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49391920 No.49391920 [Reply] [Original]

my gf left me because i was too boring

>> No.49391924

She will cry and seethe when you make it from crypto OP

>> No.49391926

at least now you have an interesting story to tell...oh wait

>> No.49391948

>make it from crypto OP
Are there still people on /biz/ who unironically think they're going to make it from NASDAQ coin?

>> No.49391972


Believe me, you lucked out.

>> No.49391976

you didn't do enough dangerous things to get her snatch wet, maybe you should have beat her

>> No.49391977

You're finally free. Do what you want with your time:) go for a run, watch the charts, shill your alts, buy a lambo. Whatever you want dude. You have been blessed.

>> No.49392068

its all so tiresome bros.. i hate being the clown

>> No.49392374


>> No.49392399

That's a weird reason, wouldn't take it to heart.
I doubt she is the constant life of the party either.
Shit like boredom and entertainment are subjective.
You need some strange, particularly of the Latina flavor.

>> No.49392770

don't worry anon my ex said the same thing, buy crypto and get rich.

>> No.49392792
File: 6 KB, 250x228, 1632605854126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When gf left me years ago she said there's something off about me. She didn't specify

>> No.49392834
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will beg for you back when she wants to settle down.
btw she's clearly cheating and had to come up with a silly reason for it to be your fault

Also why would you take the gf pill? Just jack off.

>> No.49392870


What do you do for fun? This is a perfectly appropriate reason to break up with someone imo. I'm lowkey boring as fuck, I have no idea why my girl is with me. I just play mindgames and experiment with her by acting like a freak all the time, reality is I just want to be on my computer. Bitch is on her phone all day tho so maybe we have more in common than I think.

>> No.49392893
File: 11 KB, 208x181, 1654045621511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current gf thinks the world of me, i dont know why. i am a depressed shut-in neet while shes a cheerful accomplished person with many hobbies and talents. we met on a dating app but she can really do so much better. there has to be something going on here. im not even trying to humble brag here i am geniunely confused.

>> No.49393072

might be true love

if your relationship is less than 6-8 months she could just be cluster b and idealizing you or using you for some reason you're not aware of

>> No.49393093

she's narcissistic or BPD as fuck and is farming your dependence and love to harvest maximum heartbreak and misery when she finally rugpulls your relationship. I've seen it many times.

>> No.49393101

nesting instincts. it'll end once you get her pregnant and then she'll be a constant nag about how boring u are instead of looking at her own fucking life and looking up from her phone.

>> No.49393111

Sounds like a good gf. Or, if you are rich, she wants your money.

>> No.49393127

Or if they're using protection/birth control her instincts will cause her to flip after a few months of not-getting-pregnant because her reptile brain tells her he's sterile

>> No.49393168

this too, women only think about doing whatevers possible to avoid their own periods. simple as.

>> No.49393174

what cryptos will allow you to make it

>> No.49393196

thanks frens, i will proceed cautiously and prepare for the worse

>> No.49393213

he needs to tell us how long they've been dating and what his net worth is for us to really know

>> No.49393225

>Also why would you take the gf pill? Just jack off.
I agree that having a gf is literally gay as fuck but jacking off doesn't compare to getting real pussy.

>> No.49393237
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 1654463767400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left her because she was boring.

>> No.49393259

its been 6 months and my current networth is $100k. she doesnt know my current net worth but i did tell her I lost ~$1m which is true

>> No.49393264
File: 97 KB, 1000x678, 1644019162665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make it from crypto

>> No.49393273

she's cheating on you

>> No.49393293

my gf is with a black guy now

>> No.49393296

She left you because you're a racist schizophrenic chud

>> No.49393298

How do you not be boring? Do drugs?