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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4938329 No.4938329 [Reply] [Original]

i need a coin that will go 100x

>> No.4938353


>> No.4938356

Bancor/Link if you can wait a long time. But what am I saying.. you will sell way before x100.

>> No.4938368
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lol me too tho

>> No.4938378



>> No.4938404
File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink just went through a correction, it will moon soon. Screencap this.

>> No.4938410

a coin that's not on meme exchanges plz

too long

>> No.4938415

I would say REQ if it were near ICO.

It’ll still 100x but not until 2019.

It’ll be $6 by EOY 2018.

$60 if they can get mass adoption (100 Million or more people using it)

>> No.4938420


>> No.4938429

DNA. Hop in before it's too late.

Read white paper and spero report if skeptical. Also upcoming events.

>> No.4938451
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super under the radar
not for long

>> No.4938453

Short term? Obsidian.
Long term? Bitcoin.

>> No.4938455

No, nobody will screencap this because it's a random fucking post with no substance

>Link will moon screencap this

>Link will crash screencap this

>Link will do nothing screencap this

>Link will make slight movements screencap this

Do you see how fucking stupid you look now? I just predicted the future better than your sorry ass with just as much useful information as you.

Even 4chan is suggesting your post should disappear. Fucking newfags like you trigger me so hard.

>> No.4938470

>$60 if they can get mass adoption (100 Million or more people using it)
you do realize no one is going to use any of these shitcoins

>> No.4938480


Once they add FIAT/Altcoin pairs in Q1 2018, the volume will make binance look like a pajeet exchange.
Easiest 100x over the course of the next 6 months.

>> No.4938499

Consumers won't, but merchants will.

REQ offers 0.1% merchant fee vs Paypal's 5% merchant fee.

If you think merchants are going to NOT use REQ because "muh shitcoin" then you need to re-evaluate and reconsider how big players spend their money.

>> No.4938507


>> No.4938541

The exchange is still shit though

Doesn't matter if they have fiat pairing if it's unusable

>> No.4938585

Yeah i agree it looks shitty
It also doesn't even have API yet, so no trading bots.

Luckily, they are completely overhauling the UI and upgrading the engine to be able to handle bot levels of volumes.
If you think that these things will happen, you should buy before they do, otherwise you will pay 2x what youd pay now
Of course, if you think the devs are 100% lying out of the asses and won't overhaul the UI or upgrade the engine to handle bots, then don't buy, its really up to you.

>> No.4938599

>it's a random fucking post with no substance

What substance is he supposed to post? They're all crypto currencies, they don't actually do anything, they aren't used to manufacture anything, no alternate uses will be found for them in the future. The only way for a crypto to increase in price is if people start wanting it, good luck predicting that.

>> No.4938622

Simple Token. Getting listed on ED on the 19th, I highly recommend buying is straight away. 2018 it will go crazy. Seriously, look into it.

>> No.4938636

The devs are lying. Building a good exchange is extremely hard, and they've been saying they're going to "overhaul the UI" for their entire existence. Not to mention it takes a lifetime to wait on coin deposits to the site.

Having any coins on Coss is playing with fire

>> No.4938646
File: 7 KB, 488x435, The-Moonman-aka-Hans-guck-in-die-Luft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. moon faggot

>> No.4938647


Isn't that why it's a good fucking moment to invest right now?

When everything works perfectly and looks fancy it's already gonna be too late or you have to pay 2x or 3x of what it is now.

>> No.4938670

looks interesting, i'll look into it.
If the devs are still active i might catch the next dip
but the exchange looks like shit.

>> No.4938677


>> No.4938702

Look into RaiBlocks.
- Starting to get shilled more and more recently here.
- Similar to IOTA (0 fees, instant transactions) and is already decentralized, which IOTA with its Coordinator is not yet (and might not ever be, some think).
- Still only on smaller exchanges
- 100x smaller than IOTA right now

>> No.4938705

If you need 100x just go on a crypto dice site and set for 100x payout. Probably much more likely to suceed than any of the shitcoins shilled itt so far.

>> No.4938703

A post with substance on /biz/ is a post that can make me money you fucking newfag. How is that idea too complex for you?

Crypto is one of the avenue's to make money now because;
1. Bubbles are lucrative
2. Technology that can save or make an industry money is lucrative

LINK can save and make money for many industries by allowing a trustless way for external data to reach smart contracts

Smart contracts are useful for a variety of reasons that google can answer with far more eloquence than myself.

The allure of crypto is decentralisation. A token that gives incentives users to help bolster that network will make that network more valuable.

Crypto will increase in price as demand grows- middle class consumers are not the only source of demand in the market.

I actually don't know if you're legitimately this ignorant or if i'm getting meme'd. Either way, keep your newfag shit off of my board.

>> No.4938745

Exchange coins are almost always a failure, in large part because they're limited to the exchanges themselves (and sometimes ED).

I'm not saying you can't make shekels from them, but 99% of the time that money is put to better use elsewhere.

>a coin that's not on meme exchanges plz

If you want 100x you need to use meme exchanges in order to purchase promising coins at rock bottom prices. Coins on major exchanges have already mooned many times their ICO price.

>> No.4938816

EXP will 100x within 6 months.
Token Lab will drive the price up to an absurd high during a new ICO craze.

>> No.4938839
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>> No.4938853
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>> No.4939036

redpill me on this shitcoin anon. is the team behind it legit?

>> No.4939075

If the spero report won't redpill you there is no hope.

I will even safe you from searching for it.


>> No.4939283

i'd say right now QAU has that potential

1. A LOT of QAU gets burned each month
2. It's soon gonna be partnered with tokens.net which is gonna be a tokens only exchange partnered with bitstamp
3. QAU is gonna be used as leverage on that exchange

it's all in the whitepapers boi

>> No.4939291

Maybe SmartCash? 100x is pretty hard to do dude

>> No.4939298


>> No.4939311


>> No.4939329

>nobody mentioning ELIX
It's one of the best projects of 2018 and the devs are really efficient and have been releasing updates almost every week.

And it's still only a 5mil market cap or so. Biggest gainer of 2018.

>> No.4939349

REQ is going to get at least 2500 in following days.

>> No.4939357

Poorfags are not done accumulating. Lets stop being the 4chan welfare office and destroy the fudders.

>> No.4939365

whatever you do dont buy link

unless youre looking for a 10,000x

>> No.4939391

want to give me a tl:dr of ELIX?

>> No.4939402


>> No.4939449

Just get the other well adopted ones like ether or ltc. All these thousands of coins nobody knows about will never see the light of day unless they get massive shilling witch they won't because there is so too many god damn coins, how can one even research them properly?

>> No.4939460

It's a meme you dunce.

>> No.4939552
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>> No.4939597

enigma will be $200 million market cap once BTC stabilizes. ETH volume has for the first time surpassed that of BTC meaning the bag holders of the second most major coin are investing into this alt coin rather than the primary coin BTC which could burst a couple thousand at any time. This will resemble what occurs when BTC loses ground: influx into a solid MIT project with decades of programming experience, the best consultative help in mathematics, cryptography, algorithmic design, etc to create a platform by which all your smart contracts indeed all code can be executed in an entirely cryptographic way that doesn't dramatically increase time complexity of that code

>> No.4939636


I hope you're right anon. I sold all my BTC and invested it in REQ. Short term I've made some good money, but idk about long term

>> No.4939701

screencap this

>> No.4939964

this and the other top coins, also the safest,dont be dumb OP