the fees by gradually killing off the hosted service.

>> No.49465465

Liquid staking coming EOY

>> No.49466124

I believe a grant recipient rolled it out recently. Unless you're referring to a more protocol-native form of liquid staking?

>> No.49466430
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1642574395189s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that is currently not looking at GRT and Subsquid probably has no idea whats going on in web3 currently. Their transparency gets me every time.

>> No.49467221

what is subsquid? is it competing for GRT's market share?

>> No.49467426

literallywho project whose paid shills have been brigading /biz/ the past few days

>> No.49468434

This don’t trust that squidgame shitcoin

>> No.49468592

I can't tell what's real or not with this fucking coin. Market conditions are so dogshit that I can only be arsed to toss in a few hundo

>> No.49468950

Ser your shitcoin is still dumping.