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493847 No.493847 [Reply] [Original]

that seems to create a better virtual currency bitcoin, which is easy to undermine

>> No.493854
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go right ahead
>shouldn't be a problem
>there's not a billion other cryptos already trying to do the same
>btc doesn't have a head start
>btc doesn't have backing from official companies who would hate to have their shekels go to waste
>there aren't a billion other holders who would oppose you every step of the way
what are you waiting for OP?

>> No.493885

It would need to be created by a major nation or perhaps some group of major corporations.

>> No.494136

I think some coins do some things better than bitcoin (PND is much easier for beginners and is easier to use in trades, BBR etc is more secure) but the fact is Bitcoin is the most established and I dont see anyone going to change that short term

>> No.494146

Amazon could create one and crater bit coin overnight

>> No.494148


Or Google. Or the US Government.

If governments, banks, corporations, and the wealthy were truly scared of Bitcoin robbing them of shekels and gaining some measure of dominance, it would have been blasted the fuck out of time by now. It's obvious that they're letting it exist because it poses no threat, and it's simply a gimmick. The government could very easily criminalise it and shut down cryptocurrency altogether if they wanted to.

>> No.494189

Google already did put money behind a crypto. Ripple. They just signed 2 more US banks. The crypto community hates Ripple though because they are corporate and for profit.

Is anyone else here Jewish and hate the fact that Satoshit Nakamoto kept such a small percentage of Bitcoin? It seems like a travesty.

>> No.494201

Some country is making their own digital currency, but not a crypt coin. I forgot which country it is.

>> No.495488


He kept enough to be a billionaire when BTC= $1000