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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49390711 No.49390711 [Reply] [Original]

I had this idea a couple of months back and due to boredom finally decided to do some research and math.

The idea: A content house for Femboys/Traps/MtF's/whatever you want to call it - chicks with dicks.

It's an extremely common fetish with many amateur creators being in the top 0.5% on Onlyfans ($20,000+/month). The problem is that it's very difficult for most to reach their true potential due to social stigma, the need to pass as a normal dude at work, etc.

My idea is a sort of content house/playboy mansion for aspiring Femboy content creators where they can live together, collaborate, have a safe space, learn their skills (makeup etc.), and if they wish transition. Point is the house takes 20% of everything made in return for room/board + advertising + collaboration opportunities & prestige.

Additional revenue can be made by hosting parties, having an onlyfans run by the house (with a different creator featured daily), hosting workshops/seminars for local pervs, and more...

I know this is /biz/ and not /lgbt/, so I'll spare you the social side of the story and go straight to ROI:
Based on some basic calculations, I estimate that with 10 creators living there, yearly profit after taxes and expenses would be at least $450,000.

The hard part is getting started - renting sucks, so buying a property and incorporating it into the branding is the way to go IMO. That would cost at most $5.5M. Branding, furniture, and advertising would be at most $200,000. Since the property stays on the balance sheet, we're talking about a yearly ROI of 227,9%.

The point of this thread is to discuss this idea. If you think this is something you might be interested in working together on we could also talk about that. What other outside-the-box business plans are you working on, anon?

>> No.49390732

Also, I am a finance bro with the know-how and the connections in the industry to make this happen. I'm just missing liquidity - and I doubt this is a VC fundable idea...

>> No.49390769

You're underestimating the sort of drama drug use etc etc that will be happening.

>> No.49390828

never do business with women, faggots, chinks or niggers

>> No.49390854

>have a safe space
just a matter a time before one of the mentally ill tranny does a mass shooting or there is tons of drama. just make a tranny whore house in nevada or something. rent first and see if it's sustainable

>> No.49390897

>dump his house price by making it a den of niggers, femboy degenerates and drugs
>5.5m house
How about 1.5m?

>> No.49390908

i'm sure there is potential but you got to start small. 2-3 people, you rent, you see how it goes from there and if it can scale

>> No.49390916
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This is a very enterprising notion you have here OP. However, I feel I must inform you that, well quite frankly, this sort of thing really only works in anime.

>> No.49390921

With the absolute state of normies this is an intriguing idea

>> No.49390946

With proper management, rules and discipline I don’t think that would be an issue…

>> No.49390980

No guns in Europe + therapy and transitioning is covered with healthcare. I’m sure a working visa would also be an incentive that would allow us to be picky about who gets to come work here

>> No.49390981
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I'll be in charge of discipline.

>> No.49390985

>fill a house exclusively with tenants plagued by mental illness and degeneracy
Go for it OP

>> No.49391017

I thought that too, but the house could be an integral part of the branding - like the playboy mansion. Mortgage and rent comes out to about the same but paying a mortgage the business would own the property after 4-5 years.

>> No.49391037

Yeah I’m a commie, how could you tell?

Inb4 OP is a gay leftist

>> No.49391050

well it's easier to start this in germany but then there is all the legal stuff. also the brothel business is controlled by the hell's angels so you'll have a knock on the door and they will forcefully take a part of your profit.

>> No.49391232

Too high risk, $5.5M is too much of an investment on something like this. Something like a pornography studio instead of a living house would work out better, your investment will be a lot lower and more people would be more willing to work with you, as they wouldn't have to live in it.

>> No.49391468

>The problem is that it's very difficult for most to reach their true potential due to social stigma, the need to pass as a normal dude at work, etc.
These are excuses. The real reason is that most traps are fucking crazy. Finding one who doesn't have BPD or crippling anxiety is not easy. You'll just end up making the plot of a reality TV show where it's constant drama, and if you do anything about it they'll claim sexual assault or that you're a racist or something.

>> No.49391504
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This one and sneaky are a good start

>> No.49391599
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Be careful, today you'd be attacked for sexualizing their identities. 10 years ago maybe this would've been novel and still not put under the spotlight but today you risk getting canceled even if you try to push the excuse that you were actually trying to give them a safe-space.

You also have to take into account all of the shitflinging and drama that could follow with faggots gathered in a single place. Even with LGBT circles there are opposing viewpoints and considerations, they can't agree on a single way of thinking and it will make things difficult long term depending on who joins like intersex freaks and such

>> No.49391732

It’s walking a fine line for sure. But I’m the way playboy was celebrated as being a progressive beacon, I think this could too.

>> No.49391747

The 5.5M would instantly go on the balance sheet tho. Can always sell the property again. And yeah that number is an extreme highball estimate, 1-2M would probably suffice

>> No.49391756

Peak Weimar, but maybe it's a good idea to gather them all up to one location, you know, containment. Seeing as they all have mental illness you might get government status as an asylum or something which would help with taxes

>> No.49391762
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You are everything that's wrong with this fucking planet.
Die, kike.

>> No.49391804

Is it really, haven’t heard of that. Maybe private security would be cheaper…

>> No.49391825

Hahahahaha the state of biz
How could you even think this was a serious investment with so many things that can go wrong for such a meagre return, you’d be better off buying a fleet of ice cream vans or something

>> No.49391841


Jesus, the state of this board. Investing 101 is take emotion out of it and supply what the market demands.

>> No.49391900

That's (((investing))) not investing.

>> No.49391903 [DELETED] 
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im game, dibs on brazilians

>> No.49391978

Anyone that’s hypothetically game and would consider investing $100k+, email quad5coin@protonmail.com and let’s discuss some more details

>> No.49392013
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>Guys, I had this completely new and brilliant business idea
>....Wait no, that's literally just pimping

>> No.49392015

They could also livestream their suicides & mass shootings together.

>> No.49392060

Depends on how you sell it. Modeling is also pimping if you think abt it

>> No.49392081

Why are you gay?

>> No.49392084

How much liquidity we talking?
I got loads of coom.

>> No.49392164

I don’t have $100k to spare but I like the idea and have a few industry connections if we wanted to pitch this as a reality show as well. I’ll email you anon.

>> No.49392219

Unbelievably ignorant.

Also depending on where you are this may very well fall under a form of pimping

>> No.49392316

>rape house

>> No.49392329

Sounds great on paper, but falls apart fast in practice.
Femboys/Traps/Troons are mentally fucked by nature, and it's only a matter of time until they caught up in drama, drugs and other shit.
At this point you're better off just becoming a director/producer and making a reality TV show making profit off their retardation.
Essentially a faggot version of the Kardashians.

>> No.49392351

Alright I've read through entire thread.

OP I used to consult businesses as a living.

Do not fucking do this. You're exposing yourself to an enormous amount if risk, and the fact you think "having security guards" stops you from having organised crime knocking reeks of your green-ness into such a world.

There are problems with this legally, morally, financially, and there is no concrete plan other then "let's make a trap house". And i mean that in both the literal and drug sense.

This is tough love, /biz/raeli; don't do this.

>> No.49392361
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Seek help

>> No.49392386

Explain more about the organized crime element. Are they really that powerful?

I think a lot of the “muh troons are all mentally ill druggies” is total bullshit, but you bring up some valid points

>> No.49392408

Just the fact that this is my most successful /biz/ thread ever is a good sign imo

>> No.49392521
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>house full of mentally ill trannies
>sneak dewormer into the water supply
>they start to become straight, also become disgusted with one another
You know what to do, OP.

>> No.49392536
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OP what would you do if overnight 30% of them decided to rope themselves? why dont you try to promote white-christian values instead?

>> No.49392643

It's 25 posts and 15 are yourself...
Kys you faggot god damnit I wish I wasn't poor so I could never come here listening to this tranny bullshit anymore.

>> No.49392651
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>I think a lot of the “muh troons are all mentally ill druggies” is total bullshit
Why on Earth would you think that is total bullshit? Listen I know enough of these people, really the ONLY paths to adult-onset-gender-dysphoria are child sex abuse, drug abuse, and autism.

>> No.49392690

None of them actually need your space to shove carrots up their asses so you're providing nothing of value. They can shove carrots up their asses in the back alley they don't even need a room.
Pimping isn't this easy, all the good pimping gigs are already taken and you don't want to play on their turf.

>> No.49392878

it's a mafia, they either order you to close your business or ask a % of your profit. if you refuse they beat you up or kill you.

>> No.49392904

* >40%

>> No.49392958

Op is once again proven to be a faggot. We all know you want the house to fuck traps, faggot.

>> No.49392990

great idea, flawed model ie mansion ownership. should rent a mansion instead, the branding issue will read as a bullshit excuse to investors (because itnis).

>> No.49392999

The thing with hormonal treatments is that it makes you have mood swings, act illogical and, 41% of the time, kill yourself.

I believe the risk + effort vs reward is too unbalanced.

And what are you going to do? Be the Hugh of the Ladyboy Mansion?

>> No.49393018

> Are they really that powerful?
When they come knocking on your door and demand a massive percentage of your operation, tell them to fuck off and see what happens kek
> I think a lot of the “muh troons are all mentally ill druggies” is total bullshit
Who are you lying to? Yourself? There's nothing mentally well about guys chopping their dicks off or women getting frankenstein's cocks.
Listen anon, if you just want a big house to fuck traps and troons in whatever; indulge in your degeneracy but don't delude yourself like this.

>> No.49393024

>chicks with dicks
We got it, homosexual brothel pretending to not be fucking gay.

>> No.49393071

Im putting together a team. I assume you live in the US so where would the ideal location be for setting this up?

>> No.49393107

preserve and sell there corpses to necrophiliacs

>> No.49393128

Nothing white about Christianity you faggot

>> No.49393197
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>wants to open a gay brothel
>finance bro
>i'm a commie
Thank you turbofaggot, i needed something refreshing to add on my wall of honk.

>> No.49393210
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we fill up the house and burn it down.
I like it.

>> No.49393226

This meme is stale.

>> No.49393427

Do it!

>> No.49393523
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>> No.49393535

Invest in the best fire insurance money can buy.
In minecraft.

>> No.49393566

Wow so basically a mental institute? Seems good

>> No.49394975

Put up cameras everywhere and let people access them 24/7 for a subscription. I'd pay just to watch just when one inevitably goes postal.

>> No.49395003

it would be a mass graveyard within the month
do not do business with mentally unstable undesirables

>> No.49395512

So basically you want people to give you money so you can live in a nice house with a bunch of traps and undoubtedly sexually assault them

Also if you aren’t investing 100k yourself who the hell would take you seriously

>> No.49395775

You could probably collect insurance money of some kind.
Why not start smaller and simpler with a content apartment of trap/femboy streamers/youtubers who also produce onlyfans content and "meet and greets" with subscribers rather than making it openly a porn/prostitution thing?

>> No.49395788

This sounds like a hard business because eventually your best performing people will walk away & take your 20% for themselves after you’ve helped build them up.

Maybe there’s a way to contractually keep your tranny slave dungeon operating but it sounds like you’ll always have a bit of a disadvantage knowing your best assets can walk.

>> No.49395945


>> No.49395978
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Dealing with highly emotional faggots is a bad idea.

>> No.49395979

I've had a similar idea. Instead if a house, I'd have an enclosed trailer split into stalls with glory holes 4 stalls on each side of it.

Driver side of the trailer would be advertised as "getting your dick sucked $20 for 10 min"

Passenger side entrance would be "suck dick $20 for 10 min"

I'd tow the trailer to different events, festivals, pride parades, etc. I'd have to do more research on the legality since I don't offer sexual services, just accommodate it, although if the giver to receiver ratio is off, I may have to balance it out.

>> No.49396270

Smart idea. If it had the funding, it'd go places. Just make sure you operate within US law.

>> No.49396272

im glad most of you will never make it

>> No.49396323

Internet gays essentially made a fucking career out of rebelling against mom and dad, plus they're notoriously unstable, and you're looking at housing 10 under the same roof to interact with each other 24/7 and your plan is "just be strict bro"? God damn I'd love to see that unfold.

>> No.49397198

Half of these people are anti-capitalist so they will just call you exploitative and refuse to pay you while they form a femboy union and live under your roof for free.

>> No.49399100

We should make a reality show then, gen Z is ready.

>> No.49399182

>thinks a house full of hormone-ridden mentally ill men will follow rules

>> No.49399210

Trannies are an abomination to God.

>> No.49399230

Why not just do a camwhore site with them

>> No.49399237

Imagine the smell in that house

>> No.49400620

it'd be much more profitable and funny if you gave a bunch of tryhard autists each a lump sum to try and start their own businesses, you make a steady stream of cash documenting their failures, and ignoring the successes nobody wants to see that. But you'd still make a percentage off the successful autists in the background. win win, except the autists that fail, but hopefully they later learn from their failure.

>> No.49401363

Wholesome. I'd love to own an ice cream van. I think that's how Sir Duncan Bannatyne started out.

>> No.49401409

You would directly support degeneration so fuck you nigger, the only valid plan would be to set it on fire with its occupents and cash in insurance

>> No.49401569

>worked prof. in borderline clinic
unless you employ someone like me + 1 psychiatrist + team of 2 female + 2 male nurses you will not manage. Just my job if I go for cheapies would be 100k, you might get the doctor for 130k, nurses could work for 120k all together (this takes a european healthcare system into account) so yeah forget it... your ROI would be down the drain if you want it to function as a business... have fun with the drama. Even if you cut everything down to basic needs... you will need someone like me that is insane enough to work like that (private therapy sessions 2 clients per day with 10 creators; different types of group therapy every day 1-2h)

>> No.49401595

You are weird OP fuck off

t. chick with dick

>> No.49401620

What the fuck anon. Holy shit I hate this board. Sick transphobes.

>> No.49401646

More like Willy Wonka

>> No.49401656

Shut the fuck up anon. Maybe many of us are mentally unwell because we are completely rejected by society and universally hated by people who don't even know us on this entire board. Fucking moron.

>> No.49401669

Kys fap somewhere else retard

>> No.49401681
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No man that fucking house would be on fire in a week tops
They are worst than real women when it comes to drama this is a bad idea and there gonna like kill u in like the first month either by accident or purpose....

>> No.49401703

>HIV + mental illness mansion
Great idea, I would pay to watch the shitshow

>> No.49402041

You can do this if you keep it proper with media.
Do not make this a "femboy house" but a "Beauty Queen House". You're talking about a reality TV show of drag queens, which has been done before and is successful. But you can make it the Jersey Shore of drag queens.
They can teach eachother make up, be gay or whatever, and get in stupid drama filled fights.
Probably a decent idea, but you are probably going to hate the people you cast and your viewers.

>> No.49402052

tits or gtfo tranny

>> No.49402399

how many ceiling fans you gonna have?
i recommend you invest in at least 10

>> No.49402430

>enabling and exploiting isolated, mentally ill paypigs
you forgot "jew". You're a jew gay leftist commie. (and by now we can comfortably drop the pretense that commies have anything to do with the working class).

>> No.49402540

OP I hope this plan comes to fruition so I can watch the 1 hour internet historian video about it all in a years time.

>> No.49403427
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i can tell op right away never made any kind of business.
kys freak.
Also 450 k net profit you are dreaming. These freaks don't need your house to cash in. Your idea is entirelly retarded and disgusting.
You could just set up a cam website for all the retards but i'm starting to think all the influencer /cyber sex bubble is about to pop hard.

>> No.49403923

>it must be a problem with everyone else

>> No.49403983

>You are everything that's wrong with this fucking planet
says the retard who spends 18 hours a day poooosting on this childrens cartoon forum, without the slightest hint of irony

>> No.49404082
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>Pimpin trannies
Tips purple fedora to you, Sir.

>> No.49404202

sounds like a great idea OP. you should go for it!

>> No.49404341
File: 163 KB, 1080x1048, Tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been watching too many Andrew Tate videos anon.

>Snap back to reality

Try to sit in a room with 10 women for a day. Now imagine what it's like when they are a bunch of mentally unstable femboys/traps/gargoyles that think after the second week they can come for your position. If you can handle all this bullshit, you have to be a major fag yourself.

>> No.49404387

Marshall tx has a school for sale.
Nigger town but don’t most trannies like bbc?

>> No.49404550

>I analyze sales
>I automate things
>I collect data
>i catch fish

>> No.49404773
File: 132 KB, 750x1333, arielle maxine ywn be a drugged out art hoe femboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the smell

>> No.49404820

That sounds like a powder keg.

>> No.49404875

You're not accounting for expenses based on ventilation and cleaning to the AC machine (to get ride of all that e. Coli in the filters) to extract the shit aroma that will permeate the entire house

>> No.49404910

>definite article
Pimp, checkmate.

>> No.49404944
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> us
Seethe and dilate
Imagine killing yourself because of words lmao
Do us a favor and invest in some $ROPE (Ticker: KYS)

>> No.49405200

A reality show of insane queer people? I would watch every single episode

>> No.49405382
File: 2.75 MB, 2132x1520, 1637637347049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the 'Tenacious Unicorn Ranch'.
It's a troon compound/co-op that neglect their livestock and think they're going to get Waco'd except by local nazi domestic terrorist militias instead of ZOG.
It's comedy gold, except for the animals abuse that's just sad.

>> No.49406058

Great, now I'm all for the president getting access to drone strikes on home soil, it was that easy

>> No.49406093

There are no chicks with dicks. There are only dudes with tits

>> No.49406269

imagine the smell

>> No.49406575

Imagine the smell.
I'm jk, it would probably do pretty well as long as the ones staying there are sane, clean and attractive.

>> No.49406615

>sane, clean and attractive
pick one retard

>> No.49406662

They exist. Veeeeery few and far between, but the same can be said for the difference between onlyfans whores and playboy models.

>> No.49407070

I bet you believe in big foot too

>> No.49407402
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Bigfoot is real and could probably be a popular resident of OPs ladyboy mansion.
LOL jk. They are real however.
It took over 100 years of searching over local legends to discover the Bili Ape. They're over 6 ft tall chimpanzees the locals called "the lion killers". White people thought they were legends until they found a skull in 1908. It wasn't until 2003 they discovered the living species.
Native Americans said similar things about wild/ape men in North America.

>> No.49407438


>> No.49407986

I think these fail because they aren't marketed well.
The Playboy Mansion is legendary. It wasn't 15 zoomers being hypetards that did it. It was extremely attractive, classy and somewhat intelligent women catering to an affluent culture. If the elite politicians and entertainers are as into sucking dick as it seems, it would be successful if modeled after playboy.

>> No.49409014

One of the gayest ideas I've seen

>> No.49409220

You are delusional.

>> No.49409287

>Grooming house
gtfo, degenerate kike.

>> No.49409548

I would find that house and set it on fire you fucking jew.

>> No.49409610
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>The idea: A content house for Femboys/Traps/MtF's/whatever you want to call it - chicks with dicks.
Damn it. Why can't you people back to just being faggots?