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49407584 No.49407584 [Reply] [Original]

GRT fees back to zero after an absolute bust of GRT day and GEO, the new service you PAY for so GRT can sell your metadata

>like clockwork

>> No.49407679

weak fud is weak

do better

>> No.49407821

Why would you fud something that isn't even mentioned on here?

>> No.49407862

95% of epochs since launch (over a year ago) have netted 0 collected fees

>> No.49407969

okay, i hardly have a dog in anything GRT, but i see some of those "collected" figures and my mind goes to "these are total fees that the graph's users are paying and this is probably a relatively new thing". is this the case, anon?

>> No.49408629

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.49408698

>Hosted service set to be shut down in less than a year
>You're fudding instead of accumulating

>> No.49408952

>weak FUD
Anon please everyone can see this

>> No.49409096

When people run queries against the decentralized indexers, they have to pay for it in GRT. Those get collected into an allocation. You can then claim those but the issue is eth gas is so expensive that it's currently not worth it to collect. So either we need much higher traffic, or to move to an L2. Both are on the roadmap. Essentially it's too early to see anything impressive.

>> No.49409486
File: 115 KB, 768x555, 1654534812393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nono, let him. I'm fudding and accumulating too, see picrel.
Fuck jannies btw.

>> No.49409614

They do it for free so if you fud their coins they suffer even more. No amount of fud will ever get me to sell grt. Unironicly my bag to millionaire status.

>> No.49409690

That Omega tripfag's shilling for GRT has so far been the only fud successful in getting me to sell this shitcoin.

>> No.49409856

How many you got anon? I’m a bit surprised ultra high iq autists on this board haven’t picked up grt

>> No.49410273

what this anon actually means is that allocations are opened for more than 28/29 days since "muh fees cant close" and then everyone delegating loses their rewards from delgating and gets JUSTd. basically stealing.

>> No.49410334

It's crazy how it's never shilled here. I don't know how to feel about it, it's either insanely bullish or insanely bearish, no in-between. See >>49406548 for example, GRT perfectly fits op's description and no one even mentioned it until I did. It's been this way for what, a year? Which is why it makes me laugh when some faggots (most probably fartshitters) seethe about the constant GRT shilling.
Same for the reddit and twitter community, completely dead. I'm buying though.

>> No.49410695

So you'd prefer the allocations be closed at a loss so you can collect 1 whole GRT from your prorated rewards and then watch the index indexer close shop? Is that the argument you're making?

>> No.49410741

Approaching 80k and thinking to buy more pretty soon.

>> No.49410783

When you see FUD that means they are accumulating. Do you really think people are out here trying to save others in the most scammy community ever?

>> No.49410946

Kek this. It’s funny but there was ONE ultra autist who had made a post and you could just tell this guy had a 140IQ. Must’ve been a year ago or more, but he held my hand and went through the numbers. I bought a stack and never looked back. That was even before grtsux.

>> No.49411124

I’ve seen you try to save anons on multiple occasions so surely there are others

>> No.49411196

Summoning this 140iq anon. Did he make it already?

>> No.49411373
File: 335 KB, 793x711, 1654269823522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id prefer to not be lied to and then shilled a web browser that YOU MUST PAY TO USE fucking retard

>> No.49412551

What do you think web3 is? You think we're going to get rid of ads, stop selling your meta data with (((free))) applications, and it wasn't going to cost anything? Read a fucking book or go buy another coin. This is way above your pay grade.

>> No.49413048
File: 2.64 MB, 264x240, 1652871597727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must fund VC p&ds that come in over budget and behind schedule to get rid of ads and save your metedata by creating a proprietary web browser that holds NOTHING OF VALUE because nobody is querying ACTUAL, USEFUL DATA so please pay us an arbitrary amount monthly sirs because you are the product and you have to pay for it

this is your mind on GRT

>> No.49413197
File: 140 KB, 1816x820, FA62F620-019B-452F-91B0-BA40C110A83B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from 1 billion queries a month. To 2 billion queries a DAY.

>> No.49413240

No. My mind on GRT is telling you that I didn't read your post and you should sell.

>> No.49413505

>graph day
>GRT pumps and dumps 10%
>Sergey to speak at Consensus
>LINK pumps 20% a week before the conference

It's unironically over at least until 2023. All we've been getting since curation went live are promises. GRT isn't one of those projects that will pump on promises.

>> No.49414687

>It's unironically over at least until 2023
More time to stack for cheaper. But yes, they need to get off their ass.
They need
>query fees
>mainnet rollout of all chains
>move to a fucking L2
>revamp curation and delegation so that users don't get rugged (the fact that it's still in this sorry state is fucking shameful)
>a new website, the current one sucks, can't even list indexers
>cross chain indexing
>performance improvements and real time streams
>decentralized gateway

>> No.49414731

>When you see FUD that means they are accumulating. Do you really think people are out here trying to save others in the most scammy community ever?
What are you doing then?

>> No.49415680

That is fucking insane. What are people even 'querying'?

>> No.49416087

Nfts, dex arbitrage, and dapps.

>> No.49416124
