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49401098 No.49401098 [Reply] [Original]

When Ethereum ALWAYS outperforms it?

>> No.49401110

zoom out on the Eth/BTC chart

>> No.49401117

Which has cheaper transaction fees?

>> No.49401122


for some it's not about short term performance. will it ALWAYS outperform it in the next 5 years? how about 10 or 15 years? so maybe people buy to hedge against that

>> No.49401133


>> No.49401143

Eth dumped more before retard

>> No.49401824

I hold EThereum and this is true

>> No.49401833

Could also say "why do people buy Ethereum when [flavor of cycle alt] always outperforms it"

>> No.49401844


>> No.49401859
File: 842 KB, 1987x1572, DC94E0CD-707A-476E-994D-D9C94E540596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my first bear market too.

>> No.49401886 [DELETED] 

Stables have so much marketcap now its impossible for btc to be at 20k and have 70% even if all alts are zero

>> No.49401888

literally hasn't seen a new ath since 0.15 in 2017
ethereum is just another alt, of which newer alts outperform it anyway

>> No.49401895

Stables have so much marketcap now its almost impossible for btc to be at 20k and have 70% even if all alts are zero

>> No.49401908

And Bitcoin has never seen a high to ethereum since 2015.
Anyway there are alts that reached a new high in this cycle after already pumping in 2017

>> No.49401959

nice cope but irrelevant
if outperforming is what matters, ethereum became obsolete in june 2017 when it permanently peaked against bitcoin
from that point onwards newer altcoins always massively outperformed ethereum in a bullrun, and bitcoin outperformed in a bear market.

ethereum just enters no mans land, a permanent downtrend since 2017.

>> No.49401997

and go work out how many alts made a new bitcoin high in 2021 against their 2017 high. you'll find effectively nothing outside of tokens attempting to be backed/pegged by real-world assets or businesses.

old alts are just that, old. they peak once, and permanently enter a macro downtrend. maybe ethereum can break out of that, but there's zero evidence since 2015 that ethereum has been performing as anything but an average alt.

>> No.49401999

Haha dumb maxi, first off i bought in 2020 where ethereum massivly outperformed bitcoin 2027 is irrelevant but more importantly.

>> No.49402000


>> No.49402007


>> No.49402014

I buy both because they're both cool.

>> No.49402027

yeah, you bought an alt in a bullrun and it outperformed bitcoin
how long have you in these markets? that's literally 101.

almost everything outperforms in a bull, ethereum got massively outperformed by newer alts itself. your point is?

yeah, and so did dogecoin, but it took the "weathiest" man in the world constantly shilling it.
you think that's bullish for old alts that have now skipped an entire bull market on a permanent downtrend? poors will believe anything.

>> No.49402034

>ethereum became obsolete in june 2017
Also i should end this discussion after that sentence
Im not too sure btc now maybe it did not break the 2017 high

>> No.49402035
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You'll be left bagholding the WEF coin that you can only spent on bug protein.

>> No.49402054

end it all you want altmaxi, it won't change the facts

>> No.49402061

doge did yeah true
i think that btc is not the 100% bet some are shilling it. Especially fungibility and the fact that early buyers always dump hard is not goood
>ethereum got massively outperformed by newer alts itself.
Dont distract
>your point is?
When i entered crypto it was better to buy eth.

>> No.49402074

>Dont distract
thats the entire point of the discussion

ethmaxis think ethereum is something special in the market when it's objectively not by all price metrics. that's the beginning and end of the discussion.

>> No.49402075

I plan to decease my ethereum position in the next year further. I guess some into bitcoin

>> No.49402080

this is some schizo posting i'll give you that

>> No.49402105

WHy would i sell now before the mergge hype

>> No.49402113

The merge will go wrong though. I hope you enjoy holding worthless bags after the black swan.

>> No.49402116

I did not trash btc, just the toxic maximalism of some of you.

>> No.49402125

>nice cope but irrelevant
rofl the audacity to tell anyone to cope
I am up 500% against BTC since early 2017
the only ones you're better off than are peak mania buyers, otherwise you're down absurd amounts of wei

>> No.49402124
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>> No.49402137

nobody is telling you to sell your ether dumbass
i hold more of that shit than you do

i'm pointing out the worthlessness of pointing out alts outperforming bitcoin in a bull market, something literally any non-dead alt does.

>> No.49402158

Man you are in for a rude fucking awakening if you are still holding eth lmao. Anyone who actually gathered enough to become a validator is not gonna make it either is the sad part.

>> No.49402164

BSV wins

>> No.49402168

Lol ok
Yeah likely you hold more you always sound like a 2015 gguy

>> No.49402170

Why would anyone buy just one of these?
Every smart crypto investor holds both and XMR
BNB might be joining that class too

This BTC vs ETH shit is like nerds arguing about Batman vs Superman

>> No.49402174

>early 2017
yeah, but you're in the red from 6 months later, permanently. its not the 0.15 wick, even 0.09 has been an impenetrable barrier, and thats 40+% off the ath.

anybody that bought ethereum early (<0.01) doesn't give a fuck, but that's emotional trading. the trend is all that matters, and so far ethereum has yet to break the altcoin trend. that means smart money will always have an eye on the exit until proven otherwise.

>> No.49402194

bnb is interesting only because its got "exchange" backing. we'll see what happens in this bear market, but it's already on a path very different to bitcoin and all the other typical alts.

>> No.49402226

Because they have a maximum amount of coins. Assuming they don't have some sort of technical malfunction or extreme competition people will grow more and more trusting. Countries will fall. Regimes will change. Markets will turn over. Fashion will change. Bitcoin will just be there. The same amount getting more and more valuable. That's sort of an overall crypto argument though but I think it's cool and works pretty well as a store of value from a technical use case perspective.

>> No.49402240

>the altcoin trend
its sickening how stupid this is to read
I don't even know what that means since buying ETH has been the better play for like 85% of ETH's 7 year existence, and this weird appeal to voodoo semantics like "its an altcoin" means nothing in the face of the obvious: ETH runs this industry, and BTC is a ponzi

>> No.49402263

>its sickening how stupid this is to read
like i said, emotional trading will get you nowhere.
don't fanboy for coins

your metrics work for hundreds of assets though, that's why trend is all that matters. a child could outperform bitcoin in a bull market. in a bear ethereum did the same as any other alt.

>> No.49402322

There are two types of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, and everything else. Eth falls under the everything else category. You seem to have the roles of btc and eth reversed. Eth is the ponzi. But I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it. Just keep holding until the merge bro I'm sure everything will work out flawlessly and you will have proven me and everyone else in this thread wrong. Just two more weekz!


>> No.49402366

Bullsworld outpfermorms both of them

>> No.49402376

>talks past me
you are actually just low iq

yep like every other btc maxi including the other retard you actually don't have any arguments except "IT JUST IS, OKAY?"
must be hard to sleep when the *only* thing propping up your investment is the next buyer; BTC has zero utility, it is literally a game of how retarded the market can be - for now there's enough information asymmetry for people to believe BTC dogwater blockchain illiterate narratives, but its flimsy, and it just means ETH is undervalued at current prices relative to BTC, which makes it an extra comfy hold

>> No.49402419

Because eth is a scam to funnel arbitrary gas fees to the money goblin.

>> No.49402470

it's not even that old of coin. It had a fucking 7 block reorg just a few weeks ago. I hold eth for outperformance as well and dumb wallstreet/retail money but to not have majority in bitcoin is plain foolish. If you want out performance bnb would be the best risk/reward over eth. 70% bitcoin 20% bnb, 10% eth. BNB has everything you wish the merge had but has a company behind it that can buy back the coin from profit and has a much better burn rate. It does the same shit as eth as well. eth has more projects built on it for now but most of that shit is going to migrate anyways except for things that need to be the most decentralized of the centralized solutions (like defi ) and even that might go to bnb just depends if it's robust enough to withstand the regs. Games, nfts, token swaps all that shit is on bnb and works much better.

>> No.49402491

Good point, wonder why you didn’t get any (you)‘s.
The question is, how do stablecoins play into btc vs eth and other alts? Would people rather cash out into tether when things are going down?
But it still does seem like btc bull alt moon and btc bear alt rekt is still the case.

>> No.49402508

ever heard of volatility preferences?

>> No.49402520

The only real contender these days

>> No.49402594

>btc maxi ventures into web3
>chooses bnb, justifies it by coming to weird conclusions around what BNB is and how "games, nfts" have incentive to go there, completely and blatantly contrary to the reality of where the industry is and is going
cannot make this up, sorry
once a BTC maxi, always a retard

>> No.49402633

Whats your net worth age and if not retired career? I'm sick of you poor idiots with 50k networth and that don't even work in finance, tech, or economics coming here and spouting off your nonsense. I'm not a bitcoin maxi or I wouldn't fucking own 30% in other coins. Last year I had about 50% due to growth from eth before I put the profits into the 3 i listed above.
Go back to sucking bitboys dick you dumb fuck Eth maxis are worst then fucking hex maxis

>> No.49402707

600k, 28, dev

>> No.49402784

i feel bad for losers like you. You only lived through bull markets and big tech dominance. No wonder you ask a question and then attack anyone that answers it with name calling, emotional arguments, and other child like behavior.
Your ass is going to be on the street soon as rates keep rising and your careers is ended because you work for zombie companies. Pajeets and h1b1 visas can do your jobs for 1/10 the price and will work longer hours. I saw this shit before. do yourself a favor and look at the company's balance sheet that you work at. If it doesn't amazon, microsoft, or apple your probably fucked.

45, 10 million, wallstreet old fag retired.

I wont respond anymore enjoy your life

>> No.49402919

jesus you're not even able to use 4chan, you're not in tech (LMAO at thinking I can be replaced by a jeet, typical codelet rhetoric), and have zero actual exposure to blockchain
gl with the folio, LMAO

>> No.49404015

I'm not optimistic about ETH or BTC long term. Plus, projects like HBAR and ICPee have more upside and are technically superior.

>> No.49404176

Bitcoin is better in the long run. Nothing will replace it.
If you missed the ETH pump, don't miss QANX by the end of the year.

>> No.49407143

>13 nodes for the entirety of the Etherverse

Nice decentralized network you got there

>> No.49407155

XRP about to be the biggest run of the year

>> No.49408145


>> No.49410101

Because I don’t want to pay gorillions gasfee.

>> No.49410115

my gaping ass

>> No.49410154

>BTC go up
>retards flood into eth thinking shitcoin season is back
>BTC go down
>ETH violently dumps
Your shitcoin factory exists because Bitcoin exists.

Eth will likely always outperform bitcoin but the typical established pattern is that it will never decouple from the bots which counter-trade bitcoin's movements and the retards who pump eth to buy shitcoins.

The cycle is well established, bitcoin is going to keep bouncing off the resistance limply before a cascading capitulation that makes May look like a joke. Eth will just fucking shoot straight down to 300 dollars, which is 3x the previous bottom. There it will stay until bitcoin does a big fat move from 20k to 50k and people realize the bullrun is back on in 2025,

>> No.49410297

Who cares you can't do anything with BTC but send receive and sell it.

>> No.49410604

Why do you like pussy when there's tits?