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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49402361 No.49402361 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49402379

ted was right

>> No.49402382

I'll brush OP's teeth with my cock

>> No.49402395

If it wasn't blatantly FUCKING CLEAR about their intents with metaverse before then hopefully you'll wake the fuck up with that article.

>> No.49402402

I will be sucking on women's assholes. Surely there will be a smell, right

>> No.49402441
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>> No.49402452


>> No.49402455

6 million wasn't enough

>> No.49402465

I'll never be in the metaverse not even for 1 minute

>> No.49402497
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>when your only wish is to be proven wrong

>> No.49402767

Ofc what else will all the washed up roasties do? Can’t have them roping all at the same time or young girls will know something is up.

>> No.49402804

>artificial intelligence expert
I don't even need to post a reaction image.

>> No.49402809

Never give up your guns.

>> No.49402921

sexual assault

>> No.49402973

Wait, how will it solves the population problem? If anything, it will make it worse.

>> No.49403041
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What I am doing on the metaverse is buying lands on the sports metaverse. Former premier league player also bought and a host of other sports Icon and I think this will be huge metaverse project. DYOR

>> No.49403057


>> No.49403087

You don't understand, the population being where it's at is the (((PROBLEM))).

>> No.49403100

The population is the problem goyim, whites expecially.

>> No.49403104

Wait, if too many people is the problem, then why to they keep importing so many more in?

>> No.49403105

if bestiality is allowed there, then secks with zuckenberg

>> No.49403118

Well then slash immigration down to nothing. It ain't whites overpopulating.

>> No.49403127

The population problem of high-IQ non-Jews existing

>> No.49403135

I shall be playing Mongolian basket weaver simulator

>> No.49403148


>> No.49403198

They're used to help drive down the quality and standard of living for now. It's a part of keeping the veil up and making people believe the world is overcrowded, that people need to just accept that lower incomes, higher rent, higher food prices, etc etc... are just a part of the (((new normal))).

Anyone who knows a little bit about economics knows that when population numbers are lower and that there is a shortage of workers the value of workers goes way up. They are creating the inflation, they are creating the issue of too many people for in demand jobs while making it harder to live on normal jobs that once could support a family.
Same with driving jobs overseas and hiring overseas.
The metaverse is going to play a large part in the demoralization of everyone.

>> No.49403202
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>The year is 2050
>All of your grandchildren laugh at you for refusing to live in the metaverse
>"Grandpa your such a boomer oh my god"
>You wake up and remember you don't have any offsprings

>> No.49403209

nothing. going to be out here on the Polygon metaverse. where there's going to be some real shit. Imagine raising babies in a virtual world where you can be out there killing it.

>> No.49403239

The metaverse will be as successful as google lens

>> No.49403289
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Same thing I do every night. Complete subjugation of the Chainlink race.

>> No.49403296

Actually made me think. Chilling.

IF quality of life continues to decline. IF metaverse gets better with tech. It will be extremely popular as a way of coping. The losers of society already flock to online communities. Most people already are facing dead end positions in society. Social media is keeping people sane but also more lonely than ever... next step is to create a true second life in the metaverse.

Only it won't be cool like the Japanese in their animays showcase it as.

>> No.49403461

>selling digital children to post wall roasties
Tech is really going to be the new oil.

>> No.49403490

The metaverse is going to be where all the zoomers and millenials flock to when the boomers die and nothing changes. Gen X will serve everyone a grim reminder that they need to wait their turn.

>> No.49403557

>Social media is keeping people sane
More like turning them insane.

>> No.49403637

can't kill them because it would hurt fee fees of other people so might as well import them to raise the (((gdp))).

>> No.49403680

>State mandated digital grandchildren calling you into the Metaverse.

>> No.49403931

"Population problem" sounds an awful lot like "(insert race you don't like here) problem".

>> No.49403963

> could solve population problem
How? These people are fucking schizos.

>> No.49403988

Civilisation is prison