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49416756 No.49416756 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we're entering a recession I figured it was time for a poorfag general. This is a thread for life strategies for low net worth individuals. Anyone can post in these generals, but keep in mind, these generals are about individuals with less than 10k in the bank, and less than 30k net worth total. Also, they are for individuals making less than $25 per hour

Tell us about your life as a poorfag. How much money do you make, if any? What kind of car, if any, do you drive? How much do you have in the bank? In stocks? In crypto?

What are you currently doing to try to stop being poor?

There was a good /pol/ thread last night about side hustles, retail arbitrage, and shit like that. Does anyone here engage in such a hustle? If so, what kind of side hustle

pic related, a poorfag

>> No.49416857

Poorfags don't have car
10k in bank account?
That's not a poorfag
I believe in Jesus and God and WAGMI. Help others whenever you can, even though I'm a poorfag I never fail to help

>> No.49417035

Can you gibb link to side hustle post

>> No.49417085

No car, getting lessons, no job at the moment, maybe moving to a city for a bit where i can live rent free for at least a month, get cash in hand job or deal or both, in september starting an acclaimed furniture making course, as soon as i get a bit of money i can get my loisence for night road teams, in the meantime trying to put something together on bandcamp and writing a couple papers to apply for a paid (as in salary, 1 year) masters of research but its a long shot
Probably all sounds like cope. Someone i am head over heels for got in touch with me after a long time and i finally feel motivated. I had a hard time dealing with some events once and it totally knocked me off my feet for years, do i have a chance or once people crack are they just broken?

>> No.49417108

Oh and an insight to the poor fag life, i cant sleep because of the rats that are so loud it sounds like people walking in my room, and i cant eat not out of poverty but because im so stressed by my situation
Good times

>> No.49417121

My car that doesn’t work has been sitting in my driveway for about 6 months. Every time I try to work on it, feel like I get further away from fixing it. I also get less motivated with every attempt.

I only recently tried getting into crypto. Every time I buy, it goes down. I’m also getting ducked with fees, devaluing my assets further.

This is only a sample of what this poorfag is going through. I’ll return with an update as I continue to further self destruct.

>> No.49417152

I also browse the internet on my iPhone 5

>> No.49417160

It's just a bad year, it's not a bad life, surrender your ways and trust in the Lord

>> No.49417187

I guess I'll start. I make $18 per hour, I am 31 years old with a bachelor's degree from a Catholic University. I have always had shit jobs since graduating. Just recently a recruiter contacted me about a $25 per hour I was qualified for, but they elected to go with another candidate.

I drive a 10 year old car that I only have because my parents were able to contribute $3k to the purchase of the vehicle. I contributed the other 1500.

I have about 7k in the bank, about 15k in crypto, and a little less than 3k in stocks. I "bought the dip" in the stock market in late february lmao.

Currently I am thinking about getting the ccna network engineering certification, but haven't dived deep into it. I just want to stop being poor.

>> No.49417209

>Can you gibb link to side hustle post

you have to scroll down, but there's a post there with a bunch of links to youtube videos about side hustles

>> No.49417216
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I have a dogshit job only making 45k annually before taxes.
I'm planning to get a work from home job, but I only have a year of experience at my current job. I'm in procurement.
I need to start investing BADLY. I have about 4k saved up and I want to buy some crypto and get at least up to 10k in savings.
I don't know what fucking wallet or whatever you need to start purchasing coins, it seems like there are so many and there's no "this is the safe option" choices.
I don't mind taking this slow, I want to do it right.
Anyone know what I should do? I remember trying binance but it keeps messing up at the verification stage. What other choices should I use? Fidelity?
Help me bros... pls.... ;_;

>> No.49417227


>> No.49417240


I don't believe him.


>> No.49417248

damn, I feel like a poorfag though, I only have money in the bank because I got 10k in unemployment gibs last year by faking covid

Without that I'd be totally broke. I have a hard time saving money each month. I make about 2400 after taxes, but my rent is 800 (1600 now). My electric is about 50 a month, internet 75 a month (boom 1475 left now). Then I have gas, food (easily 100 a week or more). Car insurance 75 a month. Xbox live and Amazon Prime total 30 a month (i could cancel).

The one thing I'm doing now is trying to put most of my bills and purchases on credit cards. This has allowed me to boost my credit score from under 600 to over 700 in less than a year

>> No.49417265

>i cant sleep because of the rats that are so loud it sounds like people walking in my room

nigga what the fuck, are you living in an eastern european peasant village? Why do you have rats in your house? At least the stress keeps you from eating. I spend at least $10 per day on food, $20 if I'm cavalier, it sucks

>> No.49417277

I've got $400 to my name in LUNA and BNB, unemployed. Trying to make it trading in crypto shitcoins as that is what anons were telling me to do in the bullrun to secure quick capital to play in the big leagues.

Sadly, I was up 41k but never sold and rode it all the way down to 0. I'm trying to get into a WFH position as I have several computer skills and can type at 120+ WPM, but if anyone here has any other ideas I'd appreciate it

>> No.49417299

If you're in the USA, do NOT use Binance. You can only legally use Binance.US which actually isn't part of Binance global, they are just licensed to use the name. Lots of people scammed.

Use KUCOIN instead. Still, it's better to buy on Coinbase or Kraken and transfer to KuCoin or Binance, rather than trying to buy on those sites directly, there are laws which prevent Burger anons from using those services, so it makes sense to pony up for a VPN if you're gonna use them. I think KuCoin is safe, but I still always use a VPN anyway. You don't have to submit any KYC info to KuCoin if you're just trading crypto under 2BTC daily

you can't buy crypto on fidelty dude, that's for stocks

>> No.49417315

>Sadly, I was up 41k but never sold and rode it all the way down to 0

checked and holy fuck, was it all in LUNA?

>> No.49417321



>> No.49417380

get a rasberry pi (used for cheaper) and some monitor people throw away.

>> No.49417398
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Okay, so use Coinbase or Kraken to link my bank account, and then I can transfer the money to something else?
Is there not a reason I would want to use kraken, binance, or coinbase to just make the actual purchase of crypto?

>> No.49417616
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>>32 years old
>still trying to get my degree
>still living with mom
>lost almost all my savings (20k) with the november crash
>10k in debt with the bank by maxing out the credit card for five months straight in the hope to recover some losses
>lost everything again
>only 1k left
>mentally ill and unfit for work
>afraid of driving
what should i do? I even tried to kill myself by overdosing with ssri but now my mom hid them from me and she only gives me one pill a day

>> No.49417689
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i make $75k/year, net worth $40k not including $20k car, and $5k home gym, been working 2 years and just got tight with money, here are my strategies:
eat canned beans, frozen vegetables, and rice
replace milk with homemade oat milk in mason jars
looking into reusable tissues
looking into bidets and reusable ass wipes instead of toilet paper
showering every other day
only driving to work and back in my hybrid (paid off during bullrun)
going to the grocery store once a week on the way back from work with just cash in hand so i cant overspend
reading books as entertainment instead of going out
put together a home gym during lockdown, so no gym membership cost
working on a bitcoin-based business idea
applying to better jobs
turning the temperature up in my apartment during summer
saving $2500/month
$1000 toward an emergency fund, goal of $10k
$500 toward 401k in index funds
$500 toward roth ira value stocks
$500 toward bitcoin in cold storage
moving to a house soon, so the $1000/month for the emergency fund will go to that instead, but the inflation reducing the value of the loan and increasing the value of the house is great
after the house, ill be getting solar panels, and picrel solar car, hopefully next bullrun
gotta spend a little to save a lot

>> No.49417776

yeah, this is pissing me off, I want to quit my job in order to avoid working for a few months but I worry about finding one later in the year. Seems the economy is gonna do a dipperino soon

>> No.49417838

>and then I can transfer the money to something else?

No, you will transfer money from your bank account, debit card, or paypal account to Coinbase or Kraken where you buy Bitcoin, ETH, or another cryptocurrency. Then, you send it from Coinbase or Kraken to KuCoin or Binance or Mandala or something to buy other cryptocurrencies that are not offered on Coinbase or Kraken.

>Is there not a reason I would want to use kraken, binance, or coinbase to just make the actual purchase of crypto?

Regarding Coinbase and Kraken, there are hundreds if not thousands of cryptocurrencies that are not available for purchase on those websites. By and large, if something is on Coinbase already, you're late. You want to buy stuff before it gets listed on coinbase

That being said, I highly recommend not using Binance if you live in the US. If you live outside the US it's okay, but within the US you are not allowed to use binance.com, so even if you use a VPN to access it, if anything goes wrong you are fucked and have no recourse. There is Binance.US which is a separate company, and you can legally use them, but they are shady as fuck.

My recommendation is to get a VPN and use KuCoin

>> No.49417840

>no car
>no insurance
>no rent
>no gf
>no kids
>no job
>live at parents
>ghosted friends
>$10 in bank account
>own a lot of worthless NFTs tho

>> No.49417873

>what should i do? I even tried to kill myself by overdosing with ssri but now my mom hid them from me and she only gives me one pill a day

You mentioned that you were mentally ill and unfit for work. Is this actually true or are you just a lazy fuck? If it is actually true...I hope you have medical diagnoses to prove it. Because if that's the case, you can file for SSI Disability and get Neetbux for the rest of your life.

>> No.49417887

>replace milk with homemade oat milk in mason jars

NGMI, oat milk is for faggots, even poorfags should shell out money for $10 a gallon raw milk desu senpai, it literally gives you superpowers

otherwise sounds pretty based, you make too much money for this thread though

>> No.49417972

i would agree with you accept paying for the gas to ship all that water weight to the store is whats fucking people over, and im vegan anyway
hunt your own meat if possible, its another matter of paying to ship water weight that has to be refrigerated
i need to move from canned beans to cooking my own dry beans, but i often fuck it up so im still paying for that water to be transported

>> No.49417993

I live in the third world. Work for an American company stealing a job that they would probably pay $40/hr for - I do it for $6/hr.

Have about $2500 in the bank. About $10,000 in savings (govt. sponsored savings account similar to 401k in the US). About $5000 worth of Gold (mostly just a bunch of 10g bars) and about $2000 worth of Crypto (about $350 monero, $700 BTC, and the rest currently in USDC because I sold some BTC at 45k). No car because work from home. No loans because parents paid for education. Own my own home because inherited it (it's pretty small, probably worth around $60k, but I own it).

Currently have enough money saved to try and get another degree (already have 2 that are useless) to maybe up my earning potential (looking at maybe a business degree). Want to start a business to fleece stupid Americans for more money and want to understand what works best.

Any tips from fellow 3rd worlders or Americans welcome.

>> No.49418053


Better start looking for jobs that are below what your looking for right now. You dont wanna be unemployed during a recession. You can always be applying

>> No.49418072

>Poorfags don't have car
>10k in bank account?
>That's not a poorfag
It is, I'm poor and have a car, which is why I'm poor.

>> No.49418121

>my parents were able to contribute $3k to the purchase of the vehicle. I contributed the other 1500.
Wow, such a pansie.

>> No.49418149

I’m not really a true poorfag at about 100k but I live like one. Right now I’m selling random shit I have in anticipation of this market crash, and been slowly exiting some of my taxable stock positions. Anyone else poorfag in spirit? I know it’s not the same, I feel for you guys but I’m not that far away either

>> No.49418156

Just use coinbase and the pro version.
Don't listen to that other retard.

>> No.49418173

>By and large, if something is on Coinbase already, you're late.
That's a lie.

>> No.49418194

>Is this actually true or are you just a lazy fuck? I
He's just lazy.

>> No.49418217

>hunt your own meat if possible,
Or don't and farm your meat like a normal fucking human and not some primitive hunter gatherer.
Fucking moron, we stopped hunting animals when live stock and crop rotation became a thing, retard.
Fuck I hate how dumb and stuck up all of you are.

>> No.49418250

Here's some honest advice. 90% of biz are retards 7% of the remaining 10% are wrong. Stop trading crypto. Buy and hold for the next 10 years or don't bother with crypto. I would research traditional finance in particular stock options. Another thing to keep in mind is that money is much easier made if you have money to begin with... 25k is really the minimum you need if you want to make a living off of trading. And you should learn trading over months 8+ if you are desperate and trying to make something work this week you are bound to fail.

Good luck.

>> No.49418281

>I live in the third world. Work for an American company stealing a job that they would probably pay $40/hr for - I do it for $6/hr.

What do you do? I've heard $5 per day is standard wage in Mexico, is that true? If so you must practically be a richfag down there

>> No.49418322

>Better start looking for jobs that are below what your looking for right now. You dont wanna be unemployed during a recession. You can always be applying

yeah that's why I'm applying now, and it's why I won't quit my job. It's just annoying

>That's a lie.

Outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum when they went on coinbase, it's pretty much true. Origin Protocol, for example, hit it's all time high before it was listed on Coinbase. It's only gone down since going on Coinbase. If you bought when it was initially listed on coinbase over a year ago, you would only have lost money

>> No.49418335
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Not looking good for me. I may end up like Rich.

>> No.49418339

I currently make 19 an hour working at an Amazon warehouse. I have to pick up overtime shifts every week or I can’t pay my bills. I’ve been trying to move into management for 3 years but it always goes to someone else. I am stuck where I am for the moment because I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. I would like an office job though. Also I have about 10k in crypto

>> No.49418415

unless you have a lot of land its not viable to grow all your meat
maybe chickens can work on a small plot but HOAs are another issue to worry about
at least where i live, there are hunting grounds people can go to easily

>> No.49418510

Business logic automation. Basically I write scripts that automate small things and render boomers useless and out of a job.

I make upper middle class wage compared to the average pay here. Can save a decent amount (like $500 per month) if I push it.

>> No.49419742

I'm hesitant to give you advice because I may be wrong, but what I do is work for less than 30k a year living with my parents, I put at least 400 a week into ICP and when I get 1300 Pees by January 1 next year, I will invest 250/250 per week into XMR and ICP. I used to have about 145 XMR, but I sold it for HEX which proved to be a good decision so far. Now most of my HEX is locked up in a stake and I can't access my money until I am 35 years old, but if that doesn't work out it doesn't really matter.

>> No.49419917
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>live with parents
>drive mommys van
>gf making 80k a year
>10gme 1mil lunc and 2 eth
>40$ in the bank
>no debt
just landed a warehouse job as an order selector making 25 an hour, brutal soulless work

>> No.49420056

Graduated this year, paid off my debt with crypto, about 15k left to spare (down 90% from Nov but oh well).
Got a weekend job at PF for the free membership and an entry level gig as a legal secretary to build experience. Moved back in with parents after graduation, so no rent but I swing a couple hundred a month out of principle.

>> No.49420093

I just wish I could stop working

>> No.49420190

I have roughly $3k to my name. About a quarter of that is tied up in crypto now, and I'm at a loss there. I wagecuck enough to break even monthly if I spend frugally, but at least I get to wagecuck from home (my only solace from this horrible world and the world of work).


>> No.49421869

>less than 10k in bank
>making less than $25/hr

That's me
However I drive a 2021 Tesla I bought with DOGE/SHIB gains, and was making $30/hr last year

It's a weird position to be in

>> No.49422000

Sell the Tesla while values are inflated to have a nice stack for e-fund/investing/whatever

>> No.49423457

>I’ve been trying to move into management for 3 years but it always goes to someone else. I am stuck where I am for the moment because I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. I would like an office job though.

do you have a college degree? if so what major?

>> No.49423475

based, I don't even think people do that very much here. It seems like jobs are so redundant. There just seems to be little optimization. Good on you anon

>> No.49423507

>However I drive a 2021 Tesla I bought with DOGE/SHIB gains, and was making $30/hr last year

based, I invested 6k in crypto in 2020 and by April 2021 I had over $60k. For a brief moment I thought about cashing it all out to buy a Tesla since they were doing the "buy with bitcoin" thing. But I though no, my shitcoin will continue to rise. Then it dumped to 30k. Then I lost half that in futures. I put the other half into another shitcoin and I'm doing okay, started reinvesting this year

>> No.49425140


>> No.49425512

Get off the SSRIs.

>> No.49425543

Gas is about to hit $6/gallon

>> No.49425583
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buy one of these.
live in it.
it'll keep cooled/warmed air in. could throw some insulation over it for added gains

buy an electric blanket and jumper, before winter sets in and they all go off sale as well

>> No.49425968

>looking into reusable tissues
Tissues create dust everywhere. I just use bathroom hand towels (real towels, not paper) and throw them in the laundry.

>> No.49426382
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Anon you seem like a good person. Please for the love of god ignore what >>49419742 is saying, he is an unironic braindead retard or a shitposter. ICP and HEX both are massive crypto scams, you would do well to look at the history of both of these projects. ICP in particular, literally no one who invested and held this project made profit as it went from $2800 to $6 in a year and a month. I'm not kidding, I'm not baiting. Do your own research and avoid any project with heavy venture capitalist backing.