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49378321 No.49378321 [Reply] [Original]

How bad of a financial decision is it for a young man to join the Air Force, or any other armed force?

>> No.49378356

its such a bad financial decision they try to trick young kids with a 20k """bonus""" lol

>> No.49378390

So it’s not worth doing for even a couple of years? I’m not exactly certain on how contracts work

>> No.49378509

I am 2.5 years into my first (5year) army contract. The worse jobs tend to have shorter contracts because if they are training a truck driver for a few weeks, a 3 year contract is good enough to get work out of you. I work in intelligence, and it took nearly 2 years just to finish training (1.5 years in language school). I am speaking from an enlisted perspective (officer contracts might be longer). I did 1 year of a computer science BS and dropped out to enlist. I will have finished my degree by the time i finish my first contract (doing school on the side and the army pays for it). If you already have a degree, you can be an officer (they make more money than us enlisted peasants)... All in all I think I will have a decent amount saved by 24 (end of my service) and a good start to life (Veteran status sounds good in burgerland)

>> No.49378546

If I wasn't nearly 40 and health wasn't shot I'd join for 20k ngl

>> No.49378612

I am about 3/4ths my way through a bachelors degree in EMIS, but my gpa is shit because I hate school. Is it worth enlisting now? Should I just try to grind out a bachelors degree? I literally have like a 1.4gpa, so I think at this point I should just abandon school

>> No.49378633

It's super pozzed these days

>> No.49378653
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I wish I was born earlier enough to serve in Vietnam.

>> No.49378679

Damn I feel like a recruiter going on like this, but the max bonus is 40k in the army (I know it is lower in other branches). I have grown averse to the bureaucracy in the last couple years, but I cannot deny that the army has given me everything I needed as a bored/directionless 19yo. A stable (very chill) job. I work maybe 35 hours a week, no chance of deployment, and housing/food/healthcare is taken care of. Sure the pay isn't amazing for lower enlisted ranks, but you won't have many expenses either. I have put away 50k in the last 2 years, and that is after blowing 23k on a car a few months ago

>> No.49378718

damn, can you even graduate with a gpa like that? you definitely can't become an officer in the military. What would you first job prospects be like if you did graduate like that? if you don't drop out and enlist, what are your alternatives? skilled trade?

>> No.49378739

I can get an engineering associates degree with like 3 more classes, so I’ll probably do that if I don’t enlist. Would an associates help at all with opportunities in the armed forces?

>> No.49378779

no, an associates wouldn't help. the college credits will start you out as a Private First Class instead of a Private, but not a tangible monetary/career difference.

>> No.49378796

what language

>> No.49378821

Wait so can college credits help with prospects even without a degree? I went to a good private university, just didn’t graduate

>> No.49378878

It's unironically based. Especially for crypto bros. The military pays for all living expenses. You can dump literally 100% of every paycheck into crypto and stack like crazy for a few years.

Go to medical and get everything documented. Then after your enlistment, file for disability and get a nice paycheck every month, tax-free, for the rest of your life.
>t. 90% disabled making $2k per month

Veteran status gets you nice benefits anywhere in the US.

Nearly any College will accept you and the GI Bill. Regardless of prior grades from high school.
>t. Got accepted by an ivy league college with a high school GPA of 1.7

>> No.49378905

Iraqi arabic. I have since learned other dialects (yemeni, levantine, sudanese) for bonus pay.

>> No.49378915

What disability did you file for?

>> No.49378985

You can claim anxiety and depression for a nice % increase. Any current medical conditions you have, keep them under the radar when joining. After you're in, act as if these things just started happening and it's the military's fault.

>> No.49379066

I’m diagnosed with ADD. Do I have to keep it under the radar? I think ive heard they’ll reject you if you take adderall or other stimulants

>> No.49379177

If it's already medically diagnosed then be open about it. You'll likely need a waiver.

>> No.49379371

Realistically getting paid, while you're fed housed and trained is really good, if you can get free colledge out of it (a real degree with skills) is a great deal.

Air force is good because you probably won't get physically fucked up like in the army (Carrying 50kg will fuck your spine, knees and hips long term regardless of how much of a beast you are)

I know lots of people in my field (ICT Security) who started out in the Air force and it was a better start than I got in this field.

Tangentially you also get a good network of people to help you out down the line with jobs and opportunities

>> No.49379572

Don't listen to the zogbot, if you get in thinking you're going to find some loophole to get out, you're wrong. You'll just be signing your body over to Israel and in exchange you'll get a cocktail of zogshots

>> No.49379719

Its a great financial decision. Good pay and no bills since housing, clothing, food, travel, etc is all paid by the government. If you could save up a lot of money if penny pinched.
Pro tip: pick a cushy, non-combat job since everyone gets oaid the same regardless of job. You are oaid according to your rank. Unless you wanna do cowboy stuff, by all means, sign up for a combat at arms MOS/AFSC. If soley to make money and not a career out of it, go be an office clerk/admin/front office, dental assistant or IT/computer stuff. You'll always be in air condition and comfy compared to combat/mobile jobs. I have 22 years experience in the military split between active duty and national guard in both the Army and Air Force. Ask away.

>> No.49379791
File: 281 KB, 510x720, gayretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only program worth a damn in the military is the enlisted navy nuke program.

You will receive:
E-3 pay throughout bootcamp & A-school
E-4 pay until your 2 year mark
6 months of BAH during training
E-5 pay at your 2 year mark (you will star reenlist), throughout your 8 year total career. Perma BAH acquired at this point. Moar if you r gud and advance to e6 or chieeeeef.
40k sign on bonus
100k for the star reenlistment
total timeframe is 2 years training, 3 on bote, 3 on shore.
You're trading 8 years of your life for $140,000 dollars, sub/sea pay, and petty officer base pay, free housing (then subsidized with BAH), free food (subsidized with BSA), free medical and dental insurance 4 lyfe (4u and your dependents), and options to pursue a degree afterwards and VA bennies.

It will suck. It will be worth it. You will, financially speaking, propel yourself straight from poverty to upper middle class, guaran-fucking-teed.

At the end of your 8 years, you WILL have a house, you WILL have a car, you WILL have (or had) the sickest ass job in the entire world (you operated a goddamn nuclear reactor bro), you WILL have a girlfriend, list goes on.

Good luck anon. Don't listen to /k/ they're retard POGs or wannabe t4ct1c00l oper8rs.

>> No.49379821

Dont listen to this dude, nukes have the highest suicide rate of any MOS of any branch, and most are furries. You will be living in a nuclear reactor underwater for months at a time and during port calls you have to watch the the reactor. Do not do this.

>> No.49379836
File: 277 KB, 569x1197, 1647867637759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I highly recommend not taking the advice of these fully indoctrinated zogbots. There is a way to success that does not require surrendering your soul to the most evil empire this nation has ever seen.

They lied to an entire generation to fool the country in to invading the middle east. Outright fabricated evidence of weapons of mass destruction to trick retards like those above in to OORA'ing our tax dollars to whatever their Israeli masters wanted.

There are alternatives OP, don't go the easy route

>> No.49379846

Talking to Air Force pilots, it seems like most of them get out after 10 years and make 200-300k/yr at the airlines.

>> No.49379865

>he doesnt want to be a welfare queen neet that can day trade all day as a paper pusher.
>He thinks everyone that joins the military is going to be killed/maimed
Dude.... there are women that do this shit.

>> No.49379882

Its fucking great if you get Signals or Intelligence. ignore anyone shitting on it. Get the training, do 4 years for full benefits, and then get out and use that training + security clearance to get a job at a federal agency or defense contractor that does the same thing.
who cares, fuck this kiked country. Just use the military for your own benefit

>> No.49379920

Everyone who joins the military has their soul maimed by being brainless enough of a fool in the age of the internet to still resort to simping for the evil empire

>> No.49379931
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I have a rating, not a MOS
>and most are furries
Yea, I am. Everyone is. And?
>You will be living in a nuclear reactor underwater for months at a time and during port calls you have to watch the the reactor
This is true. This is just a temporary sacrifice. It's worth it though in the end.
In all honesty it's not that bad.

This is the alternative. The military should never be your primary plan. But if you're down this wayside, I can promise that the navy nuke way is your best alternative.

>> No.49379947

It should never be your alternative plan. The modern USA is an evil empire, you're better off being homeless than devoting your body and soul to the evil you'd be tasked with.

>> No.49379983
File: 104 KB, 768x1024, fur_fox002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're better off being homeless than devoting your body and soul to the evil you'd be tasked with
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Go be homeless if you so wish. You won't find me in any shantytowns though.

>> No.49380010

>zogbot furry glownigger
Nobody cares where you'll be found until it's hanging dead from a lamppost

>> No.49380087
File: 77 KB, 862x870, furjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead - offer a concrete solution to OP's problem. Tell him *exactly* how he should secure a financially stable job.

But, I mean, we know you can't. A "zogbot furry glownigger" can, and is currently, offering better advice than you at this point lol

>> No.49380100

By applying for an actual job and applying himself to it, not by signing himself over to Zog for an easy ride to hell

>> No.49380153
File: 21 KB, 900x800, TM_alwaysontop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What job?
With who?
For how long?
What's OP's salary gonna be?
How is he going to pay for housing, food, healthcare, etc?

I don't think you've really thought this through.

>> No.49380176

No you're right zogbot, there is no employment available outside of fighting for an illegitimate federal government

>> No.49380237

There are plenty of homeless vets.

>> No.49380296

Alright guys I think I’m set on enlisting. I just want to know what’s the best entry test to take for the coolest position?

>> No.49380329

No matter your job or branch, you're gonna be taking the ASVAB. If you have even a modicum of intelligence, it's a slam dunk ez test.

>> No.49380392

Depends on MOS and shit. I'm a transport clerk (not American so idk what the equal is). 70k a year to sit at a desk 6 hours a day with 65 days off a year + stats and weekends.

Downside is when you fucked you really get fucked. Weeks in sub zero arctic gayness every few years not to mention diversity and equality meetings every other week.

Other downside is you gotta tough through the horseshit of being a fucking grunt for a few years which means long hours, no lube and working months straight

>> No.49380633

Enjoy dying for globohomo, fag.

>> No.49381085

>i wish i went to vietnam
>its exciting having to check for a tripmine every step through this jungle
jesus christ anon