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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49389462 No.49389462 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/,

I wanted to know what kind of workstation or computer setup you use to make money. I am looking into doing some upgrades and re-working my system for better productivity. I wanted to collect your guys thoughts on IT hardware for the purpose of generating cash. I am planing on selling off my unneeded equipment, and purchasing some new hardware. At the moment it will most likely be a pair of Thinkpads and some much needed NAS stuff.

1. Can you do all your work effectively with just a Thinkpad, or do you have a powerful desktop that can handle more complex work?
2, Do you use a NAS or an additional storage devices for massive data?
3. Do you use any networking devices to monitor and manage your internet traffic?
4. Do you use multiple monitors for increased productivity?
5. Do you use an uninterruptible power supply for a backup in case your power goes out?

In general, what are your thoughts on computer hardware and their interaction with finance?

>> No.49389522

Fuck that I call in all my trades to my broker on Monday morning

>> No.49389529

Remove this, now.

>> No.49389774

Well it doesn't have to be trades it could be any work you do with a computer to make money. I am curious how much of an impact comptuer hardware makes. I think if you were doing video editing you would need a beefy desktop. If you only doing things with text whether that is writing, coding, or something else you could probably just use a Thinkpad.

Why God?

>> No.49389851
File: 653 KB, 1024x512, no_fuck_given.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His ngmi, if he has to ask he doesn't need any of this shit. If this is a brainstorm (brainstorming is very good, I encourage it) then he needs to rewrite this post.
Either way you slice it, it's a bad post. Dead really.

>> No.49389865

This is a chartporn coomers station.
80% of it is unnecessary.

>> No.49389903


>> No.49389907

Seeing all these setups of day traders with 20 monitors makes me cringe. I have a decent crypto portfolio and do most of my trades on my phone. All these setups with a bunch of monitors are like a movie scene where a hacker uses 3 keyboards at once to breach a firewall. Ridiculous.

>> No.49389934

Partially true, but, but...
>do most of my trades on my phone.

>> No.49389945

It seems you are basing hardware on context / purpose first and then using them to accomplish that task. That was my intention as I wanted to see what other people here use to make money online. Do people here really just use an older Thinkpad with a pair of external monitors?

For me I just have this feeling that I need to invest in new hardware to actually do anything. Maybe I am just getting the cart before the horse?

>> No.49389972

I don’t use a backup power supply, when I move I might get a proper system but imo UPS’s are a fire risk I don’t want in my room with my equipment. For backups I have laptops my power doesn’t go out much

>> No.49389997

I need at least three monitors, one was really constraining when I started out. I like seeing what this index or that index is doing, have the macro on one screen and the micro on another, execution and option chains in center

>> No.49390003


So it seems that these over the top 6+ monitor setups are just emotional buys and do not have a real function outside of impressing low tech people. If those are too many monitors then what is the minimum number of monitors to effectively trade online?

>> No.49390011

OP, you can do the vast majority of trading with just a simple laptop. With that said, if you’re into algos it might be worth looking into a more powerful PC.

I myself have a 24 thread desktop which comes in very handy with backtesting lots of data and running simulations. If you’re in the same boat it might be worth the investment

>> No.49390044
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No this was a test, I have 7 monitors 6 all of the same size and one extra big one to relax my sight. If you don't have a nice set up you're ngmi.
This may sound ludicrous, but if you think you'll just sit down, read the news 9/5, don't even start, you'll have to study a lot and the first few years it will be the grindset of 16+ hours, weeks don't exist, so if you really wanna do this with your life, buy a good chair and desk, the chair at leas 1200 dollars and the desk, strong and that can be used as standing desk (automatic, motor), you don't want those cheap shits you have to lift manually, over time that will give you back problems.

>> No.49390046

Several questions:

1. How many laptops do you own?
2. How many are active, and other in standby or storage?
3. How do you use the active laptops? (Example: Is one your daily driver and the other a back up or running server programs.)
4. Do you feel laptops can do everything you need or do you think a powered up desktop could serve you better?

>> No.49390051

i trade on my smart-phone

>> No.49390070


>> No.49390124

you don’t need multiple monitors right away, but if you’re in high mid six figures (so lets say 80k) take 1300 bucks and get yourself two monitors. In the beginning my biggest constraint was my old desk.
One trick is to get standing desk legs (bought mine from deskhaus, they have a youtube channel that got me into it) but it’s expensive. Then I bought a 60x30 butcherblock table top from lowes i think. Stuck the legs on it, boom 60 inch standing desk for like 1k with a wood top.
Amazon basic monitor arms are good, not the cheapest but really good quality imo, plus amazon returns.
I don’t even use the standing function though because I’m too lazy to anchor the cables to the table so they don’t pull on the monitor ports when moving it up or down.
tldr: if you can fit the monitors on your table without getting a table, don’t get new table. Don’t buy a wood top for more than 500 when you can get big butcherblock top for under 300. With more monitors you can always see the vix, spx, ndx and whatever else you want

>> No.49390131

You seem to be a high energy poster. Do you work in the finance industry? Are you self employed or with a big company? How do you use your monitors? You mention a 16+ hour grind-set. Would this be for working in high finance?

>> No.49390153

All you need is..
1st monitor for your trading platform/brokerage/shitposting
2nd monitor for the underlying asset(s)
3rd monitor for the volatility index/10year yield/dollar index
4th monitor for financial news feed
You don't even need the 4th one because you'll likely get beat by algorithms but it could help slightly. Me? I only use my desktop for trading and my laptop to watch 1 minute candles then switch between everything on my main rig.

>> No.49390223

already made it. never used a computer screen. i just buy and it goes up and i sell

>> No.49390251

All you need is a cellphone and a good head these days. Don't trade with emotion, but that's hard for poors
A single desktop with 2 monitors is power-user tier
The amount of screens in that pic is ridiculous. We have tabbed browsers now. You may have needed that when computers were slow and you could only have a few windows open at once.
Find intelligent ways to deliver the information you need in as compact a way as possible - i.e. price feeds that don't take up your entire screen.
And remember that watching charts is evil. Doing that will sway your emotions far more than a price feed

>> No.49390262

wtf is a high energy poster?
I have done a bit of everything, now days I work for myself, and I also manage a "software" company, here and there I consult, but yeah, going back to working to big companies would be unlikely, I do receive a lot of offers but I don't think I have the age to tolerate that kind of stress anymore. Plus the country where I live taxes are amazing, so if I would go in the state the dance I'd have to do to reduce taxes... it's just ridiculous. The way I operate I can have clients from all over the globe and virtually pay taxes (if compared).

>> No.49390281

>and virtually pay taxes (if compared).
*and virtually pay no taxes (if compared).

>> No.49390317

It seems that you are living the dream of being self employed and being able to do all your work through a computer. How were you able to get to that point? Do you work in Finance or Tech? How long did it take you to get to this point?

>> No.49390329

If you are not moving large sums of money using cable. You're ngmi.

>> No.49390421

Not everything is done in the computer, there is a lot of bureaucracy with companies, and that's why god made lawyers. Tech or finance? LOOL
Idk, 15 years, 20 years? But it wasn't like I woke up one day and said, hey, I'm gonna do this, it's more like something that morphed, I just was tired of all of the bullshit, and consulting and making my own companies seemed more organic, you don't create good contacts in a year, usually it takes a lifetime. How? Studying, working in the field, creating projects with other people, solving problems, what kind of stupid question is that? How does one do anything?

>> No.49390580

Why the knock on tech and finance? Those are the only two industries that I know of that you can create your own one man company and have it scale to become very wealthy.

To get to the point were you can be hired as a consultant and build your own business it probably took some time getting certifications/studying, and on the job training/experience. Did you do the common journey of going to higher education after high school and then getting a job at a big company? Did you have to save enough money to start a business up and make sure you had money left over in case it failed? Did you do any networking when you working in the industry of your choice before you made your own business or went into consulting?

>> No.49390610

This post was written by amphetamine fingers

>> No.49390613

>Tech consooomer general
keep it simple stupid

>> No.49390619

>Why the knock on tech and finance?
You're fucking idiot, read my posts again, moron.

>> No.49390688

>Did you do the common journey of going to higher education after high school and then getting a job at a big company?
If you don't know math, and a good deal of physics, again, don't even go in, if you wanna go full in, like make this your lifes work, you know your business make a lot of money, then yes, math, physics and more, a lot more, that is just the start.

>> No.49390719

This thread is cringe because the best traders don't think about autistic shit like this. Many of my friends trade from their shitty laptop and have already made it. You're thinking of solutions without a problem, quite funny to see really

>> No.49390757

>Many of my friends trade from their shitty laptop and have already made it.
Made what? A couple of mils? Lunch money?
You're NGMI.

>> No.49390782

The cognitive dissonance is real, whatever man

>> No.49390819

Why do you need to know physics if you are not going into an engineering or scientific field?

Yeah I got the cart before the horse. It seems the conclusion here is that computer hardware in the context of personal finance is you just need the minimum to get things done.

Also I did not intend to make a thread about traders but was instead supposed to be about computer hardware in general. I will have to be more careful with my image choice next time.

>> No.49390826

If suffer from "mental health issues", sorry, NGMI.

>> No.49390858

Sorry to hear that bro hope it gets better

>> No.49390878

Physics can be very useful to market analysis, but that's not the real reason, if you did a good stem course and took it seriously, did everything, you know to learn and not just to pass the test, you will have a good frame of mind, and of course, the math, you're gonna need the math, not only to understand, but to create your own models and etc... maths just gives a whole outlook of things, it's a truly incredible tool.

>> No.49390882

Get a Desktop PC with dual monitors and you're golden. Hook up a mechanical keyboard and a gaming mouse (I prefer the Zowie EC2-A) and u can min-max your trading speed this way.

>> No.49390901

"Guys" that use "Bro" with strangers... definitely NGMI.

>> No.49390914

Stop shitting up the thread jeet
>15 posts by this ID
add something or gtfo this is not your buddies playground

>> No.49390934

Jeet? Too lazy to use the proper slang? Sorry zoom zoom, you're NGMI.

>> No.49390960

Here is a question for you: Does your OS matter? Do you and others use Windows or do you use some flavor of Linux?

Would a Thinkpad or gaming an AMD gaming laptop work well for finance? From what I can tell many of the programs don't seem to be very taxing on hardware. That is a good point about the mechanical keyboard though I need to buy one.

>> No.49391003

UPS shouldn't be a pressing issue to you, anon. For devices I only need 2 laptops. First a Macbook pro with all the consumer sliders to the max, every upgrade I can get. 2nd a disposable top of the line thinkpad (one that i could bring anywhere I don't care if it was stolen by jamal).

>> No.49391011

9 out of your 16 posts have the word NGMI in them, you see how lacking of creativity your dull brain is? fucking retard. And stop using a "name" on 4chan you don't belong here and you stick out like a sore thumb

>Does your OS matter?
Not really, but you can go Linux. I use Windows on my Desktop PC and Linux on my laptop. I prefer Windows because I use the adobe package sometimes and there's no alternative for it on linux.

Would a Thinkpad or gaming an AMD gaming laptop work well for finance?
Both would work fine, I would go for the thinkpad because you don't need a video card, just need a fast processor.

>> No.49391141
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>9 out of your 16 posts have the word NGMI in them, you see how lacking of creativity your dull brain is?
It's not creativity zoom zoom, it's the cold hand of reality, you grew up in a time were everybody is "special", everybody is "equal", everybody is "unique". No that is not true at all, it's not because we are in the Finance board that WAGMI, no you will not. As a matter of fact only a select few really do make it... so in a weird way, I'm doing a social service right here.
I'm gonna namefag the shit and piss out of this board, when compared to you faggoting maggots, I am a fucking God, so the title is a tool to put you fags in your rightful wholes.

>> No.49391155

didn't read ur post btw, byeee

>> No.49391173

Alas, the zoom zoom brain, ignoring what it doesn't like because of fee fees. Fucking pussy, my daughter has more balls then you. Kek.

>> No.49391243

Look up Narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.49391252
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Thanks lads, I think this helps me when it comes to computer hardware. I recently purchased an AMD gaming laptop and and will pick up a nice mouse and keyboard to go with it. I will use the Thinkpads as backup machines and one will setup with Linux for some special projects.

>> No.49391270

Yeah that's a nice choice, can you hook it up to 2 external monitors? biggest upgrade is having 2 screens IMO

>> No.49391297

Based brutal boomer chad

>> No.49391315

Yeah it has Display Port, HDMI, and USB C. I currently have it hooked up to a 32 inch ultra wide. These gaming laptops have come a long way. They are slim, sexy, and reasonably priced. In the past they used to be $2000+ chunky 17 inch behemoths. This one I got new for $1300 and it is quite portable.

>> No.49391363

Not realizing that you are pussy and need to change your ways. Wasting valuable lessons and time in the process.

>> No.49391435

Yeah they're fast and powerful, only downside with gaming laptops was bulkiness and short-lasting battery

>> No.49391478

also go to /g/sqt.
That's why invest on a macbook pro with ram upgrades. It has an excellent battery life and you can do trivial shit like "video editing" and bootup a virtual machine if you want to dabble on some linux distro. And get a 30-40+ inch screen it's already enough. And fuck gaming laptops.

>> No.49391546

I'm trading without charts nigger only price + raw data if necessary

>> No.49391598

>if necessary

>> No.49391795

Some more questions for you:

1. Are a multi-millionaire?
2. What industry do you work in?
3. What age are you?

>> No.49391834

Go to sleep

>> No.49391847

I already answered these questions in previous posts.

>> No.49392016

Well you didn't answer them directly though.

Ok so what would be your advice for someone who wants to be a millionaire working tech and/or finance? How should I get started?

>> No.49392049

in hedge funds custom built trading applications are being shown on the monitors not charts! lol

>> No.49392058


for reference

>> No.49392120

I wonder if cz attempted to throttle alameda's API usage

>> No.49392192

Go to university, do a STEM course in something that you can work with anything (biology doesn't cut), study a lot of math in university, take your course seriously, try to get good internships even before finishing college, go from there. I would personally do a specialization before really diving into work, because once you start working seriously is kind of hard to go back to school. Never stop studying, I'm not talking about bullshit self help/ self improvement whatever... I'm talking about actionable shit, "if you can't market something, it's not worth your time." I think it's from Edison, or similar, a titan no less. Oh and none of the "follow your passion" bullshit, follow the money.

>> No.49392295

One more thing, everybody in life has exactly what they deserve. Oooh yes. EXACTLY.

>> No.49392435

How important is higher education? Couldn't you get the same knowledge from self learning and start working?

>> No.49392531

>Couldn't you get the same knowledge from self learning and start working?
Short answer: NO, you can not.
A very, very small number make it, both in tech and in biz, but here's the thing, it will limit your reach, and close doors, and you will always have things that you could have learned but didn't, university is a self contained framework (I REFER TO STEM DEGREES, MINUS BIOLOGY), and again all this is if you are in that small percentage, which you are not, because you are here asking these questions, if you were, you would be already out there doing stuff. Oh, and everyone that follows this route think they are part of that special percentage... I personally think it's because of the reasons stated here
Also remember that, having a college degree in a STEM field won't make you good, you have to earn it, not buy like most due these days, that means you'll have to study really, really hard, not only pass through college like most.

>> No.49392555

For me, it's 3.
>Alpha chat

>> No.49392596

Also as I said, it will close a lot of doors, most big companies in finance will require college degrees or experience in a company that is just as big and references, which will be very, very hard to get it without a college degree, it's not like in the movies, everything is bureaucratic and hard. Really working on your education and getting a serious STEM degree is still the right choice.

>> No.49392641

kek good luck getting a finance job without a stem or finance degree.
Your competition is people who went to oxford/mit.
My friend studied financial mathematics in London and he mentioned its an ordeal.
How old are you?

>> No.49392694

What I don't understand is how are you gaining any unique knowledge in university that you can't learn on your own? Does the prestige or quality of the university matter? If I was going to go through with higher education what is the best way to finance it?

As an alternative can picking up certifications, and doing some networking get you into a large company?

>> No.49392778

I already told you about networking, you should always be "networking", networking is not going to some party, is going to the party/events is the collegues and friends will meet in university, is your professor that may later be used as mentors or with that later you'll collaborate on projects, it's really politics 101, I mean fuck does everything needs to be spelled out? This is not a movie, you're not going to jump on this and in 5 years be the wolf of wallstreet. It's a fucking job, it's a life.
How old are you?

>> No.49392850

All this questions, jesus. How old are you?

>> No.49392911

I like your explanation of networking and comparing it to politics. Building relationships and growing your reputation go hand in hand. The other point is that it is an on-going thing is also a good note. I don't expect anything to be accomplished overnight as these things take a long time to grow. Do you think if I lived in New York that would be the best place for networking and studying finance?

I am 25.

>> No.49392942
File: 923 KB, 3000x4000, bizstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trade on my IBM

>> No.49392965

>I am 25.
You reached 25 with that thought processes. Now I seriously hope you're just high on drugs or an elaborate troll based on your questions.

>> No.49393020

I don't see what is wrong with asking these questions. How else would anyone learn anything?

>> No.49393036
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My bad, I apologize.

>> No.49393061
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>I am 25.
I gave you more gems of knowledge then you are capable of absorbing, you are repeating your questions for quite some time now. Screencap and follow, or don't I'm not your dad. Your age is the sign that you are no Good Will Hunting, so stop fucking around and go do a real STEAM course (college 4 to 6 years), the more time you screw around, the more invaluable opportunities you loose, 25 is not young, not old, but not young.
>I like your explanation
I couldn't give less of a shit what you think kiddo.
This is it, take or live it.

>> No.49393097

I use a top end xps 9520 and 2x32 inch 4k monitors on a brace

>> No.49393126

I trade off my phone, using the Robinhood app.
T. 3.2 million in TSLA

>> No.49393187

Depends what exactly you're doing. I'm a programmer and I use three monitors. Basically you want more monitors if you find yourself constantly switching between windows.

I've been meaning to get a NAS though, I don't backup any of my data I've just been lucky so far

>> No.49393289

I will save your posts for future reference. It is just going to be difficult to get this process started without any extra cash or support structure but I will try. Nice reference to that movie. I think that many boys have potential it is just that in their formative years they had bad childhoods which delayed their development and anchored them down with painful trauma.

>> No.49393346
File: 335 KB, 1160x770, BizFrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shits overkill.
Need 3-6 screens at most
1. For Trading
2. For Charts (Currently run a 3x4 grid with 12 charts on one) Always have the SPY and QQQ's pulled up to track the market. + 10 other charts that are interesting for that day. Then you can individually load up those charts as they near a breakout level with more indicators and shit on the main screen.
3. For Trade-Ideas (Stock Scanner)
4. For Discord/Chats or you can just alt+tab on the others.
I'd say at minimum you'll need atleast 3 to be a competent trader. However more screens doesn't mean more success. More screens is like a skill/efficiency multiplier. So if you suck ass at trading it'll help you lose money faster, and if you are good at trading it'll help you earn more. So focus on not sucking ass first, then you can start adding.

>> No.49393408
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Listen you little faggot, real finance (where the money is at), is not your little communist "poor me" cry baby bullshit, it's not your save spaces, it's not "entrepreneurship", want all of that faggotry, then open shitty store like any other brainless faggot or go be a "software engineer". Wanna make money? Real money? Stop being a soft faggot and stop looking for excuses.


>> No.49393568
File: 774 KB, 1908x1053, 4x3Charts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what my right monitor looks like atm. I tab between time frames, and if something starts to approach a breakout level I'll load the chart up on my middle screen which has relative volume + multiple frames. Typically a 5min/daily/weekly + time and sales and the level 2.

>> No.49393603
File: 456 KB, 1612x996, MiddleScreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the middle screen looks like, once I find something decent setting up we move that chart over into our battle station screen.
>in before nobody cares

>> No.49394191

Battery backups are about as fire-risky as a monitor. NGMI.

>> No.49394487
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Anon it depends on what you're talking about with "making money". But let's go down the list:
>Can you do all your work effectively with just a Thinkpad or do you need a powerful PC?
Depends on what you're doing. If it's trading or investing on the stock market, anything is good - even a toaster oven. If you're mining crypto, you'll need a desktop tower to, ideally, be sitting idle with a graphics card mining away along with whatever cold hardware setup you have. If you're doing 3D or something like video game development or whatever, then yeah a desktop.
>Do you use NAS or addtional storage device for massive data?
I don't know what "massive data" is unless you meant "massive amounts of data" then yes. But most of the time it's just video files, images, and stuff that I would use for work like print grade high resolution PDFs. But generally the answer is no you don't.
>Do you use multiple monitors for increased productivity?
No as it's not needed for personal domestic use unless you're doing it for learning how to setup and use IT equipment. Otherwise, you're burning money.
>Do you use a USP
Yes for two reasons: you can condition the electricity coming from the outlet before your equipment receives electricity, preventing for possible damage due to sudden spiking from the outlet or brownouts in addition to blackouts.

>> No.49394735

I'm no hardcore trader, but multiple monitors are where its at. Have multiple charts up, an article and a video going all at once and just consoom all of the information at once. Much better than hopping back and forth.
HDD is for bulk storage, SSD is for speed loading. If you build your own pc you can make a very good general purpose pc with lots of storage and capabilities to play games if you want.
Uninterruotable power supply if you're really that worried and live in an area where power goes out frequently.
My buddy who does more trading uses 5 monitors.

>> No.49394978

This is good advice for hardware. The consensus from this thread is that hardware is only as needed meaning you need to have a need first then get the equipment to take care of that need. For trading and general productivity multi-monitor is a must. With a NAS I thought it would be useful to at the minimum have a back up of key files just in case anything happens to your main machine.

Looking into day trading it seems like there is a very high chance of failure with that profession. Don't the big companies have advanced AI farms that perform those transactions at a lighting pace? Being your own personal trader looks to be pretty high risk.