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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49421839 No.49421839 [Reply] [Original]

No Saturn worshippers.

>> No.49421859
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1865, 46E35410-6708-446B-A78C-51C9CEE44E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz loves this satanic thot

>> No.49421864

Look for a tunnel thru the air.

>> No.49421877

I said no satanic worshippers please

>> No.49421926

Astrologers don’t know what way the markets will move anymore than the rest of us. You’re better off taking mushrooms and picking cryptos while listening to under the sea

>> No.49421938

/biz/ does not like jewish boys that had half their dick eating by their rabbi and now work as an arab toilet

cope retard lol

>> No.49421950

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49421956

under the sea is the most esoteric depths a man can go

>> No.49421983

based and under the sea pilled

>> No.49422029
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>> No.49422039

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49422210
File: 127 KB, 1080x592, 1604862579542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside the cave
Inside the cave
Darling it's better
Down where it's colder
Take it from me
Up on the surface they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to sittin'
Inside the cave

>> No.49422234
File: 163 KB, 517x800, zuhal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucifer/Satan/Moloch are all based on one half of Saturn, whose body/soul harmonic duality (that ruled over us fairly before people started talking about themselves) was split into a body/soul&spirit disharmony.
Zuhal is the initial entropic ruler and has the best laws, sorry that they control your markets sheesh.

>> No.49422279

based and cave pilled

>> No.49422622

>Under the Sea is the MK Ultra trigger they will play during Consensus to set ChainLinkGod into full incel mode

>> No.49422778

DUDE never go full incel

>> No.49422832

She sucks

>> No.49422853

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea

>> No.49422867

I want to shit on her so bad, bro

>> No.49422964


>> No.49422987
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I sure am feeling sleepy but since this is the thread for it maybe some inquisitive lurkers would be interested in some publicly available pre-Christ syncretistic media

>> No.49423054

No thanks I'm walking with Mario


>> No.49423153

Here’s Jordan Maxwell’s take

>> No.49423194
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>Here’s Jordan Maxwell’s take
>https://youtube.com/watch?v=296YGE6X-t8 [Open]

>> No.49423225
File: 9 KB, 219x230, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here’s Jordan Maxwell’s take

>> No.49423228

>calling maxwell a glowie
anon you need to get smarter, i dont think you understand these concepts

>> No.49423239
File: 57 KB, 620x436, 1654196113638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Maxwell

>> No.49423240

he’s not a soi boy either
what’s up with these retards

>> No.49423247

Anubis said buy Doge.

>> No.49423280

Anyone who speaks the truth about secret societies brings out the glowies
notice how fast this thread gets shitposters
The people who pull the strings hate this shit to get out

>> No.49423282 [DELETED] 

Maxwell is a Freemason, according to Bill Cooper. He did not like him.

>> No.49423329

I heard bill cooper suck his duck when he first interviewed Jordan
Maybe things changed after that

>> No.49423354

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49423362

George Washington and Manly Hall were masons too. It doesn’t make someone bad, especially if they figure out how they’re being played. Masons are low level jokes controlled by the higher societies

>> No.49423666

Saturn is the god of banking?
Didn’t know that

>> No.49424361

We need more posts like this

>> No.49424485


>> No.49424531
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Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49424557
File: 206 KB, 720x890, 1652540292185-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise be to Christ our Lord. He will continue to give us what we need, no more no less. Praise be to Him

>> No.49426126

Fuck off with this disinformation

>> No.49426153

The most knowledgeable ones don’t discuss it freely, it’s sacred knowledge you’ll have to either spend a decade aquiring yourself or pay someone to teach you it.

>> No.49426522

The better art is to read sunspots. Just remember to normalize them for the current cycle point, and use proper spot counting, not the traditional shit they use to keep data in line with the past 5 centuries.

>> No.49426551
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>> No.49427612
File: 2.42 MB, 2480x1896, Schwarze Sonne in Wevelsburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post >>49422234 is indeed disinfo, but it's truth (real history) mixed with lies (jewish religious quackery, and nonsense).

The truth part relates to the Saturnian "Polar Configuration" (consisting of Jupiter-Saturn-Venus-Mars-Earth in that order, in axial alignment) that "ruled over" Earth many thousands of years ago, in extremely close proximity to each other and to Earth (with Saturn appearing many times larger than the moon today), and was worshiped by some people (the jews being one of these peoples) as a god or as three gods (Jupiter, the fourth body in the sky from Earth's point of view, being behind behind Saturn, wasn't visible until after the breakup of the Saturnian system/alignment aka polar configuration, so humans could only see 3 bodies; Saturn, Venus and Mars). Although probably not everyone who called it a god/gods actually thought it was some sort of divine intelligence. But the jews certainly thought it was. They were probably already insane due to their race, due to their genetics, but they went even more insane after the breakup of the Configuration/alignment -- the breakup being when Mars began oscillating back and forth too much between Earth and Venus, causing -- due to the electrical and gravitational imbalances that introduced -- in turn Venus to move around too much (making it act like a comet, complete with coma and tail), eventually leading the the entire alignment/system disintegrating and Saturn, Mars and Venus all moving aside, revealing Jupiter for the first time (from the viewpoint of Earth), and then Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter all moving away from each other and away from Earth, settling into new (their current) distant orbits. This was viewed by some as the "gods leaving". To the jews this was "Yahweh" (in " " because Yahweh is a later fictional invention by them designed to unite the jews against all goys and to destroy all goy (pagan) gods and goy cultures), but he's based on the Polar Configuration).

>> No.49427654
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The jew-quackery part of that post ( >>49422234 ) is the idea that this imagined "god" (it was really just planets in space -- Saturn technically being not a planet at the time but a dwarf star, but that's a side issue) was "split" into pieces. This originates from the breakup of the Polar Configuration already described, but the jews themselves, or at least the vast majoirty of them, they don't know this; for them it's all just mystic religious jew-texts and this imagined Yahweh jewgod deity and it all means whatever their rabbis tell them it means). This is what the jewish Tikkun Olam is based on. Basically (it's fucked up convoluted shit so I simplify a bit here) they think the supreme monotheistic jewgod Yahweh was shattered into pieces and its the jewish race's mission on Earth to put these "pieces" together again and "heal the world", and that this is done through race-mixing and spreading moral filth and degeneracy and destroying all non-jewish (goyish, pagan) cultures and destroying and conquering non-jews (this is why they invented christianity and islam: a crucial component of their long-term "healing-of the-world" Tikkun Olam plan), through wars, through globohomo, through trannyism, through faggotry etc. "Tikkuning" means "saving" the jews, it means they will be saved (Earth turned into a for-jews-specific paradise), and it simultaneously means non-jews will be destroyed. "Tikkun" for jews = salvation, "tikkun" for goyim = destruction. They view it as one and the same. They think killing and destroying goyim causes the shattered parts of Yahweh to re-combine, and that when goyim are killed and destroyed it makes the dick of Yahweh erect and causes him to have sex with his mother Asherah - and that this will give birth to a heavenly Israel and save the jewish race.

>> No.49427724
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In stark contrast to the jews and a few peoples, we Europeans (minus perhaps possibly maybe the Greeks) did not think of Saturn or Saturn-Mars-Venus as actual god/gods (abrahamic skydaddy style).

Our religion and myths were never about celestrial spheres in space, it was all about Nature and biology and Reincarnation and our Ancestors. Yes we "worshiped" the Sun later, but only as a symbol of reincarnation, not as a monotheistic god in the abrahamic sense of the word god. Of course we were aware of the Polar Configuration while it existed, as it was visible from Europe as well, and you can find ancient European items depicting it (like Zierscheiben), or rather our memory of it (the surviving items being made long after the breakup) and it's where the Schwarze Sonne originates from.

>> No.49427836
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By the way, the reason the Polar Configuration broke up / fell apart, that's to say why Mars began oscillating back and forth too much, is because the Configuration/alignment was unstable due to the Saturnian system (which was originally entirely separate from the Sol system - with Saturn being the body of radiating light and heat, the star) moving through space closer and closer towards the star today known as The Sun. When the Saturnian system's plasma sheath came into contact with The Sun's plasma sheath (heliosphere), Saturn flared violently. Then it moved out of range of The Sun's plasma sheath and calmed down, then re-entered it, flared again, and so on. This and the new electrical environment (the Sun's electrical domain) caused electro-magnetic-gravitational problems for the Configuration/alignment; it caused Mars (and as a result also Venus) to get thrown around erratically, or pulled back and forth, between Earth and Saturn. Eventually the Saturnian system got completely captured by The Sun's electrical & gravitational domain and couldn't break free from it again -- and thus the Polar Configuration eventually fell apart, due to the new electrical environment.

>> No.49427861

Based and Axis Mundi pilled.

>> No.49427916
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It's a lot easier to just say... it's baphomet. And no the deceiver saturn did not rule fairly. That's a deception. Everyone and everything else are just puppets of puppets of puppets of the luficer.

>> No.49429256

One groups specific interpretation of Saturn shouldn't dismiss the significance and existent rhythm of it's early influences.

>> No.49431528

Fucking based
I’ve heard similar things before, especially about Saturn being captured by the sun
Have you read fraternitas saturni?

>> No.49432382
File: 734 KB, 1214x960, Polar Configuration and Shamash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way,

The name "Satan" is indeed connected with Saturn, for it was one of the many names for Saturn (another being Shamash) during the Polar Configuration (the word SATAN is a combination of the Sanskrit words SAT and TAN -- more info on SAT: archive.is/dcmIN and archive.is/mtBuv and more info on TAN: archive.is/TYT6t and archive.is/IGdNq -- Sanskrit and ancient Greek being by the way the two main languages which the corrupted artificial jewish language Hebrew was manufactured from), and in this sense you can correctly say the jewish originally "worshiped Satan", but remember we're talking about the physical planet (or rather dwarf star back then) here, not an imaginary demonic devil deity -- the jews themselves are in actuality, as a race, the demonic devil deity ("""Satan""") that they worship; with the fictional Yahweh (albeit having its distant roots in the Saturnian Polar Configuration - as Moloch and Baal did as well) being a theological representative of their race itself.

But at the same time it must be remembered the jews call anyone who oppose them Satan. Satan is the "adversary" to the jews, the adversary to the jewgod Yahweh. That's why they call non-jews satanic and call all Pagan (meaning non-jewish) gods satanic/devils. This is why they call Hitler the antichrist in religous-historical "documentaries" on TV and call the (imaginary) "Holocaust" satanic. From the jews' perspective, Satan basically is anything that isn't jewish.


>> No.49432485
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That's why approximately 2000 years ago (keep in mind those texts were written much later however), when Yahweh was still in the final stages of being invented by their rabbis and all jews hadn't fully gotten onboard with the "Yahweh programme" (the conquest over the goyim through spreading internationalized versions of judaism for the goyim -- Yahweh-ism, Yahweh-anity -- in goyim lands so they can be slowly Tikkun'd; Tikkun'd for non-jews meaning destroyed and killed) yet, jews who were part of synagogues in which they didn't worship Yahweh were labeled by the rabbis of the time as belonging to "synagogues of satan", because they worshiped or venerated or believed in gods other than Yahweh, the hip new supreme god of the jewish race who all jews were meant to focus on. Worshiping gods other than Yahweh was hence said to be worshiping Satan, the adversary of the jews -- because non-jewish gods, by nature of belonging to non-jews, being part of non-jewish culture, were all by default considered enemies of jewry, adversaries that had to be conquered and destroyed.

The early jewish attempts at christianizing Norway resulted in the people there creating a hybridization of their native Paganism with the foreign christianity, in which they viewed the Serpent in the Garden of Eden as the good guy (no wonder, as serpents for thousands of years throughout Europe were a symbol of wisdom, of science and of medicinal knowledge -- which is why "Saint" Patrick says he threw out the serpents in Ireland; Ireland never had real snakes, it was referring to mass-killing of all the Druids and the destruction and conquest over the native Irish beliefs and culture) and viewed 666 as a sacred holy positive number -- because to them it was obvious Yahweh was something evil and bad. Related info: https://files.catbox.moe/awge23.webm

>> No.49432570

Interesting stuff anon

>> No.49432575
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>Yahweh programme

>> No.49432579
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>> No.49432621
File: 374 KB, 1088x1488, Jewry - its Helpers and Victims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also related.

>> No.49432770

They are out there. I think there are more than 1 reports detailing what is likely to happen in the markets when saturn is at a certain angle or sunspots are at their high. The mass psychology manipulations of the planets work their way into the markets.

>> No.49433151

This is how glowies derail a thread, by playing up the worst parts of biz

>> No.49433254

I can't imagine being a white faggot living absolutely paranoid about jews on this level, future mass shooter kek

>> No.49434857

This poster should have a whole thread of this shit
I love it

>> No.49435127

> /biz/ is one person
shes pretty fucking lame and ugly.

>> No.49436507
File: 57 KB, 590x802, 1626695311202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed I messed up the last part of this post (due to lack of space): >>49427612

It says:

>This was viewed by some as the "gods leaving".
>To the jews this was "Yahweh" (in " " because Yahweh is a later fictional invention by them designed to unite the jews against all goys and to destroy all goy (pagan) gods and goy cultures), but he's based on the Polar Configuration).

It was supposed to say:

>This was viewed by some as the "gods leaving".
>To the jews this was "Yahweh" shattering into pieces (Yahweh in " " because Yahweh is a later fictional invention by them designed to unite the jews against all goys and to destroy all goy [pagan] gods and goy cultures, but he's based on the Polar Configuration).