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49398336 No.49398336 [Reply] [Original]

> Years of abuse til 16, taken by child services and got U visa as DV victim.
> Free state college but 2 jobs and struggling, never enough.
> 30 now, some investments but nowhere close to being stable. Still PTSD from parents, socially isolated all my life.
> I wish I had a good family to be happy with , more than inheritance or rich parents support.

I saw a family unloading stuff from the car while their grandparents I assume waited at the door. I cried.

>> No.49398380

Trama isn't real.
PTSD isn't real.
You're 30. Grow up. Stop crying.

>> No.49398400


nice blog you blubbering faggot. No wonder the west is crumbling. KYS.

>> No.49398402

I wish you were right.

But it really fucked me up growing up and forever after.

What the fuck did I do at age 13 to be beat up and strangled?

>> No.49398419

So what? Ever seen someone take their last breath? You got two choices; start living or start dieing. No one gives a fuck either way.

>> No.49398436

Sorry your parents must have been really struggling with life.

>> No.49398449

You didn't do anything. You have to accept that it was all meaningless and hence, much of your personal origin was meaningless. But don't feel bad. Nobody asks to be born and no one is the center of the universe. You actually turned out well given your shitty background. Maybe you should try joining a church. They may be able to provide something you seem to be missing in your life.

>> No.49398453
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No one is going to be able to answer shit like that dude. Honestly, get a sketchbook or some shit and just be hella cringe and dump all that shit in there. Take a vacation. Confront all that shit. Get it all out. Bleed it out of you and take away all of its power. The past doesn't exist anymore. At any moment you can be whoever you want to be. Just because you have access to memories doesn't mean that is you.

Don't give this shit power.

>> No.49398470

I tried and still try. I own a small business and invest, also donate proceeds to a non profit that helped me.

But if I had good parents and their support, I would've been in much more better financial and mental health.

>> No.49398487

>dad made comfy 400k/yr
>early 2000s so probably like 600k equivalent now
>invests nothing
>blows every paycheck on drugs and whores
>gets fired
>divorced for being loser
I despise degeneracy and those who lack ambition. Piece of shit had a chance at making generational wealth.
Never give a poor person more money than they know what to do with, cause they will waste it and destroy themself in the process.

>> No.49398498

If only this entire life wasn't real and is just a simulation... oh wait! It is. At least that's what the pedo billionaires at the WEF are trying to accomplish anyways

>> No.49398501

Well you just kinda have to accept that you will forever have a shitty life and just make the best you can out of it. I’m in a similar situation. And I’m 40, single, childless and completely alone. You will never recover from your abnormal childhood. You will never be able to form normal friendships or have a successful marriage. But just figure out some hobbies you can enjoy and make peace with the life you have and try to enjoy that to whatever extent you can.

>> No.49398510

It's literally over. You keep replaying it and have never stopped living it and therefore nothing will change unless you drop it. Focus on your future and not the past, it's literally that simple. Whenever memories arise and invade your head space literally just let them go. Condition yourself to and for your future. I had a shitty fucking upbringing and literally fled a war torn region of the world when I was younger and saw people die and we were refugees and it fucked me up but I dropped it because my past was not me. It's so far removed from my psyche now that it's incredibly bizarre to think about after having dropped it years ago.

>> No.49398523

Pretty much this. Accept, face it, take the power from it and move on.

>> No.49398535


>Implying there's no such thing as memories
>Implying those memories can't be bad ones

The only way this would true for you is if you're a purely braindead NPC. The type of guy whose daughter could be murdered by an illegal immigrant, but all you can talk about is how the tacos are worth it.

>> No.49398543

I’m sorry you had to go through that at such a young age.
The positive is that it made you tougher and look at life in a more realistic way.
All of choose our parents though, for their strengths and weaknesses
Your soul knew what it was getting into coming to planet with such a thick veil and so many people asleep. The best of us chose the worst parents to prepare us for whatever goals you want to accomplish.
I suggest you read three waves of volunteers by Dolores Cannon
People who had great parents end up fucked up too
At a certain point you have gratitude for your challenges and don’t put any blame on external factors and just focus on making your own healthy family

>> No.49398547

Did your parents still support financially in any way though?

I'm a Korean immigrant, we commonly say the only way to make it is to be born under wealthy parents, or "Golden spoon".

>> No.49398564

I'm very risk averse when it comes to investments and careers because of my childhood experience. Too many times as a child I had to start over, get rid of all my belongings, get rid of all my friends, get rid of basically everything because we had to move again. I would've made it by now if I invested in crypto but I don't care. I can't invest in something where there's a decent chance I'll wake up in the morning and I find out it's over and I have to start my portfolio almost from scratch. My current job doesn't pay that well, but I don't want to leave it because I'll have to start all over again at a new job. I crave stability because my parents were anything but and that absolutely is reflected in my life (and /biz/) choices.

>> No.49398570

Basically this
At 30, none of that shit matters anymore anon
A lot of people who grew up in successful homes have no desire to work hard

>> No.49398591

>implying memories are the only thing worth using to establish who you are and what you will do.

>implying its one charge in life to be drug around by them to repeat the same mistakes forever in a prison of your own making

>I have an extreme example that makes me right

Not everything is worth hanging onto and passing along. Junk has to be thrown out. Things have to be kept tidy.

>> No.49398608

We all chose to be born, we picked our parents and usually our name too
Sometimes parents override that for different reasons
You can hypnotize anyone and ask these questions to their subconscious and they all say this
Millions of people by Dolores cannon, Dr Bruce Goldberg, Dr Brian Weiss etc

>> No.49398631

she looks a bit like john connor from terminator 2

>> No.49398671

How would anyone choose to be born?

>> No.49398675

Nope. Mom was too poor to help and dad just fucking disappeared after that. Had to work to pay for my degree.
Making comfy 6 figures now at least.
Honestly, I see the whole thing as a net positive. Had to grow the fuck up and be responsible for myself. "Trauma" builds character.

>> No.49398735

victim blaming bullshit

>> No.49398755


It's not one change my dude. It's getting the shit beaten out of you or sexually absurd throughout your childhood. It's not an "extreme example", this kind of shit happens all the time. If memories don't shape you for life then you're an NPC, simple as.

It's not helpful to say it doesn't exist, because it clearly does. Makes you out to be a total cock, and what good information you have is ignored, since you are someone that "doesn't get it".

You would not believe how long it too for me to stop flinching any time someone was trying to offer up a high five.

>> No.49398793

>We all chose to be born, we picked our parents and usually our name too

can you reliably prove this? what about the children who don't make it (adult or child)?

>> No.49398807

All your sympathizers will make you weaker.
All those rushing to encourage you will tell you how they had it worse.
Despite everyone's best efforts people get whipped by good intentions from all sides.
No one really helps another. They can only help them help themselves.

>> No.49398809

If you have children, I'd imagine you use this "logic" to justify whatever you do to them

>> No.49398812
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Good to hear, wish I was doing that well.

I'm making 5 figures from my business, also started an organic potato farm, indoor vertical stuff.

Losing money but donating some good sweet potatoes to the nonprofit and local hospitals. I didn't think much when I was young, but nonprofit literally saved my life paying for my housing and college etc.

>> No.49398840

My parents, especially my dad, were absolute shit with money and never had anything. I've spent my life busting my ass to be the opposite.

>> No.49398855


What you got wasn't trauma. Hell, it doesn't even count as neglect if you had food and clothes.

You got to learn that you had to take action for yourself. I learned that doing ANYTHING that wasn't explicitly told would get penalized, usually with swift crack against the skull.

>> No.49398869

I kind of look like that but Korean.

>> No.49398883

OP is a faggot/troon begging larper disregard everything.

>> No.49398898
File: 73 KB, 507x369, jkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have good parents and fucked up
>mfw I'm a bab soul
>mfw I'm coming back to this shithole again

>> No.49398910

You have a soul and it picks its next life
Read the Tibetan book of the dead
It talks about how if you feel sexual urges after death you can sucked back into the cycle of birth
It’s been studied and talked about since the beginning of time
Read or listen to the book many lives, many masters
Children who don’t make it can be for different reasons
Some suicides choose to live tough lives where they die quick to burn off the bad karma and teach themselves that life could be worse
Some books say a child’s soul doesn’t fully take for months after birth and can choose to pull out for any number of reasons
I’ve even read stories that say if you experience fear as your coming into this life it can manifest as physical problems
I usually stick to the most trusted and well respected sources though
Life after life by dr Raymond Moody is a great one for explaining the spirit realm

>> No.49398914
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>I’m 40, single, childless and completely alone
>A lot of guys would love to be in your situation
>You might not be happy if you were married
>You have the freedom to do anything you want
>Imagine how much worse it would be if you had got that crazy girlfriend who broke up with you pregnant
>Look at your aunt/cousin/friend they're getting divorced

>> No.49398944

Do potatoes grow well vertically? I've heard some people say they do and some say it's a meme.

>> No.49398962

I would never bring children into this fucked up place

I’m here to break systems
I suggest you go to a good hypnotist and experience some of your past lives
Or smoke DMT or swallow over 1000 mg’s of ibogaine
Those all worked for me
Many of these authors give workshops where many people are hypnotized at once but it’s easier for most during a 1 on 1 session

>> No.49398969

I don't see it that way either, but I feel like by the modern standard "trauma" includes everything and anything unpleasant at this point... thus the double quotes.

>> No.49398973

My parents were government workers. They worked hard and built a good middle/upper-middle class life for themselves, but they don't have the killer instinct to make it in the upper echelons of wealth. The biggest benefit they gave me (outside of straight-up financial support) was just good personal finance knowledge. How to budget, what the stock market is, etc. Everything about how to succeed in the corporate world I had to learn on my own.

>> No.49399010

>I would never bring children into this fucked up place
>I’m here to break systems

while I don't completely agree with you, I respect those two points a lot, bless

>> No.49399099
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Potatoes grows on literally anything. Mine looks like this but simpler, just soil in wooden crates stacked up.

I got good purple sweet potatoes growing well, they're like $3/lbs in grocery stores.

>> No.49399231
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Dad ran a company with 300 employees until 2008 and got rekt. I spent my childhood around fake salespeople / executives and their faggot kids and now I'm a pathetic 30yr old cel and he's dying young from all the stress he endured in his career

>> No.49399254

I want to lick her

>> No.49399305

The leaves grow well, but the tubers are not nearly as well formed if they are planted as they should be in deep loose well fertilized cool well drained soil. Only plants that grow well vertically are zero calorie leafy greens. Vertical potatoes are indeed a fake and gay meme.

>> No.49399318

schizo mode

>> No.49399400

My dad invested in real estate in the 90s before the boom and made no money. Then he traded stocks during the tech bubble (back when you had to physically call a broker to place trades), made money and lost it all in the crash. He stopped trading after that.
Though he bought his own home for 30k in the 1970s and sold it for a million a few years ago. Most of the money is sitting in stock and bond index funds and cash.
He had some investing books around the house which made me curious at a young age.
My dad was the saver type which was instilled into me.

>> No.49399426

Beat a dog everyday when it is young and see how it behaves as an adult.

>> No.49399459

I stand by everything I said and encourage everyone to research every word of it
Millions of people in every culture all around the world agree with what I said
It’s been on TV a few times
A girl told me this shit is all over Tik Tok too
You have to be retarded or ignorant to not believe in the soul and an afterlife
And the afterlife has structure and organization as well
Even skeptics like Jerry Springer experience past lives if they can be hypnotized

>> No.49399547

>find support group for abuse victims
>rediscover God

wow I just fixed all your problems.

>> No.49399634

> Dad was a Dr. and obviously made a shitton
> very frugal, his assistants lived more luxuriously than him
> as a kid I never understood why he drove a beater car and wore clothes with holes
> only exception was he bought only the best food, and ate at the best restaurants. Hired a personal trainer.
> forced me to invest portion of my summer job $ in stocks at age 14
> got into crypto early at 17 because of my prior stock knowledge.
> am 22 now
> realized I don't really need anything new, use what I have until it falls apart... cars & tech are only used to serve a function they don't need to be new.
> basically have made it before graduating & travel the world
> me and dad went on a walk the other day. noticed we both have holes in our canvas shoes, laughed about how I turned into him.
>I love my dad so much

>> No.49400514


>> No.49400606

Kill yourself boomer.

>> No.49400668

>never spend any money
>walk round with holes in clothes
>already emit hobo vibes by 22
good luck with the gurls anon

>> No.49400705


>> No.49400720

said, ur mom

>> No.49400737

You are stupid.
No one can know for sure what happens after death

>> No.49400738

>Never give a poor person more money than they know what to do with
i had a little chuckle at that

>> No.49401283

A lot but im out of that place.

Parent be like:

Fuck you anon i'm not gonna listen to you because i'm going to act like a stupid boomer. Refused to listen to me and instead of buying a new half acre lot he bought a small one. He would have had like 4 million now. This happened again with a half acre lot in a nicer area. Idiot was spineless and took his anger at my mom on me.

Dad was brainwashed and would tell me you need to work hard to make a good living. he'd work like 50-60 hours a week. Would say save your money don't spend it but would be like just keep it in savings lol. Has a mortgage but tells his children all loans are bad. Thinks that everyones children should make all their wealth themselves. My dad gets triggered and angry that i'm not working right now and only making money investing and is like how dare you make money without working hard basically.


What have i learned? This is middleclass / workingclass brainwashing. You work smart not hard to be wealthy. You use your money and renters to make you money. You dont trade your body (labour) for money. You invest and have passive income to get rich.

Once you have kids then you pay for their university education and if they complete it then you can either give them a yearly salary or induce them to also invest and make passive money.

The super wealthy brainwash the middle class in order to keep a huge population of wage cucks.

Once i make my 2 million i'm gonna get a house, porsche 911 turbo, and probably impregnate an asian (non north american) gf.

Rather avoid marrying desu

>> No.49401392

>Read this book by a retarded magical thinking culture
>Random info sentence with trash about sex and soul

You probably believe Christianity is bullshit

>> No.49401424

You sound so fucking gay and full of yourself

>> No.49401609

>nigger or "high t. meme faggot" which is the same

>> No.49401644

Case reports from near death experiences stretch back 100’s of years and are the same for every culture
At some point you’re the retard

>> No.49401657

Retards like this are holding humanity back
I hope you take booster shots