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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4937009 No.4937009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

USI tech and their tech tokens could be the one of the greatest opportunity in 2018 -2020.



>> No.4937067

This is the most cancerous ponzi in crypto and its going to JUST so many people when it finally blows up

>> No.4937088


op this is such an obvious shill post for your ridiculous ponzi, come on

>> No.4937092

Why are you so negative. People said what you said about bitcoin and other ICOs. It might be a ponzi but so is this entire fucking world. Make your money diversify and get out. You are such a faggot dude.

>> No.4937129

Hahaha this pajeet is mad as fuck. Is this how you convince people to sign up with your referral link?

>> No.4937130

another faggot. I may be a shill by opportunity is still opportunity. Get in make money, diversify, and get out. You want to play it safe all your life you will never be wealthy.

>> No.4937161

YES because I am honest. I admit I am shill but I am telling there is opportunity here. Just because it may or may not be a ponzi does not mean there is no opportunity. /biz/ is full of little scared bitches like you.

>> No.4937206

Sorry I take it back having read Jorge O De La Rosa's comment on that terrible vague youtube video:

>I can only say "This is Amazing Tech Tokens " I can help you get it. Huge payout when it goes on the market ching ching!

> I admit I am shill but I am telling there is opportunity here
Pajeet English as well, perfect

>> No.4937236

USI tech is a fucking scam. The operators are banned from trading or owning companies in Portugal for similar non-crypto Ponzis.

Go sell your "packages" to nigger and pajeet normies you Fucking faggot.

>> No.4937241

I am not a pajeet but what exactly is /biz/ issue with people from India or the middle east anyways? All I am doing is showing people an opportunity for the 2018-2019 year. People were doing this with bitconnect back in 2016 before it blew up to 340 a coin. Ponzi this and ponzi that, why can't you see the opportunity is things instead of being so negative?? Tell me one positive shit you know about USI tech as a company? I bet you can't because you simply don't know shit.

>> No.4937248
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1502610186016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve everything coming to you, normie. Your temporary gains, and the period that follows.

>> No.4937252
File: 304 KB, 1024x576, 1510673100669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>may or may not be a ponzi

Oh, that sounds like the perfect time for me to get in!

>> No.4937259

Fuck portugal, crypto is a world wide business you fucking moron! /biz/ is just filled with scared little bitches who can't take calculated risks. I bet you missed a ton of opportunities simply because you were scared.

>> No.4937270

Ya look at where bitconnect is now. I am not a fucking pajeet for the last fucking time lmao. You guys are morons.

>> No.4937275

I know it offers people a 'risk free' 1% a day - that alone should be enough to set off every scam alarm bell going

Let me switch this around on you: what exactly makes USI a good opportunity?

>> No.4937295
File: 19 KB, 443x332, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pajeet gets angrier as his scam is revealed

>> No.4937298

I get .90 percent on my money on a daily basis. I get paid on a daily basis. Believe what you want to believe, I am honestly done with /biz/ as a whole because people here are scared about every fucking thing.

>> No.4937300

>invested 0.095 at $7.9k aud
>money was a gift, no fucks given.
>plan was to run it for a year and get out
>made more gains in this than any other shitcoin

I don't give a fuck if its a ponzi. I'm waiting to get JUST'd. Stay rich senpai

>> No.4937305



You won't sell any of you bullshit scam referrals here faggot. Try normie book and aim for the sub-80 IQ target market.

You are going to realise how much time you wasted when you get exit scammed - which WILL happen.

>> No.4937323

Not mad just disappointed that everything is a "ponzi" a "scam". Do your research and make your own decisions but please without doing your homework don't fucking call everything that comes across your lap a ponzi.

>> No.4937342

I have looked at it, and its a scam through and through. Its a textbook ponzi. Its always the gold coast dude bros pushing this shit

>> No.4937357

Thanks for the tip. Don't get mad when a normie with a sub-80 IQ that you knew pulls up next to you in a lambo simply because he had faith. Isn't this entire crypto and walstreet business based on faith? Yes fundamentals are key which USI has but who is to say everything wont blow up tomorrow?

>> No.4937368

>I get .90 percent on my money on a daily basis
Not possible. With even a moderate balance you'd have more money than exists in the world within a few years

>> No.4937403


How is a normie going to pull up in a lambo after buying one of your 50 Euro poverty packages and getting a shitty return spread over 140 Fucking days?

You can make more money trading the shittiest of shitcoins, where you don't have to rely on recruiting a pajeet army so you can take a percentage of their poverty packages in your pyramid shitscam.

Fuck outta here kid.

>> No.4937419

Believe what you want to believe. USI tech was doing this for high networth people with forex. They been in this high frequency trading for years. People always complain about the top 1 percent. How do you think the top 1 percent make their money? They use money to make money it's simple.

>> No.4937440

I have over 30k in this, I also compound and rebuy. Did I mention you get paid with bitcoins?

>> No.4937491


We've seen it all before - shit tier company with absolutely no evidence of actual trade or returns on their none existing automated trading platform.

They are using you as a pawn because crypto is unregulated. Guess what? Bitconnect already got subpoenaed by HMRC here in the UK to provide evidence of actual trade or mechanisms of returns for their victims within the next few months. They registered their company here.

That shit is about to exit scam hard, you are next.

>> No.4937528

Wrong again! This company has data you can look at for their forex automated trading system going back 10 years. Also next year they will bring back their forex system.

I am done this is it. Close this fucking thread. The ignorance is unbearable.

>> No.4937585

>13 posts by this ID

Man the pajeets are getting desperate

>> No.4937594
File: 31 KB, 559x400, f9346a5cf929331e36038a62282022ea--trading-quotes-stock-investing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They use money to make money
>USI tech was doing this for high networth people with forex.
>crypto is a world wide business
>scared little bitches who can't take calculated risks

You say all this stuff like it's never occurred to us before. This is why USI Tech appeals to facebook normies because it says basic personal finance/risk management stuff that is true but is presented it like it's this massive secret only rich people know. Everyone here already knows the basics of personal finance - compound interest, calculated risks, spending money to make money, etc. - and that basic knowledge also includes avoiding obvious scams like this

I have to commend USI tech on tapping into the normie's ability to think he's smarter than the other normies. I have some smug bastard on my FB posting this USI shit and it's clear he's a brainlet. He thinks 1% a day = 365% a year lol

>> No.4937600


>close this fucking thread

Newest of new fags lmao

Fuck outta here Dale

>> No.4937674

get the fuck out of here with your shitty referral ponzi-scam. Anyone who gives these pajeets money deserves to get scammed. Sage goes in every field.

>> No.4937773

Poor pajeet wont be getting his $0.08 today