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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49403210 No.49403210 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next 1000x anons? give me projects to research

>> No.49403256


>> No.49403257


>> No.49403262

im already balls deep in it

such as?

>> No.49403266 [DELETED] 

Stop looking for the stupid ass degenerate 1000x dumb shit. go research matic. research a team that's actually doing something worth doing.

>> No.49403269

Chainlink. Buy at $1.

>> No.49403281

checked, anon im trying to maximize and get as much $ as possible to fund my /biz/ness venture baka

there is no way in hell this shit will drop to a dollar (altho i hope it does)

>> No.49403288 [DELETED] 

Schrodinger Token. Aka, Dinger Token.

Website has been updated, check it out.

>> No.49403303


>> No.49403310


>> No.49403324


>> No.49403350 [DELETED] 

raven protocol

chekem u fukin geekin niggas

>> No.49403435


>> No.49403548


>> No.49403620
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>> No.49403643

this seems to be a scam

>> No.49403650

But I need a x1000 to grow my poorfag stack so I can actually start buying and investing real amounts.

>> No.49403670

this too, anon what are your plays? my moonshot hopium is unironically goho but i need to diversify

>> No.49403936

Hello sers, buy Railgun, much needed privacy coin and buy Spool to get 50% APY, Shiva bless your kind heart good sers.

>> No.49404129

M POX, just come down off a huge pump, good time to get in before fag month is over a infections skyrocket.

>> No.49404164

cmon anon, shit is aids

>> No.49404179

How so? It's a craze, might as well profit off it.

>> No.49404186

what mcap do u see it going to?

>> No.49404188

What's the proper way to make love

>> No.49404198

Look up Raptoreum

>> No.49404210

If it hold on after the dump, I don't think getting back to 200k would be unreasonable.
At worst it should be a 2 times from here.
If they properly push it inthe news after June is over, who knows, could go quite high.

>> No.49404222

Chainlink + Bancor
Few understand

>> No.49404246

checked, anal fisting

checked, where do you see chainlink going price wise?

okay ill check it out

>> No.49404269

Be careful, because it could just die from here, but have a look at the chart and see what you think.

>> No.49404276

>Chainlink price
To infinity and beyond

>> No.49404292

Chainlike is also an excellent one, it will probably dip a bit further from here, but next bullrun it will soar.

>> No.49404294

shorting gmt with 100x leverage

>> No.49404427

chain what?


sounds good thanks anon

>> No.49404545 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 320x190, 896892144178522296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge is definitely a long-term project with dapp release yesterday including swap, fiat onramp, rug checker and multichart tracker! Rewards dashboard for 3% DOGE rewards as well.

>> No.49404764

Research: ICPee, XRPee, 0xMR, DRC, ATRI, UTNPee

>> No.49404865


But if you want to earn some reasonable profit, UTK is the way to go. Staking rewards plus token will likely grow to 20x in the near future.

>> No.49404897


>> No.49404958

Chainlink, sorry mistyped.

>> No.49405053 [DELETED] 
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My Troger

>> No.49405083 [DELETED] 

Ok here's one that's not a biz shitcoin. Legit team and vision, making progress on the regular. Cspr. You're welcome.

t. Been buying since 0.11

>> No.49405093

your good

>> No.49405106

those are my microcap bets

>> No.49405425 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, Troge stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge.tools new DAPP released yesterday!

>> No.49405502

based, redpill me on these

>> No.49405511


>> No.49405626 [DELETED] 
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Have you reviewedsports metaverse? To access the metaverse, you must own aland, and two Premier League icons have joined the sports metaverse after purchasing a land each. In my perspective, this is a fascinating initiative with a compelling use case since sports fans will be able to connect with their favorite sports heroes on the metaverse.

>> No.49405823 [DELETED] 

XRC: creating a decentralized anonymous marketplace. Pure per-to-per trading.
Allows one to trade gold and other precious metals (or crypto) without any personal data being recorded.
To achieve this they have two blockchains:
>Base blockchain which stores reviews and rating system of traders.
>Market blockchain, which contains data about offers and trade history - which means public records of transactions between users are periodically wiped out.
might be a longshot but could be big. haven't really seen anyone else attempt something like this.

GDAO is a DAO that attempts to be "Governance as a service" for smaller communities.
A big use case is their "Proof of Existence" tool for NFT minting - ensuring that you can only mint one NFT per user.
NFT projects looking for a fair launch not scalped up by bots can use this service to ensure a fair distribution.

Both projects are under $1 million market cap, and might just fail entirely

>> No.49405838 [DELETED] 

$minds. Will be facebook for web 3.0 big techs tyranny is coming to an end.

>> No.49406311 [DELETED] 
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Troge the bobo hedgedoge

>> No.49406323 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1117x1280, photo_2022-06-03_21-15-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even supposed to mean? You believe the globohomo is coming to end with some shit crypto coin? LMAO

>> No.49406585


>> No.49406634
File: 30 KB, 320x190, 896892144178522296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troge is definitely a long-term project with dapp release yesterday including swap, fiat onramp, rug checker and multichart tracker! Rewards dashboard for 3% DOGE rewards as well.

>> No.49406741

make it stack? and explain how its not a rug pls

>> No.49406792

Xfai is the only one I know that might actually 1000x

>> No.49406855
File: 28 KB, 764x492, drunk pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a maxi stack at 20M coins and the dev doesn't have a bunch of MAXI stack wallets ready to dump, or slow dump over time etc. Also check the code, all junctions have been renounced except functions that allow the growth of the project. All jeety functions are disabled. New DAPP where you can use it to check it and other contracts.

Huge potential if this blows up.

TG: Troge_Portal

Ca: 0-x2e5528ce-581a816b212d41f8f

take out dashes or get it in the tele

>> No.49406880

It's a jeet scam. Literally 5 of their threads were being spammed earlier this morning and jannies had to clean that shit up. Ignore the shills.
If you want a project to look up, which has barely taken off, look up PLEB. Should be on the AVAX chain.
It's the only thing imo that could pull off a x1000 (realistically).
But don't spread the word or shill it, as others (such as myself) are still accumulating.
And read the fucking whitepaper for God's sake. Don't just blindly buy like an idiot, know what you're buying.

>> No.49407008

is it pleb gaming? i cant find it

>> No.49407024
File: 97 KB, 800x988, photo_2022-05-30_19-23-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me how Troge is a literal jeet scam? Yea the tranny jannies and mods are deleting the threads, but at least they are trying. And not parasitizing off other posters

>> No.49407033

ive never bought on the avax chain can you tell me how kek

>> No.49407056

dont worry anon i hold some tr0ge just keep it on the DL fr fr

>> No.49407065
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fringe (FRIN) is probs the best chart + low cap buy in crypto. Ape and hold a year. Take half off at $1 (100x) stake the rest.

>> No.49407074

He's a retard shill, he can't even give action-able info. And will act like his shitty lazy shilling is his master plan to get you to DYOR and look like he knows what he's talking about by being vague. But in reality he's just a retard.

>> No.49407090


idk about this cuh

>> No.49407092

alright , good luck but usually shills that are retarded and call others jeets are literal jeets. So be careful.

>> No.49407102

There's a guide on the site, or you can go to the telegram or discord (both linked on the site)

Token isn't even a month old, being shilled and instantly pruned, no one has ever heard of it and dog coins are a literal scam that have literally no utility or use.
Sounds exactly like a jeet scam pending for a rugpull.

>> No.49407184

>have literally no utility or use.
Troge.tools for Troge holders.
Dapp release yesterday including swap, fiat onramp, rug checker and multichart tracker! Rewards dashboard for 3% DOGE rewards as well.

Now what faggot?

>> No.49407199

JRT, rebrand soon

>> No.49407223

>released yesterday
Say no more. You've already proven my point.

>> No.49407317

If you are looking for 1000x, all you have to announce is wait for the upcoming PULSE Network IDO. After an AI-focused healthcare project and IDO, the real hype will begin. You shouldn't miss this.

>> No.49407340
File: 79 KB, 855x684, 1654510028217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions irrelevant fact
>Thinks he can and won an argument on the internet

Oops, your ID is red, Say no more. You've proven my point

>this is how you sound you fuckin mouth breathing troglodyte

>> No.49407385

Anything I feel will survive the market as is, and has utility, and preferably useful utility. Short to Mid- I have $Dinger and $Volt at their respective floors, and $Cult as a long term hold.

>> No.49407593

You're deflecting and it's sad. Literally gave you multiple reasons and you're still hard on one, utility case.
Your token is new, based off a fucking dog coin. Newsflash dumb dumb: animal coins were 2021. You're late.
No one is gonna fall for your jeet scam, maybe try reddit. You "might" be successful.

>> No.49407668
File: 51 KB, 320x176, just troging by.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough good luck in your future shilling, but next time give actionable info

>> No.49407704
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Well last month you could've made a 1000x like I did selling Echelon and then apeing the bottom of Luna. /biz/ still has some great plays here. The month is young, anon. Just pay attention.

>> No.49407722


>> No.49407769

note: NOT to be confused with ECC/Etherconnect --you want the real ECC

>> No.49407778


>> No.49407805

wait you said 1000x..n/m lol but worth it while less than a penny.

>> No.49407893

Based ygmi

>> No.49408359

>What is the next 1000x anons?

I really cannot tell you what is next but I will suggest some fundamental projects for you to look up


thank me later

>> No.49408453

To what tho

>> No.49408747

what is txa and ftm?

>> No.49408770


>> No.49408791

no such thing unless you're a literal connected whale or VC or top-tier influencer/marketer. your only chance at 1000x is literally a shitcoin lottery. and thats only with a tiny bag. it will never be enough to make it off a tiny pool of liquidity.

there's a way to get a functional 1000x
and that's to 4x or 5x. 4-5 times. or 10x 3 times. which is functionally going to be very difficult as the altcoin market likely dries up.

the next possible 1000x or multiple 4-5x 4-5 times. i will not be telling you because the less people know, the better off i will be. figure it out on your own.

>> No.49408881

CWI / CryptoWrestlingInu
200k mcap

- Endorsed by Kurt Angle and Paige VanZant

- Team has connections to WWE and AEW (twitter spaces with legends like Eric Bischoff)

- MRI has a 150x bigger market cap
(CWI is MRI for pro-wrestling)

- NFT & PPV dapp coming soon

- BRoots shill support and wrestling match "BRoots vs. Bull James" in Q4 2022. (BRoots is a crypto twitter OG who rode XRP, MRI and CULT 200x)

>> No.49409026

If your token has "Inu" in it's name, it's automatically trash.
>NFT & PPV dapp coming soon
No they aren't.

TL;DR: Fuck off

>> No.49409116

Here's a hint, an old ETH dev has started their own project.

The importance of Ribe to our growth is paramount. It is not the axe but rather the coin which consolidates influence.

From unassuming beginnings, the trading post was chronicled throughout historical literature. Thought to be founded in the 8th century, it was the first Danish town to be referenced by name.

>> No.49409235
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Retard, UTK gonna do that

>> No.49409257

check out Cherry Network, op
it's a decentralized file storage based on web3 which also helps web3 startups by scaling them with its interoperability. It's secure & tight as fuck

>> No.49409274

That's some rugpull project buddy. Qanx is a better hold

>> No.49409300
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Surely $VINU, they're listing on ByBit soon and collaborating with a hell bunch of projects

>> No.49409361

market cap prediction or unirionic price

>> No.49409770

So MRI is also trash?

>> No.49409903

>No they aren't.

--> thenftlockers.com <--

>> No.49411169

Double dubs checking these. Made over 70K profit on the first run down right meow but the second will be even more glorious. Wowie Howie mates.

>> No.49411182

>t. small penis

100M by september

>> No.49411853

Might not be up to X1000 but Railgun is a low cap them that looks promising because of its tech

>> No.49412129

Long term where?

>> No.49412274

lmao dunno. I hope, the skies and beyond.

>> No.49412306

Are u a holder

>> No.49412340

I am a Honker

>> No.49412672


>> No.49412702

Zcash is better than Railgun jeet

>> No.49412729

Till the bullrun begins

>> No.49412828

What’s a make it stack

>> No.49412857

You a honker too?

>> No.49412928

You are a massive newfag if you don't know that Railgun is outperforming when it comes to privacy tech.

>> No.49413039

Rail gun price prediction? It’s like 2 dollars now is 50-1000 possible or is my loud laced

>> No.49413192

I will remove FTM and UNI and replace them with KCS and LOX. Kucoin token is going to be the next BNB come next bull run and lots of channers are sleeping on it. LOX on the other hand is a low cap that is going to go places as its utility to combat mobile theft seems to have piqued the interest of many organizations worldwide.

>> No.49413308

Where can one acquire this kucoin token if in the land of burger

>> No.49413481
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Looks very obvious

>> No.49413534

Verry possible if privacy is well adopted, I got some Rail recently and I think it has got the potential to do that.
Railgun tech and multichain features are an added advantage I guess.

>> No.49413679

Hahaha. Kucoin exchange is where you can get them. I have most of my low caps on it while I have the likes of LOX and BEL on Bitrue and Binance respectively.

>> No.49413751

I’m just memeing bruv. These ops smokin mids

>> No.49413766

Pricebro pls.
250B to make it

>> No.49413786

At what mcap fr fr no hoes all pimps

>> No.49413806

Shieeete checked we wuz but now we is finna b kangz yeye

>> No.49413823
File: 44 KB, 320x298, 1979283079921840053.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research Troge. It has an DAPP already at Troge.tools Its pretty nice, check it out

>> No.49413835

1T is 8M usd at 1B mcap.
250B is thus 1M at 500M mcap
Dunno what you consider making it, lmao

>> No.49413871

How realistic is 1b tho fr fr? I’m innit to make some coin dawg

>> No.49413892

Already gots it cuh we all pimps no hoes deadass my jays be fresh af out the box. We finna be bussin in them designer jeans baybee fr no cap imma finna cheeze on them

>> No.49413917
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all this zoomer speak. i know you are trolling but go back

>> No.49413932

Go balls deep into some Butts. About a week old or 2 old, still under $200k marketcap, the best meme coin on algo. Check it out on tinychart with ID 753137719

>> No.49413941
File: 22 KB, 460x434, 1651958052602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why must you speak like that? Because I dont know what the fuck you just said to me

>> No.49413946

>shills a coin called troll+doge
>cannot withstand a bit of trolling

Lmaoo broo just fucking chill, with that skepticism you're not gonna make it.

>> No.49414023

Wdym skepticism? As in I think it won’t make it or I think it will? I think it will but I sound crazy from sipping ketamine

Just ketamine leaving the body it’s good

>> No.49414036

Get outta my thread with that bullshit hombre

>> No.49414075
File: 15 KB, 250x250, A2697EC8-C423-4B27-A479-1D08D92E27D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CyOp, do your own research

>> No.49414186
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LMAO can't handle some criticism?

>> No.49414241
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maybe im just trolling and dont care either way

>> No.49414262

If it is ever released. PLS will do very well to.

>> No.49414269
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I don't know because there are so many projects without a product yet people love a fake active community full of Indian mods and bots. It's really mediocre when you have those useless coins ranked top 200, but legit project like Tr oge ignored even though it's been a week and they already have a fully operational dapp.

>> No.49414320

Maybe I’m tripping on ketamine

>> No.49414337


>> No.49414343
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First off don't expect Biz to make sound finicial decisions. Second off expect them to buy at the top from FOMO and sell at the bottom

>> No.49414417
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>> No.49414425

I suggest you dyor on Subsquid. I love how it offers the most flexible and resource-efficient backend framework for dApps, empowering developers while providing scalable data APIs.

>> No.49414450

Based, hahaha

>> No.49414453

How do u become so smart in crypto and find shit esrly

>> No.49414943

Go have fun off the internet if your on K bro. Don't waste your time here. Just saying fr fr no cap

>> No.49415077

It’s prescribed and I’m not stopping until I can have fuck u money

>> No.49415095
File: 181 KB, 352x352, Tr0g3 (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed based K taking zoomer

>> No.49415107

I’m 24

>> No.49415140
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Thats not a millennial

>> No.49415148
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Haha. Altcoin hype is as dead as GME at this point mosty thanks to NFTs and Do Kwon

>> No.49415154
File: 246 KB, 1320x889, BAB1C3CA-8554-4F48-9198-AFA58DAB2A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whichever ones blow up

>> No.49415155

I’m my own class. Generation N

>> No.49415188

Fully clothed

>> No.49415343
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1642080972392s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about the next 1000x will be a joker, I can only tell you to look at honeyland nft, which recently has a successful genesis mint. It is still in its incubating period and community members are accumulating points on the leader board for giveaway prizes

>> No.49415609
File: 49 KB, 828x828, 1654354231824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer thinks he's special. Wow real special. Jackass

>> No.49415742

You have inverted nipples

>> No.49415822
File: 119 KB, 700x899, photo_2022-05-27_19-31-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao ok lame as fuck retort but I guess I can't blame ya for being a K-holed zoomer

>> No.49416223

Ruby Exchange or any other good ico

>> No.49416367
File: 171 KB, 608x400, video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to spoil text on /biz/
LMAO go back to your other board

>> No.49416407
File: 955 KB, 633x950, BasedPW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Based Mans' Coin