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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49396048 No.49396048 [Reply] [Original]

Guys we need to figure out a way to make it for everyone who missed/fucked up the last bullrun. Like this is /biz/ we know shit before normalfags do. Assblaster, Banks, ICPanon, Mel Gibson anon we need someone to tell us something. Whether it’s crypto or something else like shrimp farming.

We can’t let out frens get eternally subjugated when the great reset finally finishes.

>> No.49396506

its not over yet

>> No.49396544

don't leave me behind bros

>> No.49396569
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we got this one in the bag my bastards

>> No.49396593

It’s done for now.

>> No.49396627

goddammit I just want to be rich so I can build a castle and live like an evil vampire lord to attract a legion of goth bitches

>> No.49396749

>Like this is /biz/ we know shit before normalfags do
I hate to be the one to tell you this but if you got here AFTER 2018 you ARE the normalfag. This place is filled to the fucking brim with reddit fags and twitter niggers ESPECIALLY after the GME and AMC short squeeze memestock debacle back in February/March of last year. For fuck's sake, the r/wallstreetbets header is "Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal" and 12 million people subscribe to it (11.5million of which got there late, bought the top of everything last year and are eternally bag holding). Do the math on how many of those millions spilled over here because they wanted to know what "le epic 4chan hacker" was like and how many of those stuck around. This place always had alpha and breadcrumbs by millennials who got fucked in and after 2008 but now that everyone has made it we're off doing other things or preparing to buy serious assets like real estate, precious metals and stocks once the world economy collapses. Most of us really only come back here to shitpost after we've had our /pol/ fill for the month. You zoomers are insufferable as fuck and I have no incentive to help you. I mean for fucks sake look at the stupid picture in your OP that you're leading with. You stick out like a retarded sore thumb.

You're literally left to fend for yourself like we were. Sorry but I'm not sorry.

>> No.49396816
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wow look at you bringing the newfag up to speed. i thought this was supposed to be our secret.

>> No.49396854
File: 192 KB, 969x1076, D211EC7F-5171-4A84-9E41-6E10E86F39A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking stupid.
Honestly dogbat or hobo. Seriously the only way I'll make it now. If even HOGE can revive itself multiple times to over 200m market cap, I don't see why dogbat can't.

>> No.49396863

if you're not on the citadel whitelist you are fucked
try pulse I guess, but it's going to dump day 1 and you fags are going to chicken out

>> No.49396894
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Teh Golden One
8 more days...

>> No.49396907

We’re going all in to cannabis and mutant fish stocks

>> No.49397039

I never went on /biz/ until 2017. I bought 15 dollars worth of chainlink (like 100 tokens).
I forgot about it until this year. What next step do I take to become a millionaire?

>> No.49397108

Which cannabis companies?
And don't tell me you mean Aquabounty...

>> No.49397175

kinda based. I got 450k left in crypto. Too little to go for real assets. Did I come too late to make it from crypto?

>> No.49397218

bro, do you ever look at yourself and think, im relying on an asset called dogbat. what even is that? were you dropped on the head as a babe? No offence bro.

>> No.49397511
File: 161 KB, 1163x758, Oil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short oil when the Ukrainian/Russian war ends. Find the most pumped up egregiously high P/E dog shit oil names and load puts going out at least 6 months (might want to go longer like 12 months). Oil was literally fucking negative during the Covid crash and people thought there was no way that shit was going back over $50 ever again, now it's at $120. But it all depends on the fucking Ukranian/Russian war ending. This shit should be at around $35-75 a barrel. It'll probably be a few more months before the opportunity is ripe.
1. Let the war end
2. Let summer end and the high travel demand to end
3. For oils upward movement to start to exhaust and possibly double top around $147.

>> No.49397606

Biz has been shit since Google chainlink summer 2019. If you really want to make it you need to get on twitter and find a alpha group chat

>> No.49397667
File: 103 KB, 990x504, MTDR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking shorting the fracking names is probably the best since their drilling/production breakeven points are at like $60 per barrel, so if oil reverts back to normal prices they'll get fucked the hardest.

>> No.49397676

Its gonna be ok dont worry

>> No.49397707

you fucking retards won't leave your fucking thought bubbles

do you know how many free NFT mints that are printing people ridiculous money have happened in the past 3 weeks?

goblintown(6e floor) was a free fucking mint, and it 's not like it stopped there

but /biz/ is too fucking stupid and busy right click saving nfts and still fucking around with dogcoins to notice

>> No.49398409

Hi Mr. Midwit.

>> No.49398430

Because of the last bull run I'm sure the answer is just to buy and forget until the next bullrun and sell when peak euphoria.

>> No.49399042

how exactly would you define peak euphoria in the last run?

we just instantly went to 40k, ranged between 40-60 for some months, dumped to 30k briefly, then ranged between 40 and 60 again for some months

the only time that really felt like peak euphoria was when bitcoin just pumped every single day from 10k to 40k. the rest felt very slow and "normal"