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49376101 No.49376101 [Reply] [Original]

What are the new unreleased/new coins for the 2025 bullrun?

The ones I know of are:
Celestia (first modular blockchain, should do Solana level gains)

Anyone else know of anything upcoming/new?

>> No.49376331

Optimism also might do a 20x if Vitalik shills it enough

>> No.49376543

isnt it going to be 2024?

>> No.49376579
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>> No.49376584

2016 halving -> 2017 bullrun
2020 halving -> 2021 bullrun
2024 halving -> 2025 bullrun

If the pattern holds

>> No.49376599

aptos and icp

>> No.49376662

Very few on-chain tokens outperform the blockchain's native token.
Don't think this random decentralized exchange token is going to go giga-green.

ICP - I don't know man the chart looks like pure hell. I could maybe see it going back towards ATH but not surpass it like Stellar did this run.

aptos - Now this is a interesting one. Thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.49376855


>> No.49376898

The only alts that make it to the next bullrun cycle are Eth, Chainlink, ICP, Hbar and Algorand. Every other coin never reaches new ATH’s.

These are the alts you should be investing in now and closer to the next bullrun promising new coins.

>> No.49376926

Honestly 100% agree with this. Which is rare for top5 lists posted here

>> No.49377058

Why are you guys so bullish on ICP?
I just don't see it.

>> No.49377076
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Holy kek baggie the only alt in your list that will still be relevant is eth. All the other coins are utter trash and nobody will remember them in 2024.

>> No.49377100

you dont see pee?

>> No.49377112
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They are /pol/chud baggies who believed a asian scammer called moonman just because he wrote some le epic nazi words in a few posts. They all bought for $50 and above and are now bag holding this worthless trash coin.

>> No.49377134

Yea, I somewhat know of the moonman stuff but know very little about the tech and ecosystem.

>> No.49377146

Based and based pilled

>> No.49377247
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Even worse than link, at least link is useful for something, even if the token is not needed and will go to sub $1 in the future. Just a worse, more expensive aws, shills will claim that dfinity can't delete your stuff but this is 100 % not true, for example they remove some nintendo games hosted in icp.
There is none only scam p&d nfts to scam all the baggies out of the last few $ they have.
Also look at pic related it is just a VC p&d nothing more.

>> No.49377304

What's celestia website? On coingecko it shows me a video game not a blockchain

>> No.49377318

Because it hasn't been released yet.

>> No.49377436

Anymore alpha that anyone else wants to share?

>> No.49377476

>I just don't see it.
>know very little about the tech and ecosystem
anon, maybe you should look into the most ambitious project out there before you develop a notion about it

>> No.49377488

What do you have, then, faggot?

>> No.49377674

>I just don't see it.
Sorry, I should have clarified. I just don't see it from a social/narrative perspective.

>anon, maybe you should look into the most ambitious project out there before you develop a notion about it
Please educate me. I legitimately want to know what makes ICP great.

>> No.49377693

only if trump comes back, god help us if it's another democrap

>> No.49377712

no feedback

>> No.49377844

They didn’t remove the Nintendo game you retard. The guy that made it took it down after being asked by a dev.
This has been up for months now

>> No.49377920

if a new internet doesn't inspire you to do a few searches, i can't help you

>> No.49378137


This post might be genuine, at the very least. People rarely shill this whole combo.


I don't understand ICPs tokenomics. I also don't understand ICPs "value proposition" - it's just a way to run apps on any machine, which you can do with, say, K8S. "Web Assembly" is not a new concept. Also, ICP currently only supports Rust and Motoko.

On the other hand, it does seem like they have a real team. That team also completely fucked investors, despite the excuses.

Algorand has an even better "real team".

I know nothing about Hbar, and Chainlink and ETH probably need no introduction.

>> No.49379904

But if it comes down to it, they can and will vote to keep/remove sites on the internet computer. That is what the neural network system is for. voting power is based on how many tokens you own, so the rich get to decide what stays and goes.

>> No.49379978

Yeah that’s the whole point. The more spread out the tokens are it is not as decentralized.
The only reason I replied to you was you claimed that dfinity took down mario64 site. There was no vote. The dev just asked the guy to take it down and he did.

>> No.49379991

As of now it’s centralized

>> No.49380005

>The guy that made it took it down after being asked by a dev.
I thought Nintendo sent them a C&D and they were going to have to vote on taking it down, then the uploader just took it down so they wouldn't have to.

>> No.49380137

this is true, but the vote itself was overwhelming in the side of not taking it down

>> No.49380256

You sound kinda dumb NGL. Imagine buying votes. You can literally do that. That is what the governance token is for. And whats crazy is that you get more votes if you vote as a reward. They have people manipulating this with bogus votes to get max rewards

>> No.49380274

bogus propositions to VOTE on* to get MAX rewards mb wrote that wrong

>> No.49381019

It will always be centralized with respect to crypto. VCs aside the network is governed by a central entity in the NNS, the consensus mechanism relies upon permissioned nodes, and the node hardware requirements are retardedly large.

>> No.49381125

Celestia probably will pump even though the whole modular/DA thing is a bit of a meme.

I genuinely think Avalanche will be huge L1 wise during the next BTC run up. Subnets will be fully functional and lots of state optimizations should be place by that time.

Bridging stuff like Stargate and chainlink CCIP will probably be big as there will likely be a handful of L1s that survive the bear and people will want to move between them as well as cross rollup communication on ETH, cross subnet on Avalanche, etc.

I think a lot of opportunities during that time don't exist yet though, probably good to pay attention to novel uses of ZKs and the like. Who knows what the legislation macro may look like too, regulatory compliant solutions may become far more important

>> No.49382518

Only thing worth it for the future are BTC, Link and Avax. Literally the only tech in this are which is useful and which will remain so 10-20 years ahead.

>> No.49382537

I'm also eyeing Celestia to be honest. Are they going to do a public ICO? Team seems like Chads who know their shit, Avalanche-level.

>> No.49382555


>> No.49382775

he holds kadena and is a literal tranny
truly ironic how they delude themselves a protocol written in a dogshit programming language 3 years since its mainnet is going to be more revolutionary than btc and eth combined, the absolute fucking delusion

>> No.49382810

How globohomo is ICP?

>> No.49382830

>globo = 0%
>homo = 100%
about half

>> No.49382883


>> No.49383132

Yes, it gives off that vibe as one that could see a return wave back up, also the symbolism makes me think this.

>> No.49383577

Haha, try again. This is clownworld, 2024 will be the DUMPENING.

>> No.49383951

BTC and ETH kek
ICP is a scam and completely irrelevant.

>> No.49384557
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Nflare is a new project with solid fundamentals. They tend to add more utility to NFT through their leasing features. It is worth taking a look at.

>> No.49384605

I lost faith in the project on the day they decided to fuck investors up. I'm glad I converted the ones to something substantial; eth, fwt, and egld.

>> No.49384671
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Speaking of something upcoming, Otto has quite some interesting features in their chain that will facilitate institutional participation and resolve security challenges. You can check that out. I believe it will be worthwhile once you live.

>> No.49384675

If the outlanders project actually gets implemented, you will not have this problem but yes I agree with you it’s centralized for now

>> No.49384774

And they are fixing it. If you ever read the dev forum someone’s doing this on purpose so the devs address the issue. They’ve been discussing solutions on how to handle malicious proposals I think since April. The project isn’t perfect but at least the devs are still working on trying to improve it rather than it just being VC scam. I see potential in this project but to each their own I guess

>> No.49384899

before the guy took it down, remove was winning the vote bigly

>> No.49385160
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Discreet my nig nog

>> No.49386311

rent free

>> No.49386365


>> No.49386411


Will be a 20x this year.

>> No.49386490


You're welcome.

>> No.49386668

To add, XMR and AVAX also.

>> No.49386685
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>> No.49388204
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New? Okay, then Honeyland is for you. You can buy their utility token which is the HXD launching soon. You gotta enjoy sending your bees for a mission and earn honey. Try this OP

>> No.49389039

I don't play games anymore

>> No.49389061

No XMR please

>> No.49389101


seriously look it up

>> No.49389158

Why? XMR is a good investment

>> No.49389186

You seemed to have a bad experience from playing games. Honeyland will change your perspective but ofcourse, you need to dyor or read their whitepaper as it's being stated there and hopefully that will clear your doubts.

>> No.49389204


>> No.49389356
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Railgun is still quite early and its governance token RAIL has a low market cap at the moment. Would be a good time to stack up on it since Railgun is in its first phase of v1.0 launch on Eth, Bsc and Polygon.

>> No.49389409
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Otto blockchain is coming to release and will change people's mind after checking their platform that serve as the best place for web3 users. No more mcdo job

>> No.49389816

Just because XMR is not an instant 100x pump and dump, it doesn't mean it's irrelevant.
Quite the opposite, since we are heading to a future where zogbots and WEF puppets will erase all kinds of privacy, XMR will he one of the most important and relevant (actual) currencies.
Just do the math what that means from a demand perspective.
You seem kinda new and naive just yet, son. Gotta prepare for what's coming.

>> No.49389862

Hello obligatory Railgun shill, how's the weather in Bangalore, ser?

>> No.49389880

Don't know what you're talking about

>> No.49389925
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>Luna pumped like crazy during the 2021 bull run

Am I wrong for thinking that this is a guaranteed moonshot due to pure pony autism alone?

>> No.49389974

Otto resolves regulatory and security challenge anon. You are required to undergo the kyc procedure before accessing the platform. This is to also protect your security. Come to think of that.

>> No.49389984

That of Nflare caught my attention. It is the only prominent project bringing renting and lending of NFT and metaverse onboard to a large extent. You can check it Anon.

>> No.49389990

Doge will return
SHIB will return too
And if you've been hanging around this board a lot you'll know of D0B0, I think our very own shitcoins D0B0 and Harry Potter will make a strong comeback too, new ATHs for all

>> No.49389995

Ahuh??? Srsly?

>> No.49390045

Celestia sounds promising. I think QANplatform will also do Solana level gains.

>> No.49390085

better than your grandma's basement. Ain't you tired of missing bullruns?? get a bag for your children at least, they don't deserve to suffer for your retarded ass.

>> No.49390112

Checked out the web app. Based.

>> No.49390163


>> No.49390201

This agressive shilling is counter-productive and repulsive, you should change your tactics.
You literally shill this shit in every damn thread, it's getting tiresome, really.
First of all I don't think you truly care about my financial well-being.
Second, I won't pump your bags of unneeded utility tokens.
Third, by the time I'll have children, Railgun won't even exist, just like 80% of these similarly low effort scams.

>> No.49390230
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Come check Kolnet my friend. Its 3rd IDO will be held on Gamestarter. Don't waste your time in a scammy platforms. Better save your funds on KOL as they got a good approach in marketing.

>> No.49390271

You should add SPOOL to the list. Earning over 50% APY staking it and looking to get a spot in the DAO to partake in governance.

>> No.49390324

That sounds shit, who wants that?

>> No.49390387

Cope. ambitious of you to think Railgun needs you for anything, its going to be around for years after your kids are gone. All you've been doing is making empty claims without proof.

>> No.49390777
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That high APY cries self-generated inflation, which inevitably leads to a massive influx dump.
Projects with sound fundamentals won't crash their own price action with such shitty staking dynamics, so these kinds are automatically out of the question for me.

Nice of you to assume the "much needed privacy crypto" you agressively shill in every thread does not need shilling, Ranjeesh. Go fool someone else.

>> No.49390944
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Nflare marketplace is a new project to consider. If you want passive income through leasing, this would be a great idea to start.

>> No.49391001

None of this shir besides eth and link are going to make anything, VC coins only exist to be dumped on retarded retail like you.

>> No.49391051

Again, all talk and no proof. Enjoy yourself jeet, at least on this anonymous board you get to feel like somebody.

>> No.49391094

Funniest thing is that you don't know what Railgun is or what it is about. You don't even need to buy the token to use the privacy system. No hard feelings but you're clearly upset about something else, not Railgun

>> No.49391570
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The anon doesn't understand the project. I have heard that for sometime but i don't have investment for i stake all my assets like eth, bnb, ada on freeway. Maybe will consider that soon.

>> No.49391858

>zogbot governments will ban XMR
>demand for XMR will increase because it is banned
You Monero guys keep repeating this, why do you believe it? Most people will eat the bugs and live in the pod, if XMR is banned demand for it will plummet.

>> No.49392265
File: 8 KB, 196x257, images - 2022-06-06T040153.213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can check on the upcoming public offering on EQ, one of the projects that won a parachain slot on polkadot. This will create a big bang anon

>> No.49392335

because it won't be banned in a vacuum. It will be banned along with certain products or services. Ammunition comes to mind

>> No.49392592

Ahh, this is the Monero sidechain thing.
Totally forgot about this. I might get a small bag.

>> No.49392601

I think the Xfai dex will be a gamechanger when they finally release it, although it has been delayed multiple times.

It will have no token pairs, only pools and 0% slippage compared to other dex's which usually have minimum 2% slippage

>> No.49393369

They can't ban a decentralized cryptocurrency, brainlet.
If it was possible it would already be banned for years now.

>> No.49393528

>Token literally not needed
Thanks for confirming. So why do you pajeets keep shilling it still?

>> No.49394608

I am not even bullish on any project, just looking inti fundamentals and judging from track records, MATIC is a god spot right now and also ORE is another solid project I'm considering

>> No.49394970

Everest ID

>> No.49395033


>> No.49395738
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You're really into monero, yet having a problem with the mention of another privacy project. Difficult to understand how your brain works, anon

>> No.49395786
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Focus on PriFi coins/tokens/projects. Hard to imagine a 2025 bull run without majority of them leading the pack