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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 1199x402, 1200px-Iota_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4942294 No.4942294 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you guys just invest and become rich?

>> No.4942313

maybe because it's a scammie shitcoin?

>> No.4942330

y tho

it's a shittier version of eos which makes it far superior to ethereum

what's specifically wrong with iota?

>> No.4942336

shitcoin without a working product
>but muahhh partnerships
look at ripple since 2013, worked well, didn't it. All ripple holders are millionaires

>> No.4942376

Did you see this >>4935897

>> No.4942381

Because I dont wall my toaster talking to my tv? And having to pay for it?

>> No.4942418
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Nocoiners love to hate on technology
>until it runs them over leaving them on the side of road

>> No.4942446

some who speaks the truth!

>> No.4942481

They still haven't returned my funds

>> No.4942487

you guys just don't realise how revolutionary this is so keep going to criticise this ^^

>> No.4942507

I saw on reddit that it's a bad coin.

>> No.4942515

i did. bought in at 1.9 and sold at 5.8 and rebought at 3.5

>> No.4942525

What about your dildos ? It'd be cool if they talk to each other and finding out ways how to rape your filthy pajeet butthole

>> No.4942541

read for yourself and become rich nigger.
top kek!

>> No.4942569

enjoy your bags pajeet.

Obvious shitcoin is obvious. Chances of IOTA succeeding is equal to chances of Sergey really delivering something

>> No.4942579


Worst fucking investment I've made. I should have just kept my bitcoin.

>> No.4942597


Technology that doesn't work, and when an investor wants to know why it's working so terribly the actual creator gets pissy and insults him?

>> No.4942604

t. newfags

Iota has been mocked by everyone and its devs are fucking retards.
>David "i only smoke pot 2-3 times a year" Sostenbo.

Everything has a great technology behind it

>> No.4942615

How many GIOTA’s you had originally and what do you have now ?

>> No.4942618

I can't believe my luck. Was able to trade this shit for bitcoin before the whole tangle network sharted itself.

>> No.4942632

I didn't put too much down, only about $2000 at the time of transaction.

>> No.4942634

>hey guys, our centralized shitcoin took down the coordinator and now the network doesn't work

Hey, remember when any other coin stopped working because a piece of centralized software was turned off? Me either. Your centralized shitcoin belongs in the garbage can.

>> No.4942675

it just pre-alpha they are just starting you fucktards. Think futuristic.

>> No.4942702

It has been in "beta" for years you cuck. It's never getting out of beta because the problems it has are intractable. Once people realize this it's going to zero. I can't wait until their "marketplace" rolls out and it's a piece of shit just like IOTA is.

>> No.4942709

if you don't have enough capital to begin with or didn't invest in IOTA when it was at .1 per then chances are you won't make big money anyways. it takes money to roll into more money and anybody who invests sub $10K will only be making chump change.

>> No.4942759

>coin released for almost 2 full years ago
>is barely functional at all or network fails completely
>just wait (TM)

>> No.4942770

they will be able to fix it you dildo sucker because they are getting more and more popular with the idea behind it so more partners will help them fixing their shitty problems.

>> No.4942776

Bunk tech, cowboy code

>> No.4942802
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>Partnerships will help fundamental tech issues

>> No.4942852

Holy shit you are fucking deluded. Do you also think multiculturalism is a great idea?

>> No.4942895

it's not that unrealistic.
Whether the problem is funamental or not, we are talking about tecnical future. In serveral years it surely is prossible for iota to work.

>> No.4942906
File: 82 KB, 960x938, 1512324560098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain in stupid terms what IOTA is and why I should spend my 2 ethers on it?

>> No.4942942

>in several years the network might not be a massive piece of shit
Wow, just bought 100k

>> No.4942967

search on youtube and don't mind the haters of this coin, they are just to stupid to understand how nice this is!

>> No.4942968

Just buy cryptokitties with it instead. At least that has working tech.

>> No.4942971
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Congrats! I got in at 1.3, and bought some more at 3.40. I'm fairly new to crypto and Iota was my first coin. Do you have any tips? How did you know to sell at 5.8? I would have sold at 5, but as I'm new to crypto I saw the numbers go from 1.30 to 5.5 in a day and thought it would just continue to grow for a bit longer. Is there any way to at least somewhat predict the swings, so you can sell and re-buy later?

>> No.4942982

iota CAN be the future, but it can also fail

nevertheless, IF it becomes the future, its better to hold at least some. Im holding $900 atm, if its gone its gone, if its the next bitcoin im rich

>> No.4942990

i am expecting iota to not go anywhere until the end of year, so half luck and half reading the hype that was causing people to dump in and out.

>> No.4942992

that's the point. Now it sucks but the invention is the interessting thing so stfu and go suck dicks.

>> No.4943021

Except it will never go high like Bitcoin, if you bought it at the beginning then yeah.

>> No.4943026

The absolute state of crypto when a coin in the top 5 is a centralized shitcoin that barely works.

>> No.4943028

that's totaly how I think.
wait more years

>> No.4943050

really? do you know where you are Nigger dick sucker

>> No.4943058
File: 376 KB, 1680x1006, 23r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know where the real money lies. This is not only the IOTA destroyer but so much more. Enjoy your what gains, 2x ? lol I'm gonna go 100x with the tech iota has STOLEN from.

iota not even has a working wallet, you must hate money, iota right now is barely a $1.5 coin right now

>> No.4943062

muuuuh partnership. Take your head out of the shit smelly sand pajeet. IOTA is only going where your head is right now.

Shitty devs
Tangle is not secure
Tangle is not scalable, see past couple of days
Code has backdoor, coordinator source code isn't public
Half of all IOTA is in handful of accounts

What kind of more warn signals do you need to understand what an utter shitcoin this is?

>> No.4943080

people said that about ETH too not long ago

it doesnt have to get to 15k, even 2000 would be enough for me to become filthy rich

>> No.4943081

that's the plan. i already dumped about 75% but am holding the rest in a long play.

>> No.4943093
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Tangle or IoT? Either way new competitive projects will come now that cryptos are gaining the attention everyone. The eco system is about to get alot more competitive and if they don't deliver a working solution soon this project will shit on itself.

>> No.4943098


because i dont like centralized banking systems

>> No.4943117

Too big of a supply

>> No.4943130

You can buy, but not sell them

>> No.4943157

yes these are huge problems but I think a complex network like Iota can't be expected to work well in 2017. I just think it will be able to solve this problem somehow. It could be to optimistic but is this realy wrong or dumb? no It's faith and realistic!

good one!

>> No.4943160

its a fucking scam coin and its gonna plummet once people realize it will NEVER work

POW is offloaded to central nodes for iot devices (since iot cant handle the computer power and/or dont want to waste battery life), and how can these central nodes run? If there are no new coins to be mined and no transaction fees, there is no incentive to run these nodes. Right now these nodes are run by the IOTA dev team, but how can that scale?

They claim to have the answer for processing data from microsoft, samsung, whoever, but who will spend the millions of dollars to build these central nodes and run them for iota?

>> No.4943161

Really? I think it still might do a 2x before EOY, because it will be hyped even more, new wallet coming out, lots of meetings, reveal of Q, might get bittrex or another bigger exchange aswell. The tech still has some flaws, yeah, but I'm pretty sure we will witness another pump before end of december. That is if bitcoin doesn't fuck things up

>> No.4943185

Let us be gentlemen and wait for "Q"

>:3 rawr

>> No.4943199

Why is IOTA good? Can anyone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.4943204

you sound more and more like a smelly pajeet hoping to unload your bags, too bad. but hey, "it's faith and realistisc!"

>> No.4943222


You know who has the Qualcomm dev? Right, Raiblocks.

>> No.4943227

this is why they look for more connection who would spend this amount of money.

>> No.4943231

any recommended videos? Every result looks like some turd in his bedroom pretending he isnt holding bags

>> No.4943265

no specific one but just research as much as you can and you will understand.
it has one on gifthub which works pretty good fucktard.

>> No.4943325

Kinda interested in raiblocks they even got a decent wallet. And price is going high atm, reason and predictions ? Wanna invest big money

>> No.4943328
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 23dwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't. what would happen to a coin if they have no working wallet anymore? right now, investors are trying to sell as fast and quietly as possible before shit hits the fan

>> No.4943349

Why do you even bother discussing and wasting your time? It's clear that you will never see more than FUD out of the majority of active posters on here. Just invest on your own. /biz/ will never be able to contribute in a meaningful way.

>> No.4943431

Raiblocks is going up because they are about to be listed on a new exchange, getting a light wallet and getting a mobile wallet in the next month. This shit is going 10x easily. Climb in the rocket ship brother, this is /ourcoin/.

>> No.4943459

I actually had a dream IOTA was an illuminati coin scam and after they take everyone's money, they shut it down and then laughingly say "your money ain't worth an iota."

Seriously tho, why did they call it IOTA?

>> No.4943468

delusional bag holders, you cant even explain how the most basic fundamentals of iota will work.

Yea... this "decentralized and transaction fee free" crypto will totally work...it only needs millions of dollars donated by big companies to host the servers to make the network work...you'll all see after all these "partnerships!!!"

If you seriously cant see how having no coins mined and no fees when the network relies on centralized nodes you deserve to lose money

>> No.4943478

Smart Refugee Cities.

>> No.4943509

I 12x'd already, if you think I'm holding bags, sure, gimme some more of those. You will never amount to anything if you spread FUD here. Take your time and invest it in something else if you're so smart, maybe you'll see some gains there.

>> No.4943533

The first thing new Refugees are going to learn is how to rob people for their IOTA.

>uh, OK no problem. Um, um, it seems that the coordinator is down so I can't send anything

>> No.4943550

an iota is a very small amount of something. IOTA is indivisible, so each IOTA is very small.

>> No.4943634
File: 18 KB, 422x451, 23795043_10211551656252387_2390710229515717310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. I bought 1500 at 4$ and I will keep on sitting on them. I expect it to get to at least 100$ at the middle of the next year, so yeah easy money.

If I dont make any huge profit, well whatever I lost 7000$, thats not that much but if it is gonna moon, I make a nice load of money.

I will just keep sitting on it and invest in some other stuff aswell so I'm chill.

>> No.4943664

>thinking that IOTA will go to 100 dollars
You need to check yourself into a mental ward because this is the most deluded thing I've ever seen.

>> No.4943737

I'm sorry for your poorness but it seems like you will stay that way :/

Ahh I remember the same shit happing to Litecoin and Ethereum at the beginning, always fun to read.

>> No.4943776

>i can be ur angle

>> No.4943946

The issue with IOTA, is there are few, if any devices in IoT actually running it yet.

Here is some documentation to implement IOTA on your IoT:

IOTA will be a good payoff, but it's gonna be at least 1 year, or at least enough time for products to ship with the necessary capabilities.

>> No.4944094

$100 a coin with 3 billion coins in circulation...epic

>> No.4944116

Dumb or dumb?

>> No.4944211


I dont get your hype bro -
its currently only at Ƀ 0.0002759

If you bougth at 0.0001, what probably the most did, you are just up x3 to BTC ( short term thats possible with every altcoin )

I garantuee you that within the next months this ratio will continue to stay / swing around 0.0001 - 0.0003 ....

so I dont get you hype - but anyway GZ!

>> No.4944241
File: 13 KB, 908x308, IOTBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4944621

would still be lower markedcap than BTC is right now.