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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49377289 No.49377289 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49377320

It's my fault bros i bought

>> No.49377345

Its over.

>> No.49377371


>> No.49377390

I mean at least it's doing something other than crabbing so there's that

>> No.49377412

I agree, I'd be just as happy to see it add 3 zeros at this point I'm so tired of bag holding slightly down

>> No.49377426

fr fr no cap

>> No.49377429

Fuck yes, if this bitch drops another zero, I’ll be slurping like a motherfucker, and the zero afterwards if it keeps going.

If it goes up, we win, if it goes down we win
Let it crash 4 more zeroes, I’ll burn the supply myself

>> No.49377653

My stop loss saved me but bought a bunch more at the bottom. I'm not leaving this shit lmao.

>> No.49377900

Luna sisters, is this the end?

>> No.49377909

Ends are often the start of new beginnings fren :)

>> No.49377929

Yep, the end of our lives time to kms

>> No.49377942

It is the end of my $40, I'm going all the way to the bottom of the sea with these bags of lead

>> No.49378023

Burning happening on upwards of 10 wallets cunt you need to fucking calm down and be patient.

>> No.49378041
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Don't care holding my 11 million CZ will pump us to Uranus I know it

>> No.49378052

Did you niggers really not dump the airdrop immediately? How retarded can you be

>> No.49378061

Everyone calm down, a reverse burn happening right now. Now wtf is a reverse burn? Well supply is increasing.

>> No.49378066

This is a LUNC thread. I put my LUNA money into LUNC out of spite.

>> No.49378080

I just checked and Luna dipped hard too just now, very weird

>> No.49378082
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of course and I used that to buy more LUNC. Lunacy is the comfiest hold in crypto right now

>> No.49378128

>The captain goes down with the ship
>The lunchad goes down with the bad

>> No.49378165

Relax lunatics, im pretty sure this is the last dump before moon. I think we'll go to zero tho. I'll buy some more if that happens. Stay strong bros.

>> No.49378209
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>LUNC goes to $0
>buy it all for literally nothing
>burn it all

>> No.49378255

Starting to sound like the new icypiss crowd around here.

>> No.49378288

Redditors committed suicide while we were slurping the bottom with launch money.
We only have to profit from this shit.

>> No.49378328
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>Thanks for playing

>> No.49378375

This is why I'm not worried, the more lunc fails the more it succeeds in the long run

>> No.49378470

Is anyone else actually watching the luna 2 chart? Every dump and pump on luna happens at the same time as a weaker pump or deeper dump on luna 2. Luna 2 is dying or being killed and dragging luna 1 down with it.

>> No.49378516

LUNA dying and LUNC recovering back up to 0.0001 would be the highlight of the year.

>> No.49378539


Checked. Wagmi

>> No.49378568
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>TFW he bought A dying shitcoin

>> No.49379088

It already went to zero. I buyed $183 wrapped luna at $.14 and have $.08 now. It can 100x either way and its the same for me lmao. Niggers renamed it """wrapped luna classic""" too.

>> No.49379315

yes this is the excitement i now live for. Fuck you Do Kwon for being a greedy kimchi eating selfish bitch. The sheer amount of people you took advantage of. I hope karma hits LUNA in the ass and knock it out of its feet and LUNC triumphs over

>> No.49379363
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$0.00001 waiting room. I have a massive buy order to fill.

>> No.49379711
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Just slurped $50 to dca. I can slurp up $300 more if it tanks a lot more. Don't really want to though. Want to use that to pay some bills to $0. Down $75 at the moment on this lotto ticket.

>> No.49379799

What's the make-it stack? I'm planning on buying 4 million.

>> No.49379901

This surely has to be part of the dump today.


>> No.49379918
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>is this the end?
It doesn't even matter kiddo, game was honked from the start

>> No.49379964
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>This is why I'm not worried, the more lunc fails the more it succeeds in the long run

>> No.49380032

Buy more, burn more :)

>> No.49380080

Well there's $100 I'll never get back. Thanks a lot assholes.

>> No.49380150

what if it keeps crabbing? and how the hell hasn't is crashed yet? who keeps buying enough if it to keep the price relatively stable, and why?

>> No.49380205

Idk but there’s theres alot of activity the circulating supply went up 2 billion

>> No.49380253

the fuck?? did some whale dump his bags?

>> No.49380408

I thought anyone still in nuLUNA (not forcefully locked for 2 years) has completely disregarded FatMan.

>> No.49380929

Someone just bought like 500m luna

>> No.49381342

And before the gr8 pegging there was a storm that crashed many a men’s boats.

>> No.49382323
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>> No.49382344

i just woke up why the fuck is there a gigantic red candle??

>> No.49382388

Nigga zoom out jesus you baggies are fucking desperate

>> No.49382409


Checked, 0.01 EOD