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49406687 No.49406687 [Reply] [Original]

Have you started that garden yet /biz/?

>> No.49406736

Yes of course, along with chickens

>> No.49406764

soon. lol

>> No.49406766

How much eggs do they produce daily and how much do you feed them.
I feed mine all leftovers from my meals of the days and get around 1 a day from each. If not then every other day

>> No.49406772

I'd rather just stockpile rice, flour and canned veggies

>> No.49406834

yes. I do plant tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, etc. Also there are many chickens and two roosters to keep population growing in cock-a-doodle-do-town.

>> No.49406866

The only thing I hate is the chicken shit. It shits wherever it wants.

>> No.49406913

The garden rises.

>> No.49406943
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How'd you know I wanted to start a garden?

>> No.49406952

use it to fertilize your garden retard

>> No.49407037

Don't the roosters fight each other

>> No.49407053

It really depends. In the summer/spring they eat less and produce more, I have a large property that I let them free range on. My 4 hens+1 rooster go through about a 50lb bag every 6 weeks or so and I get about 3 eggs a day. In the winter those bags last just under a month and I get one or 2 eggs. But they were young last winter maybe it will be better now

>> No.49407515

they have their own bitches. one rarely push the other if there is enough space, food and chicks for both.

>> No.49407572

Do you get new roosters ever so often so your chickens don’t get inbred?

>> No.49407598

I'm on year four, what Im finding more value in the guerrilla planting if perennials throughout the ravines in my and forests around me. Egyptian onion, berries of all sorts, asparagus, chestnuts etc. to name a few. Suppliment with my normal 1000sq ft of annual gardens and local eggs and Im all set. Reserves of canned goods, rice and vitamins hidden away, typically 6 months worth for my family of 3.

>> No.49407632
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>> No.49407670
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I live in the city

>> No.49407863

till the 5th or 6th generation there is not much to worry about. by that time you may have to take one of the roosters to the knife doctor and bring a new one. I dont really care on inbreeding as the majority of the eggs are for consumption and not reproduction.

>> No.49407980

Dandelions are a good source of food if your gardens fail. Kill a deer this year and keep all the meat. Africa is losing grain due to the sanctions. It is coming eventually.

>> No.49408022

Based. I planted some berries last year near the treeline, and added some apple trees to the property. It will take a while before I get something from them but once they are established should basically be no work other than collecting fruit.

>> No.49408083

>just start a garden bro
>just live off-grid bro

Not easy for a NEET in 4 figure hell to do

>> No.49408090

Dude, the people who find and stick to this site have such distinct traits that you can bet your ass we share similar dreams and ideals.

>> No.49408119

Permaculture practices= lots of time to establish, but once estsblished are basically self producing. Nature is really good at being productive when you dont fuck with it too much. Large scale agriculture is teriffyingly dependent on supply chains that are showing some weaknesses. Im at a point now where, even with our horrible leaf winters, strategic planting is causing self seeding of everything from lettuce to marijuana all around my house, feels good to let it go wild despite never using pesticides or anything. Seeing dragonflies for the first time which is great considering i live far from water, the system works.

>> No.49408124

You won't get a job and you expect me to believe you will maintain a garden. Top kek

>> No.49408180

kek just wait for the next bullrun in 2024 and i'll have a better garden than all of you faggots

>> No.49408230

just go ultra savings mode
no liqour
rice and the cheapest (non-onions) protein you can find and just accept that the next 2-4 years of your life are gunna be fucking shit

in 4 years it will feel like the blink of an eye and you'll be thinking was I even the same perosn when I accomplished this?

>> No.49408237

Its extremely easy to maintain a garden.

>> No.49408239
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Just get twice as many hens man, why do you even have so few hens, they're like bitcoin miners. Using a handful is pointless, you need to go big or go home.
Convert your entire property into Henburg, the Putrid Coop. Take up the mantle of the Cockatrice Baron, mad ruler thereof. Sell eggs for souls. Become unparryable.

>> No.49408289


>> No.49408365

It is also extremely easy not to be a neet and yet...

>> No.49408401
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I threw like 100 daikon radish seeds into the ground around my house and those little faggots are growing everywhere
they dont give a fuck

I'm going to be so fucking gassy from these bitches I'll get Nurgles blessings

>> No.49408414

I’m just going to eat my neighbors ass

>> No.49408431

You had 12 years

>> No.49408435

Being a self sustaining gardening NEET is the way man always lived before jews existed

>> No.49408490

Neets are 99% lazy porn and vidyaa addicts with weak bodies pls stop this delusion

>> No.49408493
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19 egg farms ahve burnt down since the start of 2022
the jews are trying to starve us arent they

>> No.49408517

>heh if you don't want to be a slave you can't take care of a garden
Good goy narrative

>> No.49408524

nope. but i am gonna start prepping for a food crisis just in case. Gonna get a costco membership and start buying some large fucking cans of shit

>> No.49408584 [DELETED] 

i don't understand these crackers. can someone break down both memes?

>> No.49408590
File: 52 KB, 1192x671, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon can i let you in on a little secret?
When you go to the normie grocery store most canned good expire in 2-5 years from purchase

Costco canned stuff all expires within a year
now you know why costco has cheaper prices
You should get into canning your own food

>> No.49408610

Are you able to differentiate between providing value to society in return for money that can be used to acquire land vs being a slave or are you rly this braindead

>> No.49408634

I am a /fit/ NEET and have the time and energy to workout 6 times a week while your tired ass sits on the couch and watches a shitty netflix show with your spouse

>> No.49408682

Nice. I think you can eat the greens too.

I'm quasi neet. Self employed but work 2-3 days per week. Perfect for me.

>> No.49408683

I don't have shit worth canning anyways, I don't grow things. I've bought from costco before though and they had plenty that was a few years out from expiry. But either way I'll keep it in mind. Doesn't seem like there's a good way out

>> No.49408749

Typically 2-4 years past expiry is safe. Fruits and shit less so, but beans are good for a long time. I just get buckets and fill with bags of dry goods, drop an oxygen absorber and use a mylar blanket to seal the lid. Rice, chick peas, black beans and lentils.

>> No.49408784

I have no where to garden, and I can't move. I will have to just stack food.
Anons if you have a place to garden do it, the labor isn't bad if you put on some pleasent music while working, and all the knowledge you need is on youtube

>> No.49408805

who takes care of you? parents? grandparents?

also do you rly think professionals earning six figs don't have time to work out? you're retarded pls stay in your bubble no one wants to talk to you anyway lol

>> No.49408869

Gardening is maximum fucking comfy
I listen to an aussie youtube boomer

>> No.49409022

Of course. The free nitrogen train is coming to a halt. I'm working on building up a permaculture-ish food forest.

>> No.49409031

>antineet/antigarden/prowork propoganda
Get the fuck off my chan

>> No.49409094

I don't want to provide value to society, can you just fuck off from 4channel.org back to society? I've got money don't worry about me, I just refuse to be a slave and yes, all employment is slavery. You do what you're told when you're told to? You're not a free man.

>> No.49409153
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No ;_; I've been moving around too much. Still got a couple more years of traveling before I can settle down and garden and build myself a little stone house.

Have this gardenchads. I'll be joining you someday.

>> No.49409262

This guy is great

>> No.49409381

>he believes in Jewish "expiration" dates
yes goy, throw your perfectly good food out after a few months and buy more from us.

>> No.49409428


>> No.49409734

I actually have 8 more born 2 months ago just not laying yet, next year I will have a surplus that I can trade for other farm products or bitcoin (ticker:btc)

>> No.49409911

Yeah bro i was diggin all day

>> No.49409996

Got a whole farm, bought before prices started to go up. Pigs, chickens, subsistence garden, corn plot for pig feed. Pigs are expensive to feed but once you butcher one you have meat for 6 months +.

>> No.49410418

not yet but girlfriends dad is a farmer
only 25.. im thinking i can have land by 27
hoping world lasts that long

>> No.49410909
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>> No.49411520

Who's Ben? I'm a pajeet so pls no bully saar

>> No.49411670

Pls someone draw pepe chicken and seething wojak prepper.

>> No.49411903

If roosters are raised together as chicks, they won't fight. However if you separate them for a few days, then put them back together, they'll go at it till one is dead.

>> No.49413119

based dungeater

>> No.49413564
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Homesteading is a meme, you can die of a tooth infection or something else. You are better off in a rural suburb, community is everything.

>> No.49413590

Side hustle opportunity

>> No.49413995

i get like 2 full buckets of eggs a week, enought for my family and extended family, but i feed the chicken corn, so that's an input that i don't grow myself, but i could have them roaming around the land eating bugs, the only reason i don't is that i'm not around and i fear they will go missing ( there are legit birds of prey and foxes around )

>> No.49414855

get out of that hell hole

>> No.49415134

I live in Las Vegas, anon
So no because it’s 101 outside right now and that’s not too bad for summer

>> No.49415159

Do you grow attached to them?
My friends grandpa raised a pig and had it butchered but my buddy wouldn’t eat it
I think that’s silly but I’ve never raised a pig before

>> No.49415232

I always knew Ben was right, even in 2006
>t.original doomer

>> No.49415241

So not to get to conspiratorial, but does it seem like there’s a concerted effort to target food independence ? I’m sure you’ve all seen these headlines about fertilizer plants burning down and food repositories getting destroyed and poultry getting culled in their millions due to bird flu, but the thing that really concerned me was what happened very early during the Covid lockdowns. One of the first things they banned was gardening supply stores and nurseries. I have a bad feeling that they’re going to try and stop people from growing their own food. It’s going to be a rough summer.

>> No.49415243

Pigs are intelligent and can live as pets, so yeah.

>> No.49415265


>> No.49415299

back in 2010 me and a dozen anons had the idea to move to an island north of brazil (which turned into just a plot of land in argentina) to become self-sufficient and create our own "country". we had quite the active forum up and running and pursued this seriously.
so we had to do some research on how to become self sufficient, how to build huts or build anything as a matter of fact without power and running water (at least for a year)

and I can recommend the self-sufficient gardener by john seymour. a lot of useful tips in there

in case you think it's bullshit, google project anononia (pronounced anonia). still have our constitution somewhere on my drive. good times. made some good friends back then

>> No.49415341

Reddit Island only gayer, well done anon

>> No.49415389

again, this was back in 2010. I was 21 at that time and just wanted to escape all the bullshit happening around me.
our regular lifes had us drift apart, but it honestly was a fun experience to do all the research and learn about a lot of things you otherwise would have never leared

>> No.49415449

From the movie the big short. He’s a retired investment banker who left wall street for Colorado and invested in seeds and land and water ect. Basically became a prepper for the collapse.

You should be aware of what’s going on in Sri Lanka right? New government banned agrochemicals and fertilizer and it quickly turned into nationwide food riots. Considering Russia and Ukraine provide like a 3rd of the worlds grain and fertilizer, we should all be watching out for more Sri Lankan situations to pop up.

>> No.49416809

Feed chickens maggots, it's free and a million times better for the chickens and for you, they'll go crazy for them

>> No.49416837

How hard is it to? I have a bunch of seeds. I'd probably just throw them in the ground water regularly and hope for the best.

>> No.49416933

Ben who? Qrd?

>> No.49417036
