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File: 47 KB, 619x453, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49361424 No.49361424 [Reply] [Original]

he was all I had and now I'm completely alone

>> No.49361449

He shall live on in your memories for eternity

>> No.49361455
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>> No.49361464

Join a degen crypto community, they're mostly loners as well trying to make it.

>> No.49361549

I'm working towards the resurrection of all my loved ones, including dogs and cats. All we need is a computer powerful enough to trace back the position of every particle in the universe at the time they were alive and then a way to reverse the entropy of the particles they were made up from before the exact time of death and we may meet again.

>> No.49361586

I'm sorry bro, hope you're doing okay.
Our role with pets is to give them a good life full of love and happiness.
I'm sure you did this, and he went to rest happy.

>> No.49361656

He had a great time OP x

>> No.49361685
File: 655 KB, 1080x1246, chad doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. It will be hard. I mourned for two years myself. Shit sucked

I'm now on my 3rd dog. I rescue older dogs, let them live a comfy 1-3 years, they die, I cry, I get a new one. I literally live to serve mans aging best friend. use your mourning to drive you to do something good in the world.

you will be stronger for having been sad. I guarantee it. for now cry your eyes out, for as long as you'd like

>> No.49361709

devs was aight. crazy how quickly it was forgotten

>> No.49361715

Get a new one, the great thing about dogs is when they die you get a puppy and it all starts again

>> No.49361749

*hugs u*

>> No.49361774

Bless your soul.

>> No.49361790

He's gone to a better place Anon. He wouldn't like the next few years.

>> No.49361835

dogs are social parasites that have evolved to hijack and exploit human emotions.

take the cat pill

>> No.49361865
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here I made you a new dog hope you like it

>> No.49361874
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That dogs are dear to the unimaginative peasant-burgher whilst cats appeal to the sensitive poet-aristocrat-philosopher will be clear in a moment when we reflect on the matter of biological association. Practical plebeian folk judge a thing only by its immediate touch, taste, and smell; while more delicate types form their estimates from the linked images and ideas which the object calls up in their minds. Now when dogs and cats are considered, the stolid churl sees only the two animals before him, and bases his favour on their relative capacity to pander to his sloppy, unformed ideas of ethics and friendship and flattering subservience.

On the other hand the gentleman and thinker sees each in all its natural affiliations, and cannot fail to notice that in the great symmetries of organic life dogs fall in with slovenly wolves and foxes and jackals and coyotes and dingoes and painted hyaenas, whilst cats walk proudly with the jungle’s lords, and own the haughty lion, the sinuous leopard, the regal tiger, and the shapely panther and jaguar as their kin.

Dogs are the hieroglyphs of blind emotion, inferiority, servile attachment, and gregariousness—the attributes of commonplace, stupidly passionate, and intellectually and imaginatively undeveloped men. Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality—the qualities of sensitive, enlightened, mentally developed, pagan, cynical, poetic, philosophic, dispassionate, reserved, independent, Nietzschean, unbroken, civilised, master-class men. The dog is a peasant and the cat is a gentleman.

>> No.49361890

I'm sorry bro.
Know that you gave that dog someone to love.

>> No.49361981

I love dogs and may that dog rest in peace but you, your misery is fine. Stupid frogposter.

>> No.49361982
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We may, indeed, judge the tone and bias of a civilisation by its relative attitude toward dogs and cats. The proud Egypt wherein Pharaoh was Pharaoh and pyramids rose in beauty at the wish of him who dreamed them bowed down to the cat, and temples were builded to its goddess at Bubastis. In imperial Rome the graceful leopard adorned most homes of quality, lounging in insolent beauty in the atrium with golden collar and chain; while after the age of the Antonines the actual cat was imported from Egypt and cherished as a rare and costly luxury. So much for dominant and enlightened peoples.

When, however, we come to the grovelling Middle Ages with their superstitions and ecstasies and monasticisms and maunderings over saints and their relics, we find the cool and impersonal loveliness of the felidae in very low esteem; and behold a sorry spectacle of hatred and cruelty shewn toward the beautiful little creature whose mousing virtues alone gained it sufferance amongst the ignorant churls who resented its self-respecting coolness and feared its cryptical and elusive independence as something akin to the dark powers of witchcraft. These boorish slaves of eastern darkness could not tolerate what did not serve their own cheap emotions and flimsy purposes. They wished a dog to fawn and hunt and fetch and carry, and had no use for the cat’s gift of eternal and disinterested beauty to feed the spirit. One can imagine how they must have resented Pussy’s magnificent reposefulness, unhurriedness, relaxation, and scorn for trivial human aims and concernments.

>> No.49362000

im sorry bro, it will get better. stay strong.

>> No.49362040

based if true

>> No.49362053

>this thread is off-topic

>> No.49362070


Also RIP doggo. What was his name?

>> No.49362153

so you think you can just steal people's NFT's with zero consequence, huh kid?

>> No.49362182
File: 206 KB, 1536x517, 4516FF10-D27C-4365-92BC-764C8F4661A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned here for taking about the business impact of Russian gas shortages, how are you not banned yet?

>> No.49362200
File: 941 KB, 498x350, 16344421365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell doggy, may you reunite with your VINU bros

>> No.49362206
File: 2.58 MB, 498x278, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear about your loss, fren

Think about the good times and cry it out
He's in heaven waiting for you to come find him now - don't rush, he'll still be there in 60 years - waiting - like the good boy he was

Rest in peace

>> No.49362239

Where do you get these dogs anon

>> No.49362274

May he rest in peace

>> No.49362304

Sorry to hear anon, my condolances. Let some time pass, rightfully grieve, and if you're ready sometime consider adopting another dog, and giving some of that love to them, I'm sure the dog you just lost would love that.

>> No.49362336

Your dog may be dead, but what's killing America is this 6 dollar a gallon gasoline. Get off your ass and make money off this shit and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.49362355
File: 89 KB, 460x460, 600D85F8-1DF3-42E2-B7AE-078EA3F7B30F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also inb4 jannie trannies delet this thread because they feel envious an animal gets more sympathy than them

>> No.49362870

Good doggo always go to heaven, anon. He just go ahead and wait for you there.
When you see him again in afterlife just tell him he's a good boy.

>> No.49363158


>> No.49364847

1. Your dog will now live forever on the interwebs.
2. If your dog was suffering, it no longer is anymore, and that is a good thing.
3. You showed your dog love, up until the last second, in doing so, you have done all you could, so at the very least, try to see the beauty in this, and let it push you upwards.
4. You are still here, and being here, you still hold memories of your dog, and in doing so, your dog still lives.
5. You are not alone, this will happen to all of us, do not fear death, embrace it.
6. As for #5, I do not mean kys, I mean one day you will join your dog, and in death you will be forever together.
7. again for #5, if you even have the thought of killing yourself, do not, because if in the slightest of chances that your dog can see you right now, it would deeply sadden it, if its death, caused you to do so.
#8 Try and see the beauty in all of this, and celebrate your dogs passing
#9 We are still here anon, with you, do not worry, we do understand your pain.
#10 Finally, for your dog, in its honor, move upwards in life as much as you can, even perhaps adopt a poor dog, one that needs a home.


>> No.49365037

typed this shit out for nothing op hasn't even responded once in this thread. wtf.

>> No.49365052

This was nice except you started it with “good”

>> No.49365058

I read it, it was good.
My cat died 3 years ago and it still makes me sad sometimes.

>> No.49365068

He was Jocko posting

>> No.49365071

I appreciate this post, fren.

>> No.49365088

i get you, my mom got diagnosed with motor neuron disease that will most likely kill within 3 years, so after that it's only me and my dad. i also work on the other side of the country.
feels so fucking bad man and i am only 27, hard to even think about it

>> No.49365140

<3 same here... around 4 years ago.. first death I experienced that shattered me. I cried like a fucking baby for days. buried her the best i could etc.. My parents deaths surprisingly a few years later (father died this year related to heart problems go figure) i didn't even cry as bad. no where near actually.
been on 4chan since 06, wtf is jocko posting


>> No.49365149

I prayed to my Lord for your doggo's Jiva (soul) and for you to be comforted by his light. Your dog (well his personality, Astral body, the jiva) is waiting for you in the Chandraloka (Lunar world), make sure you keep good karma so you can meet him again, then reincarnate together, towards Suryaloka (Solar world)

>> No.49365212

Won't work. The particles can only be dictated by Dharma (the one frequency/wave) you may be able to reconstruct an abomination or Mayaic form of your lost ones, but they will have no soul, as the animating Astral body, the Jiva, that connects the body to the Atman(inner Dharma or God, the Supreme self) will have reformed. Think of it this way. At any time, your body fits your consciousness and the limits of that consciousness perfectly. Now, you might be able to "zap" the jiva back into the body before its frequency starts to corrode, giving the jiva another chance at retriggering conciousness within a newly constructed body. In the Vedas, this is essentially what the Asuras did to lengthen their lives, and resist the flow of Dharma, karma, and Prana. You can resist prana for awhile, and then even karma, but when Dharma is interrupted the form of Kali is called upon, and destruction at a mass scale is inevitable.

>> No.49365215


>> No.49365237
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Sorry to hear that anon. You should rescue a non-shitbull from the shelter or a cat.

>> No.49365245

Now how can you profit off his death?

>> No.49365265

Get better my dude

>> No.49365271

you have toxoplasmosis

>> No.49365305
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Incredibly based, good ser.

>> No.49365312

This nigga was finger banging his cat wasn't he?

>> No.49365320

Sorry anon. Losing a pet is actually pretty fucking hard. He is at a better place now

>> No.49365346
File: 24 KB, 640x556, photo_2022-03-11_00-57-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to hear that, man. Why can't they live longer? It's unironically not fair.

>> No.49365367

There is nothing more loyal than a dog. The pack is everything. The dog gets it. He will die for you. A cat just runs away and eats your corps later.

>> No.49365426
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>> No.49365439

God bless you brother.

>> No.49365443

Street shitting blasphemy. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.49365453

He's just away to the farm anon. He's running free and happy waiting for the day you join him and tell him he's a good boy.

>> No.49365463
File: 2.43 MB, 308x640, 4537574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find a woman OP

>> No.49365495

He’s with God at total peace in absolute paradise where there is no dangers and only good boys.

>> No.49365592


>> No.49365695

Kek. IKTF.
God I miss him.

>> No.49365756

Damn, your dog rugged you.

>> No.49365818

Truly sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.49365833

Condolences, give it some time anon and don't do anything stoopid.

>> No.49365859

can you post a pic of your dogger?

>> No.49365866

wtf i read this as dad and then i came back and it changed to dog

>> No.49365915


>> No.49366044

this post is an test (testerino)

>> No.49366703
File: 508 KB, 700x827, 1643599922408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry fren. My dog is all I have as well, so I fear what you are experiencing right now. F

>> No.49367658

So just get a new dog, or are they really expensive?

>> No.49367730

I also have a dog, she's 14 years old it's very obvious that she's dying. Every night I wake up to the sound of her choking because of her collapsing trachea. It's so hard bros...

>> No.49367855
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>> No.49367984

The moment is now, anon. Don't miss it. Don't overstay your welcome.

>> No.49368617
File: 664 KB, 594x619, sadse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every dog who ever lived was innocent

>> No.49368741
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poor doggo
the hardest day

>> No.49368750

I'm going all-in for a NFT-art by Streeth.

>Mints & auctions iconic Street Art NFTs
>Verified KYC Team
>Group of eight with 50+ years of combined experience
>Audit by CoinScope

>> No.49368769
File: 90 KB, 950x962, nspeng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are evil

>> No.49368772

F you'll make it and he will always be with you

>> No.49368864


>> No.49368870

incredible, you are a good man

>> No.49370720

Give food to a dog and he'll see you as a god. Give food to a cat, and he will think you're his slave.
Sun tzu, the Art of War