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File: 331 KB, 1114x1114, apu pidser fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49367207 No.49367207 [Reply] [Original]

>company teambuilding event
>on sunday of all days
>full day of footy, beer and barbeque with annoying boomers and normie coworkers
>boss comes up to me "anon you have to come, no ifs or buts, we need you young ones who can still run fast, got it?!"
>"uhh yeah, I don't really feel like it and I already made plans this sunday"
>I actually did make plans and he announced the event two days prior, not like I'd come anyways
>everyone in the office starts acting like a whining brat and making jokes and snarky remarks on my account for not coming
Over half of them don't want to come either as they confided in me, but they're too pussy to say no to the boss. Why are they like this? Why are they so buck broken?
Now they're sending me pictures from the event with big soi smiles to show me what I'm missing out on. What goes on through these peoples heads?

>> No.49367914

They're faking themselves in hope of blending in and to be recognized as their "life achievement" and to feel like they have value as a part of company's "family".
Because they know that outside of the workplace, they're just an empty husk and pretty much just nobody.

>> No.49368513

True I guess. But I still can't comprehend such coping tactics. If I were them I'd cope any other way rather than cuck to someone else.

>> No.49368579

Slave mentality.

>> No.49368664

im sure you realise this but its not even worth caring about
fuck these people i hate pretending i give a shit about my coworkers and i hate them pretending they give a shit about me
i mean what is the worst thing they do? fire me because i wasnt willing to waste a day off? be rude to me? i dont give a shit but i do sometimes have to remind myself that since instinctively i dont want people to dislike me but i have better shit to do
work is to make money not have fun or any other bullshit
i can work in a team without being a fake friend and it drives me crazy that so many people dont have the professionalism to be like that
i blame women in the workplace

>> No.49368700

Why are you upset though? Just ignore it and focus on your own grind.

>> No.49368742

sounds like larp but ill give you a pump for the apu.

>> No.49368770

It's saturday, anon. Im onto you

>> No.49368790
File: 63 KB, 657x527, 1646157277049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can work in a team without being a fake friend and it drives me crazy that so many people dont have the professionalism to be like that
Same, it's like they want to turn the workplace into a kindergarted ffs
I don't know fren, usually I just ignore these things but sometimes it just gets to me. Wageslaving, even if paid well is not worth the hassle. I should try something else
>sounds like larp but ill give you a pump for the apu.
No joke fren, I think they feel like they have the right to pick on me since I'm the only in my 20s in the company. Everyone else is late 30s or literal boomer tier
Anon, time zones...

>> No.49368809

You're an autismo and they're not and now you're seething because you've been found out. Adjust to your autism and don't seethe about it, that's really the only option you have
>noooo I had plans
And yet here you are

>> No.49368811
File: 48 KB, 510x458, 1583185389385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually forget it, you're right. I meant saturday not sunday. English is not my first language so I mix them up always

>> No.49368903
File: 37 KB, 625x469, 1504064010857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good dude anon. Don't fret about the way those slaves act. Instead turn it on its head and show them you're better for not coming. Put in theextra effort while you're actually getting paid to do so

>> No.49368941

>they feel like they have the right to pick on me since I'm the only in my 20s in the company. Everyone else is late 30s or literal boomer tier
they do and based on my interactions with asians thats doubly true there
someone always has to be at the bottom and since most people have nothing that gives real status besides their age thats what they appeal to
theyre probably seething with outrage that youre not willing to sycophantically worship them

>> No.49369008

That is so unbearably cute.

>> No.49369057

Video games

>> No.49369077

Thanks fren
I'm not asian, but I don't think this is specific only to asians. It's just a bigger group ganging up on an individual/smaller group. They all probably ate shit from their bosses/superiors when they were my age so like you said, they seethe now when someone has the guts to say no to eating shit

>> No.49369099 [DELETED] 

lol, yar poor baby. It seems that ya lost all your money? be smarter and use Streeth.

>Street Art NFTs by world renowned street artists.
>completely safe personal Vault
>Doxxed KYC Team
>Team of eight with 50+ years of combined experience

>> No.49369133
File: 55 KB, 550x418, 1652630450204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic anon getting worked up over friendly teasing from acquaintances
color me shocked, these people are just messing with you you damn spaz

>t. normie

>> No.49369235

>I'm not asian
if its sunday now then you live at least as east as vietnam
and no it isnt i just said it doubly is with asians but we dont disagree
>It's just a bigger group ganging up on an individual/smaller group
i dont think its so much "us vs them" as it is youre non conforming and the nail that sticks out has to be hammered down
but fuck these people
the right thing to do outside of working hours is completely forget about it
i bought a second phone as a work phone and i put it on aeroplane mode when im not working - i dont get paid enough to care about work's problems out of hours

>> No.49369261
File: 44 KB, 656x526, apu pointing fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These weren't just friendly teasings you would have with your friends or family. Trust me I know, I'm only slightly autistic. These are the kind of subtle power plays, it's hard for me to explain but I just get this foul feeling when someone tries to "power play" me like that. It's really loathsome and if you call them out on it they just pretend like "woaah bro I was just joking why you getting all worked up over nothing" so it's best to just ignore it.
I don't have the heart or guts to do play those little power games, I just hate that, it's not for me

>> No.49369302

>if its sunday now then you live at least as east as vietnam
>and no it isnt i just said it doubly is with asians but we dont disagree
Yeah, you're right I misread. English isn't my first language sorry fren
In This Shirt
>youre non conforming and the nail that sticks out has to be hammered down
well put
>i bought a second phone as a work phone and i put it on aeroplane mode when im not working - i dont get paid enough to care about work's problems out of hours
I decided to put all my work groups/chats on silent so I get no notifications, but another phone sounds even better

>> No.49369368

just powerplay back with "i don't care vibes", pretend you have the same attitude as the boss from office space "yeahhhhh sorry i have plans i wiiiish i could make it but ya knowww... *shrug*"

>> No.49369474

the real team building is picking on the odd man out.
you should probably just quit and find another job.
but good luck with references who say you bail on team building exercises.

>> No.49369504

>I decided to put all my work groups/chats on silent so I get no notifications
i used to do that but i would forget to turn them back on
a phone isnt that expensive really unless you play the stupid status game of getting the newest iphone every six months

>> No.49370002

Not gonna lie, I am already looking for other options but it's not related to the team, I'm always looking for a better paid offer.
True, you can get burner phones really cheap nowadays