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49400970 No.49400970 [Reply] [Original]

Whats stopping us from using it as a power source

>> No.49401001

jews will break your legs and epstein you (but for real) for ruining their racket

>> No.49401017

Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
Your question is equvalent to asking, "what's stopping us from using teleportation as a method of transportation?"
Nothing is stopping us besides the obvious fact that it hasn't been invented yet. Until a method to do it is discovered, humankind simply cannot do it.

>> No.49401020
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>Can cold fusion be practically implemented?
yes if a white man does it
otherwise it's impossible

>> No.49401038

Cold fusion doesn't exist. Fusion, however, is achievable. We just can't reach ignition (the point at which the energy obtained is sufficient to sustain the reaction)

>> No.49401070

>is fusion possible?
>I don't know, but here's an insane 100-year-old Nazi conspiracy theory
never change, 4chan

>> No.49401092

Go back

>> No.49401182
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no nazi is put up by the rothschilds too

>> No.49401315

We need to shill nuclear power harder first.
If all of the world were just running on the dams they already have and nuclear power, we'd be able to go so far...
Those faggots in Germany can even keep practicing solar power in their cloudy hell if they want. Fuck em.

>> No.49401438

>Whats stopping us from using it as a power source
The military have been using it for years if not decades, once this tech goes public it's a matter of time before the advantage is lost and the playfield more level
There's also the energy cartels of course

"Cold fusion" is now called LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) and many researchers have been working on it for a long time, most of them might be plants that will shout "OMG IT FINALLY WORKS FLAWLESSLY" once the brakes are off

LENR ties with ball lightning, it explains the strange rock balls found throughout the world (not a trace of some ancient civilization, but a natural phenomena occurring in the ground), and it ties with the Electric Universe theory too

Enormous paradigm change. LENR also has to do with historical alchemy as it produces transmutations, in a sealed hermetic vessel under pressure, that is heated

>> No.49401879

The rock balls are just friction over time, at least the ones in water.
>Water swells, rocks roll back and forth repeatedly over millenia and smooth out spherical
Giant pebbles basically. Doesn't apply to the ones were there's no water or storms to move the water violently enough.(maybe glaciers but doubtful)

>> No.49402422
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It's those type of rock spheres
Here is a thread by a guy who's been working on this for a long time:

>> No.49403013

Physics is. If you want to achieve fusion, you obviously have to bring two atoms close enough together for them to fuse. The problem is obviously that the nucleus is positively charged, thus they repel each other. That is why you have to heat your fuel up to millions of degrees so that the kinetic energy ("movement") of the nuclei is enough to overcome said repulsion. At a certain point close enough to the nucleus, that repulsion turns into attraction and is known as the coulomb barrier. Overcoming this barrier is the main problem as you need a lot of energy to even get there. Muon catalyzed fusion already exists and has been demonstrated, though harvesting muons in a commercially feasible way has not been achieved yet.
That is why we don't use it yet, because it's way too expensive as it is right now.

>> No.49403206

This, look up a bendini motor

>> No.49404382


>> No.49404608

Right. Controlled fusion is really fucking hard. Fission, however, is easy. We know how to do it. Unfortunately, the world is full of pussies who are easily manipulated by fear. The only hope is that fear of climate change will overcome fear of the radiation boogeyman.