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49395246 No.49395246 [Reply] [Original]

just learn to code guys.

>> No.49395258

yeah, fuck that.

>> No.49395265

I almost did, then I had 100 recruiters calling me and they talked me out of it lol.

>> No.49395287

After being a high pressure salesmen for years I want to switch to coding, dont care if it's boring or repetitive, cold calling and email blasting is soul draining to an even higher degree

>> No.49395303

This isn't real btw coding is midwit tier

>> No.49395320

that's not what real code looks like.

>> No.49395846

90% of it is being a good copypaster

>> No.49396265

thats not code. that is cancer. aka JavaScript.

>> No.49396462

Fuck it why?

This is minified code. Code stripped of whitespace and formatting to make the file smaller when the code is downloaded. Sacrifices readability for space.

>> No.49397062

are you genuinely unable to recognize minification?

>> No.49397187
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>> No.49397219

code isn't like that
I enjoy a lot of back-end stuff but I just don't like js for some reason. It's not hard but DOM is kind of aids because front-end design feels like a waste of time.

Anyone have a good no-code html/css I can use to spin up whatever techcuck gradient ux they want without burning time trying to make it from scratch? I just want to drag and drop elements and only have to do up the logic.

>> No.49397223

I can name over 700 Pokémon, their types, their Pokédex entries and even their abilities. I wish my childhood was spent memorizing more important things instead.

>> No.49397233

>Posts minified code

You're just a brainlet, it's okay to admit you're too dumb to understand coding. Stupid people are very common, you're just one of the normies

>> No.49397293

>700 pokemon

>> No.49398102

And everything after 250 was cancer

>> No.49398437

I never understood why it is so hard to understand code. It is basically like learning any language. You learn the grammar and syntax and practise. And alot of programming languages are like dialects, you learn one and you will sorta know the other.

>> No.49399762

it’s not minified. the method and variable names would be one or two characters if it were
i would encourage anons to learn to program, rather than just learn to code.

>> No.49399782

>learn to code
>replaced by AI
no thanks

>> No.49399792

Looks like the most boring fucking thing ever

>> No.49401325

im thinking about between python or lua,
which one should i learn?

>> No.49401355

We don't need more code monkeys anyway. Fucking pajeets ruining everything.

>> No.49401391

I can see it's minified, and maybe even obfuscafed javascript, which is why I said that's not what real code looks like.

>> No.49401431

midwit thread

>> No.49401473

>Looks like the most boring fucking thing ever
if it was fun nobody would pay you to do it you fucking nigger

>> No.49401583

>I just want to drag and drop elements and only have to do up the logic.
>front-end design feels like a waste of time.
Stop coping. You just suck at CSS/React/Vue and never bothered to learn it. Knowing how to write thread-safe code in some systems language doesn't automatically make you better/smarter than anyone. You're just skillless. You can sketch clone any major website (like Youtube, Netflix) in less than 1 hour if you know what you're doing.

>> No.49401808

It's fun if you like programming, it's certainly not for everyone and there is A LOT of bullshit. But it's fun, it's almost like playing a puzzle videogame in a way, and they pay me a lot for it.
9/10 job.

Can confirm, am borderine retarded midwit and got filtered by GRT

>> No.49402357

yeah. coding is not that difficult but if you want to be good at it you need to put in a bit of work. also, if you aspire to be more than just a janny you will need to use your head to solve some more difficult problems.

>> No.49402375

151 and every single one after was shit

>> No.49402527

just use flexbox all the time. use emptty divs to fill in gaps and become a css god

>> No.49402638

It's not hard it's just that it's boring as fuck (for most people). Just like learning a language is boring, especially if you're not even sure you're going to need it and unless you're going to be working as a programmer you actually don't need to know any code at all, it's basically a useless skill for anyone else. Just like knowing a random language that you never use is basically useless.

>> No.49402686

>tell me you never met an actual programmer without telling me you never met an actual programmer meme

There are autists who actually think programming is fun. I had 2 friends like that in high school. It's just a relatively small number of people, for most people it's boring as fuck.

>> No.49402734
File: 52 KB, 639x747, beardpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else in cybersecurity?
Shit's bussin frfr

>> No.49402829

Oh great another self-proclaimed "full stack developer" who's utterly useless when it comes to frontend

>> No.49402858

What do you do, how do I get in, how much do you make

>> No.49402874


>> No.49402886

its really easy if youre over 115 iq

>> No.49403015

Good advice. I only know Python and I'm about to enter a career in data science making 6 figures for remote work.

>> No.49403184

It's still minified. It's just shitty minification that's not as good without making method and var names smaller.

>> No.49403250


uhm yeah so uh.... use passwords guys.

and uhhh ehmm.... uhhhh... I guess we can use encryption on our vpn and emails....uhh

That will be 600k a year thanks

>> No.49403299

Yas. Pentest. Work is never ever short and a hell of a lot of fun (most of the time).

>> No.49403332

maybe if you did a shred of work and stop fapping to anime girls all day, you can get somewhere. learning to code is not difficult, just takes consistent effort and practice. learn solidity and get hired by Polygon.

>> No.49403336
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>Learn to code
>Starts with JavaScript

>> No.49403349

The funny thing is that this is pretty close to the truth. Basic security hygiene is 80% of the battle, but spending in excess of hundreds of thousands a year on a "solution" is better (read: easier) than changing behaviors.
Until there is a breach that is. Then the same voices that resisted passwords longer than eight characters become incredibly vocal security champions.

>> No.49403396
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1628124422532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm not reading all that shit"
>*executes code again*

>> No.49403446

what should you start with?

>> No.49403462

I remember making a website in the 90's for a communications technology class, I used notepad to write html. It was complicated then, but once you get into it it's kinda neat to see something take shape.

This is something you clearly need to start early, and continue doing as a career.

>40 year old laborer

>> No.49403473

What you're looking for is Power Apps but this only really works if you have a client where all employees have office 365.

>> No.49403513
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, wp2601077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, fellow pentester here. What are you hacking today anon?

>> No.49403523

>kali linux

>> No.49404007

Bet my HTB rank is higher than yours.

>> No.49404339
File: 354 KB, 891x771, sjvbdmhbvdbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QANplatform knows how difficult it is for normal devs to come over to blockchain, so they made their own virtual machine that lets devs build on the blockchain using any language they want. I think devs should look towards the launch of the blockchain.

>> No.49404661

How to become pentester, seems fun
Am embedded dev, so only do C/C++ and python

>> No.49404753

Nigger I don’t call myself full stack at all
I will look into vue/react in that case; I haven’t learned either yet so I’ll take the time there
Thank you!

>> No.49404801

I went from making $10/hr to $110k/yr. Learn to code. OP is bitch made.

>> No.49404847

you got the kali tattoo bro?

>> No.49404881

how do I know you didn't do 11.000 hours a year at 10 dollars an hour?

>> No.49404899

C but not to long. Just learn the basics with C and then move over to C++.

>> No.49404930

What kind of things do you code with C++ for a career? Video games?

>> No.49404953

Don't overwhelm yourself, start small, just do youtube tutorials, then when you feel comfortable try to do a small project that can be useful to you.

>> No.49404980

Yes. The trick is to learn paradigms and theory while automating everything instead of grinding through every language and software stack under the sun.