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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49385991 No.49385991 [Reply] [Original]

* Self serve end of year
* Search ads soon
* Still need more advertisers -- but self serve should help a bit + on going sales process

At $40, what house and car are you buying? Location? Neighborhood?

>> No.49386018

40¢ stable coin

>> No.49386144

The thing about Brave is that they need to be better as an ad platform than Google. Advertisers go where the ez money is. Google and FB are taking performance hits these days l. If Brave can outmaneuver that and drive more ad revenue then they will win the media budgets and BAT will moon.

T. Advertising nigger

>> No.49386150

>stuff soon
>btw guys here is this brave talk shit nobody asked for
>60 mil usersssssssssss!!!!!!
>can opt out of the ads completely
>no creators whatsoever so tipping is pointless
>alternate communities like Reddit dried up completely and are in full cope
>0 effective marketing but 4 mil users a month uh huh
Not this shit again. This project is going to take 5 years or more to get off the ground. By then more competitors will have taken the idea and improved it by a lot. The team has no clue what they want to do, the whole subreddit is just people complaining they didn’t get their 10 cent payout.

>> No.49386169

I'll start paying off my mortgage to be in good refinance position when rates start trending back toward zero

>> No.49386186
File: 41 KB, 1083x349, Bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just slurped another small stack 1,568 BAT. I'm getting close to a full 100k make it stack. I'm at about 88k right now. Within a few weeks I should be at 100k as long as the price doesn't pump, but I'm
starting to get a little nervous that it might start to move before then.

Questionaire for batties:
1. How much BAT do you have any what is your end goal for your stack size
2. What is your price target
3. What will you do with the money when BAT hits your target

My target is unironically $40 and I will buy a modest house and do a lot of traveling. Nothing fancy, just road trips and Airbnb'ing around the world.

>> No.49386188


>> No.49386227

Brave doesn't need to beat FB and Google for BAT to moon lol


>> No.49386254

Imagine slurping BAT on an exchange and not generating bat using brave.

>> No.49386260

Imagine not doing both. Brave rewards aren't going to make you rich.

>> No.49386369
File: 130 KB, 1008x630, 1653254148895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 470k. 500k. Almost there. If one of my other coins moons violently and bat still low will try to get 1mil. But doubt that will happen

2. 10 to sell 100k to hold me over until bat hits $100. Then 100k. Then hold and cash out as needed. If bat makes it to 30-40. It's going to 100+. It means real adoption

3. Not much different. Just few nicer luxury items. Get a maid.

>> No.49386450

> Nothing fancy, just road trips and Airbnb'ing around the world.

Airbnb's are tricky because sometimes you show up and spend a lot of time managing all the fixes the property needs. I rented a pretty nice Airbnb in Mexico. Water heater broke like 3 times. Had to have pest control guy in multiple times. Reverse osmosis system broke multiple times. AC unit was noisy and needed to be cleaned. Pool guys coming over to clean. Water drop offs because RO system is broken.

The whole time you're thinking... Get the fuck out of my house!

Try to stay some place where they change the sheets and clean the place once a week or every few weeks for you. That's really nice.

>> No.49386462

Let’s be realistic for once. BAT will not cross the double digit barrier for at very minimum another 2 years if everything is executed perfectly and market conditions would also have to be good simultaneously

>> No.49386497

Brave has a group of users that can't be reached with Google and Facebook. Essentially they are off grid. That is attractive to advertisers.

But yeah, I agree, we need more advertisers. I haven't seen a clear vision communicated of how we get there.

>> No.49386553

The rise of BNB caught me by surprise and I was holding a lot of it. It could happen anytime.

>> No.49386558

Good morning John

>> No.49386610
File: 399 KB, 3000x2961, 1653746611288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Currently 312k. Would like 1m but not sure if I will get there

2. First price target is probably $10 at which point I would sell maybe $100k worth. At $40 I would sell probably 50k BAT for $2m and then just hold the remainder of my stack as I won't really need money at that point and can just freeride and see how far it goes.

3. Never worry about cucking again and probably get some hobbies or something

>> No.49386648

How many of Brave's 10 million users opted into rewards are complaining on reddit? The subreddit sucks and the last valuable posts were on CAGR (which were deleted and reposted on Medium).


The sub has an identity crisis. And most of the users think they should be sitting in a boardroom in SF giving advice.

Also, how is a competitor going to get 60M MAU overnight?


>> No.49386863


The first 2 articles were pretty interesting but the 3rd one on token burns was really, really, really bad and stupid

>> No.49386890

1. 40k. Want 50k maybe 100k.
2. Will sell all except 10k at $40.
3. We'll see when (if) the time comes.

>> No.49387209

Token needed? I think not. Suck a dick faggot.

>> No.49387354

Agree that it wasn't good. Brave is never going to do a burn for legal reasons. They believe it would turn BAT into a security or at least give it some properties of a security.

Staking for search ads appears to be off the table too.

>> No.49387370

Never sucked a dick. Well, maybe my own. But I didn't get very far and it's a lot weirder than one might think.

Is it fun?

>> No.49387474

1. 187K. Target is 200K but will probably be 250K once I get there because I’m greedy

2. Target price $49 unless the globohomos make me broke first

3. Buy a nicer vacation home in Florida then the one I have and probably become snowbird, purchase 10-20 acres of raw land and build a solar farm and possibly livestock if I can find someone to help manage it.

>> No.49387782

How long are you expecting it to take to reach your target price?

>> No.49388348

Som3one should start a /biz/ verified holder spreadsheet if possible. I slurped 2300 yesterday, at 41k. My goal is 100k as well, but I'm happy with what I have even now. Looking to pick up some more periodically, and if the price dips

>> No.49388448

Already have a a place to live and a car so I'll just pay off the mortgage.

>> No.49388641

3.4-4.5 years

>> No.49388689

That sounds accurate to what I've been reading about BAT. I'm very interested now. How much are you anons planning to buy?

>> No.49388728

What have you been reading?

>> No.49388763

How much do you need for a sui stack ?

>> No.49388794

Don't fucking reply to me, niggerfaggot.

>> No.49388878


Black Jewish kyke nigger cuck faggot

>> No.49388898
File: 409 KB, 1440x1127, Screenshot_20220605-125657_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably spend another $20,000 over the next year to year and a half.

>> No.49388947

What if the price is over $10 by then

>> No.49388963
File: 121 KB, 1200x675, 1652993472194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found 'em.

>> No.49388991

I'll leave the buying to others.

>> No.49389036

At what price will you no longer be interested in buying

>> No.49389447

I’m not buying anymore BAT under $1

>> No.49389490
File: 6 KB, 75x75, 17661_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs the 'steeven' has not tell me how to fix my no ads problem. He therefore will be telling me when I take him to kleros court!

>> No.49389603

What kind of market research is this? It depends on how good Brave/BAT are doing. Like if for some reason Brave keeps doubling its userbase year over year and hits 500m users, on track for 1 and 2 billion with no slowdown, while increasing their commitment to BAT, yeah I'll probably eventually buy even if the price is high. I can't say a specific price because it depends on how I perceive Brave and BAT.

>> No.49389866
File: 1.94 MB, 1436x1500, INEVITABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to meme $40 BAT into reality.

>> No.49391776

Bump to make John faggot seethe

>> No.49392452 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 534x94, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you faggots is "SecondNaive7630" on the batproject reddit, dude's a literal paranoid schizophrenic crying and deleting his weird posts while he screeches about missing .8 BAT in his wallet or some other poorfag bullshit

so many freaks and pajeet poorfags having mental breakdowns over on the BAT plebbit, what a disgusting place

>> No.49392618

whats everyones rewards for last month looking like and how much are you at for this month?

>> No.49392902

Where the fuck has thotposter been? Guess she’s still laying low from the thot purge the jannies have been on lately

>> No.49393416

It's disturbingly quiet even for a bear market. I think jannies have been banning all the batbros. I think John's faggot ass is a Jannie.

>> No.49393461

earned myself one entire 0.0012 BAT

>> No.49394227

oof. At 10 BAT from last month and already at 6 for this month.

>> No.49394697

Can’t opt out of search ads :-)

>> No.49394966
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I made my first 10 bucks.

>> No.49394974
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>> No.49395007

>Can’t opt out of search ads :-)
100% this. fudbois BTFO

>> No.49395184
File: 334 KB, 636x609, 1649516508097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49395254

We are, I've been sure of a few things and this is one of them.

>> No.49395906

She popped in a few days ago, said she'd post some oc if there was a decent general thread over the weekend. But there wasn't, it was just more of the same old shill posts and shit-flinging, so I guess she didn't bother. At one point she was talking of selling a good chunk of her stack, but I don't know if she did in the end.

>> No.49395930

Then won't someone just make an extension to block Brave's search ads?

>> No.49396352

Anyone notice that as the market has been crabbing/bleeding that BAT has been inching its way up the CMC rankings? Boolish.

>> No.49396430

Yup. It has been sneaking up the ranking.

>> No.49396505

oh nice i just checked it, we were 78 last time i looked which was last week maybe, now its 75. i cant believe how much straight up trash is still alive and above BAT, like NEO, EOS, WAVES, BTT, IOTA, GRT.....i could go on. almost everything is fucking garbage. BAT should be a top 10 coin right now even before it launches search ads and everything else. oh well, more room to gain on the way up.

>> No.49396571

Chainlink vibes

>> No.49396742

Haven't been paying too much to the rest of the market but noticed sometimes ETH and BTC would bleed and BAT would still not go under .38. Feels really safe buying right now. I think I've bought I think 15k so far at or under 40 cents.

>> No.49397790
File: 155 KB, 1029x1029, 2446ECF8-4ED8-4EA9-BFF1-AD360C9835C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallah and just like that BAT will never drop below .40 again

>> No.49398964


>> No.49399348 [DELETED] 


>> No.49399385
File: 1.94 MB, 1667x2500, 1638621496014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find the Brave Search usage numbers? I can't find my viagra and I need an immediate erection

>> No.49399541
File: 785 KB, 1296x3226, Screenshot_20220601-154357_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brendan posts them once a month on twitter.

>> No.49399618
File: 678 KB, 1440x2160, 1639822951848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he delete that tweet? I can't find it. I wanna go back and look at the month to month growth

>> No.49399660


>> No.49399695
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x900, perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ I'm dumb. I was looking under tweets, not tweets and replies. Twitter is equally fucking retarded, i hope Elon buys it out and turns the servers off. Thanks for holding my hand - have a Camille Pidoux picture in return.

>> No.49399801
File: 37 KB, 622x574, 1652980359968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every month the number of daily Brave searches goes up about 1 million. the number of monthly searches goes up about 50 million. I'm gonna name my first born son after Silicone head

>> No.49399845

>LARPing with telegram screenshots
>namefags trying to damage control but lol ez filter
>no fucking product news
>the browser is also glitchy as fuck and still has references to Google Chrome and direct links to Google all over the UI and error pages
>no TV ads or campaigns to get non-crypto users to use even search
>brave buys back a million+ BAT a month and it still doesn’t move the price
>their ‘rock star CMO’ can’t even put together campaigns that interest crypto users like adding BAT to Coinbase Card cashback.
>she also pozzed Twitch btw
>same ‘counter arguments’ and ‘memes’ get posted every thread
these threads are somehow even more pathetic and boring than the other shitcoin threads like how can everything about Brave and BAT be this bad? why continue to waste your time on this spinning rock flinging this turd at/ biz/ and /g/ when both boards clearly do not give a fuck?

>> No.49399873
File: 2.04 MB, 961x1047, b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of BAT. Fair enough. May I recommend you go hangout in another thread of a project you believe in? Surely you're not FUDing your own bags, right?

>> No.49399921

>hey stop speaking the truth, surely you stand to profit from our futile efforts eh buddy?
every time, lol - it’s not FUD if it’s true and if you had any balls you’d go Tom Green apeshit during those BAT calls for them wasting your time and money

>> No.49399965

the only point that's even a little bit concerning from that list is
>>the browser is also glitchy as fuck and still has references to Google Chrome and direct links to Google all over the UI and error pages
Any specific examples you can show me? I'll send it to Silicone head, he happily takes feedback to improve the project.
Nigger kike to prove i'm not a "paid pajeet" kek

>> No.49400048

Okay you get a (You) because you used the magic words. The one I could remember from my minutes of using it was the Learn More link when browsing a site with a misconfigured SSL. I don’t remember where in the Settings I found more but I’m sure you could find them if I could. I remember seeing chrome:// more than once.

>> No.49400162

Couldn't find any, they must have fixed all of that by now. I appreciate your concern. Now off you go! Be free!

>> No.49400183

lol found the phoneposter

>> No.49400323
File: 319 KB, 1277x1275, 1652676664759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that all that FUD has been thoroughly debunked (call me snopes dogg) and the h8r has left, we can continue the happy BAT thread. I'm excited to see the upgrades to the tipping content creators system. Being able to tip whores with browser points would attract the coomers (not me)

>> No.49400443
File: 208 KB, 600x446, D849EF9C-61B6-4EEE-9F93-37D31F2C56F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we go hard this week if ol grandpa boomercoin can stop shitting himself for 5 minutes. I’ll see you niggers up there

>> No.49400524

Also, they still don't have their own user agent, but still list themselves as chrome, which is silly

>> No.49400616

>Gave 55 BAT to a Ukrainian refugee for nudes

>> No.49402596

It prevents blocking/targeting Brave users, idiot. Eventually they will remove it. Do you really think some world-class browser developers overlooked that? Absolutely retarded.

Why do you people post the dumbest shit? I could come up with better criticisms and have posted them before.

>> No.49404492

We pumping a lil bit today fellas but down 2 spots on cmc

>> No.49406560

It's super easy to identify Brave a number of other ways, and there's plenty of other privacy browsers that have their own user agent, so masking themselves as chrome is dumb.

>> No.49407574
File: 92 KB, 2164x1062, WhoIsReallyLyingTo(You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for making me resinstall this trash

>> No.49407631
File: 41 KB, 938x456, FuckShillThreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also literally ALL of the settings panes link as chrome://
lazy donothing devs
shit project

>> No.49407752

Weak sauce

>> No.49407877

>normie has problems on the interwebs
>sees this is just a reskin of chrome
>uses another browser
the fact that i even have to spell this out for the mouthbreather that doesn't understand the importance of whitelabeling is just sad

>> No.49407890

At least I'm not a nigger

>> No.49407908

you're the one wasting your day defending this shit get a real job niggerfaggot

>> No.49408186

And </thread>

There have been less stupid questions on the CC lately. That's a plus.

I still think the Netherlands plan is in play. Canals all day.

>> No.49409148

has anyone threatened to cut their dick off if Brendan doesn't make our bags moon?

>> No.49409560 [DELETED] 


>> No.49409668

People have been threatening to do a mass batbro suicide live on Brave talk if Brendan and Luke don’t pump our bags

>> No.49410525

you've been shitting on a project you don't believe in on a Mongolian basket weaving forum for an entire day, but you're telling other people to get a job kek

>> No.49410641

>you've been shitting on a project you don't believe in on a Mongolian basket weaving forum for an entire day
Try 4 years. This guy is obsessed.

>> No.49410648

>not content with spamming your push notifications, they also want to spam the forums you visit.

>> No.49410840

Ads are optin retard. You only see ads by opting in.

>> No.49410941
File: 13 KB, 267x189, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Brave Users ≠ BAT Holders
I don't think anyone but poor crypto retards opt in

>> No.49411144

Most people in the US are poor. Most people don't have enough savings to last a few months without a job.

>> No.49411358
File: 7 KB, 291x173, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you, your Mama and 10 BAT shills on biz but nobody wants to see annoying notifications pop up on your browser like it's 1990. Nobody. Does Brave release the numbers for people who turn ad ads? I bet they don't because people will not willing turn on ads.

>> No.49411888
File: 95 KB, 680x680, 08AC781B-FBD1-4718-8569-F4F47B394CE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no opting out of search ads

>> No.49411936

How do you not know anything about Brave but spend all your time posting here?


>> No.49412261

ok, so out of the 60 Million users only 10 Million have wallets and are earning BAT. Where are the 10 Million users being served ads located? If 9 Million are in India which generally is the case, like most YouTube users are in India, then you only have 1 Million users who have monetizable value. Which is nothing. This is why the project goes nowhere.

>> No.49412400

Hey retard, look at this page? Most advertisers are in western countries.


Are you 18 or 19? I'm getting that feel.

>> No.49412703

you're not answering my question as to how many of those 10 million people who turn on ads are in the US. it doesn't matter about the advertisers because almost all the advertisers are shit crypto companies no matter where they are from.

>> No.49412852

No, you retard. The list of countries is where ad campaigns are active.

Most of the advertisers are only interested in advertising in Western countries. Last year about $13 million BAT was bought by Brave to distribute to users. Gee, I wonder where most of that money is going?

There are good criticisms of BAT but you haven't presented any.

>> No.49413437

How do you manage? At most i can accumulate 5 in a month

>> No.49413502

Is nexo a fortune 500 company?

>> No.49413701

turn your ads up to 10 per hour and if you are on an android phone you can set your browser to show ads when not in use. Scroll through the news feed from time to time also.

>> No.49413738

It's been 5 years and this shit struggled to break $1 in two epic bull runs. Now it's struggling to stay above $0.40. Piece of Shit

>> No.49413850

looks like 24 BAT just hit my uphold account. The supply is going to run out pretty quick at this rate.

>> No.49414297

Used Brave Wallet's built in swap this weekend for the first time to swap some ETH for BAT. Worked pretty slickly. $1700 to BAT in like 30 seconds. Anyone have any thoughts on the wallet?

>> No.49414551

I like it more than metamask. I'd be interested in hearing more about Brave's plan to monetize the wallet, though, as there isn't currently much usage of the DEX aggregator.

>> No.49414554
File: 531 KB, 1440x1275, Screenshot_20220606-161804_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want parity between android and desktop, I'm stuck on mobile 99.9% of the time, and most people rarely ever use desktop. If they want to appeal to masses the mobile wallet needs to be better.

>> No.49414586

Agreed. I'm also waiting for the fucking swap rewards. Definitely better than metamask. Has potential.

I love BAT and Brave but its irritating how everything is coming "soon."

>> No.49414803

we were ahead of that stupid stepn app in mcap this morning. wtf is going on with BAT? it cant hold a pump for shit

>> No.49414804

The swap is pretty sad there's only like 5 tx's per day on it


Especially sad if you compare it to metamask activity which Eich said they were going to overtake


I guess they haven't really advertised it yet much and the multi-chain stuff will help. Who knows. By the way you should dump your PNK and buy more BAT

>> No.49414823

>By the way you should dump your PNK and buy more BAT
Kek. Already halved it and bought more BAT with it awhile ago. At this point, it's just a lottery ticket.

>> No.49414837

We are at #75 though and every single coin on the top 100 is basically fucked for the entire bear market. They have no substance and any releases or announcements they make are gonna do jack shit. Braves stuff will actually pump the coin though, like search ads release etc so we should start to move up the list this year and see some of these other coins start to fall away

>> No.49414861
File: 51 KB, 750x879, 67CAE777-C8D7-4755-8025-715A4797A66B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then people will just start using a different browser. How fucking retarded can you be? Let’s see here.
>community of people who hate ads and like privacy
>here’s your fucking ads everywhere
The search engine is in beta and going no where fast while they innovate new “features”. The daily volume is dead as fuck. Community engagement is nearly non-existent which is why MAU is unverified bullshit and obviously exaggerated. And the number one biggest issue that ensures this shit is dead on arrival: it doesn’t do shit for apple users. Until Brave works on an iPhone it’s fucking useless.
>only normies and faggots use iPhones
Normies and faggots are how you get rich and what advertisers want. Anyone calling this FUD can gtfo, I’m just trying to prevent this obvious shill thread from scamming anons into buying their shitcoin bags. DYOR this project is run by a garage of nobodies and they will rug when their pipedreams can’t be realized.

>> No.49414891
File: 145 KB, 800x1000, IMG_20220606_163947_787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John your retarded cope posts are getting so lazy and sad that they aren't even worth responding to anymore. At least bring forth some arguments that have some bearing on reality

>> No.49414960

>John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John
Literally who I don’t give a fuck. The project is shit keep seething. You will reply because you know I’m right and now people will go look. I personally don’t care if anyone buys this dogshit, but you guys are basically just lying on the internet. Fuck off.

>> No.49414981

How do I verify MAU? John says it's bullshit. Oh, I know. I'll check on the on-chain MAU database that definitely exists.

>> No.49415042

Yeah John I'm clearly the one seething here kek. And don't pretend that you aren't John, John. I can smell your bullshit from a mile away because your posts are so fucking stupid and have the same retarded style in every single thread with dumber and dumber talking points each time

>The search volume is dead
It's brand fucking new and it already has a shit load of traffic and it's growing incredibly fast, but obviously you already knew that

>People will uninstall the browser if they put ads on the search engine
Literally the most retarded thing I've ever heard it doesn't even make sense

>The MAU numbers are fake
Now you're just really running out of shit to say. If they were lying about the numbers they never would have reported the big drawdown in users earlier this year

>> No.49415113
File: 95 KB, 1024x733, 1653008865544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fag on reddit that writes in the same exact style. Has no clue how Brave works but claims to be an expert. I bet John posts on reddit too.

>> No.49415122

>omg no that’s retarded
Not a fucking argument. MAU is a terrible
metic for anything and it measures nothing. Keep crying you guys are buttmad as fuck that someone is here to shine a light on your roach parade. Call me whatever doesn’t matter. A bunch of non arguments and waaaaaaahhhs in response to real issues. Honestly much worse than the actual teams favorite sound which is crickets.

>> No.49415138

>MAU is a terrible
>metic for anything and it measures nothing

>> No.49415156

Great argument. Don’t need to reply anymore.

>> No.49415174

Stop lying on the internet. Who even does that?

>> No.49415184

Tell us about how great Decentr is

>> No.49415208

>has no clue
>refuses to address any of my accurate points
This pretty makes my argument for me. Notice how the army of faggot shills in here refuse to address the apple problem???? Because it’s a real one. By the time Brave figures this out, other actually popular browsers will implement the system better and the project will die. Or wait no they wont, because they don’t need to LOL

>> No.49415253

iOS users will still be contributing to the ad network by using brave search. And no, people won't uninstall the browser because they have ads on brave search you nigger lover

>> No.49415256

Apple doesn't allow earning crypto on iOS faggot. No other startup is getting around that.

>> No.49415538

Its holding its position from yesterday. stepn just has massive swings. Bear market reality is also just now starting to set in for most. Give it some time. The market likely still has years of adjusting to do before the next cycle.

>> No.49415865

This is the fakest most manufactured bear market I’ve ever seen. The Fed is gonna start dropping rates and printing by August

>> No.49416396

is etoro a fortune 500 company?

>> No.49416456

is youporn a fortune 500 company?

>> No.49416599

i believe cake defi is a fortune 500 company

>> No.49416856
File: 258 KB, 2476x1295, ChipotleFortune500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49417174

not quite, LINK will be bigger but BAT could unironcally surpass it for a bit.
This reminds me of KDA but more drawn out where its like how is this shit so low?

>> No.49417192

I think user-facing tech is always going to be worth more than the plumbing. Not to say that the plumbing isn't worth a lot too.

>> No.49417203

you are actually retarded
normies will love this shit
all it would take is some inorganic twitter shilling early next bull run, maybe a catchy hashtag with screenshot of monthly rewards.

and this and checkddd

>> No.49417645

>How many of Brave's 10 million users opted into rewards are complaining on reddit?
Obviously not even a fraction of Rewards users but everywhere you go online where users can complain about this problem they are, and are doing so in droves.
So what does that tell you?
You honestly don't think it's an issue if (let's say a lowball number) 30% of all Rewards users didn't get a cent from viewing ads for the last three months?
It's probably more like 75% though. Not good.

>> No.49417666

Spiked because of the DuckDuckGo shit.

>> No.49417697

Vague comment with no proof and only speculation? Not interested.

>> No.49417722

Can't or won't answer? Carry on then.

>> No.49417770

I agree, but Rewards needs to be fixed.
New users not getting Rewards en masse isn't a feel-good experience and they will be left wondering why? Maybe they switch off Rewards or uninstall. At best they begrudgingly stay with both.
But I know you guys don't want to talk about any fundamental problems Brave have, so okay.

>> No.49417824

Wow 75% of people haven't gotten their rewards in 3 months and only a few people complain? Strange

It's probably nowhere near as big of a problem as you think, but they are a bunch of faggot ass niggers for not making this their number 1 priority over any new gay wallet feature. Having the main feature of your browser (how they make their money) totally broken is fucking stupid and they are most likely black niggers

>> No.49419025
File: 119 KB, 1125x1406, 1650213416613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about short term price action during a bear market. Bat isn't a get rich quick scheme. If BAT makes us all rich it will be during the next bullrun when every fortune 500 company wants to advertise on Brave Search. If Brave continues to grow it's userbase, and a proper bullrun happens, we win.