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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49423655 No.49423655 [Reply] [Original]


I want to come clean, and I will likely tear a rift in the entire community while I'm at it and on my way out.

Over the course of these next few weeks I will be releasing 137.21GB of Telegram group chats and messages, of which I was not a part of. Why? This is all thanks to an exploit in October of 2019 that allowed one to access the group page with recent messages if proper permissions were not set up. At the time of writing this, the team at Telegram have been contacted about this. I've only ever seen two people mention this exploit in passing, one in person and one on Twitter, so I know I was not the only one.

>> No.49423707

good, cant wait to see which fuckers honey potted me in safeuniverse

>> No.49423709

Please don't post your larps here, I know you spent a lot of time on this, but it's just bad. If you need attention, volunteer in a homeless shelter or something

>> No.49423715

The assassinations are what I think generates headlines.

>> No.49423726

Not my larp.
There have been rumblings of this shit happening for a few weeks now. I don't think it is larp. We will find out next week.

>> No.49423755

You are better than this, anon

>> No.49423777

kek, even I got nervous reading this and I never did anything

if real, I bet Andre Cronje will be one of the absolute worst

>> No.49423793

Yea, his will be bad.
I am more interested in the current messiahs that will be implicated. I don't think Cobie and crew make it out of this.

>> No.49423835

$50 bucks this is a glow op to get ppl 2 back the biden crypto bill

>> No.49423856

for some reason im afraid im in there as well... any ways ppl can start to mitigate risk?

>> No.49423860

GCR is probably the only guy that makes it out of this.

>> No.49423884

Post says top 200 market cap projects so see what you are exposed to there. I have a ton of wMEMO but everybody already knows it is as a scam so I am just going to take a bet they don't rugpull.

>> No.49423909

i guess i dont want 2 get doxxed and ensnared in some bullshit if u know what i mean.

>> No.49423919

Yes so fucking sick of people turning a blind eye or even praising andre crojew. Everything he touched either had an “exploit” or “bug”. Hes a scamming piece of shit. At best he is a terrible fucking dev that kept making shitty project after shitty project.

>> No.49423921 [DELETED] 


>> No.49423922

you are literally talking about who nobodies
nothing will come out of this that effects BTC, ETH or LINK so idgaf

>> No.49423930

I think SBF and Tabasco will come up in this as well in a kind of secondary manner.

>> No.49423935

how did u calc mcap and from what sources?

>> No.49423957

This covers all of crypto from a outsider's narrative perspective and could affect all of crypto.

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>> No.49424004

If this turns out to be real what are the ramifications? What happens to Telegrams reputation of a leak of this magnitude? Can't the owners of these companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc. already have this power and can spy on users to gather information and then use it to make investments anyways?

>> No.49424034

yeah i might b in ur database... im mostly just noided. i havent really done anything... weird feeling ukwim?

>> No.49424051
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>This covers all of crypto from a outsider's narrative perspective and could affect all of crypto.

>> No.49424065

It's not my database.
I am not this guy.

>> No.49424093

>Stanislaw, creator of one of the largest DeFi apps (AAVE) did X terrible thing
>Crypto assassination: A dark look at what "Not your keys, not your crypto" can lead to

>> No.49424112

But nothing, nothing ever happens

>> No.49424182


>> No.49424200

Can't wait for Chico to fucking kill himself.

>> No.49424203

crimson is the biggest burger in existence

>> No.49424233

something interesting over the bear market at least
only a market issue for alts though

>> No.49424259

He’s nervous

>> No.49424282

I sincerely hope this nukes the market and gives us a 3 year bear that I can DCA into.

>> No.49425149
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so, question, should i check into this? im honestly on the verge of a breakdown and i need money asap

>> No.49425152

if you're desperate enough, yeah, as long as you dont have to put money the only thing you're losing is your time

>> No.49425159

back when i had literally no money i made a good 500 usd per month by literally spending hours and hours doing these and the ama challenges of other coins, makes you feel like you're looking for scraps, but works

>> No.49425170
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If it was real, he would've already done it. An announcement is a LARP.

>> No.49425187

Yeah why announce it? why wait so much time when he could just post it instead? if he wanted traction, he should just post it and record the evidence of it being deleted or whatever, and then post it again, he already has the info doesn't he? If he just wants to do damage and make things right than that should be enough
This smells larp

>> No.49425195

sure, you only waste time
and why wait so long? just post it larper faggot

>> No.49425227

just gamble bro

>> No.49425238

sure, im doing it as well to check kek

>> No.49425246

tasty, doing it to see if i get catfished
because its a larp, we've seen much of this shit already

>> No.49425253

He says he's not interested in money but he asks for money to release the documents? wouldn't it hurt a hell of a lot more if he just posted it here with an easy to download link and went away? he would literally burn everything to the ground

>> No.49425258

we desperately need flags on this board. Why did you abandon your other thread?

>> No.49425264

Let's ignore Sergey's burger orgies.

>> No.49425280

This has been my only thread on this.
This is blowing up on twitter rn (right now) so it doesn't surprise me people made threads after mine.

>> No.49425283
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what if this is actually what kills the markets?

>> No.49425285

Why make a fucking thread when three already exist you larping faggot?

>> No.49425291

Yeah, to "them".
Shit happens if you are trying to act/live like them, but aren't in the actual club.
This feels like it might just actually happen

>> No.49425312

I didn't see those.
I posted as soon as I saw it and didn't check the catalog. Surprised a few people beat me to it.

>> No.49425332

>I posted as soon as I saw it and didn't check the catalog.
The nyou're a fucking faggot and need to go back.

>> No.49425338

I was on 8-chan when Q first started posting there. I knew right away that it was a scam. You get a sense when someone is full of shit. The way they talk. The way they tease their bullshit. It's just obvious. Usually, genuine people just post whatever they're going to post. They don't milk it for attention. They don't try to gather followers or post an address for donations

>> No.49425348

Address is only there for key publishing.

>> No.49425354

This. It's so easy to tell the difference between schizo and larper. A schizo literally can't fucking wait to tell you all about whatever he wants to tell you.

>> No.49426312

they said the same shit about the group who leaked duke nukem forever, the engine source, editor etc. but it turned out to be real, and they actually released it ahead of schedule https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/598471840/

>> No.49426463

Because bears are addicted to shorting at the moment

>> No.49426513
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>trust the rumblings
Isayama rugged, this faggot will too