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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49405278 No.49405278 [Reply] [Original]

>we just reached 1000 monkepox cases
>two weeks ago it was 100 cases
>10x in two weeks
>one month from now we'll have 100k cases
Market crash when?

>> No.49405342

two weeks

>> No.49405371

When gay people take over

>> No.49405389

The monkey-pox cases are skin rashes that the vaxxxxed are getting because they are immune suppressed. They are the exact same rashes you see on ai--ds patients.

They are making all kinds of excuses for what is happening. Recently they said that adults can get SIDS- SADS, that children can get heart attacks, and that environmental pollution is causing heart attacks. Idiots will continue to be idiots and believe all of the lies.

In life there are many tests. Some believe thats why groups like the Mas--ons exist, to test souls on behalf of G--od.

>> No.49405440

Bought $MPOX on bsc because it's constant fee publicity to pump my bags. I'm going to profit off this shit

>> No.49405444
File: 76 KB, 640x640, cipollino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to lock down all gay people in houses. If they try to protest - police will beat them.
I mean nobody had problems with this during covid.

>> No.49405457

Monkie pox is a rash. Then you're over it

>> No.49405556

My people devastated by the pox, how do I afford doctor for sacred cow.

>> No.49405608

seems like covid has bottomed out. How do I long covid?

>> No.49405646

Remember to spread th pox to everyone you know for more free publicity.
The rotting diseased shall inherit the earth.

>> No.49405795

No this is gay pride month they need it to spread beyond all's repair and then tell people to be scared and stay home

>> No.49405861

That's my thinking, they'll play is down while current thing is fag month, the they'll move on to the giant money printer that will be covid mk2 aka m pox.

>> No.49405928

no one fucking cares pandemic is old news

>> No.49406041

There's a new pandemic in down.
We've now got rid of the geriatrics, now it's time for the degenerates.

>> No.49406060


>> No.49406447


>> No.49406568

You'll be perfectly safe as long as you have taken the 7th booster.

>> No.49406650


>> No.49406681

They believe that they know better than us and that the rest of the population are cattle. They actually believe that they are doing the right thing and are helping society. They fail to realize that they are pawns of the people above them and that what they are doing actually hurts society.

>> No.49406734
File: 132 KB, 1052x602, Troge Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge is definitely a long-term project with dapp release yesterday including swap, fiat onramp, rug checker and multichart tracker! Rewards dashboard for 3% DOGE rewards as well.

>> No.49406810

Get out of here Trogeian, this is for MPOX and associated memecoins only.

>> No.49406857

trust the plan siga males!

>> No.49406979

What is siga? I keep seeing it.

>> No.49407352


Daily reminder MPOX was the first, did the most xs, has the most active community and socials on every platform bar reddit, and all of the pox related liquidity will end up there. It is still ahead of the rest, and will continue to be so.

>> No.49407393
File: 20 KB, 320x314, IMG_7403.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sir this is Troge country now.

>> No.49407429

Unless it starts killing people, nobody will really care in the end. Even lefties are over lockdowns. It's just the virgin incels who want to be at home all day long now just like it used to be.

>> No.49407457
File: 182 KB, 720x568, 1641009268807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I'm safe.

>> No.49407468
File: 399 KB, 384x360, stupid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its sigma you retards

>> No.49407554

I know, that's why I took advantage of the craze to make money on a few of the others, before ploughing all the profits into MPOX.
Now the others have rugpulled, MPOX has dipped, it is time to load up the bags.

>> No.49407813

7th booster? What do you mean you don't have the 8th booster?
Help, Fauci! This anon is trying to weasel out of getting the 9th booster!
You'll be wishing you took the 10th booster when the FEMA agents catch you.

>> No.49407829

sigma balls faggot!