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49398686 No.49398686 [Reply] [Original]

i bought on the way up, held on the way down, and panic sold at the bottom. this was half of a 60k inheritance i got from a family member
>what'd you do with the rest
i neeted in thailand for a year and fucked ~100 hookers. the money is all gone. I have 4k in my bank account. a year from now, ill have recouped my losses, but the feeling is indescribable. seeing dork faggots on here just casually saying "yea im at 7 figures," or this or that. i wasn't even gonna make it, but i could've had several six figures.

the worst part is after living that lifestyle for a year and then smashing into a brick wall of the horror of a working class life. i experienced aristocratic tier life and now im just a warehouse faggot loser

>> No.49398701

Sucks to suck, idk what to tell you

>> No.49398713

>get 60k inheritance
>lose it gambling and fucking hookers
>whine on /biz/

get a blog

>> No.49398736

A fool and his money are soon departed.

>> No.49398741

Okay and? I lost 210k

>> No.49398744

Well, at least the sales taxes you paid, or didn't, on half of it didn't go to feeding lazy niggers and kikes in the US. Could've been worse.

>> No.49398753

>now im just a warehouse faggot loser

>> No.49398757

ok but did you actually lose it or are you just down 210k? furthermore, is that "everything" or just part of your portfolio?

>> No.49398763

>a year from now, ill have recouped my losses
Ah yes, a temporarily embarrassed thousandaire.

>> No.49398768

>fucked ~100 hookers
Enjoy the STDs too bro. Remember they're yours for life ^:)

>> No.49398773

You are a degenerate, you should be thankful God doesn't smite you

>> No.49398778

95% gone

>> No.49398802

So your an idiot? Good to know, back to the wearhouse wagie.

>> No.49398833

thats a nice way to put it :)
this is what every faggot says who's never done it. i got chlamydia 2 times but you just get a shot in your ass cheek and you're good to go in a few days. until you get the hivvies you're good to go
go get doordash and watch cryptofags on youtube
sorry to hear that i guess i shouldn't sweat this too much

>> No.49398872

>be me
>make money in stocks in crypto under trump admin
>see dem win realize it’s all going away
>sell as right wing celebrities getting banned like James woods that he’s pulling out of market “seen this show before”
>watch everyone double down the hype of crypto 2021
>be 2022, crypto and stocks go back to mid 2020 era
>take 2020 earnings buy the dip 2022

It’s not that Biden has anything to do with it tho. Well, his people have some to do with it. I dunno how I feel about the next couple years tho. Little risky.

>> No.49398891

And what about the genital warts, dickhead? That shit is incurable. Enjoy you little wanker

>> No.49398908

see you make it seem like its just common sense so i guess im just too retarded to be involved in crypto.

>> No.49398912 [DELETED] 

Let me send you $380.40 in XMR

>> No.49398919

you freeze them off periodically and they stop recurring. YMMV, but it took me about 2 years for them to stop coming back. i got them back in 2011 from a rave whore.

>> No.49398958 [DELETED] 

did that before and made it all back and more. babby's first bullrun

>> No.49398970

i appreciate it but its fine.

>> No.49398990

Well it sounds like you are angry and it’s not at us. If you are young this would be a good lesson in humility. Idk what you expected though. It’s really a tale as old as time

>> No.49399038

Maybe you knocked up a few of them and your genepoil will live on. I did a similar thing with deployment money and a pseodo neet retirement for nearly a decade minus the hookers and the dread of having to become a wagie was worse than the actuality of becoming a wagie. Sure if i hade better foresight and invested it instead i would've probably had generational wealth years ago by now, but fuck it i had some good time can't do anything about it now so no sense of dwelling on mistakes. Wagmi it eventually and now that you've tasted your end goal you can focus on making it happen permanently

>> No.49399040

I’m down 2.5 mil from my top… stop bitching about $30k

>> No.49399053

Shit 400 in XMR would help me, but wtf is XMR?

>> No.49399105

thanks pal
alright bucko....alright
even i know what monero is. cmon man

>> No.49399137

Oh my dumb ass brain didn't put it together kek, been too long since I've been broke/out of crypto after losing 54k last year, lives moves on man I had to it blows but least we got a shot, most faggots never even get to 20k in savings.

>> No.49399158

>t. faggot who lives alone with a bunch of cats.

>> No.49399159

Thog don't care

>> No.49399174

I miss Thailand. Hitting night markets, flying around in tuktuks, island hoping. Where are you living at?

>> No.49399192


I also got an inherentence 300k in total

Bought a house for 200k
Bought a car for 10k
Kept the rest as savings
Invested 600 bucks into shitcoins
Made 70k
Now's it's down to 2k

Sometimes I think about the ways I could make that money go further. But at the end of the day I have a roof over my head, a steady job and savings to last me a long time

But at least I didn't fuck up as hard as you did. Fucking loser.
Imagine giving the entirety of your grandmother's legacy to some chinky crypto exchange

>> No.49399203

Nowhere. He's back in bumfuck 'merica packing boxes like a tranny

>> No.49399206

Least he's not a faggot like yourself.

>> No.49399225

How does
>Fomo into coins at $60k btc
>Sell at $28k
Result in 99.9% loss? Leverage? Terrible bsc scam coin alts?

>> No.49399227

Imagine getting a huge sum of money and acting like you earned it. You did what any brainlet could have. You got lucky because your grandma sucked Howard Hughes dick

>> No.49399228

Where did you stay in Thailand? I have fond memories of Pattaya pre-pandemic.

>> No.49399234

No better way of investing that than on a house t b h

>> No.49399238

so you invested knowing youd willingly sell the bottom? idk what to tell you retard

>> No.49399259

>the worst part is after living that lifestyle for a year and then smashing into a brick wall of the horror of a working class life. i experienced aristocratic tier life and now im just a warehouse faggot loser
Spending a year in Thailand fucking women in poverty isn't an "aristocratic tier life", and blowing the inheritance, that your family spent their entire lives building, is entirely on you. You were selfish and lazy and rash. Now you're going to suffer the consequence of a mediocre life with no hope for success.
Congrats. I sincerely hope the pussy was worth it.

>> No.49399266

I lost 5mm (90% of my net worth) and I didn't make a thread crying about it.

>> No.49399279


I never said I earned it. Where did I imply that.

I'm just breaking down how I used/am using it.

>> No.49399307
File: 8 KB, 256x256, bobo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy high
>sell low
classic /biz/

>> No.49399310

fucking 2 girls a week and living in an apartment in a shithole country should only cost you 1k/month, I think you fucked up there too lmao

>> No.49399324

Bro you got bigger worries than that 30k, if you screwed those skanks raw even a couple times go get tested for hiv ASAP

>> No.49399344

I can only imagine the children you'll create.

I hope to fuck your daughter.

>> No.49399349
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based take

>> No.49399361
File: 352 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220605-212918_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down a good $100k.
Everything will be okay in the end (since we're all going to starve and be genocided)

>> No.49399364

thats nothing.

>> No.49399423

yeah that sucks but tell me about what it was like to fuck all those thai hookers. also how easy is it to get free action if you're an attractive WM? do sexy women approach you or is it only the ladyboys? is there anything else worth doing while in Thailand besides the sexual debauchery?

>> No.49399444

It's amazing don't worry about trying to get it free it's literally a few dollars to fuck. If you're decent looking you'll get cat called on every corner. I was getting morning massage/bj's everyday then fucking hot traps at night. Yes heaps of sights to see.

>> No.49399471 [DELETED] 

So about that free XMR....

>> No.49399479

He's just mad someone is happy anon

>> No.49399511

any specific recommendations for someone planning a trip?

also how gay do you feel now after fucking all those traps

>> No.49399526

>he sold
NEVER sell at a loss (unless it is a scam shitcoin). Do you honest to god think this won't bounce back up? It might take 5 years and will still go back up eventually. This is coming from a bobo who anticipates $10K BTC by December.
Always remember that in crypto you make money from other suckers, and this time you are the sucker. Thank you for playing.

>> No.49399555

why would you panic sell the bottom at $40?

>> No.49399570

Zero gay they look better than most girls. Nah just fly in and do whatever the fuck you want accommodation is so cheap you can just play it as it comes.

>> No.49399581

normie wagies are destined to be poor
no matter what if they come into any large amount of money its gone within a year like fucking magic
poof there goes that lumpsum, now get back in your cage

>> No.49399645

lol get fucked faggot.

>> No.49399918
File: 880 KB, 1772x2366, IMG_2191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im back in faggot america
obviously pattaya
i already did before i left the country i got a PCR RNA test thats accurate 11 days post coom.
it was based. its easy to get free puss if youre an attractive WM. only ladyboys will approach you 99% of the time. there's nothing worthwhile in thailand besides partying in the foreigner ghettos and fucking tight thai teens.
yea i know im a retard but i needed the money to start back up in america
stob plz
im gonna turn this around i swear


>> No.49400053

What stocks?

>> No.49400168

Truly disgusting

>> No.49400237

Nah I wasn’t trying to brag it was just feeling. That’s why crypto is retarded. Whatever you earn tho is still worth putting 5-10% into it as long you don’t sell the dips. Holding long term is okay, but there’s nothing wrong with taking the earnings and buying other dips. Stocks at least you can depend on the brand/company/earnings. When shit goes down you know Coke and McDonalds will be fine. When a CEO gets caught saying Nigger you know that when the stock dips, it will rise again. Anytime there’s a major hurricane or storm in the news several days before leading up to it, buy into a HomeDepot / lowes and sell after the storm is over with before it dips again etc. crypto on the other hand, with the exception of BTC and ETH, is a complete gamble. Circulating coins and shit matter tho so you have realistic % earnings and stop thinking everything will moon more often than not. More people lose than win when they do stupid shit like put their savings or sell houses for a coin or meme stock. Don’t be that retarded, just find ways to earn money and put 10-15% towards stock/crypto. And another 10% towards maxing out a managed roth every year so when you’re 70 you’re not dependent on the government putting you in the shittiest fucking disgusting ass home with a bunch of smelling lunatics taken care of by nurses who hate their jobs. I don’t look at life as PASS or FAIL in the present but I do give a shit about my future and making sure I’m not going to regret my youth. You never know what happens so do what you can today and tomorrow one day at a time. Don’t waste money. Don’t buy stupid shit. Stop spending. You can enjoy things without wasting money. You don’t wanna be broke in 30 years. Yea shit can happen like wars and dollars could run dark. But they aren’t for everyone today so get in while you can. Yeah you might have to work smarter and/or harder. But wahhh you eat and sleep on your own terms in the end.

>> No.49400324

>I panic sold my entire stack at 4k
Watch this nigger FOMO the local max

>> No.49400330

thank you for your contribution to thailands economy. the pattaya tranny hooker trade association thanks you for your cooperation

>> No.49400332

I lost 50k in unrealized profits bro, I have 20k left and don't give a fuck

>> No.49400414

>>take 2020 earnings buy the dip 2022
got some bad news for you....

>> No.49400433

>i lost thirty. thousand. fucking. dollars
I'm not going to read it. Instead I am going to guess you did a little bit of options trading.

>> No.49400440

stop using the gay little mm acronym

>> No.49400724

Buy a BSC sniper bot as your last degen play.

>> No.49400873

>thinking 60k is a lot
>...then also wasting it
>...on thai debauchery and crypto at ATH
low iq post holy shit

>> No.49401200

aww mommy's little investor thought he would get rich from crypto

>> No.49401385

>60k inheritance
>30k investment, other 30k for:
>i neeted in thailand for a year and fucked ~100 hookers
>still has 4k in bank account
Far out. A first world man really can live like a king in third world countries.

>> No.49401407

those are rookie numbers try 300k

>> No.49401412

many such cases

>> No.49401434

you can live as a king in Thailand on below average western salary
just get a 100% remote job in your home country, and live in thailand

>> No.49401670

I wish I had the money you fucks had to lose it and cry on this board. Some of us haven't even made money, quit bitching atleast you had a taste of it and also this is a learning experience , next time you ain't gonna be as retarded.

>> No.49401772
File: 24 KB, 600x602, 0c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I also took over a year off work, spent 6 months in Mexico fucking escorts and renting cars then I came home when I had $5k left

then blew it on rent and bills, I've already spent 2 months of rent on altcoins and now my bank account is in the negatives

based YOLO bros we had a good run

>> No.49401787
File: 60 KB, 333x500, 96834DCD-BAB1-4C53-B204-4EB0E9A9ED7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks OP, I made about 30k this bullrun (don't judge, am poorfag) so let's just pretend you sent your winnings to me!
good luck next time

>> No.49401978

This is actually exactly what's supposed to happen when someone receives money who doesn't know how to handle money

Don't worry op. You're just a normalfag. At least you had some fun. Now back to reality. It's not that bad.

>> No.49402024

get used to this shit anon, its normal in this world... except i'm covering up by engaging the EWT ALBT pool in allianceblock DEX.

>> No.49402032

Htf do you blow 30k in Thailand in a year? You're too fucking dumb to be rich.

>> No.49402064

It's really not hard if you're doing it right. The fun things are not as cheap as people think. If you just go there to sit in your room then what's the point faggot?

>> No.49402084

For 30k he could have actually lived an aristocratic life for a year in a nice hotel there and worked on his health. (and STILL have probably only spent 15k)
Eat the finest foods they have to offer that isn't trash like in the west. Sleep early and wake early. Watch some sundowns and sunrises. Enjoy the beach...

WHATEVER! But instead he chose to fuck poor people like a jew in an impoverished country where women do what they always do in bad economic situations.

A year off to get refreshed spiritually and healthwise... while the rest of your money went into investing while you took that year off.

Now you're exactly where you belong wagie, hope you like getting fucked by the government like you fucked those hookers.

>> No.49402103

>OP took a gap year

>> No.49402106

I chilled in Thailand for ~1k a month got laid every day. He got rolled or was just retarded with his money. I usually didn't pay for pussy though.

>> No.49402219

Thts called being a certain N word rich , money is energy u need to no how to use it instead of letting ur dopamine take over and spending it all id advise u to read rich dad poor dad my cousin was the same he won 500k gambling online and hit the jackpot he started spending stupid amounts of money put all his kids in designer cloths spent 5k on each of them the first week the stupid mf lived in a shithole council estate he gave up his free housing and brought the same kind of run down house just to live next door to his best friend paid literally 120k now everyones saying 5 months later tht 500k is GONE and we all called it the same thing happens to EVERY lottery winner they become worse off then they did b4 , thts because wealth is energy ! U should of invested put ur deposit down buy a home rent it out refinance and buy another home to rent that property out boom ur a landlord even advantage play gambling find a edge in sports betting only bet with value and onky ever bet 2.5 % of ur stake n u could of easily doubled that 60k in a year even crypto would of been a better choice

>> No.49402247

it sounds like a put down but it's unironically correct
most normalfags would have wasted the money on something much less satisfying than one year of hookers
the key part to happiness in life is understanding yourself accurately. normalfags are meant to wagecuck. they go crazy without that structure, without some sort of external driver ordering their existence

>> No.49402344

>panic sold at the bottom.
Like a fucking little baby.

>> No.49402424

Go back to bunker chan, commie cuck.

>> No.49402431

>STDs are for life.
Americans and their lack of education is hilarious.
Even Herps isn't permanent.

>> No.49402436

>genital warts
You can easily get rid of them.

>> No.49402467

Warts and genital warts are so fucking old news, the Europeanz had them when they got here.

>> No.49402479

>WHATEVER! But instead he chose to fuck poor people like a jew
Prostitution has been legal in Germany for 700 years, that's before, during and after hitlers third Reich.
Prostitution has been legal, most of the world, for most of history.

>> No.49402486

>dork faggots

those dork faggots have millions of dollars and you have $40 lol

>could have had

unrealized gains aren't real gg

>> No.49402502

i'm also down 20k. exactly what I inhereted from my grandpa.
Still have all the shitcoins, idgaf maybe in a few years they will moon and otherwise I had a expensive fucking lesson.

>> No.49402517

>Now you're exactly where you belong wagie, hope you like getting fucked by the government like you fucked those hookers.
Fox and the sour grapes, upset he didn't get laid and now comes to 4chan to try and show off his schadenfreude.
No, no one cares about anonymous strangers on the internet and their opinions, no one asked for.

>> No.49402528

>I usually didn't pay for pussy though
>t.retard that pays for pussy.
Yes dating counts as paying for pussy, yes, time is money and wasting time on a women that's not directly taking care of your children is pseudo-legal prostitution.

>> No.49402546

>i neeted in thailand for a year and fucked ~100 hookers.
kinda gross, but borderline amazing if you never caught anything after all those escapades. you should consider yourself incredibly lucky overall if that is the case.

>> No.49402548

investing definitely differs for us all, for me its playing Cometh P2E game, as i'm fucking addicted to having fun mixed with money.

>> No.49402555

many such cases. it doesn't really matter, it's all in the past now.

>> No.49402580

>i got chlamydia 2 times
wew i rescind my post ur a kekfest

>> No.49402617

Is this the porn loss thread?
I wanna kill myself, man. 120k gone.

>> No.49402637

well, you acted like a fucking retard so you lost all your money, what are you comlaining about now?

>> No.49402655

So did most of us, get over it

>> No.49402674

Luke 15:11-32 (King James Version)

>> No.49403551

>i bought on the way up, held on the way down, and panic sold at the bottom.

Yea everyone does this a few [dozen] times before the trauma of it finally gives them the emotional conditioning to actually play things right.

I did that in 2018, compulsive overtrading and total mental breakdown. Suicide tier. Lost everything, including inheritance, went into debt.

But I got my head straight and now I have about 20mil. You can sort yourself out if you're not a retard.

>> No.49403636

>I have about 20mil rupees

>> No.49403646

lol what a sad loser. youre fat too, arent you?

>> No.49404044

I hope the 100 hookers were worth wrecking your portfolio for.
If you had paid the hookers with crypto through Utrust, you would have gotten 1.5% cash back, and I'm pretty sure you'd have more money than you do now.

>> No.49404117

Lads im struggling to eat food despite working full time, should i ditch my shit, stressful job and work remotely in thailand?

>> No.49404749

You're going to have to wage for a while. Budget and put a certain % of your income in crypto every month. We normally see a dump at the end of the month when futures settle. That's when you buy bluechips like XRPee and ICPee.

>> No.49404778
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>muh live like king Thailand guize
>blow several tens of thousands of dollars within first year and run out of money
>go home with tail between legs or commit suicide off apartment balcony
Sad, many such cases. Too numerous to count.

>> No.49405050

No you didn't fag. Nice try. Maybe you can leave your parents basement and then act like you know something

>> No.49405936

Better to die on your feet, than wage on your knees

>> No.49405965
File: 113 KB, 500x500, witcho-hatin-ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i neeted in thailand for a year and fucked >~100 hookers. the money is all gone

>dork faggots on here just casually saying "yea im at 7 figures," or this or that

>> No.49406089

The story matches but the son in the bible learned from his mistake and humbled himself. OP called people "dork faggots" for having more money than him and thinks normacy makes him a "faggot loser". He didn't get the moral of his own experience.

>> No.49406130

*normality. I'm dumb. It worked out in my head but not on paper.

>> No.49406172

>only lost 30k
>started at 60k
you realize thats good right? a 50% haircut in this market isn't just normal, it's inevitable. happens to everyone at some point, often at multiple points. now if you were holding some risky alts then a panic sell is fair, just because they already dropped 90% doesn't mean they can't drop another 90% easily based on historical precedence from last bear market. but to panic sell bitcoin makes no sense, why enter the bitcoin market at all if you're not ready to lose up to 80% and then buy more. i guess you don't have any coinvictions in this market at all, which is fine, but maybe dca back into bitcoin over the next year or two because the market goes in cycles and it will come back up again if it has any value or use at all and i believe it does so i'm still in it. i also lost about half... so far

>> No.49406883


>> No.49406928

Remember lads: When you are in doubt about making it, just remember, there is always some retarded degenerate willing to transfer their wealth to you at any time.

>> No.49407144


I hate people like you, you are so fkn pathetic it’s unreal. Just kill yourself

>> No.49409646
File: 33 KB, 500x500, doja moo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you monger alone in thailand? did you meet people there? I wanna go since I could afford to live there for a good while and fuck some TTTs but I'm kinda anxious about going solo.

>> No.49411686

Use the rest and buy LOX, you still have a chance of making it as the gem is about to be launched on MEXC. Do with this message however you want.

>> No.49411761
File: 2 KB, 125x112, 1652778609867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss is my total bag on LOX and I'm earning 80% APY from it. Why do you want to allow your investment to go to zero when you have lots of good gems to invest into.

>> No.49411784

you still can be saved if you invest this 4K into GME it will moon soon

>> No.49412046

Sounds like a nice vacation. If you feel that was a lifestyle you could see yourself living daily, you have a goal to work towards.

Now you have some information about what to do in Thailand. Open a bar/restaurant/hostel. It is cheap, and you can probably get good real-estate deals with them having a downturn. You might feel 30k is a lot of money, but it isnt. The vacation wasnt your problem, it was you being a shit investor/trader.

>> No.49412070


Or even better, go to Cambodia. Your money lasts waaay longer there and there are many opportunities.

>> No.49412091

>ok but did you actually lose it or are you just down 210k?
Not him but yeah just down a casual 747K from ath kek

>> No.49415266

Good 1 anon you sure told me

>> No.49415996 [DELETED] 


>> No.49416036 [DELETED] 

>i neeted in thailand for a year and fucked ~100 hookers. the money is all gone. I have 4k in my bank account. a year from now, ill have recouped my losses, but the feeling is indescribable. seeing dork faggots on here just casually saying "yea im at 7 figures," or this or that. i wasn't even gonna make it, but i could've had several six figures.
"I could have accumulated bitcoin at the bottom for cheapies, but instead I had sex with men dressed like women- I was supposed to be number 1 bros!".

60k isn't even "a lot" of money. It makes you better than the average retard who doesn't even have 500 dollars in savings and thinks 1000 bucks in a savings account is a lot, but in the grand scheme even before the big covid printening 60k was just like "you won't get fucking destroyed if you lose your job in a downturn".

>> No.49417281

with reckless behavior like that I am not surprised
just go all in Linkpool anon, you should be able to get 40k-100k with that 4k, I started w 4k and ended up with 4.5 MM of assets granted I did start in 2017 and I went all in LINK but you can employ the same strategy, all in on an explosive no-fail coin like LinkPool because Linkpool aka LPL is basically a leveraged long on chainlink

>go all in linkpool and forget about crypto for the next few years

it's really that simple you have nothing to lose and everything to gain

>> No.49417351
File: 286 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20220606-192046_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like little baby

>> No.49417468

I swear you fags would've been bagging groceries if it wasnt for your inherentences. Complete waste on smooth brains

>> No.49417469
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If I had the skills for a wfh job the first thing I would do is move to an affordable country. America is doomed. As it is I'm stuck paying 80% of my income for a tiny apartment in the worst state just waiting for the food riots and the revolution to start

>> No.49418225

yeah im pretty mad. i was boring a spic into a basketball american neighborhood and these retards just piss away their fortunes.

>> No.49419058

Thai girls want you to say ypu love them right when you start fucking them. Gotta shut the shit down or youll end up funding some cutie jungle asians entire family.