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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49424523 No.49424523 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve found a small but lucrative market in the real world, which with only moderate financial resources is vulnerable to cornering.

If you would like to join the cartel working to capture all available material. Join.

The invite phase has concluded. However, you could find the invitation link if you follow your intuition.

More information to follow

>> No.49424535
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>physical commodity
>only available online or from third world countries.
>globally underappreciated.
>globally under valued.
>there are big interests that would prefer it stay obscure.
>we will move the price up x1000
>there is currently ~$500,000 worth available online.
>when that is gone, what will it be worth?
>Potential market size of $77b

>> No.49424547
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The timeline of the operation is 5 steps.

0 - Groundwork

1 - Groundwork < You are here

2 - Buying

3 - Leaking the illegal corporate conspiracy

4 - Selling

>> No.49424549

Are nipples the softest part of a boob?

>> No.49424561
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>1 - An illegal corporate conspiracy will be leaked to the media & shared widely on the internet.

>2 - A trust will announce their public buying of the commodity.

>3 - After buying is exhausted, the global re-marketing campaign will begin.

>4 - The price per unit is expected to move from ~$35 to ~$5,000 to ~$15,000

>> No.49424562

Is what's the commodity we buying?

>> No.49424567

time to share ser

>> No.49424580

gib commodity name pls

>> No.49424582
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Currently, a film is being put together. This will bring the illegal conspiracy to the public attention & global marketplace.

This 5-minute video will highlight the flaws in the current resource and highlight the benefits of the target resource.

Sufficiently propagated, this will act as the catalyst for price rectification.

>> No.49424598
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Private disclosure will be made to a select few of us on June 21st

Public disclosure will be made a few months after that.

Within this period you have the opportunity to take advantage of a unique market situation.

>> No.49424613
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The reason you will be provided with early information is self-serving.

We would like to ensure this re-distribution of wealth, lands in the hands of those who share a similar mindset with their peers within the operation.

>> No.49424622
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The only people who will lose out of this, are the dishonest.

We will benefit from correcting a great dishonesty.

>> No.49424648

So the plan is that we buy this commodity.
They release this 5 minute video exposing this and then normies flood into it.
This requires normies to get the video and it to go viral.

>> No.49424649
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-The Great Lie- 1/2

An example of the problem we need to solve. Imagine for a second there are three resources, all used in the same manner for the same industry.

Resource A’s name is: AMAZING™
Resource A’s quality is: 4/10

Resource B’s name is: POOP™
Resource B’s quality is: 2/10

Resource C’s name is: POO™
Resource C’s quality is 9/10

The organisation that controls the monopoly of Resource A has almost total
market share with their product AMAZING™. They know full well their product is very low quality. However they market it as high quality.

The organisation knows about Resource C and it’s much much higher quality; however for political reasons they cannot control it. So they will have to find a way to make sure it never finds its way to market to compete with their product.

If the global market-place were to ever learn about about Resource C, the organisation would lose their market dominance & monopoly. For this reason, the organisation brands resource C as POO™ to intentionally confuse and mislead.

Additionally, the organisation releases their own new product, Resource B and markets it as POOP™ a very low quality substitute to resource A. They now control two products. AMAZING™ & POOP™

Everyone knows that POOP™ is a terrible product. So they stick to AMAZING™

>> No.49424670
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-The Great Lie- 2/2

Now enter Resource C. The far superior resource. However for decades it has been branded is POO™ so the global market assumes it is the same product as POOP™ due to their similar names; and lack of market recognition.

Resource C / POO™ is scientifically proven to be vastly superior in every way to Resources A & B. However if you were to tell your NPC/normie friends they would not believe you.

“Hey friend you should buy some POO™ it’s so much better than AMAZING™”

“Ha! Foolish man! Everyone knows that POOP™ is just a lower quality version of AMAZING™ go away with your silly ideas”

“No! listen carefully, you have been tricked, POO™ is not the same as POOP™ it is also much better than AMAZING™”

So therein lies our dilemma. Do we rebrand POO™ with a better name? Or do we attempt to convince the masses of the great lie?

>> No.49424673

how do we prove ourselves worthy?

>> No.49424676

Just tell us what it is. I remember you posting about this last year too.

>> No.49424688
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Join us


>> No.49424696
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Join us. We will make our move on June 21st.

>> No.49424698


>> No.49424719
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i've seen this thread before

>> No.49424746

Are you fucking retarded. The way you are going about this has all the hallmarks of a scam. So either this is a scam or you are honest but going about your plan in the most retarded way. Be transparent or fuck off.

>> No.49424757

>the invite phase has concluded
>join us (and probably pay us)
>your life will change in just two weeks

Very tantalizing waste of time ser. If I’ve already missed out, why should I now “join you” and give a shit? How can you tell we have similar goals if you provide no real information?

>> No.49424777
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Fortune favors the bold.

You will see similar threads in the future, with the resource listed. However, by then, you will be buying our sloppy seconds.

>> No.49424813
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i figured it out:
Resource A is Cardano
Resource B is Bitcoin
Resource C is HPOS10I

>> No.49424824

telegram is compromised, not joining

>> No.49424842
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Very nice digits. Give us a clue. Is old amounts of it, used for the production of *certain**specific** ammunition? If so how are you going to but it online wouldn't it be regulated?
Its non-crypto.

>> No.49424864

But it sounds like you really want to tell me so I can start paying you! So why don’t you just share?

>> No.49424890
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The reason for not sharing is so that we can all move at once.

If we don't move at once, we wont be able to take the supply to zero.

Which is needed to get the attention of the media & thus.. the normies.

>> No.49424919
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>Hunt Brothers.
Reply to me OP if I'm one the right track or not.

>> No.49424936


>> No.49424941

Sprott & Hunt Brothers both relate to cornering markets.

Except we arn't dealing with Uranium or Silver.

>> No.49424948

Rolling dubs to see if op isn't a larping faggot

>> No.49424954


>> No.49424955

In what sector is the commodity used?

>> No.49424962

Op is larping faggot.

>> No.49424963
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>inb4 the thread gets 404's

>> No.49424972

Does it have something to do with electronics and capacitors?

>> No.49425088

I think I figured it out. Found a few mining exploration projects related to it outside of third world shitholes, going to invest in those instead of buying the commodity, since I don't want to move the spot price (I could corner the market by myself if I wanted to). Thanks OP.

>> No.49425126

what is it friend? I cant for the life of me figure it out

>> No.49425148

Well what is it?Manganese?

>> No.49425154

i came from third world country. I think this faggot OP was talking about nickels

>> No.49425317

So you have managed to secure ~$200M of funding?

>> No.49425380
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>> No.49425427

Very very interesting.

Maybe this will be the basis for a 2nd operation. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.49425438
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>> No.49425492
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Damn, well I was close. Sorry, I really don't want to join a telegram group, otherwise I would like to participate.

>> No.49425559

Have a peek for the live stream link the days before 21st June.

>> No.49425780

God I'm so excited for you guy!

>> No.49425916

Sorry faggot, leak it here or fuck off
Not providing you exit liquidity

>> No.49425955
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I joined, I couldn't help it.

>> No.49425983

OP seems to be batshit crazy. Where do we buy this crap though?

>> No.49426000

It's graphite isn't it

>> No.49426001

Its fucking graphite isnt it

>> No.49426095

AMAZINGtm is marvelshit.
Zack Snyder JL Sequel is the underappreciated good. So I guess HBO shares?

>> No.49426249
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Is it silver Blue nigger?

>> No.49426257

NVM LARP confirmed

>> No.49426309
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Here is 20kg of it. God im excited for you guys

>> No.49426480

I am a birdwatcher with capital.
I'm in.

>> No.49426527
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OMG magic rock will make me rich?

>> No.49427419

>DCfags STILL coping


>> No.49427617
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This chad gets it...

>> No.49429368

Bump to the most interesting thread on /biz/ right now

>> No.49430196
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The process for the disclosure presentation will be as such.

1) a 15 minute video will be streamed to the chat. Outlining the resource and why we are doing what we are.

2) Members will disperse to purchase their required amounts.

3) discussion to outline the next steps.

4) all references to the resource will be deleted from the chat.

5) reddit will be targeted to force multiply public disclosure.

6) press releases will be sent out the major outlets.

7) profit.

>> No.49430290
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Once we have taken our fill. We will weaponise redditors virtue signalling to force multiply via Facebook for normies.

>> No.49430325

Why do you need /biz/ funds to this?
You said there was about 500k online, that doesnt seem like much

>> No.49430912
File: 34 KB, 408x612, 4816F65A-D25A-4CA0-A976-3F814C7A7052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the online supplies are gone. They will be refilled.

So maybe 500k first round; 500k second round.

I can afford it; I just can’t risk it.

>> No.49431364


>> No.49431807

>Only available online or in 3rd world countries
>heres 20 kg of it
>literal biohazard suit
>In best interest of corporations to keep it low priced
Is it some kind of super potent plant based drug/medicine bordering on the brink of legality? If so you better tell all the anons now so they know what theyre getting into.

>> No.49431910

either that or its grapheme oxide, which would fit the color

>> No.49432078

No, that would be the section of the boob below the nipple.

>> No.49432458

This thread seems astroturfed by their TG members.

>> No.49432537

I've never cringed harder

>> No.49433124

Another pyramid skeem, better buy toadlines and flip them

>> No.49433496

yea except leddit is all over /biz/, probably someone is tweeting about this already

>> No.49433652

>some schizo is going to try to convince us to all in some magic mushroom to get back at big pharma
lmao, I kinda want to see where this goes

>> No.49433800


>> No.49434031

Its definitely not shrooms if OP posted that 20kg pic. Those bags wouldnt fit more than an ounce in them max. Its probably some kind of powder. If that guy is wearing the biohazard suit it probably can be absorbed through the skin and is dangerous in small amounts. If its not a drug my bet is on a powdered carbon compound thats conductive. Probably some kind of graphene material.

>> No.49434075

Seems like a pump and dump to me or some other kind of scam

>> No.49434403

Does it have something to do with this?

>> No.49434967

this looks like a good play desu, won't reach the x100 or whatever op is saying, because at that point you can just use platinum
If that takes off it will increase a lot in value though

>> No.49435133

graohite is a strategic material. which means the govt controls a large amount.

>> No.49435468

How fuck you use telegram
Hiw can i enter with the link?

>> No.49435884

Download telegram then paste that link in your browser and it should automatically request to open via telegram

>> No.49436325

invites have expired itt

>> No.49436383

nice trips but ur still a faggot

>> No.49437486


>> No.49438106

OP I remember your original thread. All the non-frens talked shit, I’m glad you’re still working towards your goals. Shall try and find the tg link. I’m balls deep in cVault and Core/Delta at the moment but will try and help. /bizraelis are the true brain trust of the future. Together we will build The Citadel and and a modern day library of Alexandria to hold truth and knowledge above all else.

>> No.49438344

hey shkreli ;)

>> No.49438428

Hey OP. I've been on board from the start. quick question. do you have an estimate for how long before online supply might dry up? I know you said buying it from the source is waaay cheaper. would it be worth a trip to Asia?

>> No.49438554

youre a total loser and i can tell because you think its cool to speak in gay vague riddles like q. also you wrote 9000 paragraphs to say literally nothing of any value, as losers are wont to do

youre a shutin friendless loser who has failed at everything and are a disappointment to your family

>> No.49438560

btw this is just an illegal scheme and i'm sending a copy of this thread to the cftc. all those caught it this will pay a heavy fine or go to jail.
or it's just OP trying to fuck us
>>there is currently ~$500,000 worth available online.
he's trying to dump his bags of whatever on us

>> No.49438667

how is it graphite? we're not using AMAZING brand graphite and rejecting poo brand? graphite is just graphite? isn't it in pencils how rare can it be

>> No.49438739

pangolin scales

>> No.49438885

Depends on our purchasing power. Hopefully within a week.

If you can afford the flight. Yes.

>> No.49438942

is the commodity really graphite? vein graphite is only produced in skri lanka.
>inb4 OP is a jeet trying to dump his graphite on us

>> No.49438988

I would have thought it would be the feathers

>> No.49439020

the 3 qualities = the 3 types of graphite:
Crystalline Graphite
Amorphous Graphite
Flake Graphite
that's your plan OP?

>> No.49439259

>my graphite will moon because of muh evil plan, pls buy sirs you be rich soon my good sirs
seems like that's all to it

>> No.49439611

OP stopped responding. Jeets trying to dump their shit graphite on you confirmed.

>> No.49440057

bump, do it faggot
start a DAO/smart contract and publish your site already boob poster

>> No.49440405

that makes sense to op's logic.

amazing = gold
poop = copper
poo = graphite

>> No.49440508

You mean graphene right?

>> No.49440572
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Ok boomer

>> No.49440578

project bluebird
he's going to do mkultra stuff on you dont join

>> No.49440667

resource A B C = the 3 types of graphite
graphite stocks are about to dump, that's why OP is trying to sell you his bags of shit graphite

>> No.49440700

Graphite is useless garbage
Get in the graphene train

>> No.49440834

Shut the fuck up about graphite lmao. Its not that

I've been in since like feb. If the presentation interests me would there be enough time to fly to SEA and buy while also buying online? Or once its gone online is that it?

I've got no commitments atm and could afford a ticket just for the fuck it. Is it possible to know the country at least?

>> No.49441199

>is it possible to fly to your shithole to buy it? i'm so ready to buy!!!
this retard is part of the telegram scammers. i bet it's moonman setting up his next scam on biz