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49402825 No.49402825 [Reply] [Original]

Previously on /jpeg/ >>49363482

>NFT showcase

>NFT market report

>NRI database

https://entrepot.app or https://jqq4s-cqaaa-aaaad-qb2qq-cai.raw.ic0.app


>how to buy ICP NFTs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs8WSzo_e3s [Embed]

>ICP NFT market podcast

The ICP NFT market is continuing to perform really well. Blue chip floors are stabilized and promising new projects have pumped in the past week (Finterest cards, Cryptotext, ICSkulls).

This week we will see the mint of Martian Drip and KawaiiNFT Draft. Both are very interesting projects so keep your eye out and DYOR.

Easy Steve ("Mr. Worldwide") is still actively hunting for informations on 420.69 anon who maliciously defaced Entrepot with his 420.69 ICP offers causing a meltdown in their offices.

As always, keep your pees safe and godspeed to you all. Etc, etc.

General discussion.

>> No.49403024

motokos are over kek

>> No.49403062
File: 136 KB, 604x494, motoko3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D Motokos are looking pretty gnarly ngl. Also it doesn't sound like they are going to be aidropped to 2D owners

>> No.49403115

check yesterday thread, dude got a script running on his motoko because the cartel didn’t like his selling price point and since they know the volume on that stuff is all cap they locked his toko until he exposed them on 4K. same dudes shilling BH check their collection on Dgastonia they did a pretty good job at splitting supply in various wallets

>> No.49403267

Half of my pees are tied up in motokos, it would sure suck if they plummeted

>> No.49403283

daily reminder that there is a whole family of jeets trying to sell you useless pictures of cats or whatever. don't let them part you from your pees bros. only nft worth buying are finterest cards.

>> No.49403313

motoko pink crown's btfo

>> No.49403325

Is anything useful being made on ICP yet?

>> No.49403326


Anyway I'm expecting a huge dump on Motokos so I'd be careful holding now

Finterest cards sure are good bets atm

>> No.49403341



just two entries for Supernova

>> No.49403360

your bags are half tied to the motoko cartel stay safe
yup crazy witnessed it live
blockchain heroes dig in the wallets anon it will all make sense

>> No.49403460

Ah those pajeets. Can you spoonfeed us on the wallets? It would be great to do a collage and expose on that group if you have the time.

>> No.49403493

Kind of lame for how much money they got.

>> No.49403495

unfortunately I lack the time to do that but im sure other anons are willing enough to map the scam that’s going on rn with motokos start from the wallet that ended up buying the pink crown toko yesterday

>> No.49403567

There are just entries not winners yet

I was digging around a bit. It's interesting that many BH whales are holding many of the rare Motokos...

>> No.49403803

pal they tricked an entire community into buying their motoko bags it gets even crazier keep digging it’s all connected motokos are fucking worthless even the foundation doesn’t give a shit about them

>> No.49403819

So many nerds who paid 100s of ICP for rare motoko jpegs are going to get rekt by the 3D airdrop

a moment of silence

>> No.49403858
File: 577 KB, 1125x660, 819B549E-6038-4D56-A193-853C667753A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told everyone motokos were a scam

>> No.49403993

Yeah I'm going down the rabbithole now. So many of these BH whales scooped up cheap Motokos and sold high. Not sure what to think anymore

>> No.49403995

3d tokos coming out + toko cartel exposed in 4K = rip toko maxis

>> No.49404071
File: 98 KB, 241x258, top kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop laughing at this random jpeg tbqh

>literal who chink randomly appears on entrepot out of nowhere
>no discord
>no twitter
>no social media
>no roadmap
>nonsensical description in broken english
>all jpegs preminted to strange accounts
>7 ICP volume in 2 weeks

top kek

>> No.49404272

waiting to scoop some cards @ sub 20

>> No.49404274

bizraelis got scammed into buying worthless bags of motokos they paid 1-2 icp for
muh coding language nft muh half of supply is in dead wallets urr durr
get fucked

>> No.49404326

Cards are a pump and dump. Only three wallets have been buying in hopes of them being the next flowers. Already dumping kek

I know which NFT is going to pump next but you retards never listen so good luck.

>> No.49404358

go on….

>> No.49404424

The hint is in the OP. Tomorrow the WL will be filled on discord for the draft version of that specific project. Be there.

>> No.49404484

Like that anime shit won’t be the next pnd kys nig

>> No.49404625

Not going to spoonfeed you why it will pump hard. Suit yourself.

>> No.49404788

>not going to spoonfeed you

anon I...

>> No.49404898

Sorry but DYOR. The hint is in the OP

>> No.49404923
File: 498 KB, 364x473, kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger hint

>> No.49405256

she dropped through crowdfund, same way Kinic happened
IC footprints are the next project on crowdfund but I don't know what they do

>> No.49405438

skulls are dumping btw

not sure about footprints. don't get the idea.

>> No.49405468

>dunning Kruger pajeet shills another pnd
just fuck off my board and shit on the street already

>> No.49405680

Who touched you?

>> No.49405702

you pajeet

>> No.49405728

Thanks for another bump buddy.

>> No.49405840
File: 222 KB, 1012x800, 4F9CA9A4-25B1-47F6-A6D7-36FBA17C1E82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you’re the op LMAO that explains everything

>> No.49405871


>> No.49406139

NFTs are getting so many utilities as we know and one of which if the access control features of scrt NFTs. We will soon be getting movies in NFTs too just like what Kevin Smith is coming up with and the show at DCentralCon.

>> No.49406155
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>> No.49406230


>> No.49406316

Link for kawaii nft pls

>> No.49406624


>> No.49407166

don’t buy it anon he’s a pajeet

>> No.49407197

Kek I’m whitelisted and an OG member getting free drop, cope and seethe faggot

>> No.49408036

I'm starting to think now that all nfts on icp are a scam kek

>> No.49408099

At the end of the day, it is all about acquiring ICP. Figure out your exit strategy. I don't plan on getting sucked into the Metaverse.

>> No.49408126

Hows it going card bros?

>> No.49408445

This seems close to the truth, if you guys want to buy stick to obvious high end things:
* Impossible pass
* Poked bots (although I'm not a fan of these)

>> No.49408571

This is literally the same mother fucking kid who screamed cartel because someone was fucking with him by locking his nft. Locking it literally did nothing besides stopping anyone from touching it. Behold the autism that is 4chan. Motokos we're given for free out by dfinity themselves there is no cartel retard. No one cares if you sell for lower than the stupid nft is worth

>> No.49408702

Wow, reading your autistic spurts all the way through the thread. I'm amazed.We get it, ur out of motokos, but at this point you are just shitting up threads.

>> No.49408714
File: 329 KB, 1125x1206, 5DC1A0F6-7C79-4D65-AAA7-1D0FE1D8948B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit skull bros I don’t feel so good

>> No.49408810

He’s not. I’m the ex-owner of the pink crown motoko you fuck.

>> No.49408844

motokos had hundreds of people making bot accounts to capture the airdrop. but you have 2 posts defending motokos. very suspect. probably one of the people who botted motokos and trying to dump his bags on biz

>> No.49408893

Also, not my problem if people figured it out for themselves. Also, shut the fuck up or I’m going to post the wall text where I expose the scam going on behind Motoko NFTs.
Also, by locking my NFT you literally kept me from doing anything with my NFT (update the price/cancel the listing/transfer it ecc.) and 100% temporarily robbed me of the legitimate property of that washed up piece of shit.
Also, congratulations on exposing yourself one more time.

>> No.49409007
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, 1630758096540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, by locking my NFT you literally kept me from doing anything with my NFT (update the price/cancel the listing/transfer it ecc.) and 100% temporarily robbed me of the legitimate property of that washed up piece of shit.

>> No.49409024

is it over card bros?

>> No.49409062

If anyone smart figures out what the IC Footprint does, let me know if I should mint.
50 supply @ 10 icp each so I think it should be a quick flip

>> No.49409180

Nice ID change. Anyway, stfu. If anons are happy to buy into a piece of shit that literally gets botted if you or your friends aren’t happy with the selling price so be it. Nice 75 icp price on that motoko too. Bet someone will scroll on Dgastonia and sooner or later bait into buying that washed up shit.

>> No.49409738

skulls still up 600%
>I don't feel so good

>> No.49409907
File: 1017 KB, 2480x3106, 1645580532345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>motoko pink crown's btfo
glad to finally see these retards get what they deserve, the cartel is finito

>> No.49409977

Who's a pajeet?

>> No.49410075

I'm glad I flipped mine when I still had the chance.

>> No.49410439


>> No.49411977

Do you think poompa or doompa after reveal?

>> No.49412769

It's so obvious you are running 4 or 5 different IDs to simulate a conversation. You use the same patterns of writing.. LOL. Idk who's more pathetic. You for trying that hard to hurt something I'm not even in. Or me for responding to you

>> No.49412884
File: 70 KB, 872x872, 1646251580999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what site is this? I'm relatively new to ICP NFTs

>> No.49412943

cccc website. ignore anons like >>49412769 it’s mostly a scam website populated with garbage nfts. however it does have new nfts. not hosted on entrepot. if you want to hedge your bets you should buy some nfts from there as well

>> No.49413054

based on past projects with the same mechanics, probably dump
>40 to 20
>eth flowers (not a lot but still)
>110 to 90
>unopened icbucks worth more
>unhatched eggs worth more
maybe you would have the chance to open a skull with dfinity symbol that may fetch higher

>> No.49413519

Yeah this sperg has been around in these generals. I'm convinced he has serious mental issues. He used to send emails to Gigachad to take OG Medals down for copyright infringement.

>> No.49413559

you're just figuring this out now? the only reason ICP NFTs are big is because there is literally nothing else to do on the chain. there's a couple swaps that aren't live and finterest and that's about it.

>> No.49414661

just sold my cards lads.

its over.

>> No.49414692

Can someone explain how the fuck NFT's are going to matter in video games? Take something like Roblox, where you can bring your character and your clothing into thousands of different games. Why shouldn't it be centralized like it already is? In another case where everyone would be able to mint their own NFT/in-game cosmetic so that it's more like VR-chat, there's still no value in it. So far the only use-case for NFT's that I've been able to come up with is making an app for issuing, selling and using N-word passes.

The idea is that a user initializes the n-word pass on the blockchain and then record a video where they say "I hereby issue n-word pass #(UID of the pass)". A link to and checksum of the video will then be appended to the n-word pass in a subsequent post on the blockchain. The pass will be worthless if the person issuing it isn't black so the possibility of verifying that the person selling the pass is the same one that recorded the video is very valuable. Another user can't just copy the video and make their own pass because the UID won't match and people will know it's fake.

I really want to come up with something else that I can work on this summer but this is the best I've been able to come up with. Are NFT's really that fucking useless?

>> No.49415511


>> No.49415636

Creeps officially dead? Ogre?

>> No.49415657

Always have been

>> No.49415713
File: 104 KB, 992x610, Screenshot_20220607-003257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gen2 hype

>> No.49415972

Wagmi, fuddets btfo

>> No.49416173

cards are dumping sers

>> No.49416248

Your loss. You'll never get to say the N-word without being racist.

>> No.49416685

Cards are ogre too im afraid

>> No.49416986

IC Lands bros... I dont feel so good

>> No.49417182

the entire icp nft scene is done-zo pal, everything will go to fucking zero

>> No.49417362

I guess it's over for ICP... I just threw in the towel. It's done. Sold my motokos and my astronauts. Even my bots. Man...

>> No.49417376

Same it crashing too, prepare your anus lads

>> No.49417479

I just sold all my avocados.

>> No.49417646

i just sold everything except my last btc flower. feeling of relief is amazing. now have 500 in my neuron and another 1500 in my nns wallet

>> No.49418001
