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File: 49 KB, 498x594, A886B8DE-4CC9-44C7-9BF1-E181E67241FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49377612 No.49377612 [Reply] [Original]

>Saving aggressively for retirement
>$2500ish a month into maxing Roth 401k, Roth IRA, some into taxable brokerage

>Been saving for 2ish years now
>Check total value of investments is now less than my cost basis
>9% inflation on top of this unrealized loss
>Mortgage rates up to 5.5%, looking more and more impossible to purchase a home in the near future except an overpriced shit shack

What’s the fucking point

>> No.49377754

Where do you live and what is your job

>> No.49377767

Who cares it's an iphone faggot

>> No.49377776

I’m a pilot in a cheap area

>> No.49377789

you should probably eliminate your mortgage before throwing everything into an IRA

>> No.49377790

holy based

>> No.49377807

Wait how can you tell I'm phoneposting

>> No.49377816


>> No.49377836

Fug I should’ve stuck with Android to keep phoneposting covert

>> No.49378198


>> No.49378282

a bear market is the greatest boon to new investors they can possibly experience
I want to buy now a hell of a lot more than at an s&p 500 pushing 5000


>> No.49378292
File: 863 KB, 869x583, 1621796219312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Do a 5 Year Stake with 11 T Shares,
>>Do another 10 Year stake with 10 T Shares and do a 15 year T Shares. Retire early, fuck allt he roasties and live my best life.
>>Doomer bros waging hard to make sure my life tendies in life are produced.
>>Forgot I got into PulseChain and PulseX retire in 2025
>>Life is good

>> No.49378302

>he bought into the idea of 401k plans
>le index funds with guaranteed 8% annual returinos

>> No.49378374
File: 144 KB, 1440x1439, CRYPTOCUNT-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he fell for the "Just wage slave for 50 years bro"
Crypto is the way.

>> No.49378464

Hedge against inflation with some hard assets and precious metals.

>> No.49378604

dude roth shit is basically a long term investment. Wait until we enter a deflationary period and you'll be content we did. Until then just keep grinding faggot. Inflation is a LOT More complicated than HURR HURR CPI GO UP WE'RE ALL FUCKED. Otherwise go gamble on risky shit and/or shitcoins and lose all your money who cares

>> No.49378615

What is sam hill is going on in this picture? Also you are too dumb to realize that crypto is done for. Nov 2021 is the peak of crypto. It's all downhill from here. Unironically WANGMI.

>> No.49378696

more like 10-15 brainlet. also OP if you can put away 2500/mo then you're doing just fine. Shut the hell up faggot. Just about every asset in the world has supply being

>> No.49378740

Sorry forgot to finish my thought but pretty much every single supply cap in the world of any asset not being consumed for industrial purposes is going up. (Including shiny boomer rocks). Think longer term than a few years you fucking queer.

>> No.49378804

> roth 401k, roth ira
Just use the smith and wesson retirement plab and off yourself when you turn 66

>> No.49378939
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1635214944694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the Bull, Bear and crab cycles. NGMI

Here is the sauce for pic related:

>> No.49379160
File: 126 KB, 960x640, hunter s thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my plan

>> No.49379165

Unironically not a terrible retirement plan

>> No.49380316

the first letter of every sentence is capitalized by default

>> No.49380370

You're wasting your time investing in boomer stocks and index funds. Those are designed to crash and burn. You'll be lucky if you double your money in 30 years after inflation at this point

The fastest way to reach a money goal is to increase your income, not investing and definitely not gambling shitcoins.

At one point, I was putting in $4,500/per month into my investment accounts. I took all of that money and put it into starting a business and now I'm making around 5k per week.

>> No.49380393


>> No.49380403


>> No.49380437

i only put enough into my 401 for the 6% match

>> No.49380684

-work a higher paying job or do overtime
-invest in a side hustle/your own business
-if you manage to make your side thing profitable a huge margin then you can think about investing in stocks/bonds

you got it all backwards OP

>> No.49382614

There is no free money everywhere. Stocks go up and stocks go down. You have to be able to withstand this to earn the equity risk premium. If you can't handle volatility then you need to be in bonds, not stocks.

>> No.49382840
File: 21 KB, 390x382, 1523796493814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too young but if you were investing in 2018, you'd be used to this
>crypto market went down 90%
>stock market slowly bled 20% over the course of the year
I spent a whole year investing more than 50% of every paycheck, and watched myself get poorer each month

just be patient, valuations will go back up

>> No.49383899

Maybe they were just bad at it, but all my boomer coworkers I talk to that used to have their own business say that it's not worth it. Huge time investment, a lot of uncertainty regarding the future, and at the end of the day, not even necessarily that much more income than at a regular wagey job.

I have to say though, despite that the idea of doing my own thing always appealed to me. I suppose software would be a pretty easy avenue, considering you require very little to no initial investment, and free learning resources are abundant.

>> No.49385847

>t. "Financial advisor" charlatan