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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.28 MB, 814x2376, Please_be_true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49423061 No.49423061 [Reply] [Original]

On June 7th around 4AM UTC, a /biz/raeli calling himself "adyingnobody" on twitter threatened to unveil 137GB worth of incriminating telegram messages from crypto influencers, whale groups, DeFi devs, top 200 coin devs involved in rugpulls/exit scams and other big names in the space thanks to a vulnerability that granted him access to not only those private groups, but the ENTIRETY OF TELEGRAM COMMUNITIES while remaining undetected. The file is called "CTGhistory".

Twitter post:

Original thread(s?) made by him:

Here are his release dates and the content he will supposedly disclose:

>June 15th
will publish excerpts from:
- crypto influencers, ranging from as little as 800 followers to as much as 1M followers
- discussions pertaining to racism and homophobia, of adultery and sexual assault on members of the public and those within the crypto communities
- those with 8-9 figures and high amounts of Twitter followers discussing rugpull projects, projects intended to scam the community and individuals, dating between Dec 2019 - Feb 2022
- killing and stealing the crypto of an individual with a group of friends

>June 30th
- project creators in the top 200 mcap projects, from yield-farming projects, to stablecoins, to AMM's all designed from the start to siphon funds from the majority of users
- discussions of everything included from the crypto influencers
- invitation to orgies on private jets, in mansions, in VR settings, orgies everywhere
- sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia including pedophilic orgies with victims as young as 8 years old
- assassination, not once, not twice, but three times (coordinated through telegram)

>July 7th
Everything will be released.

He'll drop the file and sign it here:
https://etherscan.io/address/0x dC56BCccf3fa51687f339E2425E9Bc1a2acB42Ee

>> No.49423068

post your short

>> No.49423084

It won't have an impact on the market. Only scammers and influencers feel threatened by this larp

>> No.49423098

cool larp

>> No.49423107

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49423120

Don't care. Fuck influencers. Fuck social media. Fuck normies. Fuck shitcoins. I hope they all go broke.

>> No.49423130

its me. whats good nigga

>> No.49423136

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake.
You dream about going up there,
But that is a big mistake.
Just look at the world around you,
Right here on the ocean floor.
Such wonderful things surround you.
What more is you looking for?

>> No.49423147

So how do we profit from this is the real question.

>> No.49423148

They only evere drop this stuff in a bear market when the insider can’t make anymore money either

>> No.49423162

Asking the real questions anon.

>> No.49423169

>June 30th
No one ever invited me to an orgy :(

>> No.49423170

Nothing's gonna happen lmao

>> No.49423172

Can you pick a less cringy name next time? I stopped reading there, please just stay anonymous, that just ruined your whole story. Also, I know you sank a lot of time into this setup, but please refrain from reposting this thread, it's low quality and just clogs up the catalog, thanks

>> No.49423177

As off through the waves they roll.
The fish on the land ain't happy,
They sad 'cause they in their bowl.
But fish in the bowl is lucky,
They in for a worser fate!
One day when the boss get hungry...
Guess who's gonna be on the plate?

Under the sea,
Under the sea.
Nobody beat us, fry us, and eat us
In fricassee!

>> No.49423193

Why do you keep posting this? Are you a boy or is this some cryptic message you want me to decipher?

If the latter I’m sorry but I’m literally retarded so maybe just tell me what it means ?

>> No.49423202

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.49423203


>> No.49423210
File: 65 KB, 640x403, God-Hates-Fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> - killing and stealing the crypto of an individual with a group of friends
> - sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia including pedophilic orgies with victims as young as 8 years old
> - assassination, not once, not twice, but three times (coordinated through telegram)
you know you could make it more credible if you were a bit more subtle?

>> No.49423214


>> No.49423244

Nothingburger again

>> No.49423246

He should drop the magnet link right now, otherwise his infrastructure will get DDoSed right as he is about to distribute it.
If he drops it now, before there is any proof, everyone will think it is a larp and only most autistic /biz/goers will download it.

>> No.49423276

Ask him I just made the thread to discuss it. Hopefully he actually leaks some stuff or shows some kind of proof.

>> No.49423278

Rugpullers and paid shills are already all over this trying to downplay it. Let them burn OP

>> No.49423301


>> No.49423314

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49423319
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, 0812e975-bd01-11ec-a99d-6dce4e3681b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The influencer shit is worthless. The project creator leaks could prove profitable if you short coins whose project members could be accused of criminal and unethical stuff because of info found in the leaks. The evidence needs to be decent and needs to be disseminated on a pretty large scale though.

I'm not educated enough in this shit to dig through it and know who is important enough to bother looking into but someone out there will probably make money on this

>> No.49423327

Post proof

>> No.49423335

He's either genuine.. or, he's trying to extort money out of somebody.. I won't decide for you, but merely point out that when someone honest knows about a murder, they usually report it.. they don't engage in this type of behavior.. to do so robs the victims.

>> No.49423365

Yeah. My opinion is that this poorfag is trying to extort money out of the more paranoid influencers or people who may truly have something hidden in their closet and would go full retard just to shut him down. Whoever is behind this larp will likely start by sending money to himself like with $50k or something and say that he has been contacted by people in private trying to pay him to shut him up

>> No.49423410

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49423438

Mario, shrooms, and under the sea

>> No.49423461

The 3 murder for pay accusations should be easy to research

>> No.49423465

Come on. You are advertising your cringy larp here because you weren't getting enough attention. Just let it be

>> No.49423499

doesn't matter

>> No.49423520
File: 219 KB, 484x960, 1631200561315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>137GB worth of incriminating telegram messages

no ones reading all that shit come on

>> No.49423536

>control-f [twitch thot name]

>> No.49423549

Hrs dying you retard

>> No.49423565 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 750x749, 1652837848813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism, homophobia
Ohhhh nooooo, that sucks.

>> No.49423587

Dude dont do this... seriously I care about your psychological wellbeing

>> No.49423622

>annoucement of an announcement
>something big happening very soon, just wait
>BIG implications to the market
>a literal nobody is the source
Typical crypto. Normies and psychos are going to slurp this up. In the end nothing verifiable gets released and it all fades away. 100% fake

>> No.49423660
File: 438 KB, 646x767, 1653824161236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opens 137gb text file
>computer crashes

>> No.49423671

My nigga butthurt he lost his chedda.
Never seen this type of cope.
Next level.

>> No.49423701

Lets be real
20MB worth of text, 137GB worth of meme gifs and pics
Your first time on the internet, boi?

>> No.49423724

Under no circumstances do mushrooms play mario kart and listen to under the sea

>> No.49423760

How can one monetize this situation?

>> No.49423765

This better not be another nothingburger i just want to see papa wizards hobo beard burned and shitmoon sinked to where it belongs

>> No.49423829

Which token do I hold for pedophilic orgies?

>> No.49423865


you don't wanna get your wallets drained, don't you anon?

>> No.49423871

short fantom

Andre Cronje guaranteed knees deep in all of this if real

>> No.49423891 [DELETED] 


1. This is a larp
2. This is a nobody
3. Nobody cares
4. Who the fuck uses telegram except for jeet niggers
5. Oh no bnb jeet shitcoin number #29048293892 had racists memes being posted on June 2021, I guess this is the end of the crypto market

in all fields

>> No.49423897
File: 1.02 MB, 1082x844, 1653385927576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the lawyer realises how many pages 137gb of messages is

>> No.49423898

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49423914

They don't see it that way, all they see is money, every minute is money to make. The more the lawyers can stay on the pages the more money they make.

>> No.49423944
File: 3.99 MB, 3819x1901, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the long wait. Why not just release it now before he gets discovered/shut down/killed?

>> No.49423971


>> No.49423973

this is actually very nice
would be great if we had every faggot who doesn't care for the majority good to be exposed like this

>> No.49424014

I'm pretty sure this is a cringe LARP

>> No.49424041

>Crypto already crashing

>> No.49424050
File: 62 KB, 716x710, 1652227796050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time for Pontius to return. He born of the sea. Morgan. Chaos vs Order. Feminine vs Masculine. Water vs Fire. Dark vs Light. Dichotomy is false for all is one and the same. Is it his TIME?

>> No.49424101

The exploit sounds legit on the surface.

>> No.49424109

its a scam retard

hes begging for donations on his twitter

>> No.49424151
File: 34 KB, 600x365, sergey-nazarov-couchsurfing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

>> No.49424190
File: 74 KB, 1461x670, Screenshot 2022-06-07 101146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK a fucking callgroup lelellelelelel
the hacker named 4chan is dead

>> No.49424245

>Op furiously masturbates while reading any reply
> Sign this contract to get top secret info!
What a shitty scam faggot. At least tell us a story about how your dad molested you and your sister.

>> No.49424269

I am calling LARP, if this were real, he would just drop it all right now.

>> No.49424313

>hes begging for donations on his twitter

uhh, post proof, pretty sure you just made this up

>> No.49424327

go to the twitter retard

>> No.49424335

so you cant post proof? do you know how to take screenshots?

>> No.49424351

retard just go to the twitter im not taking screenshot for u niggerjeetfaggot

literally posts a 0x address on his twitter

go to bscscan

see how they earn money

this is a shill and if you dont see this is a shill you are part of the group nigger

>> No.49424368

>137GB zip file
It would be quite funny if hundreds or even thousands of journalists, porn addicted anons, feds, and dataminers all made a transaction for the file, they all open, its a zip bomb/virus, their computers all go dark temporarily, panic ensues, the file creator gets actually useful data and passwords from their computer, and releases it all

>> No.49424379

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49424384

posting an address is not begging for money

perhaps your reading comprehension is just terrible, but he said he's posting the passwords at that address

>> No.49424400

>posting an address is not begging for money

Confirmed jeet

yeah sure this is totally legit! And I will just open 10 threads linking to this twitter account with a posted bsc address totally not shilling or begging for money

oh you mean proof? Yeah soon man. Soon... Just share this twitter account and create 10 threads on /biz/ and also reddit where big habbeing is soon!

also dont forget to share that something big is happening and dont forget to posts links to the twitter that was created today with the bsc address

yeah dude totally legit


>> No.49424407
File: 34 KB, 474x353, 45245234545345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49424417

Tell me what to short

>> No.49424436

at least its a cool larp

i mean statistically we have to get at least one cool leak in our lifetime, right?

we still havent got shit from the hunter biden laptop except some dick pics. cmon i just want 1 win is that too much to ask?

>> No.49424457

keep dreaming ranjesh

>> No.49424475

Hoax. He wouldn't withhold evidence about murders and rape for more than a week for no reason, giving the perps time to flee or destroy evidence. If he did, he'd be a sociopath.

>> No.49424503

Nothing burger

>> No.49424566

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49424593

This. I hope they expose some losers but the idea that this is going to make me sell or worried about my investments is pathetic.

>> No.49424606

>scammers and influencers
So, 90% of funds?

>> No.49424739
File: 420 KB, 487x487, 1645266957845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia including pedophilic orgies with victims as young as 8 years old

>> No.49424815

speaking of scammers, this guys one of em. motherfucker bots fake channels and sells promotion that generates zero volume.

>> No.49424829

>4. Who the fuck uses telegram except for jeet niggers
this right here is the real problem with that larp
name a serious project that uses telegram. you can't
actual crypto natives who build things that aren't jpeg scams or copypaste use discord
it's like saying you're going to blow open what goes on in davos by leaking the chats of some random "davos" facebook group

>> No.49424832


>> No.49424839
File: 590 KB, 886x720, Terry Davis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a happening.
This is a scam.
>go to this address on this date and get the super secret password!!!!
fuck off, if you actually fall for this then you deserve to be scammed, I have zero sympathy.

>> No.49424875

>developers pretending to be artists

>> No.49424877

you're a fucking moron, every serious coin uses telegram. Its only NFT projects that stick to trannyord

>> No.49424933

Hrs lying you retard

>> No.49424947

This shit screams fake

>> No.49424956

>every serious coin uses telegram

Such as?

>> No.49424990

Fakest and gayest of threads. Saged

>> No.49424999

I want a big mac and a ps5, then shit on my ass.

>> No.49425117

doing nfts or metarverse related shit.

>> No.49425151

not my problem

>> No.49425157
File: 36 KB, 966x167, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my experience, it's not even a good idea

>> No.49425164

I've attended a few, they were really fun nights. Fetlife and a polite email are all you need ;)

>> No.49425180

lol shadowbanned

>> No.49425212

Everything what is written in OP I already knew. Even if this is no larp, why should I care?

>> No.49425319

>reddit spacing
youre dumb as shit. its probs a larp but nowhere is he begging for donos


>> No.49425448

I wish I could delete this thread. I realize it was a nothing burger and a scam, I downloaded the zip file on another machine and it stopped working

>> No.49425465

obviously fake and a troll

>> No.49425476

Chainlink has a TG. But that's beyond the point. I hope it's real

>> No.49425490
File: 187 KB, 1165x1200, 1650862455426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded midwits. this might actually be huge. And yes people are evil.
he's going to get killed

>> No.49425499

>crypto influencers
I pay them about as much attention as I do to other 'influencers' that is none. Why businesses/scams think bribing these worthless fucks is worth spend I cannot even imagine.

>> No.49425510

>> - sexual assault, rape, and pedophilia including pedophilic orgies with victims as young as 8 years old
This I believe of some of the junkies and scammers who discord shill scams here. Yup.

>> No.49425531

Telegram is absolutely useless for project coordination
Every serious team with 5+ devs has a Discord

>> No.49425541

Whenever someone makes some BIG ALLEGATION like this it usually amounts to nothing. The big declaration in the beginning is always telling, if there really was anything they would just give it to journalists or some shit and that has been done in the past with other big things. This is 90% chance a larp and complete bullshit.

>> No.49425547

yeah cluttered with bots and emotes

>> No.49425564

such chat will not be discussed on a 3rd party app you fool. PGP or nothing.

>> No.49425592

>I have very important information to disclosure
>Posts on 4chan


>> No.49425615

he just posted a video about the evidence he has

>> No.49425638


>> No.49425657
File: 372 KB, 1250x740, 1620529069402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now the whole world will see what Gilles does

>> No.49425668
File: 1.03 MB, 1569x651, Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 7.51.10 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i did not realise how cheeky they are sometimes

kek duke of soul and black fish is singing.
dats.. d-dats wascist.

>> No.49425690

john mcaffee 2.0?

>> No.49425702

Tldr crypto is full of scammers
Ain't reading all that bro

>> No.49425718

why does no website whatsoever talk about this telegram exploit? seems to me like it's one big larp

>> No.49425730

What could possibly be the reason to announce a leak schedule other than to manipulate the market? An actual whistleblower would've released everything in one go.

>> No.49425739

what's there to talk about, nothing happens yet.

>> No.49425742

just opened massively leveraged bnb shorts thx

>> No.49425749


>> No.49425800

It’s a larp
Holy shit has this site gone downhill people actually believe this shit unironically

>> No.49425820

an exploit of this magnitude and "his friend" is the only one who found it?

>> No.49425830

>Serious projects


>> No.49425831

man, i wouldn't be surprised if some glowie agencies already knew the exploit and still gathering more info and these retards decide to blew it up. i dunno

>> No.49425838

>backdoor into telegram groups
>first leak on fed day june 15
>announcing schedule to build hype
this is an op to crash the crypto market and bring capitulation, so (((we))) can buy cheap

>> No.49425854

telegram didn't do any PR on the issue whatsoever and they usually do, especially if it is disclosed and fixed


trust me this is a big larp
especially the timed release is textboox /biz/ larp
"2 more weeks"
"tomorrow ill tell you"
you guys are retarded and just want copium

>> No.49425856

Sbf VR pedo orgies exposed

>> No.49425870

i don't believe any of those shit until there's stuff to be talked about.

>> No.49425912

So this guy decides to come clean just because he's dying otherwise he would have continued getting rich by copying the scammers so he's no better. Anyway people are retarded and even if it's proven true they will all be in denial and continue to jump as soon as they post another random shitcoin. Every single day they post stupid shit that die after a few days sometimes even a few hours. I've been following the biggest influencers for a few months and it's bad. The most funny thing for me is how they just keep talking about the good ones and never about the shity stuff they post. So if they post 10 shitcoins a day and only 3 performs well they just gonna talk about these ones and never mention the ones that died quicly. Oh and I remember a few months ago a guy told one of the influencer that some people knew his wallet and so they would just copy what he was doing to get rich so basically buying before he would call and he didnt like it because that was not "fair" so he created a new wallet. Guess it's only reserved for his friends. But if you're stupid enough to trust these people it's your fault.

>> No.49426035

this person said they're actually dying (diseases). leaving whatever they have to family.

if you don't think behind the scenes are what is stated, stay blinded fucker.

>> No.49426038

Just take a look at this one : https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1494379172826796037
Thinking he's the only one would be stupid

>> No.49426057

sounds both juicy and like a potential -90% hit to my portfolio
i'm conflicted

i'm hoping sergey is not a bad man

>> No.49426316

hope cobie is in there somewhere. ratfuck

>> No.49426344

The vulnerability is probably real though, there's been a lot of talks about Telegram being compromised, specially after ppl were looking at it cause of the whole Russian thing. I remember reading about a day zero exploit a few months ago. Probably a larp though

>> No.49426474

So she can
1)observe the damage control measures
2)see if her telegram 0day holds up
You need social engineering for some of this stiif, so looking at how people deal during crisis is a lot of useful intel.

>> No.49426733


Idk why exactly but I have this suspicion that if its real he will be and basically specifically a lot of people who originated the inversebrah/wassie/smolting meme together. Idk why I think that the universe just told me although I don't orgasm and my body vibrates sometimes so kek

>> No.49426758

That being said it will target probably a lot of people if real. Imagine how many scams we know about. The insider coordination is so obvious now we might just get to read about how bad. I'm sure many of the influencers laugh about trading against their followers.

>> No.49426762

God who the fuck cares

>> No.49426779

>137 gb

Fake, text docimenta don't take up anywhere near this amount of data

>> No.49426802

>from yield-farming projects, to stablecoins, to AMM's

So i should dump by YFI, FEI and Dex tokens?