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49412775 No.49412775 [Reply] [Original]

Landlords are evil.

>> No.49412819

Cope you retarded fucking leftard gb2 Twitter. You rent because you can't afford a home.

>> No.49412910

Always remember when some fool or kike is talking shit about Christianity or monarchy and medieval times, that serfs and plebs were mostly left to their on devices.
They were taxed less and worked less.
But always had some small cottage or house or some place to live.

>> No.49412970

renters are evil
you enable the landlords, just kill yourself

>> No.49413087

>what i think i do

>> No.49413152

I don’t get it. If you can’t afford to buy a place then where else would you live besides a rented place?

>> No.49413158

>They were taxed less
During some extremaly lucky and extremaly short periods of peace under a very benevolent rule, maybe. Otherwise they were taxed and robbed to shit, especially when war spending was high.
>worked less
You literally never worked at a farm. Especially one with no modern equipment.
>But always had some small cottage or house or some place to live.
They had the same houses passed from generation to generation and lived with their parents until they died. Still possible today, no landlords involved.

>> No.49413216

I'm gonna leverage my home for another one and then rent my house out to normies. What should I expect as a new landlord?

>> No.49413230

getting utterly BTFO

>> No.49413269

Missed payments, destroyed property and a new perspective on just how filthy some people live.

>> No.49413304

First of all I worked on a farm, I have my orchard and some land even today.
Second theres people that are second or third or 4th or even further generation of renters, or proletariat offspring that sold of their commie block apartment and are one bad turn from being homeless.
As for the historic bullshit you are repeating, its a lie force fed into your feeble brain.

>> No.49413368

Landlords take on the risk, opportunity cost, maintenance, and commitment of owning property in order to provide housing. Of course they need to be compensated fairly. If it were so easy to just be a leech, why doesn't everyone complaining about it simply do it themselves? It's free money, right?

>> No.49413426

Landlords don't take any risks.

>> No.49413449

>I have an orchard therefore I understand the daily work required to maintain an actual farm for a living
>Second theres people that are second or third or 4th or even further generation of renters, or proletariat offspring that sold of their commie block apartment and are one bad turn from being homeless.
And those people wouldn't exist in medieval times. If they had no actual property passed down in the family they would be on the streets.
>As for the historic bullshit you are repeating, its a lie force fed into your feeble brain.
Post some papers on how high taxes were in relation to income during medieval times then. Try to keep in mind that everything varied wildly between country and exact time period.

>> No.49413501

>when you realize even if you own a house you have to pay rent in the form of property taxes
Looks like the government is leeching too.
Not exactly. They risk their tenants damaging the place, refusing to pay or leave, etc. Frankly it's a valuable service to make a home available on a short term basis, and if you have a good landlord they'll repair things for you like they're supposed to do.

>> No.49413524

Buying a property at all is a risk. Taking one month’s rent as a security deposit and hoping the tenant doesn’t do more than one month’s rent in damage during their time there is a risk. Trusting that the tenant will pay their rent is a risk. Trusting that the government won’t rule that you can’t evict the tenant even if they don’t pay is a risk. I could go on but you’re retarded so there’s no point.

>> No.49413536

>missed payments
>property damage
>laws preventing the removal of tenants despite missed payments and property damage
>having to pay taxes and mortgage even when the tenants are not paying rent

>> No.49413583

Because they pay rent and can't afford to own 10 houses.

Typically rich person attitude
>why don't you just shit out a million dollars and form your business empire

>> No.49413642

>Taxes varied wildly

You're fucking retarded, kiddo.
Peasants worked around 150 days a year. That's about 3 days a week.
You also forget that they didn't have the nutrient dense food like we do today so 8 hours was probably about all they could legitimately manage without dying.

Things were better and worse for different reasons back then. Now we have utilities and quasi-utilities and all kinds of shit that makes our lives better but increases the cost.

Stop being such a fucking tryhard and you might actually make something of yourself someday

>> No.49413674

Kek. There are multiple towns I know of that an okay house costs $30k

Get out of soulsucking urban areas and you'll see that literally anyone can make it

>> No.49413702

>just buy a house in detroit lmao

>> No.49413729

>Peasants worked around 150 days a year. That's about 3 days a week.
Not exactly true, there was stuff they had to do all year round like tending to their animals, household labor and more. The 150 days thing is a bit of a myth, it's describing they amount of work that the lord required of them, but that's what they owed on top of running their own farm and lives.

>> No.49413741

You don't have to buy ten houses, just start with one. Build your own equity instead of contributing to someone else's.

Typical rentoid entitlement
>I want to own a large house in a desirable location with monthly payments less than my current rent

>> No.49413777

You need a down payment to get that first one, and most people live paycheck to paycheck. Not easy to save when rent is $1700 minimum in some areas

>> No.49413787

Yes if everyone bought a house in Detroit it would be come a better place. You have never been to Detroit it isn’t the hood or getto it’s just streets upon streets of abandoned buildings

>> No.49413793

The Oligarchy started this psyop to get zoomers on board with Corporations being your new landlord.

>> No.49413807

Live at home and save it’s not my fault you wanted to go to the big city

>> No.49413808

Depends on the socio-economic status of your tennants. Middle class are mostly respectful. Working class have a higher probability of causing trouble because of addictions, unstable income, etc. If you're in the US, I suppose there's also a racial component which you'd have to take into acccount

>> No.49413828

>Peasants worked around 150 days a year.
Source? What kind of hours?
>You also forget that they didn't have the nutrient dense food like we do today so 8 hours was probably about all they could legitimately manage without dying.
You think vegetables, fruit and dairy are more nutritious that they used to be back then? You don't need a gallon of corn syrup and msg to work more than 8 hours. The only difference between now and then is that meat is a lot more prevalent. We also get to choose and eat stuff we find tasty, but that's hardly related to nutrition.

>> No.49413836

What if my dad routinely molested me and was abusive to the point where I had to move out as soon as possible? What if my parents kicked me out at 18? Not everybody has the live at home option.

>> No.49413843

This would you rather have Ricky your local car dealership owner or Amazon controlling your rent

>> No.49413851

You're too retarded to go on, I understand.

>> No.49413852

That's not even rent for a big city in CA, rent is high everywhere now.

>> No.49413858

Evil or not, I'm here to make money not be a fucking saint. Also the people that I rent to could've said no and left anytime.

>> No.49413882

I said outside of shitty urban areas

>> No.49413884

Yeah, let's be honest, If someone hasn't been accumulating wealth in the easy years decades ago, to start now you would need to be pretty well off, already middle-upper middle class.

let us know when podunk, flyoverski starts pulling in those tech jobs

>> No.49413890

Most do have the option though quit making the argument that 1% of cases reflect all of them.
In your case join the army get shit pay but housing and food for 4 years then go to college that’s what I did when I got kicked out at 19

>> No.49413893

parents' house

>> No.49413896

You probably should be glad you at least have an option to rent instead of just being homeless then.

You could also live out of a car, that's a cheap alternative. Buy some cheap van, install a bed and whatever the fuck you want, shower at the gym.

>> No.49413898

Maybe you could get a bunch of roommates and suffer through that, but just saying a lot of things make it more difficult to save money for a down payment.
Yeah, ultimately it's not the landlord's fault. If houses were more affordable nobody would care. You can try arguing that landlords drive up the prices, but it's hardly the only factor.

>> No.49413912

>In your case join the army get shit pay but housing and food for 4 years then go to college that’s what I did when I got kicked out at 19
That's actually pretty solid advice for that situation. Sure it sucks if that's not what you want, but it can work.

>> No.49413920

I live in northern Michigan ain’t ever going to happen the cold drives the yuppies and browns south

>> No.49413951
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>gibz me dats for free
If you don't just give away your house for free you are evil.

>> No.49414003

Can you filter out niggers in the US? Or protesters will burn down your house if you try?

>> No.49414006

Sure, but then you wouldn’t have to worry about landlords
I honestly hope people like that end up getting exactly what they wish for.

>> No.49414020
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>get rich with minimal effort
>live off of passive income
>laze around all day
>contribute nothing to society
>dab on poorfags and wagies
>never tip

Also /biz/:
>think landlords are evil
>pour grease down the drain
>"not my problem"

>> No.49414021

>You probably should be glad you at least have an option to rent instead of just being homeless then.
I agree there

>> No.49414034

Most states have laws that make it illegal to discriminate against blacks for the purpose of choosing who to rent to. These laws exist because of a phenomenon of most landlords not wanting to rent to blacks. The cause of all this is systemic racism. Any investigation into or suggestions otherwise are racism too.

>> No.49414073

A boat or van

>> No.49414078

The anon you're replying to is right, you're retarded.

Kill yourself, inbred.

>> No.49414099

>get rich with minimal effort
not yet
>live off of passive income
not exactly
>laze around all day
I have big plans for when I /make it/
>contribute nothing to society
>dab on poorfags and wagies
I always do
>never tip
I always do

Also me:
>think landlords are evil
>pour grease down the drain
>"not my problem"

>> No.49414104

>Buying a property at all is a risk
that has nothing to do with being a landlord. if you got a mortgage to buy a place just so you could rent it, then that's YOUR problem, and not anyone elses problem.

>> No.49414117


>> No.49414133

>The anon you're replying to is right
I see a lot of impressionable retards parroting the "medieval peasants worked for 150 days a year lol" meme but never cite any actual source. Probably because they literally saw it in an actual meme and that's all they needed to shift blame for their shitty lives from themselves.

>> No.49414178

It’s the bank’s problem if they’re not getting the monthly payments they expect from you. And if the bank is struggling then it will be everyone else’s problem who does business with that bank, too.

>> No.49414211

How are your monkey pictures going to contribute to society?

>> No.49414213

> if you got a mortgage to buy a place just so you could rent it, then that's YOUR problem
No shit, whose problem it is wasn't the point. You claimed there's no risk involved while there's definitely a risk of having to pay mortgage you took to fund an investment.

>> No.49414216

don't even try. leftoids don't have the ability to realize their own consoomerist narcissism

>> No.49414230

>I have big plans for when I /make it/

>> No.49414248

Planning to contribute to society is not contributing to society.

>> No.49414279

He's planning and that's more than most people do.

>> No.49414294

bro i rent and even I think your reasoning is retarded. of course there's risk to renting out something expensive you own to a person you probably don't know. my main issue with landlords right now is that it's just a race: whoever buys the house first to then just rent it out to someone else esp right now where a good chunk of 25-40 year olds are making good money but can't beat out boomer/gen X equityfags for down payments

>> No.49414314

I agree.

>> No.49414324

No idea. I'm not in the US, but I lived there for a while. As far as I understand, there's racial segregation and race-specific neighborhoods among the lowest classes (ghettos) and then (as they become more prosperous and approach a middle-class income) racial minorities get mixed spatially with other second class citizens i.E. condos where black, indian, latin american professionist live among war veterans, senior citizens and single moms... so I guess it depends on the area your house is located in. I've also heard about gated communities that only accept light skinned, US-born people and have heavier filters for blacks and foreigners, even if they have the liquidity to live there. Eventually, it's all about money so no racial prejudice can resist a couple of extra grands....

>> No.49414335

I don't think so, I would assume most people have fantasies about all the good things they would do if they got rich. The don't get rich and they don't do any of these things though.

>> No.49414418

>You claimed
welcome to 4chan, retard.
it's a risk in the sense that you are leeching off someone else to pay off your house, but that makes you a dumbass and an even worse leech.
but again, that's not intrinsic to being a landlord. it's YOU who decided to bet on someone elses blood.

that's none of the tenants problem, they are not to blame if you are too retarded to play with money that's not yours in the first place.
also see above.

>> No.49414532

>The Oligarchy started this psyop
kek, paranoid landlord is getting nervous it seems...

>> No.49414564

>it's a risk in the sense that you are leeching off someone else to pay off your house, but that makes you a dumbass and an even worse leech.
>renting is being a leech
>but taking a loan is also leeching off of the poor banks
I'm convinced you're just angry at anyone who puts any effort into making money instead of crying about not having in on a zimbabwean basket waeving website.

>> No.49414613
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Sure is alot of words to say ygmi anon, congradulations on your future success

>> No.49414631
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>kike is talking shit about Christianity
That's just scheinkampf. Always.

>> No.49414654

>nooooooo you can't provide housing to people in need at an agreed upon price!!!1!!1
>I deserve a place to live because.... because I just do!!!
Kek, payment is due on the first, rentoid

>> No.49414711

>I deserve a place to live because.... because I just do!!!
If onyl that was the actual argument, the actual argument usually goes something like
>I deserve a big place to live that isn't my parents house and one I don't have to share with anyone to make it more affordable

>> No.49415038

No we are not. We are provide a solid roof over the heads of people who can't afford or can't/don't want to own a home. 3rd times a charm as my last tennant is a travelling physician/rn couple (no kods) that ended up loving working in our small city. Good communication, very clean and respectful, plus paid 6 months up front and have been paying on time since. They husband never calls for small repairs and fuxes it himself. I then return the favor by letting them throw their get togethers with their friends along with not increasing the rent during this time while everyone here are increasing it +$300 a month.

They usually stay in a city for 3-5 years until they get bored and then move on to another city. They've been renting from me for 1.5 years so far and they aren't planning on moving within 5 years since the husband got some type if promotion and his wife loves living here in Hawaii.

>> No.49415595

nothing wrong with being evil

>> No.49415638

>Landlords are evil.
why? if you don't like renting, just buy, if you can't buy and some else can, and they rent it to you, it's fair for them to take their share, they had to save to be able to get that loan and the house you live in, they had to give up short term "fun" to be able to reap the benefits of your work, you are paying the landlords mortgage because you are a wastefull faggot

>> No.49415642

>Landlords are evil.
Trump is a landlord.

>> No.49415659

All the eloquence and grace of a chimp with a railroad spike through its forehead.

>> No.49415660
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Forgot the pic

>> No.49415669

Seeth more poor fag.

>> No.49415688

This wouldn't be a problem if landlords didn't squat on homes and drive down supply.

>> No.49415725

you can vomit all that out or you can just admit the only real barrier is the downpayment which many people fail to obtain in this rapidly appreciating market

>> No.49415877

If you try to take everything from me, I will take everything from you. Lower your fucking rent if you don't like grease clogs.

>> No.49415915

You think that’s the only thing driving up real estate prices?

>> No.49415934

Based encouraging anon.

>> No.49415936

That and "investment properties" bought up by chinks and jews. All of you are parasites.

>> No.49415937

So you have tenant's that don't give a shit about money because they make enough of it, wow great point. I don't think someone living paycheck to paycheck is going to be doing the home repairs on their own. I bet the job market is RED HOT in Hawaii for people with no education

>> No.49415978

>that's none of the tenants problem
>tenants don’t pay their rents
>landlord can’t pay their mortgages
>banks give fewer mortgages because they aren’t getting paid back
>less demand for homes
>less homes get built
>less supply with same amount of demand equals
>home prices go up

>> No.49415994

landlords need not be 100% of purchases to effectively set a floor on the price of a home.

>> No.49416003

>You should be HAPPY that you can eat the bugs!

>> No.49416035

Couldn’t be:
>government monetary policy driving inflation (that means real estate gets more expensive in $ terms)
>government fiscal policy driving inflation
>zoning laws that ban building residential real estate in 90+% of the land area of a major city where there is huge demand

>> No.49416040

yes they are.
Plan is to buy some MATIC, stake it, wait for the bull run.
Congrats, now you can become the landlord you hate.

>> No.49416051
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It's not even that. They just don't want to pay anything for anything. Or work.
If they were given a house they'd complain about how the utility companies are evil for charging them for water (in their mind a right).
It's just a new level of gimmie's

>> No.49416074

There's a risk to every investment but these landlordfags are making it seem way more risky and hard than it actually is.

>> No.49416082

>monetary policy driving inflation
jew price gouging, the government is complicit but their policy isn't the cause
>zoning laws that ban building residential real estate in 90+% of the land area of a major city where there is huge demand
Funny because that isn't stopping condos and apartment complexes to spring up like weeds.

>> No.49416098
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because you shouldn't have to pay anything, right? oh and btw, this>>49415669

>> No.49416100

*from springing up

>> No.49416110

Housing prices have nothing to do with renters. Demand for housing never goes down for more than a year because there isn't enough supply, due to vested interests controlling the location and quantity of new builds. With housing prices the way they are, it's an obvious investment opportunity for developers. This exact situation is happening in Ontario:
>Dougie: We're going to make housing affordable! We're going to FORCE municipalities to zone for new development to increase supply!
>3 months go by
>Municipalities: Yeah, nah
>Doug promise goes away
>Sure enough all 3 major parties are now promising to offer more money for first-time buyers, this is going to cause another retarded pump in the housing market
It's all so tiresome

>> No.49416120

If you want to fuck me over, I will fuck you over too. Whether or not you think you're right is of no concern to me.
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.49416135

>Peasant: My wife was given away to my lord on my first night of marriage, he deflowered her and I'm not sure if our first born is mine, and I will never know. He is now threatening to exile me if I don't turn out more crops but the winter is strong and nothing grows

>> No.49416146

You, earlier in the thread:
>This wouldn't be a problem if landlords didn't squat on homes and drive down supply.
You, now:
>condos and apartment complexes to spring up like weeds.
You are retarded.

>> No.49416153

>>puts any effort into making money
leaches are lazy faggots and don't make any efforts beyond emptying the tenants' pockets

>> No.49416157

The more you cry, the less I care. The cards are stacked against you hippie zoomer faggots. Soon you'll be blacklisted and living under a bridge and I'll drive by just to through my gatorade bottle full of piss in your tent.
verification not required

>> No.49416178

Apartment complexes and condos are not homes, they're rental dwellings built by parasitic corpos to extort the populous with never ending fees. There's no contradiction.

>> No.49416188

Almost as if the government’s attempts to regulate the organic activity of the free market does more harm than good.

>> No.49416196

Keep coping as you clean your pipes, landie.

>> No.49416197

Only buy property in land king friendly states, kings. Instant eviction, drop by notices. Sheriff's, to lock them out. Seeeeeethe. Just kidding property is a human right for no contribution:>) we win

>> No.49416216
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kek, oh I will. because once you're out on the street, the next zoomer is going to pay double.

>> No.49416241

lol, enjoy your empty building.

>> No.49416260

>want to live in someone's house for free
>they are the leech
leftists have toddler level logic

>> No.49416264

I suspect you’d call a voluntary relationship extortionate but would not call taxation extortionate. That’s just another retarded contradiction.

>> No.49416270
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lulz, never ending supply of trust fund zoomers. plus 10% brokers fee (10% of 1st years rent).
wait, aren't you going to ask me if I want fries with that? hahahahahahaha

>> No.49416271

Municipalities are glorified HOA's, it's brutal. Vaughan and Mississauga are a great example of this: they were both in support of the highway 413 during it's planning process, as it would increase the mobility of industrial resources through the area. Now that housing prices have skyrocketed and the highway is closer to being built, it's changed to:
Because they realized that building the 413 would provide much needed infrastructure for people living in the countryside to get to work in less than an hour commute. People would leave the expensive suburbs in droves just because they have the ability to actually live and work for a reasonable cost. The debt slavery is unbelievable

>> No.49416273
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Renting is like taxing the rain.

>> No.49416302

When you own everything stack the deck so I and everyone else will own nothing for the rest of our lives, I find myself not caring about your supposed property rights.

>> No.49416303

Abolish the government.

>> No.49416362

I actually agree renting for life or having too many people renting is a sign of an unhealthy economy. I suspect we wouldn’t agree on the causes or solutions of that problem.

>> No.49416368

Buy your own home then. Landlords provide access to housing to people that are incapable of being approved for a mortgage or affording that home prior to the landlords getting the property and lowering the costs by servicing the loan.

>> No.49416394

When for the most of history the alternative was eating dust because you froze to death under the bridge, yes, you should be happy that you can eat the bugs. Cry more.

>> No.49416409

They aren't that bad. It's the property speculators making them rabid that's the problem. Similar issue with speculators pricing in "mortgage helpers" to make landlords out of people who despise the idea of having a rentier living below them and meltdown when confronted with the idea that they are actually selling a service. This latter one can only exist in their uppity state because of speculators fucking with markets.

Actually add AirBnB to this too. Changing the value proposition of rental properties so that renters are competing with vacationers.

The distortion blows back on renters and makes for a tight market where landlords can get away with being entitled pieces of shit that seem offended by their buyers.

You're mad at speculators and short-term rental companies.

>> No.49416499

>not a single mention of government interference in the economy having any effect on real estate prices

>> No.49416558

Yeah big companies like black rock and slumlords anyone else no.

>> No.49416651

This, people get mad at landlords because they profit from the speculations made by bigger players on real state, but they aren't the ones responsible for the housing problems.

If landlords who own one or two properties were to sell them below market price, they would just get bought by some big name company and the problem would persist.

That said, the gap between owners and non-owners is getting wider and wider each year. It is natural for people to resent those they consider "privileged". Home owners are starting to be seen as elite citizens, and it will get worse with time.

>> No.49416787


>> No.49416815

Just found out that North Carolina doesn't have lease breaking by default. Renters upped the rent and only over a more extended lease. To top it off they gave us less than a month to find something else. Once we complete this year lease, we're never coming back to the nig infested hell hole.

>> No.49417009

Are you really justifying a race to the bottom in terms of living standards? Why don't you just live that lifstyle, you'd be money-rich making $40k/year for sure
>No showers
>Live in a car
>Dumpster food
>No entertainment
>No phone
Sounds like the life man. You'd be a millionaire by the time you're 35

>> No.49417125

As if half my tenants could miracously afford a house at any point in their life. I could give these fuckers free rent for a year and they'd blow it on stupid shit. Most renters rent because that's who they are.

>> No.49417153

If you are charged property taxes then you are a renter and the government is your landlord.

>> No.49417163


>> No.49417180

I'd honestly prefer to live out of a car for a few years and save for a down payment instead of being stuck renting for the rest of my life, if that was the situation I was in.

>> No.49417191

Lies and slander.
>t. lives with 2 other people who work like dogs but still can't afford housing because rent is 2.5k per month on top of utilities while wages are under 15 bucks an hour

>> No.49417218

I'd love to see people like you put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't last a week.

>> No.49417274

I already live out of a van on trips for more than a week from time to time. It's not the end of the world, stop being a baby.

>> No.49417305
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>> No.49417330

>kill a landlord
>literally nobody will care and thr empire falls apart

You have yourselves to blame.

>> No.49417399
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, 234468ec50a8ca954833c1dd566b7dfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero rent

take the vanpill

>> No.49417567

Yup every tenant is truly a hard worker but the system fucked em. Oh well not my problem.

>> No.49417583

>yeah bro you should totally outfit a van for the same price as a down-payment on a house with no resale value.

I fucking hate you hippies

>> No.49417684

And your drain pipes aren't mine. :^)

>> No.49417708

>same price as a down-payment on a house
It's no wonder you can't afford a down payment, you must be getting fucked six ways to sunday on everything you buy.

>> No.49417729

>the system fucked them
No nigger, the price gouging landlords did that. I just realized you missed my entire point, you retarded fucking jew how dense can you get? You're doing this on purpose aren't you.

>> No.49417760

Well chances are you're not draining anything down my drains. Second of all, lmfao stay mad niggerboy

>> No.49417777

Literally own multiple houses and you're dreaming of living in a van. No, go ahead tell me how cheap it is to outfit your trendy van you faggot fucking millennial

>> No.49417803

Don't cry victim when you know good and well you're building your paradise on the corpses of hard workers you go out of your way to screw over for a few extra shekels you fucking cunt.

>> No.49417864

When did I cry victim? I stated a generous "stat" that half of my tenants probably would never afford a real house because of their poor financial decisions. You then identified with that and threw a poor fag renter hissy fit. I'm not gonna tell you to bootstrap and work harder cause I know the system is rigged but you are a massive faggot lmao. Keep sending me (you)s tho

>> No.49417892
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>some poorfag cries rent is too expensive, landlords bad
>offer a much cheaper alternative that allows saving for a down payment
>some faggot butts in to brag about owning multiple houses

>> No.49417903

Some of them yeah. Same with renters.

>> No.49417929

You're full of shit. Your estimate is based on what? An ego driven surface level analysis of a stranger? It's the sort of like a crook like you tells yourself so you can sleep at night. Meanwhile >>49417583 can't stop trying to defend his faggot landie honor outing how steeped in denial he is, because deep down he knows the truth. This situation is your fault, and the fault of everyone like you.

>> No.49418005

>Few years
You mean 10 years. You'd have to choose between having children and having a home depending on where you live, obviously you can't raise a child out of a car unless you go full trailer park boys mode, and I doubt you'd want to mate with someone willing to live that as well

>> No.49418034

>Home owners are starting to be seen as elite citizens, and it will get worse with time
Considering that governments all over the world bend over backwards to pump their bags at the expense of everybody else this is only natural.
Most home owners in Australia have had their wealth increase by hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past two years (after 20 years of year on year increases) and every single political party campaigned on how they were going to further pump them despite two entire generations being priced out.
It's disgusting.

>> No.49418051

Saving for a down-payment while outfitting a fucking depreciating asset? Honestly not trying to be a douchebag but you're fucking retarded. I sincerely hope nobody takes your advice. You are a shit head because people will actually think this is a good idea, somehow finance their poor decision, find out that preparing food in a van sucks, not being able to shit when you want, shower when you want, running from the police and other security forces as parking anywhere you want has been ruined years ago by niggers and drug addicts living in their car. so now youre driving around spending endless amounts of gas every day so you don't get booted. Oh gas is 6 dollars a gallon now, sick, now youe idea went from bad to just being plain fucking stupid. Hilarious

Have you seen the average Americans spending habits. Are you serious? You think every American would own a house without the existence of landlords?

>> No.49418346

>outfitting a fucking depreciating asset?
How much do you think some insulation, wood, screws, bed, sink and a stove cost, exactly? You don't sound like you own a single house honestly, that or you're a woman/very effeminate man.
>preparing food in a van sucks
How does it suck? All you need is a flat surface. Dunno what your issue is.
>not being able to shit when you want
Install a toilet.
>shower when you want
Gym membership costs literally nothing, there's your shower.
>running from the police and other security forces as parking anywhere you want has been ruined years ago
You can find spots to park indefinitely just fine.

Wagies ITT will argue medieval peasants had it better, living in a van to save 2k a month should be a great deal for them.

>> No.49418649

Youre right sounds ridiculously easy. My bad man, genius plan. You'll get that down payment soon enough.

>> No.49418883

How can the state solve the house pricing problem? Give away free houses en masse?

I seriously don't know if there is a solution.

>> No.49418980

the solution involves getting rid of ((())) in minecraft.

>> No.49419060

it's cool someone will shoot you and rape your wife and or kids eventually if that scenario plays out

>> No.49419111

Soviet commie blocks were unironically a good thing other than being ugly. Efficient, affordable housing for everyone

>> No.49419130
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>> No.49419156


>> No.49419191

and they only worked because the soviet union was relatively racially homogenous and beyond that composed entirely of eurasian races, we tried that here in the US too, it's called the projects

>> No.49419223

Kys. Maybe you should eat or be eaten?

>> No.49419378

go back retard. I love collecting rent from plebs.

>> No.49419390

First assholes to say this are usually the first to have it happen to them.

>> No.49419391

156 replies.
Rentier mentioned once.
Land value tax zero times.
Biz is not edgy, just full of retards

>> No.49419486

Cope. I own my own home and a 4plex

>> No.49419509

Kek. I’m drunk andCope. I own my own home and a 4plex

>> No.49419518

>How can the state solve the house pricing problem
By not being shitty at zoning and city planning
By not incentiving growth in overpopulated areas while ignoring areas with shittons of space
By banning/limiting corporate ownership on housing
By building homeless shelters and rehabilitation instead of pointless wars

>> No.49419540

Oh and by not taxing property, a number tied to a speculative load of horseshit

>> No.49419577

>How can the state solve the house pricing problem?
It can’t. It’s the cause of the house pricing problem. The only solution is to remove the state as an actor in the housing market at all.

>> No.49419582
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i am NOT fixing that gas leak for you, or for anyone!

>> No.49419603


>> No.49419645

god all you communists are such faggots, you really cant learn from history can you?

>> No.49419647

Taxing the unimproved value of land is the answer

>> No.49419683
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Don't like it?
Don't rent

>> No.49419808

imagine believing taxation is useful for anything other than redistributing wealth from the middle and working classes to the wealthy and the state

>> No.49419846

Evil? Nah. Greedy retards? Yes.

>> No.49419922

they take the risk of niggers

>> No.49420162

And how will that work? will big name companies suddenly lose interest in buying property as an investment to create rent slaves for life?

>> No.49420407

the extent to which the government is the cause of the people’s economic suffering cannot be understated. In the absence of state coercion there would be enough supply to meet the demand, and that’s just one way in which the government is responsible for this problem

>> No.49420465

Why would this be? All the blacks I see in TV commercials are clean, smart, articulate and perfectly respectable individuals. Is TV NOT reality?

>> No.49420486


>> No.49420510

Like Trump said. "If you owe the bank a millions dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank 100 million, the bank has a problem" I miss that based fucker

>> No.49420852

>if you just take the state out of the equation everyting will magically fit into place

I will never stop being amazed by libertarian retardation. Your faith in an clearly impossible "solution" puts you on the same category as commies. Fucking delusional.

Of course wanting to wipe the states make sense if you're filthy rich. Otherwise you're a fuckwit.

>> No.49420939

I’m not a libertarian. And I’m not a utopian. I simply recognize that the government is the enemy of the people and the cause of far more problems than it solves.

>> No.49421067

I acknowledge that most states are currently banding together with the elites to fuck over the working people. But I don't think the solution is to wipe them out and be left alone against said elites.

It's like having an inneficient police force and assuming that the best course of action is to defund them.

>> No.49421180

You have it backwards. The state is the means by which they protect and expand their wealth and power.

>> No.49422308
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shutup rentoid, rent is due 1st of the month, don't be late.

>> No.49422329
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hahah your rent goes up 400 next month so I can pay to have the drain jetted. fuck you, pay me.
how are you this stupid that you don't think all the costs are built in?

>> No.49422379
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shitting in a bucket
getting your mail, maybe
only getting fucked by maniacs who think living in a van is cool (spoiler alert: mostly drugs)
getting your house towed
having nothing of value after 10y of living like a retard in a van

>> No.49422442

Just got my lease renewal offer. My complex wants an extra $500 a month. Looks like I’m having bacon for breakfast for the next 3 months.

>> No.49422530
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virgin landlord vs. chad REIT investor

>> No.49422581

little profit, lots of hassle

>> No.49422747

>But I don't think the solution is to wipe them out and be left alone against said elites.

>> No.49423318

You would kill yourself if you had to maintain a cherry orchard of 260 trees or if you uad to spend the raspberry season pucking raspberries every day for a month.
Look up the orthodox Christian church calendar and check out the days marked with the red numbers, those are days when its forbidden to work. Enforced and encouraged by the emperor, kings, lords of the land, knights, man at arms, clergy, other pesants and your grandmother and everyone else expect a few kikes and pagans living in the entire empire.

And it was in lords best interest to have well fed and taken cared of underlinings so when shit goes down he can conscript able bodied men and levy the peasants.
That were more usefull on the battlefield than video games and fake historians give them credit.
Fit from field work, armed with a simple spear or tools.

>> No.49423606

Adultery is a sin and was looked down upon so much you could kill them both and get away with it as you defended your honour.
It happened but was never institutionalized as in the kike cuckold dreams.

Today young women start getting fucked at 14 or 15 and by the time of marriage the have 10 years or 15 of experience and double digit if not even triple of fuckers.
Some women I know that are in their 30s could put to shame any brothel worker of the past.

>> No.49424144

The right of first night was not commonplace and typically only something done by particularly tyrranical lords.

>> No.49424447

Considerably more people live from paycheck to paycheck week to week with no concept of budgeting than you and your two roommates trying to rent in San Fran or somewhere equally unreasonable. To counter your worthless anecdote I'll give you my own: whenever I tell anyone that I get paid monthly all I ever get is wide-eyed shock as they're unable to process the idea of being paid $5k and having to make that last four weeks, since they would inevitably spend it all in 7 days and then be screwed.

>> No.49424452

>landlords are evil

>never had a complaint
>bought a house on the market where the neighbouring houses were renting for £900 PCM, put the house up for £600 PCM (other houses came down in price)
>tenants made me a basket of baked goods as thanks because I told them they can forget 2 months of rent because of the Covid shit
>refuse to rent out to anyone except white people

Money doesn't automatically equal evil.
That's a communist/child's way of thinking.

>> No.49424472

you expect people to let you stay in their houses for free?

>> No.49425468

Meanwhile my landlord:
>refuses to repair the stuff that is broken
>came up with some bs that is written in contract, like I gotta pay according to the increased cost of living index after the past 2-3 years so I owe him an extra 3k
>told me apartment is 680 for 1 person, 720 for 2. Gf left, Im alone, told me I can pay only 700. Last week he told me I owe him becuse I only pay 700 instead of 720.
>wanted to make me pay cash only so he could get away without paying taxes AND later claim I havent paid to him
>everything is falling apart and he always buys used, cheap, beat up replacement stuff
>30year old furniture is falling apart in the kitches I bet he will try to make me pay for it
>4 families gotta use on washingmachine
>generally a dusgting kike

Im thinking about fucking up everything before I leave. Dry cement into the drains. Cockroaches released in the basement and stuff like that.
Fucking kikes.

>> No.49426220

when are the poorfag commies and polfag tradlarpers going to leave /biz/? it's getting tiresome at this point

>> No.49426341

I'll rent you a house if you want, where you at homie? I'm in Scotland.

>> No.49427491

Gonna flush nothing but "flushable" wipes down the toilet. Have fun.

>> No.49427601

Oh jeez Why dont you just stop renting and go buy ypurself a house instead? What's that honey? You can't afford to buy a house? Then pay up the rent bitch and stfu.

>> No.49427632
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I think we need to be more aggressive in our jewery to guarantee they will never make it, shilling garbage like ICP isn't enough.

>> No.49428120

>It's not even that. They just don't want to pay anything for anything. Or work.
sounds like landlords to me

>> No.49428250
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Go back to Portland you fucking sniveling, government tit sucking, do nothing waster. Get off the internet and actually earn something for once in your miserable life.
I actually blame your parents for coddling you far too long and not teaching you that things aren't just handed to you if you cry loud enough.
picrel: kys

>> No.49428305

I have a property I'm keeping empty until the market conditions are tighter. right now vacancy rates locally are 0.5%.

>> No.49428313

Why waste time shilling shit when you can do research on Otto and blockchains. beats me.

>> No.49428345
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Yes, you're right. As soon as you get out of landlord school, the government gives you a 5 unit building filled with upstanding citizens that pay their rent on time and are respectful of their apartments. I'm so sorry I didn't clarify that.

>> No.49428393

The irony is palpable mr victim hard worker man

>> No.49428394


>> No.49428471

That only happened in asia

>> No.49428584

Dude I cannot find a cheap place I have to get roommates. It’s like either I have to get my wage(knowledge) up or I get dumped in with the trailer trash. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the little farm I want. I’m not even asking for much just two acres or you know what even an acre. Fuck man I deserve my pain. I made $30k off $600 last year and fucked it all up holding MTV all the way to the bottom.

>> No.49429556

Jus primae noctis was a good way to get yourself brutally lynched by the peasant revolt.
Only gigacoomerlords with negative IQ would've attempted that publically.

>> No.49430458

mom! Timmy is LARPing as a communist again! can you ban his WoW account!

>> No.49430577

Just buy a house then
If you can't because you are poor build one
If you can't because you are a faggot go live in the street or the forest and stfu
Fucking nigger

>> No.49430729

>the bank has a problem
haha yeah....you still end up in jail.

>> No.49431345

>Housing prices have nothing to do with renters
You're not gonna make it and things are going to be very rough and confusing for you as globalization/immigration expands and mortgages costs continue their trend toward matching long term rental extraction value.

>> No.49431443
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Landlords have been treated like shit recently in the UK.
Can't kick out tenants.
Increased taxes.
Now the supply of places to rent is going down and the price of rent is up.

>> No.49431456

What the fuck are you talking about? Housing prices are entirely dependant on peoples' ability to buy them, and that ability to take out leverage has been steadily increasing over the past 30 years. The only time that housing prices will go down is when people CAN'T buy them.

Frankly income has very little to do with it, the bigger correlation is if you already have a house(asset) that you can use to buy even more leverage

>> No.49431576

Almost sounds as if the inflationary government currency on which the entire economy runs might be contributing to this problem in some way.

>> No.49431712

Why didn't your parents or grandparents buy property?

>> No.49431835

As I said, things are going to be very rough and confusing for you.

>> No.49431922

>Housing prices are entirely dependant on peoples' ability to buy them,
Do not post on this board again until you learn about the federal reserve, mortgage backed securities, what happened leading to 2008, and all the things the fed is doing right now

>> No.49432638

Unfortunately, that shit happens daily and the homeless people generally take it because they're drug addicted and mentally ill.

>> No.49434913

Why can't we automate land lords yet?

They should have an app for their management.

>> No.49434916


>> No.49434953

Im in austria atm. I wish I was in scotland highlander bro! I always loved the irish and the scots. You always stood up against the bongs.
Keep being a good person, the world needs more of you. Too many landlords suck people dry.

Ive been paying rent since I was 18 and I had a miserable 12 years behind me.
I tought by now I can afford my own place but the prices went crazy in the past years... well such is the lowly peasant life.
Im over 30 and I barely have over 60k to my name. This is not gonna end well.

>> No.49434978

OK, I'll kick my tenants out since I'm such a bad guy.

>> No.49435008

> what are broken appliances
> what is roof damage
> what is flooding
> what is electrical fire
> what even is anything

>> No.49435276

you are an exception, not the rule. landlords as a class are evil.

>> No.49437287
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>> No.49438618

I'm saying the government is fucking it up in every possible way, not a very confused perspective. The rent that's charged is a function of house prices and interest rates, although I do agree that the ability to rent a portion of a given house out is priced in to the evaluation, it doesn't apply to every house the same way the average borrowing capacity does

Are you truly retarded? Have you any reading comprehension at all? I said peoples' ability to take out leverage is inflating the housing prices indefinitely because the government keeps adding to the amount they can borrow by decreasing interest rates. This is exactly what happened in 2008, people were allowed to overborrow with no ability to pay back so it caused a huge shitstorm when the real money(liquidity) ran out