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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49421806 No.49421806 [Reply] [Original]

But it's cool he's been DCAing in for the past year

>> No.49421873
File: 1.71 MB, 300x300, 1597143736312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my only bag that make me feel truly bonded to others. nobody got in early or realized profits. we are all united in failure. feels comfy, bros

>> No.49421879

Who dat?

>> No.49421881
File: 327 KB, 639x571, 1631743767938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you post a starving man on /biz OP?

>> No.49421979
File: 170 KB, 1054x216, Eren would have held ICP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>VCs loaded up and purchased $10 000 worth of ICP at 3 cents a piece ($0.03)
>private investors and other early buyers loaded up HEAVY bags with 6 figures below $1 and $10
>ICP was listed above $2000 on Coinbase and Binance before stabilizing around $600, then $400 for like one week
>kept dumping since then, non-stop, thanks to retail, boomers and latecomers happily providing exit liquidity at the top of the crypto bubble thinking they were investing in revolutionary tech
>turns out that it's YET ANOTHER centralized vaporware scam that does NOTHING and doesn't build anything outside of a gambling DeFi platform for holders to lose even more funds in NFT scams (useless in bear markets and intrinsically worthless)
>almost everyone on /biz/ saw through the shills and their attempt by rightfully calling it a scam back in May 2021
>months pass
>eventually some faggot chink shill who probably wanted to cut his losses starts promoting this scam to the /pol/ subset of lurkers who browse this board when ICP was trading at $70
>he succeeds because he was lucky enough and made calls that were decent in the past
>but more importantly the 1488 bait and muh racism were enough to attract the lowest common denominators
>ICP keeps dumping
>Mario 64 on ICP is a nothing burger and gets shut down
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>bear market is confirmed
>ICP keeps dumping even further

ICP is probably the second biggest scam to ever grace crypto, with TERRA/LUNA being in the first place and Bitconnect in the third. Compared to these two however, ICP and the Dfinity foundation are still fooling the drooling retards who were dumb enough to fall for the "tech in crypto" meme. Not even pajeet chasing shitcoins are as retarded and gullible as those people.

If you bought, held and lost money on ICP instead of ignoring it or swinging it for sats/dollars you are worthless human trash. Even a pajeet nigger on BSC is smarter and more sound financially.

>> No.49422006

She's the perfect shape for long term wife material.
Stop following nigger trends unless you want to be stuck with a fucking hippo in 5 years

>> No.49422083

It's completely fuck by having that 2k ATH on the chart, that will never go away and it will never even reach 1% of that price again.

>> No.49422190 [DELETED] 

Guys, Brave on iOS supports webm now. This is amazing.

>> No.49422211

What do you mean it supports webcam? cold you not watch then before on brave?

>> No.49422258

It supports webm. They now play directly embedded in the browser, whereas before you had to use a third party app like VLC and bother with opening multiple tabs and downloading the webm and directing it to open in VLC and it was basically a major pain in the ass.

>> No.49422311

Is this achievable natty bros?
Oh wait...wrong board...nevermind

>> No.49422315

I see, i keep meaning t get b=brave but I'm too lazy

>> No.49422328


>> No.49422356

This. Very happy to see the newfag loser /pol/tards get their shit fucked up. They call normalfags NPCs who just uncritically believe media narratives yet all you have to do is say nigger and draw swastikas and they'll worship you as a god.

>> No.49422414

Did poltards really buy this shit? I browse occasionally but i presumed they were almost all anti crypto or pro Monoero if any.
never seen ICP mentioned there

>> No.49422425

They were anti-crypto mostly until the 2021 bullrun when they started showing up here, hence "newfags"

>> No.49422443

I've been out for over a year, i sold too early. Glad i missed that episode

>> No.49422499

Eva Oberholzer as Chief Growth Officer, joins DFINITY's leadership team after previously acting as Chief Growth Officer, and Member of the Management Board at the Cardano Foundation during its most significant adoption phase.

Cuckdano did 11000% with her as cheif growth officer.
Bet it's nothing .....

>> No.49422504

You know thinking about it pol is probably big enough to pick a low market cap, half decent shit coin, something like firo/ Z-coin which is almost dead and meme pump it in nationalist and conspiracy circles quite high and make bank

>> No.49422510


>> No.49422526
File: 14 KB, 240x208, 1629722722156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most chud post i've seen in a long time all the way down to the file name

>> No.49422551

I don't know, I wouldn't mind knowing myself

>> No.49422579

post more before threads get 404'd, also, how tall is she?

>> No.49422620

Why not just be naked at that point.

>> No.49422630

She seems walled or was never that impressive to begin with.

>> No.49422640

Your previous comment got removed I guess. But you are saying brave for iOS supports webm?

>> No.49422661

I don't know it's just a webcam i save don here a few years ago.
I imagine quite small from how big those round titties look on her frame.
I like this body shape, samll slim and nice round jigglies

>> No.49422719

She doesn't look as good thats for sure, lots of instagram filters and mixing in her old pics too now
Like i say this webcam is a few years old. always though she looked super hot.

>> No.49422731

Bros, what's it like to hold a girl's hand?

>> No.49422800
File: 49 KB, 480x640, 1_Ducktales_Genie - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i hate pol and im so glad i left that place

>> No.49422834

First time it's exciting, going in for the hand grab, not knowing if will be rejected.
After that it's just reassuring and you both automatically know which way round to grip hands harmoniously.
Comfy stuff

>> No.49422874

Girl hands are mostly soft and tender.
Men hands are mostly rough and abrasive unless the dude is a homo.

You can't really feel girl's hand on your dick though or the 'tightness' of her vagina.
The only tight spot is the ass.

>> No.49422884

like holding a male hand but smaller

>> No.49422885

It's ok to go back when there is a habbening

>> No.49422947

Sounds like you might have a bit of the death grip going on.
saying that women give shitty handjobs compared to what you can do yourself but they can be trained to do it how you like it.
Also i once had a girlfriend who got way too wet when fucking to the point i couldn't feel much and kept slipping out and it it also gave her vag farts

>> No.49423149


>> No.49423152

Almost always softer too. This makes a big difference. It's like when girls always try to say that sucking dick just feels like sucking on a big thumb. That's BS. Sucking dick is a lot more divine than that due to the velvety soft texture. I can get off just from feeling a dick in my mouth. It's also why I have a foot fetish. Touching the soft skin of the feet enough can make me cum without touching my dick.

>> No.49423233

>vag farts
Yeah those are one of the worst, flappy and normally I have to use my hands to finish off after a girl like that.

>saying that women give shitty handjobs compared to what you can do yourself but they can be trained to do it how you like it.
My dick is hard like a tree trunk. When I go hard, I can't feel nothing.
Head stimulation isn't nearly enough to satisfy me.
When girls grip my dick with dear life I still rarely want to cum unless I am using dick rings.

That said, I have not tried throat-fucking tho and my Gf is a bit too struck up for me to fuck her throat.

>> No.49423234

Wow a faggot feet fetishist how suprising

>> No.49423323
File: 52 KB, 286x198, 3Pees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49423342

Are you dropping Viagra to get so hard.
When I've used it it's difficult to cum

>> No.49423370

You wish you could achieve the states of ecstasy that I can simply with the power of my mind and a finer appreciation for the textures of life.

>> No.49423415

Well, the 'tightness' of the vagina has everything to do with your penis girth and the size of her vagina. I have a 99.9th percentile girth and have felt the tightness in every girl except one who was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Anyway, the amount of variance between vagina sizes is extreme and you notice it a lot more if you are on the high end of girth.

>> No.49423562

No, it has always been that way for me.
To make it worse, my dick has always been slightly bigger than average at 7 in so I have to 'take it slow' or bitches start screaming

>> No.49423994

Imagine the world peace if everyman had one of these in his living room

>> No.49424121

especially in pronebone
that makes them cum every time
never had to pussylick to make them orgasm kek

>> No.49424158

Let me guess you have a mutilated dick

>> No.49424271
File: 218 KB, 676x882, 1652852081962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is a pedo coin and pol won't touch it out of principle. Truth is biz is just pol lite, but biztards are useful every once in a while for the insider posts but that's it.yds8p

>> No.49424277

No but my dick slips its hood when erect

>> No.49424281

What was going through her head?

>> No.49425369
File: 763 KB, 750x714, 1624205262553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Cents did VC pay per Token in the funding round again? 3?

>> No.49425429

Jesus Christ anon

>> No.49425434

>This. Very happy to see the newfag loser /pol/tards
Pol here, I never bought Luna, no idea what it is.
Get fucking raped you faggot, wnbaw.

>> No.49425442

Pol isn't one person.
Pol wasn't never anti crypto.
Pol is not a monolith.
Why do you faggot leftist lie so much?

>> No.49425450

We just buy BTC, why do you faggots come here? Go back to Twitter.

>> No.49425455

He's being sarcastic.
Cross board posting is a thing and you out yourself as a new faggot when you refer to pol as one person.
Now go back.

>> No.49425462

It's called a queef you fucking new faggot.

>> No.49426565

>being so desperate to defend /pol/ you spam this hard
Yikes...you know we have IDs here on /biz/? We can see it's all you.